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Darden operates his Dolphin from a nearby lake at his Lexington, South Carolina, home.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
Colgate Darden about to pull his Dolphin off the water - normally NC14025 takes 30-40 seconds to unstick.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
On 58 per cent power NC14025 cruises at 95kt, burning 46gal an hour.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
With Dunlops dangling Darden approaches at 70kt and lands the amphibian at 50kt.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
Taking off from grass uses up 1,000ft. Darden normally climbs the Dolphin away at 70kt at 300 to 400ft/min.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
Two photographs showing the cockpit instrumentation. Most of it, including the throttles, is carried on the overhead panel.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
The Dolphin’s passenger cabin, looking towards the cockpit. Note the wing spar passing across the roof.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas Dolphin / RD / OA-4 - США - 1930
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- Bell P-63 Kingcobra "42-68864" /Preservation Profile/
- Personal album. Military
- Skywriters
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- B.Jones - Short's three degrees
- B.Robertson - An AID to quality (1)
- C.Prower - From Brisfit to Beverley: Tailless experimentals (7)
- H.Levy - Darden's Dolphin
- H.Shore - Flea fever (1)
- J.Stroud - S.E.2010 Armagnac /Post-war propliners/
- M.Oakey - Grapevine
- M.Retallack - Mastering the Meteor (2)
- O.Thetford - By day and by night: Horsleys in service
- R.Riding - A dream fulfilled
- T.Nelson - Falling stars (2)