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Предыдущая статья в серии : Aviation Historian 34 - P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
Следующая статья в серии : Aviation Historian 36 - P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
Самолёты на фотографии: Алексеев Орленок / СМ-6 - Россия - 1972
Ekranoplan Orlyonok S-26 carries the Russian Navy flag on its fin and is on display mounted on plinths at the Russian Navy Maritime Complex in Moscow. To get a bird’s-eye view of the impressive machine on Google Earth, enter the co-ordinates 55°51'05.8"N, 37°27'22.1"E into the "Search” box.
Самолёты на фотографии: Алексеев Орленок / СМ-6 - Россия - 1972
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- G.Smith - Pan Am's "Rogue" Atlantic Clippers
- K.Hayward - The Stop & Go Show
- K.Lande - Flash!
- L.Andersson - Turkish dismay
- L.Hellstrom - Sabena's Congo Ventilators
- M.Bearman - The other sound barrier
- N.Stroud - How quiet is our STOL?
- P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
- P.Jarrett - Lost & Found
- R.Lezon, S.Rivas - The patagonian eagle
- T.Singfield - "A very nasty situation..."
- V.Flintham - Rover David (2)