S-58T N90935 takes off to continue unloading cement from the central barge area, while N47781 is temporarily parked awaiting its turn of duty
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
S-58T N47781 (left) has just lifted off, N90935 is waiting to land and N47782 is taking on fuel at the Carson Helicopters base at Jeddah Port, 18th April 1977
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
Carson Helicopters Sikorsky S-58T N870 flying over Jeddah Docks towards the south landing zone with cement dust trailing from its slung load of 2 tons of bagged cement. Cable is 120 ft. long
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
Stevedore's view of S-58T N47781 about to deposit its load of forty cement bags on the landing zone at Jeddah Port, 20th April 1977
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
Same helicopter, same time and place
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
As N94523 takes off from the helicopter base a ground crew man pays out the long cable to ensure that it does not become tangled during lift-off
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
S-58T N870 awaits its pilot at the Carson base.
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
Latest addition to the Carson fleet is this ex-French A F. H-34A, now S-58T N126W, seen awaiting its pilot at its operating base on 18th April 1977
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
S-58T N90936 seen undergoing routine maintenance at Jeddah in October 1976
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
N90940 at the Jeddah helicopter base with a second S-58T approaching from the left
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970
Left: S-58T N47782 swings into wind and prepares to release its load of bagged cement at the north landing zone. Centre : N47781 about to release its cement while trainee pilot looks out from the left-hand seat (pilot on right). Vehicles in the background convey the cement to various destinations. Right: N90939 about to deposit a pack of cement on the south landing zone, while N90935 hovers nearby and N94523 returns to a barge for another pick-up. Note the quantity of 2-ton cement packs awaiting road transportation
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970