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Предыдущая статья в серии : Aviation Historian 27 - P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
Следующая статья в серии : Aviation Historian 29 - P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
The first of the Spanish Whirlwinds is preserved at Cuatro Vientos, near Madrid, but the example seen here, possibly the third, initially serialled Z-3 and later Z.1B-21 and ZD.1B-21, perches delicately on the roof of the "spaceship disco", or KU discotheque, on the outskirts of Benidorm, a popular and lively beach resort on the Costa Blanca in eastern Spain.
Самолёты на фотографии: Westland Whirlwind - Великобритания - 1953
Самолёты на фотографии: Westland Whirlwind - Великобритания - 1953
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- P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
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