Камов Ка-52 Аллигатор
Камов - Ка-52 Аллигатор - 1997 - Россия
Страна: Россия
Год: 1997

Two-seat all-weather day/night attack and `combat management' and training helicopter

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Ка-50 "Черная акула" и Ка-52 "Аллигатор"

   Развитием одноместного боевого вертолета Ка-50 "Черная акула" стал двухместный многоцелевой боевой вертолет Ка-52 "Аллигатор" ("Hokum-B"). Вертолет оснащен двумя двигателями ВК-2500 мощностью по 2400 л. с. и имеет двухместную кабину с расположением летчиков рядом. Ка-52 получил современные оптико-электронные обзорно-прицельные и пилотажные системы круглосуточного действия, многофункциональный радиолокационный комплекс, новейший комплекс радиоэлектронного противодействия, а также новые системы управляемого ракетного вооружения. Вертолет также может использоваться в качестве учебного для подготовки и тренировки пилотов боевых вертолетов.
   Первый полет опытный Ка-52, оснащенный еще двигателями ТВ3-117ВМА, выполнил 25 июня 1997 года. Поставки серийных машин в ВВС России начаты в 2010 году. Для базирования на десантно-командных кораблях типа "Мистраль", контракт на закупку которых подписало Минобороны России, предназначен модифицированный вариант Ка-52К, отличающийся складным крылом и складывающимися лопастями несущих винтов.
Прототип Ка-52 "Аллигатор" совершил первый полет без носовой платформы с оптико-электронной системой, машина была построена на базе одного из Ка-50 установочной партии.
Борт 061 – главный участник всех показательных полетов по программе «Эрдоган»
Prototype Kamov Ka-52 fitted with flight test nose, lacking chin sensors (1998)
Ка-52 готовится к вывозному полету
Вариант размещения на Ка-52 обзорно-прицельных систем с надвтулочной антенной РЛС и надфюзеляжным «шариком» ГОЭС-451
Ночной ударный вертолет Ка-52 в наиболее современной на сегодняшний день конфигурации
As can be seen from the designation on the fin, the Ka-52 prototype was re-named Ka-50-2. This reflected the change in configuration from side-by-side seating to tandem seating - to satisfy the Turkish requirement.
Более современная С-8 заряжается исключительно в 20-зарядную ПУ Б-8 (фото, на внутренних пилонах Ка-52). Эта ПУ выпускается в самолетном (Б-8М1) и вертолетном (Б-8В20) вариантах.
Новый россиский боевой вертолет Ка-52 "Аллигатор"
Новый россиский боевой вертолет Ка-52 "Аллигатор"
Prototype Kamov Ka-52, showing rotor hubs, FLIR/TV sensor ball and chin sensors (1997)
Seen here nearing completion in the production facilities at Arsenyev is the prototype two-seat Kamov Ka-52 Alligator, 061, which subsequently made its public debut at Lyubersy, near Moscow, on November 19, 1996 and then made its international debut at the Aero India ’96 show Bangalore the following month.
This Kamov Ka-52K was offered to South Korean in response to its requirement for a combat helicopter. Note the two FLIR turrets under the nose.
«Аллигатор» на палубе «Мистраля» - экзотика для экипажа французского корабля
The first Ka-52 prototype, piloted by Kamov's test pilots Alexander Papay and Alexander Smirnov made the initial ship trials on the Marine Nationaie ship Mistral during trials in the Baltic Sea in December 2010.
A Ka-52 Alligator hovers over the deck of the French Navy's force projection and command ship Mistral (L9013).
The first Ka-52 prototype undergoing ship compatibility trials from the deck of the anti-submarine warfare ship Admiral Kulakov underway in the Barents Sea.
Одной из самых важных особенностей Ка-50 стал экипаж из одного летчика. Экипаж Ка-52 (на фотографии) состоит уже из двух человек, которые размещаются бок о бок. ВС РФ располагают лишь несколькими Ка-50/52.
A close-up of Ka-52 01 blue (RF-91105, c/n 35382605005) of 39 VP, armed with a pair of 80mm 20-shot B-8V20A rocket pods.
Вертолеты армейской авиации - участники Парада Победы в Москве
This photo shows the current GOES-451 targeting system produced by the UOMZ company at Yekaterinburg in the working position.
Four consecutively serialled Voyenno-Vozdushniye Sily (Russian Air Force) Kamov Ka-52 Hokum-Bs in formation. The helicopters (front to rear, RF-91336/‘44' to RF-91333/‘41') were practising for the Moscow Victory Day Parade flypast six days before it was due on May 9, 2014. They are understood to be assigned to the 696th Instruktorsko-lssledovatelskyy Vertoletnyy Polk (Training and Test Helicopter Regiment) of the 344th Cyentr Boyevovo Primyenyenya i Pyeryeuchivaniya Lyotnovo Sostava (Centre of Combat Applications and Re­training of Flying Personnel) at Torzhok. The helicopters carry long-range fuel tanks on the stub wings.
Вертолеты Ка-52 - участники конкурса «Авиадартс-2015», в настоящее время базирующиеся на авиабазе Джанкой (Крым).
Ка-52 на "Авиадартс-2015"
A graphic showing the twin-antenna Phazotron-NIIR FH02 radar destined for the Ka-52M.
Ка-52 из состава 393-й Авиационной базы Армейской авиации в Кореновске.
Ка-52 даже внешне существенно отличается от своего предшественника - боевого вертолета Ка-50, его экипаж включает двух человек, расположенных плечом к плечу.
Воздушный парад в честь 65-й годовщины победы
The two-seat Ka-52 is the most advanced of the three attack rotorcraft types entering service with the RAA.
Разведывательно-ударный вертолет Ка-52 дебютировал в небе над Ле Бурже, совершив несколько эффектных показательных полетов. На пресс-конференции глава делегации Рособоронэкспорта Александр Михеев заявил, что подписан первый зарубежный контракт на Ка-52, однако он не уточнил сумму сделки, количество вертолетов и страну-покупателя
Deliveries of the first modernised Kamov Ka- 52M 'Alligator' attack helicopters to the Russian MOD are expected to begin in 2022
The Ka-52 is considerably easier to support in the field than its predecessor RAA Mi-24 thanks to the high automation and the lots of built-in test equipment
The nose fuselage sides and floor of the Ka-52 are armour-protected from projectiles up to 23mm calibre using dual-layer armour with steel and aluminium plating assembly. The Ka-52's windshield can withstand hits of projectiles up to 12.7mm calibre and an extra side-on protection for the pilots (wearing armoured vests in combat conditions) is provided by add-on armour screens on the movable canopy sections
The co-axial rotor configuration used by the Ka-52 is a trademark of Kamov. It creates lift and at the same time eliminates the torque reaction and the resultant requirements for a tail rotor with the associated complex boom assembly, shafts and intermediary gearbox
25 июня 1997 г. в воздух поднялся российский боевой вертолет нового поколения Ка-52. Машина способна поражать бронированную и небронированную технику, живую силу и воздушные цели на поле боя. Серийное производство Ка-52 ведется с 2008 г.
9 мая в Москве, несмотря на дождливую погоду и низкую облачность состоялась воздушная часть парада в честь 76-й годовщины Победы.
Боевой вертолет Ка-52М на выставке «Армия-2023»
The Ka-52 is the Russian Army Aviation’s main attack helicopter, with the first four examples inducted in late 2010 by the Torzhok centre for aircrew conversion training and tactics development.
A Ka-52 in close air support configuration during exercise Shtit Souza (Union's Shield) in September 2011, armed with 80 S-8 80mm rockets.
A pair of early-production Ka-52s operated by the Russian Army Aviation's Torzhok training centre
By December 2021, the VKS had in its army aviation branch fleet as many as seven front-line attack squadrons equipped with the Ka-52 in addition to a combat training and aircrew conversion squadron with a total inventory of 150 to 160 machines
Ka-52 '93' on a flight from Torzhok the Russian Army Aviation combat training and aircrew conversion centre on May 27, 2011.
Ка-52 над тверскими лесами
By mid-2013 Ka-52s were in service with two RAA front line units at Chernigovka (575th Air Base) and Korenovsk (393rd Air Base), and the combat training centre at Torzhok. This example is painted in the new standard overall grey camouflage.
Вертолеты - участники парада Победы 9 мая в Москве
The co-axial rotor Ka-52 completed its extensive test and evaluation effort in the definitive production configuration in November 2011, with first deliveries to Torzhok reported the following month.
Пара Ка-52 на «Авиадартс-2014»
The Ka-52's co-axial rotor layout has better aerodynamic performance, resulting in turning faster and tighter, which is an important consideration when operating in demanding mountain conditions and also when engaged in air combat against other helicopters, slow-speed fixed-wing aircraft and drones
The Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter is powered by the VK-2500-01 sub-version, which has a take-off rating of 2,000shp along with an OEI rating of 2,700shp
The 344th CTACC has eight Ka-52 Alligators on strength, including four in the full configuration like this Ka-52 ‘White 91' which boast the sophisticated Vitebsk-52 self-protection suite and the Arbalet-52 millimetric radar.
Tsentr Boevogo Primeneniya i Pereuchivanya Letnogo Sostava (Combat Training and Conversion Centre for Flight Personnel) were demonstrated at Torzhok in the Tver Oblast in early February 2011. No bort numbers have yet been assigned to the helicopters, as can be seen on this example seen at Torzhok on February 8. A total of 30 Ka-52 will be delivered to Russia by 2012.
Вертолеты армейской авиации - участники Парада Победы в Москве
Первый полет строевого Ка-52 на авиабазе Торжок. 8 февраля 2011г.
The Ka-52's coaxial design has better controllability and manoeuvrability and boasts higher aerodynamic performance than conventional counterparts.
Празднование 100-летия Ейского высшего военного авиационного училища летчиков
The Ka-52 offers a very stable platform for firing rockets and the gun thanks to the vibration-free environment and the precise targeting system. Here it is seen unleashing an S-8-series of 80mm rockets
The Ka-52 has a brand new two-seat nose module-seat.
Вертолеты Ка-52 - участники конкурса «Авиадартс-2015», в настоящее время базирующиеся на авиабазе Джанкой (Крым).
В процессе отработки обзорно-прицельного комплекса некоторые его элементы изрядно «погуляли» по фюзеляжу вертолета
Ка-52 на заводском аэродроме в Арсеньеве
Armour plating in the nose fuselage sides and floor of the Ka-52 provides protection from 23mm calibre projectiles while the windshield can withstand hits from 12.7mm calibre rounds. An extra degree of side-on protection for the pilots is provided by add-on armour screens on the movable canopy sections.
The Ka-52 cockpit is protected by two layers of steel armour on the fuselage and armour plates on the sides of the canopy.
The Ka-52 boasts a NPPU-80 limited-movement gun turret with a dual-feed Shipunov 2A42 30mm cannon and 460 rounds.
The Ataka-V ATOM, carried on a six-tube launcher rack is one of two types of guided missile cleared for use by the Ka-52.
A Ka-52 Alligator fitted with Hermes-Klevok missile launch tubes.
Ка-52 «002»
С.В. Михеев у вертолета Ка-52К с подвешенной ракетой Х-35УЭ
A NPK SPP OES-52 optoelectronic turret has been installed in the Ka-52K maritime attack helicopter.
The Katran retains the Ka-52's 220kg (485lb) GOES-451 electro-optical turret.
Ka-52K '104' equipped with the OES-52 optoelectronic targeting turret and L418-5 infrared jammers for self-defence.
Ка-52К на авиасалоне МАКС-2015
The ship-borne Ka-52K attack helicopter is set to be taken on strength by China, for equipping the air wing of its Type-075 amphibious assault ships, but the purported deal is shrouded in secrecy and no details are known yet
The Ka-52K has successfully completed the first phase of its naval test programme involving two helicopters, which were then transferred to Kamov's technical facility in Moscow for technical evaluation after an at sea period. Phase one took place between late 2016 and early 2017, with one Ka-52K operating from the flight deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov.
Стремительно совершенствовавшаяся «Черная акула» вскоре превратилась в двухместного «Аллигатора» Ка-52, сохранившего все достоинства и предшественницы и получившего новые, что вызвало резкое повышение интереса к этой машине в главных штабах ВВС и Сухопутных войск РФ.
The Ka-52K prototype 062, modified at Kamov with folding rotor blades, shortened forward-folding stub-wings and capable of carrying the Kh-35 anti-ship missile.
Among the naval-specific features of the Ka-52K are folding rotors, as demonstrated by '103'.
Two Su-33s can be seen at the two forward launch positions, together with two Mig-29KRs behind the island, two Ka-29s, two Ka-27PSs and one Ka-52.
4 Due to its shorter wing, the Ka-52K has only four weapons hardpoints rather than the Ka-52’s six.
Складываемое крыло и подвеска вооружения Ка-52К
The Ka-52K’s wing folds aft, with the hinge on the trailing edge near the weapons pylon.
The new, smaller OES-52 targeting system turret.
Новый обзорно-прицельный комплекс на вертолете «Катран»
Россия выиграла тендер на поставку вертолетов Ка-52К «Катран»для Египта.
On May 5, 2017, the Chief Executive Officer of Russian Helicopters, Andrey Boginsky visited the Progress production plant in Arsenyev in the Far East of Russia, to see the preparations being made to fulfil the first export contract for Ka-52 helicopters to Egypt. The first Egyptian aircraft was demonstrated to Boginsky during a test flight. Three further Ka-52s at various stages of assembly were present in the final assembly hall.
The first Ka-52s in export configuration were flown in early 2017 and were then used for training of Egyptian aircrews at the AAC Progress plant in Russia's Far East.
The black areas of the fuselage skin seen on this pre-production series Ka-52 are made of composite material.
First production Ka-52 two-seater under construction at Arsenyev.
By early-2019, the AAC Progress aircraft plant in Russia’s Far East has rolled out no fewer than 120 series-production Ka-52s plus five prototypes and pre-series examples. In addition, four Ka-52K preseries shipborne helicopters were built as well as no fewer than three dozen of export-standard Alligators
The Ka-52 fuselage is built around a steel torsion box beam, onto which the gearbox, cockpit section, tail section, engines, main landing gear legs and the cannon are attached. The wing centre section passes though the box.
Сборка Ка-52 на заводе в Арсеньеве
Сборка Ка-52 в Арсеньеве
Сборочный цех опытного завода
Ataka (bottom) and an Khrizantema air-to-ground missiles.
The Vikhr-1 ATGM with a maximum range of 4.2nm (8km) comes fitted with both contact and proximity fuses and the specific type of fuse can be selected by the pilot before launch. When the proximity fuse is selected, the missile can also be employed as an effective air-to-air weapon, able of engaging air targets flying at speeds of up to 432kt (800km/h).
РЛК «Арбалет»
The Ka-52's current L370-5 directional infrared countermeasures sensor.
The Ka-52’s new L418-5 directional infrared countermeasures sensor.