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Страна : США

Год : 1929

Northrop. Самолеты схемы "Летающее крыло"

В 1929 году Джон Нортроп спроектировал двухместный одномоторный самолет новой схемы, поначалу планировавшийся как "летающее крыло". Но затем он получил две тонкие балки, поддерживающие хвостовое оперение. Самолет был построен компанией "Avion Corporation" (позже "Northrop Aircraft Corporation") и оснащался двигателем Menasco мощностью 90 л. с. (67 кВт) и толкающим (затем тянущим) воздушным винтом.

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  • Northrop. Самолеты схемы "Летающее крыло"
  • Flight, April 1930
  • Aeroplane Monthly 1974-01 / B.Gunston - The all-wing Northrops (1)

    The first Northrop flying wing of 1928, powered by a 90 h.p. Menasco Pirate engine.

  • Авиация и Время 2008-06 / А.Чечин, Н.Околелов - "Летающие крылья" Нортропа (1)

    Самолет Avion Model 1 в изначальном виде
    Northrop’s first experimental aircraft was not a true flying wing. It had tail control surfaces mounted on thin booms, but it did prove that the basic concept was sound.

  • OS 1 / H.Cowin - X-Planes

    "Крыло" - первый самолет фирмы Нортроп
    Inset: Born in 1895, John Knudson 'Jack' Northrop migrated with his family from the US east coast to California in 1904 and it was here, in 1916, that Jack Northrop joined the Loughead Brothers, later to become Lockheed. By 1919, Jack Northrop had designed his first aircraft, the Loughead S-I, a smart looking sports biplane. The big problem with the S-l was its $2,500 price tag, at a time when war-surplus Curtiss JNs were selling for $400, which helps explain why the Loughead concern went out of business in 1920. After a three-year break from aviation, Jack joined the Douglas Company in 1923, rejoining the reformed Lockheed, as it then was, in 1927. It was at this time that Jack Northrop designed the famed Lockheed Vega, but, restless to set up his own company, left in 1928, aided by Ken Jay, to establish the Avion Corporation. It was while heading Avion that Jack Northrop developed the all-metal, multi-cellular sparred wing that was later to serve the Douglas DC series so well. Others of Jack's designs at this time included the beautiful Alpha single-engined, low wing monoplane and the so-called Flying Wing. In the wake of the Great Depression, Avion was absorbed into Stearman during 1932 and Jack went into partnership with Donald Douglas to form the Northrop arm of Douglas between 1932 and 1938, which became the El Segundo Division of Douglas when Jack left to once more attempt to go it alone. Establishing the present Northrop, now Northrop Grumman, in August 1939. Jack was to produce not only his series of flying wings, but also such formidable all-weather fighters as the P-61 Black Widow and F-89 Scorpion. Jack Northrop retired in 1952 and, shortly before his death in 1981, was invited back to the company he had founded to be shown details of the Northrop B-2 stealth flying wing bomber ordered by the US Air Force in late 1980.
    Main image: Not quite, but a clear pointer to the family of flying wings that Jack Northrop would devote so much of his latter years to developing, the so-called Avion Flying Wing of 1929. A half-way stage between the aerodynamically clean, but otherwise conventional Lockheed Vega that Northrop had designed in 1927 and the as yet to be conceived series of 1940s flying wings, this purely experimental type, registered as X-216H. was powered by a 90hp flat four Menasco and was flown first as a pusher, then as a tractor-engined machine on numerous occasions in the period 1929-1930.

  • Flight 1930-04 / Flight

    The Northrop "All-Wing" monoplane (pusher version) in flight. One cockpit covered in.

  • Мировая Авиация 208

    Нортроп изначально планировал сделать самолет Avion 1 полноценным "летающим крылом", но затем решил установить на нем хвостовое оперение. На фотографии - первый проект, на котором применили толкающий воздушный винт.

  • Flight 1930-04 / Flight

    THE NORTHROP "ALL-WING" MONOPLANE: This front view of the "pusher" version illustrates very clearly the tapering of the thick centre-section into the wings proper, and also shows the three-wheeled undercarriage.

  • Мировая Авиация 208

    Нортроп перепроектировал силовую установку Avion 1, поставив тянущий воздушный винт. В сентябре 1930 года испытания самолета были прекращены.

  • Flight 1930-04 / Flight

    View from above of the Northrop Monoplane. This photograph shows the machine fitted with tractor airscrew.

  • Фотографии