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Предыдущая статья в серии : Aviation Historian 7 - P.Jarrett - Lost & Found
Следующая статья в серии : Aviation Historian 9 - P.Jarrett - Lost & Found
Самолёты на фотографии: Fiedler, Georg glider - Германия -
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- ??? - David Lockspeiser: 1927-2014
- A.Steenbeck - Lowengeschwader's Big Bang
- B.Dunnell - Flying the Pucara
- D.Gordon - Exercise Shiksha: sharpening India's cold war claws
- F.Merriam - "Better to be Born Lucky than Rich..." /Echoes from Dawn Skies/ (3)
- K.Brookes - Merlin Magic at Farnborough
- M.Goodall - Pemberton Billing an the Four-Winged Farrago
- N.Helmo-Larsen - Who needs a pilot?
- P.Davidson - Off the Beaten Track...
- P.Jarrett - Lost & Found
- P.Jarrett - The Ugly Thuth?
- R.Mulder - Capital Gains: Oslo-Fornebu airport 1934-40
- R.Riding - The Aeroplane that Flies Itself
- R.Tisdale, A.Vercamer - Before & After
- W.Thompson - Distant Thunder