“Maximum Effort" by No. 849 Squadron. Royal Navy, in mid-1986 when all eight Westland Sea King AEW.2s provided this formation shot from their base at R.N.A.S. Culdrose. Normally two Flights are embarked in carriers at sea while the H.Q. Flight remains ashore
Самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky H-3 / S-61 Sea King - США - 1959
Photographed at Maseru on 12th October 1986 by Andy Heape were these two Mil Mi-2s. PMU-8 and (presumably) PMU-7, that once served with the Lesotho Police Mobile Unit. They were unserviceable and out of use
Самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-2 - Россия - 1961
Регистрационный номер : G-BLSC, JV928 Plane Sailing's Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina G-BLSC, in the colours of JV928 of No. 210 Squadron, over Pembroke Dock on 4th September 1987 where it alighted for the Flying-Boat Reunion, the first water landing there for 40 years
Самолёты на фотографии: Consolidated PBY Catalina - США - 1935
Регистрационный номер : F-WWCQ The first of twelve Airbus A310-300s for Wardair Canada, seen on test over the French Alps and in temporary marks F-WWCQ, was delivered on 27th November last year and entered service the following month
Самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A310 - International - 1982
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- World Air News
- ??? - Field's and Metair
- A.Johnson - Register Review
- B.Robertson - "Z" (Greek) Squadron, R.N.A.S.
- G.Napper - Lavi - Israel's TSR-2?
- J.Cook - Airlines of the World
- J.Stroud - Air Affairs
- N.Mercer - USAir - Stretching across the Continent
- P.Hatch - Air Forces of the World
- R.Blewett - Cazaux - Busy French A.F. base
- R.Collis - Gloster Meteor III /Experiences on Types/ (5)
- R.Jackson - Airport Movements
- R.Simpson - AMF Chevvron /Contemporary focus/