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Предыдущая статья в серии: Aviation Historian 15 - J.Franzi - Smile Please...! /An eye for detail/
Следующая статья в серии: Aviation Historian 17 - J.Franzi - An Eye on the Prize /An eye for detail/
  • Boeing B-17 serial 41-24577, named Hell’s Angels, with No 4 engine running at RAF Molesworth after it had been extensively autographed by groundcrew and other personnel in preparation for its return to the USA in January 1944. The name “Hell’s Angels” was adopted by the 303rd BG the same month, ’24577’s legacy continuing with the unit after the historic bomber’s return home.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941

  • Boeing B-17F-25-BO 41-24577, Hell's Angels, 358th BS, 303rd BG, RAF Molesworth, Cambs, 1942-44

    Самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941