Air International 1992-10
F.Rozendaal, R.van Woezik, T.Festner - Bear Tracks in Germany (1)
On finals for the Russian air base at Zerbst, this early-production MiG-29 'Fulcrum A' (identified by the ventral fins) carries an R-27 (AA-10 'Alamo') practice round on its inboard wing pylon.
Штурмовики Су-25 из состава 368-го ОШАП на аэродроме Деммин.
A grey day at Demmin with two Su-25 'Frogfoot As' on the flight-line and a two-seater landing in the distance. 'Red 16' carries flare launchers on the rear of the engine casing.
Up to only a few years ago, very much a 'rear area' training aircraft, Russian-operated Aero L 39C Albatrosses were assigned to Su-25 regiments primarily for continuation training.
'Red 18', a MiG-27K 'Flogger J' of the 116th 'Istrebityel'nyy Bombarirovochnyi Aviatsonnyy Polk' (IBAP) at Brand.
Crewchief Sergei Kokorin's Su-17M4 'Fitter K' of the 20th GvIBAP with Guards, Sukhoi and third squadron emblems. This unit has a history which extends back to its formation on November 10, 1939.
Курс на "демократизацию" и гласность, принятый руководством страны, вскоре сказался и на внешнем виде самолетов: прежнее однообразие расцветилось различными эмблемами и рисунками, в основном устрашающего содержания или напоминавших о былых боевых заслугах прославленных авиачастей, о которых можно было судить по надписям. В данном случае, гвардейские знаки получили машины, принадлежавшие штабу 20-го Гв. АПИБ, а в подразделениях появились эмблемы. Этот Су-17УМ из 1-й эскадрильи украшен изображением носорога на киле.
A Sukhoi Su-17UM3 'Fitter H' of the 20th 'Gvardeisky IBAP' at Gross-Dolln sporting a pale grey rhinoceros emblem on the fin, one of several individual markings carried by aircraft of this regiment.
An emblem briefly applied to Su-17s of the third ‘Eskadrilya’ (squadron) of the 20th GvIBAP; its removal was ordered by 'higher authority'.
Badge of the second squadron of the 20th GvIBAP named in honour of the ‘Komsomola Zapolyar’ya', the communist youth organisation from Zapolyarnii (Murmansk District), which donated 12 aircraft to the regiment in 1942.
Pictured at Alles Lager, a MiG-23MLD 'Flogger K' of the 833rd 'Istrebityel'nyy Aviatsonnyy Polk' (IAP) runs up its R-35 engine prior to departing on a training sortie. On each side of the rear fuselage is a prominent chaff/flare dispenser, a defensive 'fit' initiated during the Afghan conflict.