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  • ANTONOV AN-2. Although a post-war biplane may seem an anachronism in the jet age, there are sound structural features based on deeply-appreciated requirements in the layout of the AN-2, a 1950-vintage utility design by Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. It is now widely replacing the PO-2 for nearly all light general work.
    The designer is well known for his high-performance sailplanes, but he has rarely ventured to produce powered aircraft. The AN-2 is thought to be related to his SKh-1 agricultural aeroplane, but few details of the latter are available. Antonov and three collaborators were awarded a Stalin prize (First Class) in 1952 for work on transport and commercial aviation.
    Looking at the AN-2 we see a capacious fuselage supported, not too high off the ground, by a sturdy tail-wheel undercarriage, and supporting in turn sesquiplane wings of large area and generous tail surfaces.
    These features make for good performance - such as short landing and take-off runs and steep climbing ability - and ease of loading, at the rough aerodromes from which the AN-2 operates in many parts of the U.S.S .R. The AN-2 also possesses radio aids for night flying.
    A float-mounted modification of the AN-2 has recently appeared, and a ski-equipped example formed part of the air support for the 1954 North Polar explorations.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-2 - Россия - 1947

  • ANTONOV AN-2. Data: Antonov AN-2. Power: ASh-21 seven-cylinder radial engine. Accommodation: unknown. Dimensions (approx.): span (upper) 46 ft. 8 in.; (lower) 35 ft.; length 37 ft. 2 in. Weights and performance: not available.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-2 - Россия - 1947

  • The veteran Fokker F.VIIa arrives over Schiphol bearing the registration letters H-NACT.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Fokker F.VII / C-2 / F.XIV - Нидерланды - 1924

  • Впервые открытие Пейджа было реализовано в конструкции бомбардировщика Н.Р.34 Hare. На снимке можно хорошо рассмотреть приподнятый над передней кромкой крыла предкрылок. Впрочем, сам бомбардировщик Hare оказался неудачным.
    HANDLEY PAGE H.P.14 HARE. First flown in 1928, the Handley Page H.P.34 Hare was a two-seat, day reconnaissance bomber designed to meet the Air Ministry Specification 23 /25, calling for high performance both at altitude and sea-level. To provide low-level fighting manoeuvrability, a new radial engine was specified, the exhaust-supercharged Bristol Orion. However, in early trials the supercharger failed to meet the required specification because of the then lack of suitable heat-resistant steels for the turbine blades. Thus the Bristol Jupiter VII with gear-driven blower superseded the Orion. It was planned to fit the later Jupiter X to all four prototypes entered for the 23/25 competition (others being the Hawker Harrier, J8325; Gloster Goring, J8674; and the Westland Witch, J8596), but the Mk. X was delayed in development. For the trials, the Hare and the Harrier were fitted with the Mk. VIII (485 h.p.) while the others had the Jupiter Mk. VI (440 h.p.).
    The Hare's designer, G. R. Volkert, revised the day bomber layout to meet Air Ministry Specification 24/25 (see silhouette) for a carrier-based, torpedo-bomber, but this was not proceeded with.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Handley Page Hare / H.P.34 - Великобритания - 1928

  • HANDLEY PAGE H.P.14 HARE. Data: Manufacturer : Handley Page, Ltd ., Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Power plant: one 485-h.p. Bristol Jupiter VIII. Dimensions : span 50 ft.; length 32 ft. 2 in.; height 11 ft. 10 in . ; wing area 453.9 sq. ft . Weights: empty 3,050 lb.; disposable load 2,670 lb.; loaded 5,720 lb. (7,021 lb. with Panther). Performance: maximum speed at 5,000 ft. 145 m.p.h. ; maximum range 1,000 miles

    Самолёты на фотографии: Handley Page Hare / H.P.34 - Великобритания - 1928

  • A close-up of the Pioneer XK367 showing the stretcher-loading hatch. This is one of two Pioneers equipped in this way for ambulance duties.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Scottish Aviation Prestwick Pioneer - Великобритания - 1947

  • EDGAR PERCIVAL P.9. Famous for his pre-war designs such as the Gull series, Mr. Edgar Percival has more recently done an extensive survey of the New Zealand top-dressing market and his latest machine is particularly built for this market, while also being a general-purpose passenger and freight transport. The P.9 first flew from Stapleford Tawney aerodrome on 21st December.
    Salient features: A practical design, the P.9 is also easy to recognise. The front fuselage is deep with a typical flat four cowling and intake. The windscreen is large and the side windows are irregular in shape. Aft of the cabin the rear fuselage becomes a boom underneath which are the two clamshell rear loading doors. The boom tapers sharply away to the equi-tapered fin and tailplane which are strut braced. The constant-chord wing has full-span slatted flaps and blunt tips, and is strut-braced to the fuselage. Main undercarriage is supported on single main legs with additional vee bracing to the fuselage . The tailwheel is mounted on a long cantilever leg.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Percival E.P.9 - Великобритания - 1955

  • EDGAR PERCIVAL P.9. Data: Manufacturer: Edgar Percival Aircraft Ltd., Stapleford Tawney, Essex. Power: one 270-h.p. Lycoming GO-480-B. Accommodation: six seater. Dimensions: span 43 ft. 6 in .; length 30 ft.; height 8 ft. 9 in. Weights: empty 1,850 lb.; all-up 3,415lb. Performance: maximum speed 138 m.p.h.; cruising 123 m.p.h. ; landing speed (light) 37 m.p.h.; rate of climb at sea-level 1,090 ft. /min. ; endurance 4 3/4 hours.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Percival E.P.9 - Великобритания - 1955

  • SOMERS-KENDALL SK-1. First flown by Mr. Hugh Kend all on 14th October, and registered G-AOBG, the SK-I is a small two-seat tandem jet racer-trainer produced as a private venture. It is hoped to sell the type at about ?10,000 each, and overseas interest as a military trainer has already been evinced. The SK-I was placed third in the Royal Aero Club competition for racers two years ago.
    Salient features: A diminutive mid-wing monoplane, the SK-I has a dumpy but well streamlined forward fuselage, the rear fuselage tapering sharply away aft. The transparent cockpit cover opens sideways and is faired into the coaming which houses the Palas engine with its elephant-ear intakes and single exhaust pipe. The wings of high aspect-ratio, are equi-tapered and have square tips. The tailplane is of the butterfly type and all-moving. There is a single mainwheel under the fuselage, a backwards retracting nosewheel, and twin outrigger wheels at the wingtips.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Somers-Kendall SK-1 - Великобритания - 1955

  • SOMERS-KENDALL SK-1. Data: Manufacturer: Somers-Kendall Aircraft Ltd. Power: one Blackburn-Turbomeca Palas of 350-lb. thrust. Accommodation: two seat. Dimensions: span 22 ft.9 in.; length 20 ft. 10 in. Weights: empty 810 lb.; all-up 1,500 lb. Performance: maximum speed 332 m.p.h .; cruising 250 m.p.h. at 30,000 ft. Sea-level rate of climb: 1,100 ft./min.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Somers-Kendall SK-1 - Великобритания - 1955