The patented Fairey envelope jigging is 3 way of ensuring complete aerodynamic accuracy and similarity. The jig (left) is a contour plate pierced with clearance holes for both drilling and riveting. The Gannet bomb door assembled. but not as yet riveted, in the jig (right). The clamps along the top and bottom of the panel help to hold the parts secure for drilling and riveting.
Самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Gannet - Великобритания - 1949
An example of major component jigs, those for the assembly of Vickers Vanguard fuselage sections. The main framework is of rectangular-section steel tube with light-alloy cast beams following the fuselage section. Still under construction, scale can be obtained from the man on the right.
Самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Vanguard - Великобритания - 1959
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