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Предыдущая статья в серии : Air International 2017-09 - D.Isby - High Altitude ASR. What Comes Next? /Military/
Следующая статья в серии : Air International 2017-09 - K.van der Mark - Desert Training /Military/
F-16AM J-866 armed with three live AIM-120 AMRAAM and one AIM-9L air-to-air missiles; a standard weapon payload for the BAP mission.
Самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
A crew chief raises his arm holding a safety pin to show the pilot the pin has been removed from the aircraft.
Самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
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- Airscene
- ??? - What does the Future Hold for Military Airlift? /Military/
- A.Mladenov, A.Zinchuk - Naval Aviation Parade /Military/
- D.Isby - Air Force 2030 /Military/
- D.Isby - F-35s, UAVs and Sensors /Military/
- D.Isby - High Altitude ASR. What Comes Next? /Military/
- D.Sipinski - A Time of Growth /Commercial/
- G.Kromhout - Baltic Alert /Military/
- K.van der Mark - Desert Training /Military/
- L.Mennes, F.Visser - Eurolifter /Military/
- L.Mennes, F.Visser - Fighter Weapons School /Military/
- M.Ayton - Jamming or Deception /Military/ (2)
- M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/
- M.Broadbent - Triple Seven /Commercial/
- N.Pittaway - Full spectrum ISR: Raytheon Special Missions Aircraft /Military/
- N.Pittaway - Recapitalising the Corps /Military/
- P.Butowski - Enter the Su-57 /Military/
- P.Butowski - New Russian Rotorcraft /Military/
- R.Niccoli - Technam's Traveller /Commercial/