Airbus A380 / A3XX
Страна: International
Год: 2005

Дальнемагистральный самолет большой пассажировместимости с экипажем из 2-3 человек

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Airbus A380

   Airbus A380 стал самым большим в мире авиалайнером, в котором пассажиры размещаются на двух палубах. Разработка самолета началась в 2000 году, первый полет A380 выполнил 27 апреля 2005 года. Несмотря на успешный ход летных испытаний (европейский и американский сертификаты летной годности в варианте с двигателями Trent 900 были получены 12 декабря 2006 года), начало эксплуатации самолета задержалось на 18 месяцев из-за производственных проблем. В 2008 году было поставлено 12 из 13 запланированных к поставке самолетов A380. На 2009 год предусмотрена поставка 21 из запланированных 25 самолетов. Максимальная мощность выпуска, 45 самолетов в год, будет достигнута не ранее 2010 года. Первый самолет весил на 5000 кг больше запланированного, сейчас предпринимаются усилия по снижению массы самолета. Базовый вариант A380-800 рассчитан на перевозку 555 пассажиров в салонах трех классов. Грузовой вариант A380-800F (Freighter) рассчитан на перевозку грузов массой до 152400 кг, но работы поданному варианту приостановлены после отмены компаниями "FedEx" и "UPS" заказов на A380-800F.
   В перспективе планируется появление дальнемагистрального A380-800R, 650-местного A380-900 и 465-местного A380-700.
   На самолете предусмотрено использование двигателей двух типов: Engine Alliance GP7200 тягой 311,38 кН и Rolls-Royce Trent 900 тягой 346,96 кН. При сертификации самолета приоритет отдавался варианту с двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent 900. Планировалось, что первый A380 с двигателями Trent авиакомпания "Singapore Airlines" получит во втором квартале 2006 года, но по производственным причинам самолет передали заказчику только в октябре 2007 года. Первый A380 с двигателями GP7200 авиакомпания "Emirates" начала эксплуатировать в августе 2008 года. Поставка грузового A380-800F с двигателями GP7200 для компании "FedEx Express" намечалась на 2008 год. Несмотря на задержки производственного характера, летные испытания самолет прошел успешно, а начальный период его эксплуатации обошелся без серьезных проблем.
   Заказчикам также предлагается VIP-вариант самолета A380, первым покупателем данного варианта в 2007 года стал король Саудовской Аравии. Окончательная сборка самолетов A380 ведется на заводе в Тулузе.
   В конце 2008 года имелись заказы на постройку 198 самолетов.


   Airbus A380

   Тип: дальнемагистральный самолет большой пассажировместимости с экипажем из 2-3 человек
   Силовая установка: четыре двухконтурных турбореактивных двигателя Rolls-Royce Trent 970 или Engine Alliance GP7200 тягой по 311,38 кН
   Характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на большой высоте М=0,89; практический потолок 13105 м; дальность полета с 525 пассажирами 15 200 км
   Массы: пустого снаряженного 361 000 кг; максимальная взлетная 560 000 кг с возможным увеличением до 569 000 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 79,80 м; длина 73,00 м; высота 24,10 м; площадь крыла 845 м2
   Нагрузка: до 525 пассажиров в салонах трех классов
18 января 2005г. состоялась выкатка из сборочного цеха Производственного комплекса им. Жан-Люка Лагардера концерна Airbus в Тулузе самого большого в мире пассажирского самолета A380. По планам он должен подняться в небо в конце марта 2005г.
Консорциум "Airbus" выплатил авиакомпаниям компенсацию за задержку с поставкой заказанных самолетов A380.
Airbus A380-861 F-WWEA(c/n 009), the first to be powered by GP7200 engines, lifts off from Toulouse, France, on August 25, 2006 at the beginning of its maiden flight.
11-я международная аэрокосмическая выставка Дубай Эйршоу 2009 (ноябрь 2009г.)
Nearly 17 years after its launch and more than 12 since its first flight the A380 still draws attention - but only 318 have been sold.
With 474 passengers and 131 tons of fuel, the all-up weight on take-off from Frankfurt was 476 tons, both of these being considerably less than their maxima of 853 passengers and 560 tons. The aircraft was even more lightly loaded for its demonstration flight from Dulles International Airport, from where it is pictured taking off.
Ле-Бурже 2005
Гигантский A380 вновь поразил гостей выставки эффектными демполетами
Civil aerospace sales by British aerospace companies now outstrip defence contracts. A significant amount of this work relates to work for Airbus, for example over the UK, 400 companies are involved with producing the A380.
A380 в полете
THE LATEST Global Market Forecast (GMF) from Airbus, the company's long-term prediction on future commercial aircraft sales, was issued early in July 2018. The company is predicting a doubling in the numbers of commercial aircraft in service from 2018 to 2037, by which time it will expand to more than 48,000 aircraft.
Airbus has announced it will end A380 production in 2021.
The last A380 will be produced in 2021, a reflection of how twin jets dominate the market for the largest airliners.
For icing trials, the fin and tailplane leading edges of F-WWOW have been painted orange. This is to enable ice build-up to be clearly seen - accretion is almost invisible against the white airframe.
The Airbus A380 will not be built after 2021, with efficient twin-jets such as the A350 and 777 having usurped the aircraft.
27 апреля 2005г.: со взлетно-посадочной полосы 32L в Тулузе в 10:29 по местному времени впервые поднялся в небо сверхвместительный авиалайнер A380, совершивший настоящую революцию в гражданском авиастроении. Его пилотировали Клод Леле (командир корабля) и Жак Розе. Взлетная масса пассажирского авиалайнера составила 421 070 кг - абсолютный мировой рекорд в авиации, а вскоре вслед за первым прототипом (MSN001, французская гражданская регистрация F-WWOW) - 18 октября - в небо взмыл четвертый прототип (MSN004, F-WWWD). Второй прототип, MSN002/F-WXXL, совершил первый полет 3 ноября того же года. Оснащенный четырьмя двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent 900, двухпалубный авиалайнер A380, рассчитанный на 555 мест, приступил к программе летных испытаний, рассчитанной на 2500 летных часов и предполагавшей привлечение пяти прототипов. Представители "Airbus" описывали свою новую разработку как "важный и революционный шаг в истории гражданской авиации, который позволит в будущем снизить загруженность основных аэропортов - за счет перевозки большего количества пассажиров, причем в более эффективном режиме, чем это выполнялось на главных маршрутах воздушных перевозок ранее". На момент первого полета компания-разработчик получила от 15 компаний твердые заказы на 154 авиалайнера A380.
A380 стал единственным в своем классе - даже новейшая версия классического лайнера Boeing 747 вмещает пассажиров меньше, чем он. На снимке - один из пяти опытных экземпляров машины.
This Airbus A380 is pictured during the three-hour test flight that took place on February 1 this year using 60% Jet A-1 and 40% Shell GTL (a gas to liquid fuel). The blend performed identically to conventional Jet A-1.
Airbus airliners in formation with the Patrouille de France off the southwestern French coast in late May 2019.
Airbus predicts healthy future demand for airliners over the next 20 years, although in the long term the A380 is not one of the products on offer.
AIRBUS HAS confirmed its Skywise open data and digital services platform is now in use on more than 6,000 aircraft worldwide.
Despite the current production problems, Airbus continues to advance well with the flight-test programme and on August 30, 2006 put up this formation of four of the five flying prototypes for a photo shoot over southwest France and the Mediterranean Sea.
Airbus A380-841 prototype F-WWOW (c/n 001) on finals to land after its display on the opening day of the Show, where it appeared for the first time.
Ле-Бурже 2005
A380 на авиасалоне МАКС-2013.
В этом году, как и на прошлом МАКСе, вновь демонстрировался двухэтажный аэробус A380
Water trough trials, to explore the A380's ground-handling characteristics in runway standing water, were satisfactorily completed at Istres, France, in October 2005.
Airbus sent an A380 Super Jumbo (F-WWDD msn 004) to MAKS for the first time, while Boeing also made history by providing an example of the 787 Dreamliner (N787BA c/n 40690).
The continued sluggish orders rate for the A380 has led Airbus to further cut back annual production to eight jets a year from 2019.
Making the first visit of the type to the UK, Airbus A380-841 F-WWDD (c/n 004) is seen at London Heathrow on May 18, 2006, after also flying over Airbus UK’s facilities at Broughton, north Wales, and Filton, Bristol. The aircraft was parked on Terminal 3 at the new Pier 6, which has been especially constructed to accommodate the aircraft and can take up to four A380s at any one time.
A sign of things to come, A380, F-WWDD, is seen at London Heathrow on May 18, 2006 during the type's latest airport compatibility check. A380s have visited over 20 airports; some, such as Singapore and Frankfurt for operational testing, and a number of smaller airports, including Medallin, Columbia and Iqaluit, Canada, for performance trials.
Airbus will produce the last new A380 in 2021.
One of the more interesting features of the A380 wing is its three-section ailerons which move independently and, during flight through turbulence, often in different directions, to relieve the wing bending loads. Pilots affectionately call this motion 'aileron waltz'.
The A380 test aircraft F-WWDD (msn 4), now a permanent static exhibit at the Musee de I’Air at Le Bourget, was displayed with mock-up winglets during the Paris week to highlight the A380plus studies.
Airbus says the winglets, featuring a 3.5m (11ft 4in) uplet and a 1.2m (3ft 9in) downlet, together with wing configuration changes to reduce drag should provide a fuel burn saving of 4%.
Первый публичный показ A380-841 с/н 001, Тулуза, 18 января 2005 г.
The second A380 to fly, A380-841 F-WWDD (c/n 004), during its maiden flight on October 18, 2005.
Airbus confirmed at its Annual Press Conference that it has secured three more orders for the A380, the first for the superjumbo in nearly two years.
18 октября взлетел второй экземпляр A380 (четвертый опытный)
A380 потребляет на каждого пассажира менее трех литров топлива на 100 км. Однако эти данные рассчитаны для A380 с 555 пассажирами без багажа или иного груза.
Cold weather trials were carried out by F-WWDD in Iqaluit, Canada, in February this year at temperatures as low as -30°C.
В 2006 году второй экземпляр A380 отправили в Канаду для испытаний в холодную погоду. Этот самолет простоял ночь на свежем воздухе при температурах до -26" С.
Wearing 'Greener, Cleaner, Quieter, Smarter' titles, Airbus A380-841 F-WWDD (c/n 004) is seen on February 1, 2008 whilst undertaking the world's first ever flight by a commercial aircraft using a synthetic liquid fuel processed from gas (Gas to Liquids or GTL). The three hour flight from Bristol-Filton in the UK to Toulouse, France, is the first stage of a test-flight programme to evaluate the environmental impact of alternative fuels on the airline market. During the flight, the No 1 engine was fed with a blend of GTL and jet fuel, whilst the other three were fed with standard jet fuel.
К началу 2011 года компания "Air France" получила четыре из 12 заказанных лайнеров A380. Предыдущий год оказался неудачным для A380, поскольку их полеты были временно запрещены из-за проблем с силовой установкой на основе двигателей Rolls-Royce Trent 900.
Компания "Air France" предложила новый маршрут на A380 - Париж-Вашингтон. Эти полеты начались 6 июня 2011 года.
Air France A380 F-HPJA (msn 3) on turnaround at Los Angeles. Airport invest in infrastructure such as extra boarding bridges to handle A380s.
Air France says it is studying the future size of its A380 fleet, which currently consists of ten aircraft.
Air France has become the first airline to entirely retire its Airbus A380-800 fleet.
Flying away: Air France is planning to phase out the A380 by 2022.
A380 вошли в авиапарк компании "Air France" 20 ноября 2009 года для полетов на линии Нью-Йорк, аэропорт Джона Кеннеди, и Париж, аэропорт Шарля де Голля. В феврале 2010 года "Air France" начала полеты между Парижем и Йоханнесбургом, став первой авиакомпанией, использующей A380 в регулярных авиарейсах над Африкой
This All Nippon Airways A380 wearing its distinctive 'Flying Honu' livery will enter service on the Tokyo-Honolulu route in May 2019.
The first All Nippon Airways A380, JA381A (msn 262)
THE PAINTING of All Nippon Airways' first Airbus A380 into a distinctive 'Flying Honu' livery was recently completed in Hamburg.
All Nippon Airways is to become the 15th airline to operate the A380. It will start flying the type from Tokyo-Narita to Honolulu on May 24, 2019. The carrier will receive three examples, each wearing a customised example of a distinctive design called 'Flying Honu' that depicts the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, also known as the Honu.
24 января 2020г. из покрасочного цеха Airbus в Гамбурге (Германия) выкатили третий A380 японской авиакомпании All Nippon Airways (ANA). Лайнер получил оригинальную анималистическую ливрею, изображающую гавайскую морскую черепаху. Он будет использоваться на очень популярной линии, соединяющей токийский международный аэропорт Нарита и Гонолулу на Гавайских островах (США). В общей сложности различным перевозчикам уже поставлено более 240 экземпляров A380. Каждый день глобальный флот этих самолетов выполняет более 330 рейсов. С момента ввода в эксплуатацию в 2007 г. лайнеры перевезли более 300 млн. пассажиров. Они работают на 150 маршрутах, а 400 аэропортов совместимы с самым большим в мире пассажирским самолетом. Тем не менее, в связи со спадом спроса, производство A380 решено прекратить в 2021 г.
All Nippon Airways has applied special turtle-themed liveries to a trio of Airbus A380-800s.
All Nippon Airways Airbus A380-800 JA383A (c/n 266), named Ka La, outside the Frankfurt paint shop.
Airbus A380 JA381 (msn 262) rolls out from the Toulouse final assembly line. This aircraft will go to Hamburg for completion and painting in the Flying Honu livery.
Airbus A380-841 F-WWAP (msn 152, to become HL7625), the first for Asiana Airlines of South Korea, was rolled out of the paint shop in Hamburg, Germany, on March 27, 2014. It will have its cabin interior completed and undergo a final round of ground testing at Hamburg before being flown back to Toulouse, France, for handover to the airline in the second quarter of this year. The airliner first flew on December 13, 2013. Asiana has six A380s on order and will initially fly them from Seoul on regional services within Asia before commencing long-haul flights to the US.
Asiana operates just six A380s.
Asiana is to be taken over by Korean Air
British Airways, a leading player in oneworld, also has joint ventures with some alliance partners.
The A380's utility is in providing capacity for network airlines on trunk routes between hub airports. Here British Airways’ G-XLEG (msn 161) departs Heathrow.
BA A380s will be flying again in November 2021
At 10.25AM on July 4, 2013, the first BA Airbus A380-800 aircraft, G-XLEA, touched down on Heathrow's runway 27L completing its 90 minute delivery flight from Toulouse.
Will the arrival of more Airbus A380s at Heathrow reduce the number of aircraft movements?
BA's first Airbus A380 (c/n 095 G-XLEA) is due to touch down at London Heathrow airport in July 2013
British Airways' first Airbus A380-841, G-XLEA (msn 095, ex F-VZWSK), and the RAF's Red Arrows aerobatic team displayed together on July 20, 2013 at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire. The airliner was delivered to London-Heathrow 16 days earlier. Practice flights for the formation started on July 15. On the airshow's second day the team flew with a prototype Airbus Military A400M Grizzly.
Airbus believes capacity constraints and the growth of what it calls aviation ‘megacities’ will fuel demand for more very large aircraft of the A380’s class.
On October 14, 2011 Airbus held a ceremony at its delivery centre at Toulouse in southern France to mark the hand-over of the first Airbus A380-841 for China Southern Airlines, B-6136 (msn 031, ex F-WWSF). The carrier ordered five of the airliners powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 900s in April 2005 and became the seventh airline to operate the type. Configured with eight first-, 70 business- and 428 economy-class seats, it will be initially flown on domestic services before being deployed on international routes. Its first service was flown between Beijing and Guangzhou on October 18, and it was due to switch to the Beijing to Shanghai rotation on October 27.
Больше всех лайнеров A380 купила компания "Emirates". К началу 2011 года она получила 15 таких самолетов из заказанных 90. Компания "Emirates" осуществляет полеты в Лондон, Манчестер, Сидней, Бангкок, Торонто, Париж, Окленд, Сеул, Джидду, Пекин, Гонконг и Нью-Йорк. Ее лайнеры A380 базируются в Дубае.
Emirates has committed to operating A380s well into the 2030s
Emirates - the world's largest A380 operator - used the type on its Auckland, New Zealand rotation
Emirates - like its fellow Middle East 'big three' airlines - is tackling COVID-19 challenges head-on
Flights inbound to Heathrow from Europe can be instructed to slow down thanks to the Cross Border Arrivals Management software.
Emirates' latest A380 A6-EEO with the UAE's Al Fursan aerobatic team at the Dubai Air Show.
Emirates' November 17, 2013 order for 50 additional A380s was a massive boost for the super jumbo’s order book.
An A380 Emirates demo flight on the opening day of the airshow
Airbus A380-861 A6-EDS (msn 086, ex F-WWSB) of Emirates is seen on approach to Dubai International Airport on February 8, 2013. Like all the other A380s in the airline's fleet, the aircraft has had stickers applied promoting Dubai's candidacy for the World Expo 2020. The A380s began flying with the new titles on January 23. Other cities that have applied to host the six-month exposition are Izmir in Turkey, Ayutthaya in Thailand, Yekaterinburg in Russia and Sao Paulo in Brazil.
В современных авиалайнерах система "развлечение в полете" (IFE) - одна из самых дорогостоящих. На такое оборудование для крупного авиалайнера, вроде A380, можно потратить более 8 млн долларов США.
Flying away: Emirates' last new A380 departs Toulouse for Dubai
Emirates A380 A6-EEI (msn 123), marked with the United for Wildlife livery, departs Paris CDG. The type has been a major part of Emirates’ growth, but large widebodies like this are just one option for the Gulf carrier as it considers its next fleet purchase.
Ahead of the Christmas Eve 2020 agreement, there was anxiety within the aviation industry about the impact of a ‘no-deal’ scenario
Emirates has signed a memorandum of understanding for up to 36 more A380s, extending production of the aircraft for another decade.
AT VIENNA Airport, the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt, or German Aerospace Centre) and Austro Control are investigating how to break up wake vortices around runway thresholds.
Hub-and-spoke is central to the Middle East's big three
The introduction of innovative new aircraft types has helped Emirates seize market share in a rapidly liberalising industry
C-27 "Спартан" и A-380
Emirates has confirmed it plans to continue operating A380s well into the 2030s, but the fleet size will reduce.
Emirates’ first A380, A6-ODA, completed 6,319 flights with the airline between August 2008 and March 2020
The Dubai hub’s location and open-skies policy have been key to the expansion of both the airline and its home airport
With more than 130 Boeing 777s in its fleet, Sultan said it would be sometime before the airline had to deploy its Airbus A380-800s for cargo duties.
: Underfloor cargo capacity is just one of many variables used by airlines when planning A380 networks.
Swissport, dnata, Worldwide Flight Services and Menzies, which oversee more than 90% of cargo handling at UK airports, have written to Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, warning that the ground handling industry is close to collapse.
On July 28, 2008 Airbus handed over the first A380 to Emirates Airline, the most important customer for the aircraft, at a ceremony in front of 500 invited guests at Hamburg Airport in Germany. At the end of July Airbus held firm orders for 198 A380s, plus commitments for another four, from 17 customers, with Emirates accounting for 58 of the total. The airline also unveiled its cabin configuration, seating 489 passengers comprising 14 in first class suites, 76 in business and 399 in economy. Emirates also took the opportunity to sign a Letter of Interest at the event for further Airbus wide-body airliners. The following day the A380 departed for Dubai International Airport, and completed its first commercial service on August 1 between Dubai and New York.
Big network carriers are adding capacity
Airbus A380-861 A6-EDN (msn 056, ex F-WWAR) of Emirates is seen departing Manchester International Airport on September 3, 2011 after its first visit to the UK. Emirates uses the aircraft on services between the UK and Kingsford Smith International in Sydney, New South Wales in Australia. The airliner carries artwork on its rear fuselage, and titles on its nose, promoting the 2011 Rugby World Cup - which is taking place in New Zealand during September and October. Emirates is a 'Worldwide Partner' for the event, as well as the official airline of the tournament.
100-й экземпляр A380 для авиакомпании "Эмирейтс"
Emirates has received its 100th Airbus A380. The aircraft, A6-EUV (msn 239) features '100th A380' markings and a paint scheme depicting the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates' founding father. Emirates has another 42 A380s on order, with some media reports suggesting it could soon order more.
Conferences and events bring together some of the biggest names in the industry, presenting the latest aircraft and technologies to potential investors, buyers and operators.
Emirates operates more A380s than any other customer, including A6-EOK (msn 184) seen on pushback from the carrier's hub in Dubai.
Emirates, now operating A380s into Manchester for the first time in 18 months, is increasing capacity on key routes
Pictured being rolled out of the paint shop at Airbus' Hamburg/Finkenwerder site on March 14, 2008 is A380-841 A6-EDA (c/n 011, ex F-WWSH) after being painted in full Emirates colours. The first aircraft for the UAE-based airline, it had made its first flight on September 4, 2007, but had until now been flying in primer, with only the tail painted in Emirates colours. The largest single customer for the A380, Emirates has 58 on order, the first scheduled for delivery in mid-2008.
Airbus A380-861 F-WWSH (c/n 011), the first of the type for Emirates, with which it will become A6-EDA, gets airborne from Toulouse at 0959hrs on September 4, 2007 for a 3 1/2 hr maiden flight. The second GP7200-powered aircraft to fly, it was flown to Hamburg on September 7 for completion of painting and cabin installation.
Последний построенный A380 выполняет проход над сборочным заводом компании «Airbus Industries» в Тулузе перед тем как улететь в Гамбург для покраски и поставки в авиакомпанию Emirates.
Сборка A380 для авиакомпании «Emirates» в Тулузе.
A sign of things to come, as Etihad has placed orders for up to 14 A380s. It is seen at Abu Dhabi in the airline's livery during environmental testing in July 2006. At the completion of the work two Etihad pilots were given the opportunity to fly the aircraft.
Etihad Airways’ first Airbus A380-800 A6-APA (msn 166) at Hamburg in November.
Etihad's distinctive new 'Facets of Abu Dhabi' livery is meant to reflect the sand of the UAE and geometric shapes of modern architecture in Abu Dhabi.
A thing of the past: Etihad flying A380s
Etihad's A380 A6-APA (msn 166), photographed just prior to delivery when it was still F-WWSS. The Gulf airline has ten A380s and like the other operators flies it on routes to large hubs.
Departure Planning Information software issues real-time progress updates from when an aircraft is cleared for pushback, to when it’s taxiing and when it has taken off.
Parent company Etihad Airways accounts for just a quarter of the MRO firm's work.
Etihad’s first A380 A6-APA after roll-out at Airbus Hamburg.
The company's facilities cover a 500,000m2 area at Abu Dhabi International Airport.
Etihad Engineering's Abu Dhabi facility includes a hangar large enough to accommodate three Airbus A380s simultaneously.
Hi Fly A380 9H-MIP (msn 6) is the first A380 on the second-hand market
Hi Fly will withdraw its sole A380-800, 9H-MIP (c/n 006), by the end of this year
Hi Fly's first Airbus A380, 9H-MIP (msn 6), repainted into a distinctive livery promoting work to protect coral reefsand pictured at Farnborough, has already bee wet-leased by Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia.
This former Singapore Airlines aircraft, now operated by Hi Fly of Portugal, is available on a wet-lease basis.
Airbus A380-841 HP-MIP (msn 6, ex 9V-SKC) of the Portuguese carrier Hi Fly operated at London Stansted Airport in late May 2019.
Enhancing Korean Air’s competitiveness is a key reason for the merger
24 мая 2011г. авиакомпания Korean Air приняла в эксплуатацию первый из 10 заказанных сверхбольших пассажирских самолетов A380-800, став шестой авиакомпанией в мире, эксплуатирующей самолеты этого типа. Новые лайнеры планируется использовать на беспосадочных маршрутах из Сеула в столицы Европы и в Северную Америку.
The first A380 for Korean Air seen prior to delivery.
A Korean Air A380 in 2011; the carrier is currently only operating one of its ten examples
The A380's size requires the use of specialist tugs, as seen herewith Lufthansa’s D-AIME (msn 61) on pushback at Frankfurt.
К концу 2010 года компания "Lufthansa" получила четыре из заказанных ею 15 лайнеров"Super Jumbo". С февраля 2011 года ее A380 начали летать в Нью-Йорк.
German national carrier Lufthansa is putting its entire Airbus A380-800 fleet into a period of long-term storage
Lufthansa will fly A380s again in 2023
An A380 undergoing replenishment at Pier 'A' Plus after its flight from San Francisco
Pictured in Manila, the first Lufthansa A380 to return to service post-pandemic
A380 и Боинг 747 - два гиганта авиакомпании «Люфтганза».
Typhoons 7L-WF and 7L-WI formate with Airbus A380-841 Wien during a QRA exercise on August 22, 2011.
Пара истребителей Еврофайтер «Тайфун» ВВС Австрии сопровождает авиалайнер A380 германской авиакомпании «Lufthansa». Несмотря на рекламно-постановочный характер снимка видно, что ракеты (или их имитаторы) несет только один «Тайфун»
Airbus A380-841 9M-MNF (msn 114, ex F-WWSG) wears titles to highlight it was the 100th example of the airliner delivered. It is seen at the manufacturer's facility at Toulouse in southern France during pre-delivery trials. The aircraft was handed over to Malaysia Airlines on March 14, 2013, the last of six the carrier ordered. It received its first in July 2012.
Malaysia Airlines says it will only operate its six A380s for another two years. Here 9M-MNE (msn 94) is pictured at Paris CDG, of the destinations the carrier has axed - London Heathrow is now its only European destination.
Malaysia Airlines' A380 9M-MNF (msn 114) was the 100th super jumbo delivered by Airbus. The event took place on March 28, 2013.
EVEN FEWER Airbus A380s will return to service as the super jumbo’s presence in air transport continues to diminish due to airline restructuring.
A380 9M-MNC (msn 084) at London-Heathrow which was the first route flown by Malaysia Airlines' super jumbo.
Су-30МКМ сопровождают широкофюзеляжный авиалайнер A-380 малазийских авиалиний
Airbus A380-841 F-WWSU (msn 078, to become 9M-MNA) will be first example of the airliner powered by the upgraded version of the Trent 900. It is also the first of six for Malaysia Airlines and is seen making its maiden flight from Toulouse on October 20, 2011. Delivery is expected in the second quarter of 2012.
Сцена, волнующая сердца всех австралийских энтузиастов авиации, - лайнер A380 компании QANTAS в строю с пилотажной группой австралийских ВВС Roulettes.
Airbus A380-841 prototype F-WWOW (c/n 001) flies over Sydney Harbour on November 13, 2005 during its visit to Australia, where it is taking part in Qantas' 85th anniversary celebrations. The temporary Qantas titles were applied to the aircraft after it arrived in Brisbane on November 12. The Australian airline has 12 A380s on order, with options on a further ten, first delivery being due in April 2007.
The A380 is the largest passenger airliner currently flying. Here one of the 12 in service with Qantas, VH-OQG (msn 47) is pictured departing Heathrow in December 2017.
Qantas used its contingent of 12 A380-800s to serve Dallas/Fort Worth from Sydney/Kingsford Smith
Qantas' recent announcement that it will convert eight of its 12 Airbus A380 options to firm orders is tantamount to a vote of confidence in the viability and economics of the aircraft, if not in the manufacturer's industrial processes.
Qantas has deferred its remaining eight A380 deliveries.
Six Boeing 747s will be retired by mid-2016, although nine recently upgraded with new business class seats will be retained.
The first Airbus A380 for Qantas (VH-OQA, c/n 014) lifted off the runway at Hamburg just after 1700hrs on August 19, 2008. The aircraft is the first of 20 for the airline and was due to be delivered from Toulouse on September 19. Qantas is scheduled to make its first passenger flight with the giant airliner on October 20 between Melbourne, Victoria, and Los Angeles in California.
A380 компании QANTAS. В ноябре 2010 года самолет этой компании потерпел серьезную аварию двигателя.
Qatar Airways will not return all of its A380-800s to service, but Qantas still sees a role for the type
Qatar Airways now flies double-daily A380 services to Paris Charles de Gaulle, where the airline’s fourth A380 (A7-APD) is pictured.
Two of Qatar’s current fleet of four A380s - the airline has six more on order.
The second A380 to be delivered to Qatar Air­ways, A7-APB (msn 143), is seen here on climb-out from Heathrow.
Airbus A380-841 F-WWSA/9V-SKA (c/n 003), the world's first customer A380, rolls out of the paint hangar at Hamburg/Finkenwerder, Germany, on May 2, 2007 after being sprayed in full Singapore Airlines (SIA) colours. Painting of the aircraft took 21 days to complete, using over 484 Imp gal (2,200 lit) of chromate-free paint, and the 'Singapore Airlines' titles on the fuselage are more than 108ft (33m) long.
Singapore Airlines (SIA) undertook the world's first commercial service with the Airbus A380 on October 25, 2007, when its first aircraft, A380-841 9V-SKA (c/n 003), departed from Singapore to operate the appropriately numbered flight 'SQ380' to Sydney, Australia, carrying 455 passengers. The aircraft had been formally handed over to SIA at Toulouse on October 15, following which it was flown to Singapore, where it is seen here shortly after arrival on October 17.
With more than ten years' operations behind it the A380 has flown more than 190 million passengers and serves more than 60 destinations. Singapore Airlines was the first operator.
Почти все, что связано с проектом A380, было огромным: риски, затраты, амбиции и сам самолет. Зато, к счастью для разработчиков, расход топлива оказался очень низким. Первый начавший широкую эксплуатацию заказчик - авиакомпания "Singapore Airlines" - сообщила о снижении расходов на 20 процентов по сравнению с самолетом 747-400.
An historic ceremony on October 15, 2007 marked formal hand-over of the first Airbus A380 to a customer, when Singapore Airlines took delivery at the Toulouse factory in France of A380-841 9V-SKA (c/n 003, ex F-WWSA). The aircraft is seen here on September 13 during a pre-delivery test-flight. It was due to depart for Changi Airport on October 16, arriving there the following day and its inaugural service will take place on October 25-26 with a special charity flight between Singapore and Sydney. Daily scheduled services on the same route will then commence on October 28.
It should come as no surprise to see the A380 included in the top ten aircraft programmes as the type undoubtedly fills a niche in the large airliner market. In its latest market forecast, Airbus predicts a need for 1,700 very large aircraft within the next 20 years. Although it was bedevilled by production problems early on in the flight test programme, these appear to have been resolved and it is now in revenue service with Singapore Airlines.
A380 Сингапурских авиалиний.
Singapore Airlines Airbus A380-841 9V-SKB flares for touchdown at London Heathrow Airport at 1448hrs on March 18, 2008 after completing flight 'SQ308', the first scheduled A380 service from Singapore-Changi Airport to London. It departed on the return leg, flight 'SQ319', the same evening, arriving back in Singapore the next afternoon.
Начало коммерческой эксплуатации A380. 25 октября 2007г.: поставленный 15 октября авиакомпании "Singapore Airlines", лайнер A380 всего через 10 дней совершил первый коммерческий полет с пассажирами. Глава "Singapore Airlines", Че Чунг Сенг заявил, что это событие стало "началом новой эры в авиационной индустрии". Передача первого A380 проходила на церемонии во французской Тулузе. Оснащенный четырьмя двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent 900, этот A380 рассчитан на перевозку 471 пассажира в трех классах, включая люкс-класс "Singapore Airlines Suites". 16 октября A380 прибыл в международный аэропорт Сингапура. Первый пассажирский рейс, SQ380, был выполнен на маршруте Сингапур - Сидней 25 октября. Взлетев в 08:00, A380 приземлился в Сиднее около 17:30. Большинство билетов на этот рейс было продано через благотворительный аукцион. Обычная коммерческая эксплуатация самолета на том же маршруте началась 28 октября.
Singapore Airlines is one of the major carriers within the Star Alliance.
A sign of things to come. A380-841 F-WWDD (c/n 004) sported full Singapore Airlines colours when it appeared at Asian Aerospace 2006, held at the Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore, in February 2006.
Singapore Airlines has unveiled a special livery featuring a flag design to mark 50 years since Singapore gained independence. Two Airbus A380s will carry the scheme until the end of the year, the first to be repainted 9V-SKI (msn 43) is seen at Hong Kong on June 6, 2015. The decal used for the design, which is 10m (32ft) tall and 47m (154ft) long, took five days to print and then a further eight to apply.
SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) is based at Singapore's Changhi gateway
The first A380-842 for Qantas (VH-OQA, c/n 014, ex F-WWSK) and the sixth A380-841 (9V-SKF, c/n 012, ex F-WWSI) for Singapore Airlines (c/n) face each other at the Airbus delivery centre at Toulouse in France on September 17, 2008. The following day, Singapore Airlines took delivery of its aircraft after it touched down at 0823hrs in the island state. On September 20 it began flying between Singapore and London. Qantas received its first A380 on September 19, and this was due to begin fare-paying flights on October 20 between Melbourne, Victoria, and Los Angeles, California.
Airbus remains the clear market leader as far as ultra-large passenger aircraft are concerned. Last year, the firm booked orders for nine of its A380 Super Jumbos - rival Boeing took an order for just one 747-8.
Все A350 будут оснащены разными вариантами нового двигателя Trent XWB фирмы "Rolls-Royce". На уровне моря они будут развивать тягу от 330 до 420 кН. Первые испытания новой силовой установки на самолете A380, принадлежащем "Airbus", начались в феврале 2012 года.
The Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-84 undergoing cold weather testing on A380 F-WWOW at Iqaluit, Canada. The engine was certified in February 2013.
Could the Airbus A380 be civil aviation’s last quadjet?
The test Trent XWB-97 will be installed on A380 msn 1, pictured in the background.
Rolls-Royce is one of the most famous UK aerospace companies and supplies a wide variety of engines for civil and military aircraft. Pictured is a Trent 900, which is used to power the Airbus A380. The company is also developing the Trent 1000, which will be used on the Boeing 787.
Preparing for the bird ingestion test on the Trent 900. It was the first time a Rolls-Royce engine had been subjected to a demanding new test in which a 5 1/2 lb bird is ingested at take-off conditions. The Trent 900 passed with flying colours, only losing 2.7% thrust, well within the 50% allowed.
Первая выкатка. A380 с/н 002 (001 выкачен позднее), ещё без двигателей. Тулуза, 6 октября 2004 г.
The first Airbus A380-841 for Malaysian Airlines (msn 078) is now in final assembly at Toulouse, southern France. The aircraft is seen here on July 18, 2011, shortly after its fuselage and wings were joined together in the assembly hall. It is scheduled for delivery in the second quarter of 2012 and is expected to be introduced on European routes shortly afterwards.
9V-SKE (F-WWSG) (c/n 010), pictured on the final assembly line at Toulouse in May 2006, is the fifth A380-841 destined for service with Singapore Airlines. To celebrate its role as the inaugural A380 operator, SIA has launched a dedicated website:
The first A380 wing was removed from its main assembly jig at Airbus' factory in Broughton, North Wales on November 4, 2003.
During static testing, the wing tip was deflected by over 24ft.
As part of the A380 development programme, Airbus Industrie conducted loading tests with a 640 ton machine that simulates the undercarriage configuration of a variety of aircraft. The tests were conducted on a specially constructed length of runway embedded with sensors at Toulouse-Blagnac International Airport. Actual aircraft, including competitor’s models have also been tested to verify data.