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  • HANDLEY PAGE H.P.62 HAMPDEN II. Published for the first time is a photograph of a Cyclone-powered Hampden II, the H.P.62 - in this case a standard English Electric, Preston-built Hampden, X3115 (in Coastal Command slate- and sea-grey camouflage) which served with No.415 (R.C.A.F.) Squadron from 1940 until permanently grounded in December 1943. This photograph was taken in England in January 1943 and reveals the unpainted, short-chord cowling of the 1,100-h.p. Wright GR1820-G102A 9-cylinder radials which replaced the normal 1,000-h .p . Bri stol Pegasus XVIIIs of the H.P. 52 Hampden I. At one time the Ministry of Aircraft Production had planned to fit Canadian-built Hampdens with Cyclones but the scheme never materialised. Other Cyclone installations included K4032 and and L4032. No other data available.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Handley Page Hampden / H.P.52 - Великобритания - 1936

  • AIRSPEED HORSA WITH COMET NOSE. In a paper delivered to the Royal Institution (Vol. 35, p. 38), Mr. C. T. Wilkins, O.B.E., F.R.Ae.S., the chief designer of the de Havilland Comet, stated: "Considerable doubt was expressed in the early days, of the degree of visibility which would be obtained through such a windscreen, particularly in rain.To prove this point, a mock-up nose and flight deck were fitted to a Horsa glider which was then towed through rain."
    The accompanying photographs show (top) the Comet-nose Airspeed Horsa II compared with a standard A.S.51 Horsa I. The test flights, with Chief Test Pilot John Cunningham at the controls, took place in January 1947, the tug being a Handley Page Halifax A.Mk.7 (PP389). Note the twin nosewheels and central landing skid on the Horsa II, which also had wing attachment lugs in place of the single tow point on the nosewheel of the Horsa I.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Airspeed Horsa / AS.51 - Великобритания - 1941

  • GRAHAME·WHITE AERO-LIMOUSINE. This little-known aeroplane was one of the first attempts at building an airliner, and appeared in September 1919. It was designed by M. Boudot, and was one of the last types to be produced by the Grahame-White Aviation Co. Ltd. at Hendon before going into liquidation. Only the prototype was built.
    The Aero-Limousine seated four or six passengers in a cabin in the extreme nose, and the pilot occupied a raised "conning-tower" immediately behind. Two 320-h.p. Rolls-Royce Eagle V watercooled engines drove four-blade wooden airscrews 10ft. in diameter. Span. 60ft.; length, 39 ft.; weight loaded, 7,947 lb.; maximum speed, 116 m.p.h.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Grahame-White Aero-Limousine - Великобритания - 1919