Страна : Канада
Год : 1991
Региональный авиалайнер с экипажем из трех-четырех человек
- Canadair - CL-600 Challenger - 1978 - Канада
- Bombardier - CRJ100 / CRJ200 / CRJ800 - 1991 - Канада
- Bombardier - CRJ700 - 1999 - Канада
- Bombardier - Challenger 300 - 2001 - Канада
- Bombardier - CRJ900 / CRJ705 / CRJ1000 - 2001 - Канада
Bombardier CRJ (Canadair Regional Jet/RJ/CRJ)
Технический и коммерческий успех безнес-джета Challenger стал одним из факторов, побудивших "Canadair" (позднее приобретена фирмой "Bombardier") начать проектирование регионального авиалайнера для скоростных перевозок на относительно небольшие расстояния.
К предварительному проектированию фирма "Canadair" приступила осенью 1987 года. Фактически проект представлял собой увеличенный в размерах Challenger. Размах крыла увеличили на 1,60 м, фюзеляж удлинили на 5,92 м. Площадь сечения салона осталась прежней, но его длина возросла до 14,76 м. В базовом варианте типовая пассажировместимость составила 50 человек на креслах, установленных по четыре в ряд (2+2). На стадии проектирования была предусмотрена разработка варианта с увеличенной взлетной массой под размещение дополнительного запаса топлива.
В состав БРЭО введены более современные, чем на Challenger, цифровые системы, включая комплект Collins Pro Line V. Официальную презентацию самолета, получившего название Regional Jet (RJ или CRJ), фирма "Canadair" провела в конце апреля 1989 года. Примерно в это же время началась постройка трех опытных машин, первая из которых впервые поднялась в воздух 10 мая 1991 года. К ноябрю того же года все три самолета налетали по программе испытаний 1400 ч. Канадский сертификат CRJ получил в июле 1992 года, американский и европейский - в январе 1993-го. Первые серийные самолеты в октябре 1992 года купила авиакомпания "Lufthansa". К 30 апреля 2008-го "Bombardier" набрала заказы на постройку 1673 самолетов CRJ, 1542 из которых были поставлены заказчикам. Серийное производство и совершенствование CRJ продолжается.
Regional Jet Series 100: первый серийный вариант, оптимизированный для перевозки 50 пассажиров на дальность 1800 км
Regional Jet Series 100ER: вариант Regional Jet Series 100 с увеличенной дальностью полета был анонсирован в сентябре 1990 года. Максимальная взлетная масса 23 150 кг, максимальная масса полезной нагрузки 6300 кг, дальность полета 3000 км
Regional Jet Series 100LR: вариант Regional Jet Series 100 с большой дальностью был сертифицирован в апреле 1994 года. Максимальная взлетная масса 24050 кг, дальность полета 3650 км
Regional Jet Series 200/CRJ 200: развитие Regional Jet Series 100 с двумя двигателями CF34-3B1 той же тяги, что и CF34-3A1, но сохраняющих тягу до температуры окружающего воздуха 30°С. Известны базовый вариант Regional Jet Series 200, вариант с увеличенной дальностью Regional Jet Series 200ER и Regional Jet Series 200LR с большой дальностью. До августа 2009 года заказов на самолеты CRJ 200 не поступало
Regional Jet Series 700/CRJ 700: проектирование 70-местного варианта 50-местного самолета Regional Jet Series 100/200 началось в январе 1997 года, первый самолет собрали в первом квартале 1999-го, поставки серийной продукции начались в 2001 году. Изначально самолет проектировался в двух вариантах, с дальностью полета 3150 и 3760 км, максимальными взлетными массами 32 900 и 34 020 кг. От CRJ 100/200 он отличается, главным образом, размерами и двигателями большей мощности. Размах крыла увеличен до 23,01 м за счет установки новых законцовок, общая длина возросла до 32,41 м. Установлены два ТРДД CF34-8C1 тягой по 61,34 кН, увеличена площадь горизонтального оперения, удлинены стойки шасси, установлены колеса шасси большего диаметра с более мощными тормозами, увеличена площадь предкрылков. Серийное производство в 2009 году продолжалось в трех вариантах CRJ 701, CRJ 701ER и CRJ 701LR
CRJ 900: вариант CRJ 700 с фюзеляжем длиной 36,40 м, рассчитанный на перевозку 90 пассажиров, серийное производство началось в 2003 году в трех вариантах с различной дальностью
CRJ 705: используя фюзеляж CRJ 900, "Bombardier" разработала модификацию CRJ 705, предназначенную для перевозки 75 пассажиров в условиях повышенной комфортности. Серийное производство начато в 2005 году в трех вариантах CRJ 705, CRJ 705ER и CRJ 705LR
CRJ 1000 NextGen: удлинив фюзеляж CRJ 900 фирма "Bombardier" разработала модификацию CRJ 1000 NextGen. Самолет является прямым конкурентом EMBRAER E190; первый полет CRJ1000 NextGen выполнил 3 сентября 2008 года, начало коммерческой эксплуатации запланировано на 2010 год
Corporate Jetliner/Challenger 850: корпоративный вариант самолета Regional Jet Series 200 с более комфортабельным салоном на 15 пассажиров, фирма "Bombardier" представляет самолет как Challenger 850
Canadair Special Edition: вариант Corporate Jetliner с увеличенной дальностью и еще более комфортным салоном на 15-19 пассажиров
Bombardier Regional Jet Series 100
Тип: региональный авиалайнер с экипажем из трех-четырех человек
Силовая установка: два ТРДД General Electric CF34-3A1 тягой по 41 кН
Летные характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость 851 км/ч на высоте 11 275 м; скороподъемность 1128 м/мин на высоте 457 м; практический потолок 12 500 м; дальность с максимальной полезной нагрузкой 1818 км
Масса: пустого 13 653 кг; максимальная взлетная 21 523 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 21,21 м; длина 26,77 м; высота 6,22 м; площадь крыла включая винглеты 54,54 м'
Полезная нагрузка: до 52 пассажиров (максимальная полезная нагрузка 5500 кг)
- Описание
Мировая Авиация 92
10 мая 1991г.: первый полет выполнил самолет Regional Jet компании "Canadair", созданный как конкурент семейству EMB-145 компании EMBRAER.
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Кроме авиакомпаний самолеты CRJ 100/200 покупали также крупные корпорации, привлеченные их экономичностью и низким уровнем шумности.
Air International 2007-09 / M.Vines - Bombardier Regional Jets - A Canadian Success /Commercial/
Bombardier is continuing to capitalize on the success of the CRJ100/200 by offering a business jet variant called the Challenger 850. This example, C-GSUW, was the first of this version to be delivered and entered service with Suncor Energy in March 2006.
Air International 2021-02 / M.Broadbent - Northern flights
Canadian carriers made deep cuts to their networks to cope with the collapse in passenger numbers, including regional routes
Air International 2011-12 / News
Bombardier CRJ200 C-GTJA/172 is the first of the type in Jazz's fleet to receive the new Air Canada Express colours.
Air International 2007-09 / M.Vines - Bombardier Regional Jets - A Canadian Success /Commercial/
First variant of the CRJ family to be produced was the CRJ100, which was designed to carry 50 passengers and entered service in 1992. This aircraft belongs to Brit Air, a subsidiary of Air France.
Air International 2022-11 / T.Batchelor - Ahead of its time
Valencia-based Air Nostrum competes not just with other air carriers but with ferry and train operators
Мировая Авиация 164
"Air Nostrum" имеет соглашение с испанской "Iberia" - ее самолеты летают в цветах "Iberia Regional". Ее самолет CRJ200ER, как на фотографии, эксплуатируется наряду с CRJ900. Было также заказано 35 самолетов CRJ1000.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Canadair Regional Jet of Spanish carrier Air Nostrum (1999)
Air International 2016-09 / Airscene
Air Nostrum Bombardier CRJ200 EC-MJE (c/n 7622) has returned to the Spanish carrier’s fleet, flying regional services under the Iberia Regional brand, the aircraft having spent three years on lease to Cimber. The aircraft now wears additional markings promoting Carcassone and Perpignan, cities where Air Nostrum flies the aircraft to.
Air International 2008-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Former Air Littoral Bombardier CRJ200ER F-GPYP (c/n 7126) seen passing through Glasgow, Scotland, on December 1, 2007 on its delivery flight to Air Service, Gabon. The aircraft had been in storage for the last three years at Calgary, Alberta.
Air International 2007-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Seen at Goderich, Ontario, Canada, after being rolled out on May 8, 2007 was Bombardier CRJ100ER F-GPTC (c/n 7182) in the full colours of Libreville-based Gabonese operator airService, in which it had been completed the previous day by Sky Harbour Aircraft Refinishing. A crew were due to arrive to pick up the aircraft on May 15. The aircraft was last operated by French carrier Air Littoral, which ceased operations on February 13, 2004, following which it had been stored at Calgary, Alberta, since May 13, 2004. This would appear to be the first of the type for airService, which currently operates a turboprop fleet of Dash 8s and Twin Otters.
Air International 2012-05 / News
Bombardier CRJ200 (CL-600-2B19) VQ-BOM (msn 7707, ex N486CA) for new Russian airline Ak Bars Aero was rolled out of the paint shop of Muskoka Aircraft Refinishing at Muskoka Airport, Ontario, Canada, on March 12, 2012. It had formerly served with Mexicanalink as XA-OMI. The pilots accepting the aircraft arrived in CRJ200 VQ-BOQ (ex-XA-IMI), still in basic Mexicanalink colours, which is due to be the second of six to be repainted for the Russian airline.
Air International 2014-06 / S.Rivas - The Old & The New /Commercial/
Amaszonas will expand its international network to include three Brazilian cities.
Air International 2005-12 / E.Crump - Austrian arrows /Commercial/
Austrian arrows currently flies a fleet of 17 Bombardier CRJs, though the five 100LR variants currently operated are due to be disposed of in the near future. However, the 12 200LR aircraft will be retained.
Air International 2001-07 / R.Hewson - French airline industry /Commercial/
Brit Air serves routes from Rennes to Paris-CDG and Paris-Orly, while maintaining its own network of domestic services and routes to Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.
Air International 2001-07 / A.Wright - Independed Survivor /Commercial/
Bombardier CRJ200ER G-JECB resplendent in its new British European livery.
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"Skywest" эксплуатирует CRJ100, CRJ200 (на снимке), CRJ700 и CRJ900 в цветах "Delta Connection" и "United Express".
Air International 2007-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Short-lived Indian operator Indus Air, which only commenced operations on December 14, 2006, ceased flying at the end of March due to financial problems. The airline operated just two Bombardier CRJ200ERs, both of which passed through Dublin, Ireland, together on April 22 for a night-stop en route back to Canada. Seen here at Dublin is C-FNJW (c/n 7363, ex VT-I0B, N643BR), whilst the second aircraft was C-FNKC (c/n 7379, ex VT-IOA, N644BR), both previously with Independence Air.
Air International 2002-08 / I.Goold - Regional airliners market /Commercial/
J-AIR, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Japan Airlines, has become the first operator to provide a regional jet service from Tokyo’s Narita International Airport. As with many busy international airports, regional services take second place and additional domestic slots have only became possible with the opening of Narita’s second runway in mid-April. J-AIR launched its CRJ200 service from the airport in April 2002, and took delivery of its third CRJ200 the same month.
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С дальностью полета 3646 км CRJ100LR стал лидером семейства 100 Series. Стартовый заказчик самолета - "Lauda Air".
Air International 1992-12 / K.Ellis, T.Appleton - RJ into service: The Regional Jet era has dawned
The third Regional Jet to fly, 7003 C-GVRJ, in launch customer Lufthansa CityLine's livery. CityLine put aircraft No 4 into service during November 1992.
Air International 2007-09 / M.Vines - Bombardier Regional Jets - A Canadian Success /Commercial/
Bombardier has been hugely successful with its CRJ family of aircraft, which surprisingly emanated from the design used on the Canadair 600 Challenger business jet. Pictured is a CRJ200, which has been the most successful version to date with over 700 delivered. This example belongs to Lufthansa Cityline and is wearing special markings to illustrate some of the European cities served by the carrier.
Air International 2002-07 / I.Goold - A Tale of Two Industries /Commercial/
The franchising of some services is becoming increasing common amongst Europe's major carriers, two typical examples seen here at Berlin/Tegel on June 7, 2000. In the foreground, BAe Jetstream 31 OY-MUE wears full British Airways colours but is operated by Billund, Denmark-based Sun-Air of Scandinavia, which operates all of its four Jetstream 31s, two Jetstream 41s and three ATPs in BA colours on scheduled services, using BA flight numbers. Sun-Air commenced operations on the Billund-Berlin route on March 27, 2000, but recently discontinued the service due to poor passenger load factors and will redeploy the aircraft elsewhere. Behind is Canadair Regional Jet 100ER F-GPTH of Montpellier, France-based Air Littoral, wearing Team Lufthansa colours for franchise operations. Air Littoral also operates similar flights on behalf of Air France. Previously 49%-owned by Swissair, Air Littoral head Marc Dufour bought this stake in June 2001, relieving Swissair of the burden and enabling the French carrier to streamline its own operations.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Handley Page/BAe Jetstream / H.P.137 - Великобритания - 1967
Air International 2008-05 / E.Crump - Lufthansa Regional - European Networking /Commercial/
Second largest carrier in Lufthansa Regional is eurowings. Based in Dortmund it has 12 CRJ200ERs (pictured), five CRJ200LRs, ten BAe146-300s and four BAe146-200s.
Мировая Авиация 70
"Bombardier" добилась большого успеха на рынке с самолетом CRJ200. С ростом стоимости авиационного топлива CRJ 200 стали позиционировать как региональный авиалайнер в категории 70-100-местных самолетов.
Air International 2008-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Nav Canada, the company responsible for Canada's air navigation system, recently added two Bombardier CRJ-200ERs to its fleet of flight inspection aircraft to undertake instrument landing system calibration. Both aircraft, C-GNVC (c/n 7519, ex N660BR) and C-GFIO (c/n 7526, ex N662BR), previously flew with Independence Air and Atlantic Coast Airlines. They will replace CL-600 Challengers C-GCFG and C-GCFI, operating alongside Dash 8-100 C-GCFK. C-GNVC is pictured before a calibration mission at Pearson International Airport, Toronto, Ontario, on August 18, 2008.
Air International 2007-09 / M.Vines - Bombardier Regional Jets - A Canadian Success /Commercial/
In order to comply with scope clause requirements in its pilot's contracts, which limited the number of 50-seat aircraft in its fleet, Bombardier created the CRJ440 for Northwest Airlines to carry 44 passengers.
Air International 2011-11 / News
Bombardier CRJ100ER VQ-BNA (c/n 7473, ex N435CA) is the first aircraft to wear Rusline's new colours. The aircraft was rolled out of the Air Livery hangar at East Midlands Airport, Leicestershire, and departed on October 6, 2011. It is seen there the day before. The regional jet was previously flown by Comair. Rusline is based at Moscow-Vnukovo.
Air International 2011-02 / A.Spaeth - Hopeful in the Heart of Africa /Commercial/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 737-300 - США - 1984
Air International 2011-08 / News
Russian steel company Severstal will take delivery of three former Lufthansa Bombardier CRJ200LRs for use as corporate shuttles. The initial example, D-ACHE (c/n 7407), is seen at Cologne-Bonn Airport in Germany on July 12, 2011 at the start of its delivery flight to Moscow-Domodedovo.
Air International 2013-09 / S.Schmitz - Fast-growing /Commercial/
One of ten Bombardier CRJ200s operated by South African Express, ZS-NMN (c/n 7237), sporting a new colour scheme to celebrate the recent inauguration of the direct flight linking Durban to Harare, Zimbabwe.
Air International 2013-09 / S.Schmitz - Fast-growing /Commercial/
Two different tails illustrating the colours of the defunct Congo Express (near camera) and the current SA Express scheme.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 - Канада - 1998
Air International 2013-09 / S.Schmitz - Fast-growing /Commercial/
CRJ200 ZS-NMD (c/n 7233) was delivered to SA Express in November 2006. The aircraft is seen landing at Johannesburg O.R. Tambo International.
Air International 2016-11 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Making Gold at Silver /Commercial/
In 2014, the Russian airline UTAir reduced in size. A large part of its fleet was stored at Teruel. Many aircraft have gone on to fly with other companies, including Bombardier CRJ200LR VJ-BGQ (c/n 7200), which is now with the Avimax Group as N718AV.
Air Pictorial 1998-03 / R.Jackson - Airport Movements
Pictured at Blackpool on 12/1/98, ALG Aeroleasing’s executive Canadair Regional Jet VP-CRJ had the registration HB-IDJ taped over when it left Southend for Le Bourget on 7/1/98 after respray by Air Livery
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Постепенно идет "скрещивание" семейств самолетов Challenger и CRJ. Challenger 850 является дальнейшим развитием 800-го, базой для создания которого послужил CRJ200LR.
Air International 2022-04 / News
Bombardier is among manufacturers to have suspended technical support in Russia
Air International 2017-07 / Airscene
A Turkmenistan Government Bombardier Challenger 870CS super-midsize VIP-configured bizjet, EZ-B024 (c/n 10332), noted at Ljubljana Joze Pucnik International Airport in Slovenia, where the aircraft passed through maintenance with Adria Tehnika.
Air International 2007-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Bombardier CRJ200 SE-DUY (c/n 7010, ex C-FJGI and D-ACLE with Lufthansa Cityline), the first of two converted to freighter configuration for West Air Europe, taxies out at Pearson International Airport, Toronto, Canada, on June 13, 2007 prior to departure on its delivery flight to Sweden. West Air is the first carrier to operate the CRJ in a pure cargo configuration.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Canadair Special Edition Regional Jet and Challenger 604 (background) of TAG Aeronautics Ltd (1998)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Canadair CL-600 Challenger - Канада - 1978
Air International 2011-11 / News
CL-600-2B19 Challenger 850 RA-67232 (c/n 8099, ex C-FVQB) prior to delivery on July 28, 2011 to Ak Bars Aero. The aircraft was previously operated by Chartright Air, which took delivery from new in December 2009.
Air International 2012-02 / News
Challenger 850 B-7795 at Peterborough, Ontario in Canada, after completion by Flying Colours Corp. The business jet was delivered to Lily Jet of Shenyang in the People's Republic of China.
Air International 2008-08 / Talkback
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (c/n 7174) N986CA Sky west Airlines Inc, operated for Midwest Connect, arriving at Pearson International Airport, Toronto, on July 3, 2008. Skywest has taken over some of the routes previously provided by Skyway Airlines, which ceased operations in April.
Air International 2012-04 / News
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 Challenger 850 4L-GAA (c/n 8046, ex 4L-GAF) is operated by Airzena Georgian Airways on behalf of the Georgian Government. The aircraft is seen here at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport in Hungary on February 16, 2012. It was delivered to Airzena in July 2011 and adopted its current registration in June 2011.
Air International 1991-06 / Airscene
Prototype Canadair Regional Jet C-FCRJ seen at altitude on its second test flight during which, unlike the first flight, the undercarriage was retracted to test the aircraft in clean configuration.
Air Pictorial 1991-09
The first 50-passenger Canadair Regional Jet airliner pictured after it landed at Bombardier's Learjet plant at Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kansas, following a flight of three hours and five minutes from Canadair's Cartierville Airport.
Авиация и Время 2001-06 / В.Беляев - Гражданская авиация на рубеже столетий (3)
К февралю 2001г. корпорация "Бомбардье" продала по твердым заказам 798 самолетов семейства CRJ100/200
Air Pictorial 1999-05
JEA markings on the Bombardier CRJ
Air Pictorial 1995-04
Lauda Air recently inaugurated a new service between London Gatwick and Salzburg using Canadair RJ OE-LRD.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2001-08 / В.Беляев - Зарубежная гражданская авиация в начале XXI века
Региональный реактивный самолет Бомбардье CRJ200
Air International 1991-06 / Airscene
Seen here at the time of roll-out of the prototype is the second Regional Jet, RJ 7002, already well on the way to completion.
Air International 1992-12 / K.Ellis, T.Appleton - RJ into service: The Regional Jet era has dawned
RJ 7012 (the 12th off the production line) under assembly during Al’s visit to Canadair during August 1992. At that time aircraft No 14 had started assembly.
Мировая Авиация 164
Вначале кабина CRJ200 имела по два многофункциональных и основных дисплея полетной информации. Имелись также системы обнаружения сдвига ветра и раннего предупреждения столкновения с землей.
Air International 1992-12 / K.Ellis, T.Appleton - RJ into service: The Regional Jet era has dawned
Werner Laatz, Lufthansa CityLine Canadair RJ fleet chief (left) and Canadair training captain John Guimond in the recently-certified Level D full flight simulator.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Cabin interior of Canadair Special Edition Regional Jet (1998)
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Fort Aero Business Aviation Corp Challenger 850 N168SK seen at Moscow/Vnukovo Airport, Russia, following its take-off crash on February 13, 2007.
Авиация и Время 2015-05 / А.Матусевич - Праздник моделистов во Львове
Среди моделей-призеров была: CRJ-200 (1:144) Сергея Дуленко
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
United Airlines will be the launch operator of the new Bombardier CRJ550 variant.
Air International 1992-12 / K.Ellis, T.Appleton - RJ into service: The Regional Jet era has dawned
Second customer is Comair, seen here in the form of an artist’s impression.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Cutaway drawing of the Canadair Regional Jet (1997)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Canadair Regional Jet standard 79 cm (31 in) pitch 50-seat layout (Mike Keep/Jane's) A: attendant's seat, C: cargo, G: galley, T: toilet, W: wardrobe (1994)
Air International 1988-02 / Airdata File
Three-view drawing of the Canadair Challenger 601-3A regional jet.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Canadair Regional Jet 200 (two General Electric CF34-3B1 turbofans) (1988)
- Фотографии