Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04
N.Williams - Foggin's Flyer
The view illustrates the pilot’s exposed position, demanding warm clothing even on fine days and protection from a continuous deluge of castor oil from the spinning Gnome.
Neil Williams takes off on April 27 1976.
The clear-doped Blackburn 1912 Monoplane displays its airframe skeleton during an overhead pass at Old Warden.
The author ready to aviate on April 27, 1976. Note the bracing pylon forward of the cockpit.
Another take-off on April 27, 1976, with the Gnome running smoothly. Only 30sec were needed for the engine to warm up.
Although of similar layout to the Antoinette monoplanes, the 1912 Blackburn looks more robust.
The cockpit, with its "up-and-down” control column and minimal instrumentation.