Regional Jet Series 700/CRJ 700: проектирование 70-местного варианта 50-местного самолета Regional Jet Series 100/200 началось в январе 1997 года, первый самолет собрали в первом квартале 1999-го, поставки серийной продукции начались в 2001 году. Изначально самолет проектировался в двух вариантах, с дальностью полета 3150 и 3760 км, максимальными взлетными массами 32 900 и 34 020 кг. От CRJ 100/200 он отличается, главным образом, размерами и двигателями большей мощности. Размах крыла увеличен до 23,01 м за счет установки новых законцовок, общая длина возросла до 32,41 м. Установлены два ТРДД CF34-8C1 тягой по 61,34 кН, увеличена площадь горизонтального оперения, удлинены стойки шасси, установлены колеса шасси большего диаметра с более мощными тормозами, увеличена площадь предкрылков. Серийное производство в 2009 году продолжалось в трех вариантах CRJ 701, CRJ 701ER и CRJ 701LR
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Мировая Авиация 75
27 мая 1999г.: первый полет прототипа регионального реактивного пассажирского самолета CRJ700 фирмы "Bombardier". Эта машина является удлиненным вариантом лайнера CRJ200.
Air International 2002-06 / E.Crump - City centre airports /Commercial/
Introduction of a new breed of regional aircraft, such as the Bombardier CRJ700, will help to ensure the development of city centre airports. Since the first delivery of this new generation 70-seater, Bombardier has delivered CRJ700s to six airlines in Europe and the United States.
Air International 2002-08 / I.Goold - Regional airliners market /Commercial/
A CRJ700 for Mesa Airlines of Phoenix, painted in the colours of America West Express, during a recent demonstration flight to the US. Over forty CRJ700s have been delivered to airlines in the US and Europe since January, 2001. Deliveries of the further stretched, 90-seat class CRJ900 are scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2003. If Rolls-Royce's predictions are accurate - for more larger aircraft on regional routes, with turbojets, rather than turboprops - then the CRJ900's future would appear to be assured. However, the events of last year have shown just how dramatically the airliner market can change.
Air International 2023-10 / A.Dron - So much potential...
Arik Air was Nigeria’s unofficial flag carrier in the pre-pandemic period but had been operating under the Nigerian equivalent of receivership, and its future is uncertain. This CRJ700 operates regional routes
Мировая Авиация 176
"Delta Connection" эксплуатирует 15 CRJ700 и 13 CRJ900. 25 сентября 2010 года ее CRJ900, выполнявший рейс №4951 из Атланты, совершил в аэропорту Нью-Йорка аварийную посадку - правая основная стойка шасси не вышла полностью. Жертв удалось избежать.
Air International 2001-07 / Airscene
Although Horizon Air has taken delivery of its first CRJ700, some minor avionics software problems with the type are preventing the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) from awarding FAR 121 operational approval. The aircraft has already received FAA FAR 25 type certification, but also requires FAR 121 approval to enable the airline to place the aircraft in revenue service. A problem with wind shear detection on the flight control computer and a fault in the flight data recorder are expected to be corrected shortly, enabling completion of certification by the end of June.
Alaska Air Group Inc is the owner of regional carrier Horizon Air. As well as a substantial fleet of Dash 8s, the latter also has 20 CRJ700s. -
Air International 2007-09 / M.Vines - Bombardier Regional Jets - A Canadian Success /Commercial/
To create an aircraft that could accommodate 70 passengers Bombardier stretched the CRJ100/200 fuselage by 15ft 6in. The new variant was named the CRJ700 and first flew in 1999. This aircraft belongs to US carrier Horizon Air, one of 20 it has in service.
Мировая Авиация 176
Компания "Shandong Airlines", принадлежащая компании "Air China", эксплуатирует пару CRJ700ER и пять CRJ200LR.
Air International 2013-09 / S.Schmitz - Fast-growing /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : ZS-NBG CRJ700 ZS-NBG (c/n 10028) taxiing out at Bloemfontein airport for the return flight to Cape Town.
Air International 2012-12 / A.Spaeth - New-born Giant /Commercial/
New tail art with old tail art at United Airline's main hub Chicago O'Hare.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Embraer ERJ-170 / ERJ-190 / ERJ-195 - Бразилия - 2001
Air International 2016-12 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : N804X [2] On November 11 and 12, 2016, Northrop Grumman Systems flew three of its radar test bed aircraft to King County Airport. The aircraft involved were BAC 1-11 N162W (c/n 087), Boeing 727-228 N289MT (c/n 22467) and Bombardier CL600-210 N804X (c/n 10002). The three aircraft all flew missions from the Seattle airport in conjunction with Boeing’s own test bed, Boeing 757 N757A (c/n 22212). All four aircraft flew a combined mission over eastern Washington State on November 11. Bombardier CL600-210 N804X was recently added to the Northrop Grumman test fleet.
Air International 2017-08 / M.Ayton - Synchronised, Symbiotic and Synergistic /Military/
Регистрационный номер : N804X [2] Northrop Grumman’s OpenPod, a system billed with IRST and fifth to fourth-generation connectivity capabilities, also participated in Northern Edge carried by the company’s test bed CRJ700 registration N804X.
Air International 2021-12 / T.Fish - Moving with the times
The APG-83 SABR AESA radar from Northrop Grumman has incorporated developments in the company’s F-22 APG-77 and F-35 APG-81 radar to offer an upgrade to the F-16 fighter and replace the existing mechanically scanned APG-66 and APG-68 radars
Air Pictorial 1999-07
Covered in blue and grey swirls, the first Bombardier CRJ700 Series regional airliner, C-FRJX, made its initial flight at Montreal Airport, Canada, on May 27, 1999. Pilots for the 2 hr 8 min flight were Craig Tylski and Chuck Ellis. Firm orders for the CRJ700 total 96.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2001-08 / В.Беляев - Зарубежная гражданская авиация в начале XXI века
Региональный реактивный самолет Бомбардье CRJ700
Авиация и Время 2001-06 / В.Беляев - Гражданская авиация на рубеже столетий (3)
Новейший CRJ700 корпорации "Бомбардье" является прекрасным примером развития конструкции самолета "Челленджер", созданного четверть века назад
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
The CRJ-700 flight deck is based on that of the Series 100/200 (1997)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Cabin mockup of CRJ-700 (1998)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Computer-generated impression of Canadair CRJ-700 (1999)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Typical CRJ-700 seating plan for 70 passengers at 79 cm (31 in) pitch, with 15.7 m3 (555 cu ft) of baggage B: baggage, BD: baggage door, E: emergency exit, G: galley, L: lavatory, P: entrance, S: stowage, W: wardrobe (1996)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Canadair Regional Jet Series 700 (1997)
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