Airbus A320
Airbus - A320 - 1987 - International
Страна: International
Год: 1987

Среднемагистральный пассажирский самолет
Airbus Industrie A320

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Airbus Industrie A320

В июне 1981 года консорциум "Airbus Industrie" приступил к разработке нового ближне- и среднемагистрального авиалайнера на 150 пассажиров. Началу проектирования предшествовали почти 10-летние дискуссии, в которые были вовлечены почти все европейские авиапромышленные фирмы. В 1977 года фирма "Aerospatiale" объединила свои усилия с фирмами "British Aerospace", MBB и "VFW-Fokker", образовав группу JET - "Joint European Transport", с целью проектирования ближне- и среднемагистрального авиалайнера с новыми стандартами шумности, топливной эффективности и эксплуатационных расходов. Группа JET после подписания соглашения о партнерстве между "Airbus" и "British Aerospace" 1 января 1979 года стала именоваться "Airbus Industrie".
   Самолет проектировался как авиалайнер с салонами разного класса на 150 мест согласно требованиям к пассажирскому самолету конца XX века. На момент начала проектирования на мировом рынке сохранялся интерес к самолетам большей пассажировместимости, поэтому работы велись сразу по двум моделям - A320-100 и A320-200 вместимостью 154 и 172 пассажира. Первой выразила заинтересованность в покупке самолетов сразу двух моделей авиакомпания "Air France". В марте 1984 года руководство консорциума "Airbus Industrie" приняло решение отказаться от проектирования двух моделей в пользу разработки самолета вместимостью 162 пассажира, но вновь в двух вариантах, которые теперь отличались емкостью топливных баков, поэтому обозначения A320-100 и A320-200 оказались вновь востребованными.
   Самолет A320 во многом продолжает линию развития самолетов A300 и A310, но с конструктивной и с аэродинамической точек зрения он представляет собой совершенно новое изделие. В конструкции более широко использованы перспективные материалы, включая композиты (в несущих конструкциях композиты использованы впервые на коммерческом транспортном самолете), бортовые системы и оборудование спроектированы с учетом новейших достижений науки и техники. Едва ли не главным отличием A320 от предшественников стала цифровая электродистанционная система управления полетом Thomson-CSF/ SFENA с боковыми ручками-джойстиками, установленными в кабине вместо традиционных штурвалов. Экипаж состоит только из двух летчиков. A320 стал первым в мире коммерческим транспортным самолетом с электродистанционной системой управления и боковыми ручками управления. Риски при разработке и производстве самолета A320, как и ранее, разделили все партнеры программы создания Airbus.
   Первый A320 выполнил первый полет 22 февраля 1987 года, европейский сертификат летной годности A320-100 получил в феврале 1988 года, что позволило в марте того же года начать отгрузку самолетов заказчикам. A320-200 был сертифицирован в Европе в ноябре 1988 года. Обе модели изначально оснащались двигателями CFM56-5A1 тягой по 104,53 кН. За ними последовали самолеты с двигателями IAE V2500-A1 тягой по 111,21 кН, получившие сертификат летной годности в апреле 1989 года. В США самолеты с двигателями CFM и IAE прошли сертификацию соответственно в декабре 1988 и в июле 1989 годов.
   Всего был собран лишь 21 самолет A320-100, в то время как A320-200 стал стандартным вариантом A320. От A320-100 самолет A320-200 отличается наличием дельтовидных законцовок на крыле, наличием в центроплане дополнительного бака емкостью 8016 л и увеличенной максимальной взлетной массой.

   Дальнейшие работы по совершенствованию самолета A320 привели к появлению в 2006 году модели A320 Enhanced с улучшенной аэродинамикой и усовершенствованной силовой установкой; на самолете улучшен интерьер салонов. В 2006 году испытывались два типа законцовок крыла, но от их использования отказались, чтобы не увеличивать массу конструкции. В сентябре 2008 года было объявлено о начале работ по новой программе, предусматривающей разработку перспективных законцовок крыла. Параллельно ведутся работы по снижению массы всего планера самолета. С конца 2007 года на все вновь построенные самолеты A320 ставятся двигатели CFM56-5B Tech Insertion, которые в сравнении с прежними двигателями имеют на 0,5% большую эффективность. Ведутся работы по продлению ресурса самолетов. Ожидается, что примерно в 2012 году будут завершены прочностные испытания A320, которые позволят продлить ресурс с 90 000 до 180000 ч. В 2009 году планируется начать эксплуатацию самолетов A320 с планером уменьшенной массы, новыми законцовками крыла и новыми двигателями.
   Создана фирма "Airbus Freighter Conversion" для производства грузовых самолетов A320F. Сначала работы по A320F велись в Дрездене, потом их перенесли в Москву на совместное предприятие, в которое вошли "EADS EFW", "Airbus", "Иркут" и OAK. Поставки первых самолетов A320F намечены на 2012 год, в 2008 году заказ на три самолета поступил от компании "AerCap".
   К ноябрю 2008 года количество заказанных A320 достигло 3592 самолета, последние заказы были получены на самолеты с усовершенствованными двигателями.


   Airbus Industrie A320-200 (вариант с наибольшей массой)

   Тип: среднемагистральный пассажирский самолет
   Силовая установка: два двухконтурных турбореактивных двигателя CFM56-5B4 тягой по 117,88 кН или два IAE V2525-A5 тягой по 111,21 кН
   Характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на высоте 11 885 м 903 км/ч; экономическая крейсерская скорость на высоте 11 885 м 834 км/ч; длина разбега 2680 м; дальность полета со 150 пассажирами и навигационным запасом топлива 2680 км
   Массы: пустого снаряженного 41 782 кг - 42 069 кг; максимальная взлетная 73 500 кг -77000 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 33,91 м; длина 37,57 м; высота 11,80 м; площадь крыла 122,40 м2
   Полезная нагрузка: 150-179 пассажиров и багаж
Первый A320 был официально представлен в Тулузе 14 февраля 1987 года и совершил первый полет 22 февраля. 26 февраля 1988 года авиалайнер получил сертификат летной годности. В апреле 1988 года регулярные рейсы с этим самолетом начали компании "Air Frances и "British Airways".
The A320 in its initial flight configuration. Three more will join the programme in the next few months, all with CFM56 engines and at Srs 100 weights.
Europe's first completely new airliner to emerge since the BAe 146 flew in 1981, the Airbus A320 is shown in this sequence of photographs as it emerged for the first time in its Airbus livery during February 1987.
С момента ввода в эксплуатацию A320 абсолютно превзошел все остальные гражданские самолеты в плане использования высоких технологий - как в аэродинамике, так и в области бортового оборудования.
One of the first in-flight photographs of the A320.
22 февраля 1987г.: первый полет выполнил европейский Airbus A320 - первый в новом семействе авиалайнеров с одним проходом в салоне.
29 апреля 1988г.: "British Airways" выполнила первый рейс на Airbus A320 на маршруте Гатвик, Лондон, - Женева. A320 были заказаны "British Caledonian".
Лайнеры A320 были заказаны компанией "British Airways" для линии British Caledonian. В конце 2006 года эта авиалиния располагала смешанным флотом, состоящим из самолетов A320-100 (на фотографии) и A320-200.
Вскоре после того, как фирмы BAe и "Air France" получили заказанные машины, "Air lnter" начала замену самолетов Super Caravelle и Mercure на A320. Эти три компании были единственными покупателями самолетов A320-100 с максимальным расчетным весом в 68 тонн. Всего был построен 21 самолет этой модели. Вскоре ее сменила модификация A320-200.
Airbus Industrie fitted a laminar-flow leading-edge to the fin of an A320 in 1998 (1999)
Seen at Manchester International Airport on July 30, 2011 was Airbus A320-211 S5-AAT (msn 191) of Adria Airways. The airliner is painted in a retro scheme to celebrate the carrier's 50th anniversary and carries the slogan Adria 50 years with you on the forward port fuselage.
A320-232 SX-DVR rotating from Paris CDG.
The first rebranded Aer Lingus A320 flying off the Irish coast after repainting in Shannon.
Aer Lingus’ new livery features a two-tone green and retains the distinctive shamrock on the tail.
Aer Lingus has repainted A320-200 EI-DEO (msn 2486) after news that the carrier will be the official airline of the Irish rugby union team. The aircraft, named ‘Green Spirit', was previously leased to Virgin Atlantic for its Little Red operation. Aer Lingus will paint another of its A320s in the scheme in September 2015. The airline will fly Irish rugby union players, management and support staff around Europe as they compete in the RBS 6 Nations Championship and other high-profile international tournaments.
A320 EI-DEB is one of 34 in use with Aer Lingus.
Airbus A320 EI-DVM is currently painted in this retro colour scheme to mark the 75th anniversary of Aer Lingus.
Airbus A320-214 EI-DVM named St Colman (msn 4634, ex F-WWDV) was delivered to Aer Lingus on March 24, 2011 in a retro scheme to celebrate the Irish airlines' 75th anniversary. The colours were applied to the carrier's fleet between 1965 and 1974. The airliner is seen arriving back at Dublin from London Heathrow four days after being delivered.
Undertaking a test flight at the Airbus facility in Toulouse-Blagnac in southern France on May 24, 2013 was A320-214 F-WWIP (msn 5614). The airliner was delivered five days later to Aeroflot Russian Airlines as VP-BNT named Dobrolet in the scheme worn by the carrier's aircraft in the 1970s. It first flew on April 18.
30 мая пресс-служба авиакомпании "Аэрофлот - российские авиалинии" сообщила, что в рамках празднования 90-летия Аэрофлота авиапарк компании пополнил единственный в России самолет в ретро-ливрее. Им стал один из новых "аэробусов" A320, получивший собственное имя "Добролет" и окраску в стиле конца 1950-х гг., напоминающую внешнее оформление первого советского реактивного пассажирского лайнера Ту-104
Aero LLoyd Airbus A320-232 D-ALAA (c/n 565), seen during a pre-delivery test flight as F-WWDR, is one of three new-build aircraft to be leased to the airline front ILFC.
"AirAsia" называет себя компанией с самыми низкими в Азии тарифами. Она эксплуатирует только лайнеры A320.
Самолеты серии Airbus A320 в 1980-х годах познакомили мир авиалайнеров с ЭДСУ и боковыми РУ, что было смелым решением, принесшим успех данному типу машин. А вот "Boeing" не стала устанавливать боковую РУ, на ее 787-м сохранились традиционные штурвалы управления.
AirAsia Airbus A320-216 9M-AFP (c/n 3000, ex F-WWBC) takes off for a pre-delivery test flight from Toulouse on January 12, 2007. The aircraft is the 3,000th A320 family aircraft and was delivered to the airline on January 18 in this special colour scheme with 'Amazing' titles and pictures of AirAsia stewardesses on the fuselage sides, becoming the 51st aircraft in the airline's growing fleet.
FOMAX onboard data capture/transmission module and advanced analytics applications to give airlines deeper insights into aircraft health management and enable more accurate planning of maintenance tasks.
Low-cost carriers, such as AirAsia, account for 20% of the traffic in Asia-Pacific, as measured by available seat kilometres.
Former Hellas Jet Airbus A320-232 SX-BVC (c/n 2016) is the second of the type for Air Astana and is seen here after a test flight on June 16, 2006 at Southend Airport, Essex, where it underwent pre-delivery work with ATC Lasham. The aircraft, which currently has its new registration, P4-SAS, taped over and still carries SX-BVC, departed Southend on June 24 on delivery to Kazakhstan.
Airberlin Airbus A320-214 D-ABFK (msn 4433, ex D-AWQ) carries special markings to celebrate Germany's participation in the recent FIFA World Cup in Brazil - which the European team won - and a locally brewed beverage. The airliner was seen departing Dusseldorf Airport in early August 2014. It has carried the markings since April.
With the increasing number of high speed trains services in Europe, airlines are facing more competition on some routes. A growing number of people are taking into account their own 'carbon footprint' and train companies are keen to promote their 'green' credentials compared to travelling by air to win over passengers. Shown is an Air Berlin Airbus A320.
A320-214 D-ABFP (msn 4606) on finals at Nuremberg in February 2015
The German carrier applies branding to various places on its aircraft.
Air Cairo took delivery in Toulouse on November 10, 2006 of its first directly purchased Airbus aircraft, CFM56-5-powered A320-214 SU-BPU (c/n 2937, ex F-WWIJ), which was then formally accepted into service with the airline in a ceremony in Cairo on November 13. The aircraft is the first of four ordered from Airbus in December 2005, all of which will be configured in an 174-passenger, all-economy layout.
Airliners from the same production line are like peas from the proverbial pod. However, there are many customising differences, such as the external paintwork detail as shown here on Airbus A320s in service with United Airlines, Gulf Air and Air Canada.
"Air Canada". В конце лета 2009 года у авиакомпании "Air Canada" было 28 собственных и 13 арендованных самолетов A320. Первый из них (на снимке) она получила в 1989 году. Затем компания выбрала A319 для частичной унификации парка при замене своих лайнеров DC-9-32. В 2001 году авиакомпания пополнила парк лайнерами средней и большой дальности A340 и A330 и получила первый из 10 самолетов A321. С 1996 года было снято с эксплуатации 37 машин A319, а фирма "McDonnell Douglas" надеялась продать этой компании свои DC-9X. Лайнеры A320 летают в 140- и 146-местных вариантах, но имеют 20 или 14 мест бизнес-класса (Executive Class). A319 летаютв 120-местном варианте, включая 14 мест бизнес-класса, а самолеты A321 вмещают 174 пассажира, из них 20 в бизнес-классе.
With 71 examples, the A320 Family forms the backbone of Air Canada's short-haul fleet. Here A320-211 C-FFWJ (msn 150) departs Montreal.
All four versions of the A320 family are used by Air France, with 147 examples in service. An A320 is pictured just after touchdown.
Air France is one airline which has had a number of its routes affected by high speed rail services due to the TGV in France, Eurostar serving Paris from London and Thalys offering a connection from the French capital to Brussels. This A320 is one of the aircraft types that the carrier uses on services which are competing with high speed trains.
Airbus A320-211 5H-MWH of Air Guinee International is seen at Dinard/Pleurtuit-St Malo on November 20, 2010. The airliner previously flew with Air Tanzania and Air Jamaica (as 6Y-JAJ and N630AJ).
The former Monarch A320-212 G-OZBA leaving Southend on 4/5/99 after respray in Air Jamaica livery. Its new marks 6Y-JMB were taped over.
Airbus A320-214 N624AJ (c/n 624) is the first of four CFM56-5B4-powered examples for Air Jamaica under a contract signed in December 1995 and was delivered in December 1996.
Airbus A320-214 9H-AEI (msn 2189, ex XA-SOB) about to touch down at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport in Hungary on April 18, 2014. As part of the carrier’s 40th anniversary celebrations, it wears the Air Malta scheme used at the time of the company’s first commercial flight on April 1, 1974.
A320-232 компании "Air New Zealand" выполняет посадку на мокрую от дождя ВПП. Один из ее A320 разбился в 2008 году, когда его готовили к возвращению после лизинга германской "XL Airlines". Несмотря на это, A320 входит в число самых безопасных современных авиалайнеров.
A320-200 ZK-OJS (msn 4926) departing Queenstown, one of Air New Zealand’s regional destinations.
Airbus A320-232 ZK-OAB (c/n 4553) of Air New Zealand was painted at Hamburg, Germany, in an all black scheme with a Koru on the tail to promote the nation's rugby team, the All Blacks, and New Zealand Rugby Union in general. The airliner was the first A320 delivered to the carrier, arriving in New Zealand in early February 2011. Four of the aircraft configured for 171 passengers will be delivered in 2011, with all in service by 2016 to replace leased Boeing 737-300s. It is operated on domestic routes and is seen on approach to Auckland on February 23.
В конце 2006 года авиакомпания "Italy's Air" стала одной из последних компаний, начавших эксплуатацию A320.
Airbus announced on October 24, 2006 that it had delivered the first A320 to Italian carrier Air One, which has 30 of the type on order and is a new customer for Airbus. The first aircraft, A320-214 EI-DSA (c/n 2869, ex F-WWBE), was handed-over to the airline in Toulouse on September 18. The type is replacing the Boeing 737 in the Air One fleet and also being used to expand its operations.
Air Seychelles uses a pair of A320s on regional routes to destinations such as Mauritius, Mumbai and Madagascar.
From ten-minute island hops to long-haul routes to destinations on three continents, Air Seychelles is operationally complex given its relatively small size.
Болгарская компания "Air VIA" в 2006 году заменила Ту-154 лайнерами A320. К 2010 году пять Airbus выполняли все чартерные рейсы компании. Многие восточноевропейские операторы посчитали A320 экономной заменой для Ту-154.
Airbus A320-200 EI-DTJ (msn 3978) was delivered in September 2009 and is one of 58 in the Alitalia Group fleet.
Alitalia currently operates 78 A320 Family aircraft on its European network, including A320 EI-DSY (msn 3666).
Careful marketing aims to alter the public's perception of Alitalia. Former Air One A320 EI-DSA wears '' livery and bears the message 'MUOVIAMO CHI MUOVE L'ITALIA' - 'We move the people that keep Italy going'.
Italian flag carrier Alitalia operated a student charter into Manchester Airport on August 2, 2013 using Airbus A320-214 EI-DSA (msn 2868, ex F-WWBE). The aircraft carries the titles 'Muoviamo Chi Muove L'Italia' (we move the people who keep Italy going), one of the slogans used by the airline. This was its first visit to the British airport.
Dina Dawod is a first officer on the Airbus A320 with AlMasria Universal Airlines
Resplendent in American West Airlines’ new colour scheme, Airbus A320-232 N642AW (c/n 584) is the first of a batch of 30 on order for the airline for delivery over the next four years. American West took delivery of its first A320 in 1991 and already operates 16 Srs 231s and four Srs 232s.
Amsterdam Airlines was formed in 2007 to provide both charter and wet lease services. It received its first and so far only aircraft on June 18, 2008. Leased from ILFC, A320-231 PH-AAX (c/n 430) formerly served with Mexicans as XA-TXT. It is currently flying services from Milan Malpensa and Rome Fiumicino for the Italian airline Air Vallee.
Austrian's 85-aircraft fleet is ageing, with this 16-year-old A320-211, OE-LBK (msn 1931) just slightly younger than the average fleet age of 16.5 years.
Austrian Airlines is part of Star Alliance, by far the largest of the 'big three' with a total of 26 members.
Traditionally AUA has relied on connecting western Europe and the world via its Vienna hub, a model which has come under pressure from low-cost carriers offering point-to-point services, bypassing traditional hubs.
Austrian Airlines applied a 1980s-inspired colour scheme to Airbus A320ceo, OE-LBO (c/n 776), in February of last year.
Avianca Airbus A320-214 F-WWBZ (c/n 3408, to be HK4549) undertakes a test flight on February 19, 2008. This is the first A320 family aircraft for the Colombian flag carrier and one of three A320s being leased from CIT International. It was handed over during a delivery ceremony in Toulouse on February 22. Avianca also has 32 A320s and 15 A319s, plus ten A330-200s, on order directly from Airbus.
Airbus A320-214 D-ABDD (msn 2685, ex F-WWIB) Julfa is seen departing Dublin on Runway 10 on March 28, 2011 during its delivery flight to AZAL Azerbaijan Airlines. The airliner was withdrawn by Air Berlin on February 28 and was painted in AZAL Azerbaijan Airlines colours at the Irish airport. It is due to become 4K-AZ83 upon entering service with its new operator.
Airbus A320s saw a brief service with Balkan - four aircraft were leased from Oryx from 1992 to 1996. LZ-ABC/Rhodope is seen taxying at Sofia Airport in the spring of 1994.
Дальний Восток и Австралия. Другой крупный оператор - компания "AirAsia" из Малайзии, заказавшая 175 лайнеров. "Indian Airlines" эксплуатирует 86 самолетов, "IndiGo Airlines" заказала 10 самолетов, "Kingfisher Airlines" и "Kingfisher Red" - соответственно 32 и 55, "Tiger Airways" из Сингапура - 66. К мелким операторам относится "Bangkok Air" с тремя A320 (фото) и шестью A319. Крупнейшим австралийским эксплуатантом является "Jetstar Airways", 33 лайнера A320 которой в 2010 году выполняли рейсы в Австралию, Новую Зеландию и Азию.
Airbus Industrie has achieved considerable success with the A320 and the type continues to be a major rival to Boeing's 737. This aircraft is one of three in Bangkok Air's fleet which operate alongside an A319, Boeing 717s and ATR72-500s.
Founded in 1970, the two shareholding companies of Airbus (the European Aeronautic Defence and Space company and BAE Systems) merged at the turn of the new century to form an integrated company. Airbus UK now reports direct to Toulouse and has two major facilities, at Bristol and Chester. The latter plant is the supplier of all Airbus wings and work is underway on extended facilities which will produce the large wing boxes for the A380. The flow of Airbus wings has been steadily increasing over the years to meet increased demand, the biggest sellers being the narrow-body A320 family members, such as the A320-232 of bmi british midland, which are shown here.
Двигатель V2500 выбрала для своих самолетов серии A320 фирма "British Midland", в данном случае это были лайнеры A319, A320 и A321. Гондола двигателя V2500 имеет легко узнаваемый профиль.
Sporting Options, a London-based sports travel specialist, chartered two A320s and an A321 from bmi to take fans to the England game against Ecuador on June 25, 2006. Deposits were paid in advance to ensure the company had access to aircraft for England's games in the knock-out stage of the tournament.
British Airways started new network European services from Gatwick on March 29, 2022
British Airways aircraft parked at the UK’s Bournemouth Airport, July 2020
On March 13, 2015, Brussels Airlines and Moulinsart unveiled A320-200 OO-SNB (msn 1493) with this striking livery inspired by the Belgian cartoon character Tintin. Both Belgian companies worked several months on the project, based on the original drawings by Herge. The livery features a 37m long black shark, based on Professor Calculus’ shark submarine from the Tintin adventure, Red Rackham’s treasure. The aircraft was baptized ‘Rackham’ and carries the legend ‘We fly you to the home of Tintin’ on the fuselage.
Airbus A320-200 OO-SNB landing at Brussels International Airport on March 17, 2015.
Brussels Airlines has repainted A320-214 OO-SND (msn 1838) into this distinctive livery featuring the Smurfs. The aircraft, known as the 'Aerosmurf', is pictured taxiing at Manchester. The same jet previously wore the 'Red Devils' special livery.
A320-200 OO-SND (msn 1858) is painted in a 'Diables Rouges' (Red Devils) scheme to honour the Belgian national football team.
This Brussels Airlines Airbus A320-214 OO-SNA (msn 1441), seen departing Brussels, has been repainted into a scheme highlighting the involvement of the Belgian national football team, the Diables Rouge (Red Devils), in the Euro 2016 championships.
The Trident is one of a series of ‘Belgian Icons’. It flies the national soccer teams - both the men’s and women’s teams - to their fixtures
Canadian Airlines International has begun A320 services on domestic routes using aircraft leased from GPA. A new operator of the aircraft, Canadian also has firm orders for 17 Airbus A320s.
One strong area of growth for the airport has been the increase in services to China, with seven carriers operating flights. Among them is China Eastern Airlines, with one of its A320s pictured just prior to touchdown at Kansai.
Seen at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Ontario, on May 4, 2007 is former Skyservice Airbus A320-214 C-FTDQ (c/n 1686), freshly painted up for delivery to China Spring Airlines of Shanghai, China.
Iberia has shares in low-cost carrier clickair. It has been decided that clickair will merge with Vueling, another Spanish no-frills airline, in order to compete more effectively. Iberia will own 45% of the combined entity, which will use the Vueling brand name
Airbus A320 operated by Condor Flugdienst of Germany (1999)
An Airbus A320 in Condor livery before it was decided to add the name Thomas Cook. At the time this aircraft was part of the airline's Berlin division. Condor Berlin was merged into the main carrier in 2004 as a cost-saving measure
Condor Airbus A320-211 D-AICA (msn 774) has returned to its retrojet livery, having spent several months in a hybrid Condor/Air Transat livery while on lease.
Первым покупателем, использовавшим A320 с двигателем V2500, была авиакомпания "Cyprus Airways", получившая с апреля 1989 года восемь самолетов.
In June 1991, Cyprus Airways launched its new corporate image combining the carrier's Hellenic culture and heritage with modern design and colouring. The Airbus A320s carry the names of ancient Greek Cypriot kings.
Yet another airline to revise its corporate colours is Cyprus Airways, the first aircraft in the new scheme being A320-231 5B-DBD seen here recently at Manchester. It had been expected that the first aircraft in the new colours would be the first A319, but following recent return of this A320 from EuroCypria lease, it became the first example to be repainted.
Авиакомпания "CSA Czech Airlines" эксплуатирует самолеты A320 и Boeing 737. Помимо восьми A320 парк авиакомпании включает самолеты A310, A319 и A321.
A320 OK-GEB was delivered to Czech Airlines in December 2009.
Low-cost airline easy Jet is introducing AVOID ash detectors into its Airbus fleet in 2015.
EasyJet A320 OE-IJL arriving at London Southend from Palma de Mallorca on May 1, 2022, the first day of the carrier’s return to the Essex airport
EasyJet acquired Gatwick slots vacated by the airline. The Luton-based low-cost carrier has also started a package holiday arm.
A new ticket distribution agreement with easyJet, one of whose A320s is in the background in this shot of a Saab 340 at Glasgow, is a partnership Loganair is hoping will help establish its market presence.
The first flight undertaken by the newly-rebranded Loganair using Saab 340 G-LGNG (c/n 327) taxies in at Glasgow following its arrival from Islay.
New colours for the A320, as worn by Swiss airline Edelweiss, which received its first aircraft on 4 February 1999 (1999)
Pictured at Manchester in August 2019 on a rare visit to the UK is Airbus A320-232 EI-LIN (msn 4493) operated by the Italian airline Ernest, in the carrier's very distinctive paint scheme. Built in 2010, this aircraft was formerly 9V-TAS and operated by Tiger Airways and Scoot
Ernest, which flies low-cost services from Italy to Ukraine and Albania, is growing its network with new services from Bergamo, Naples and Venice to Kiev and Lviv. Here A320-233 EI-GCC (msn 2044) in the airline's distinctive livery taxies at Bologna.
20 октября 2017г. итальянская низкобюджетная авиакомпания Ernest Airlines совершила первый рейс, который соединил миланский аэропорт Бергамо со Львовом. Полеты будут выполнять два раза, в неделю - по пятницам и воскресеньям на самолете Airbus A320.
Newly delivered Etihad Airways A320-232 A6-EIB (c/n 1945, ex PH-MPE with Martinair) was unveiled on January 7, 2008 in this special Formula 1 colour scheme to highlight the airline's sponsorship of the 2009 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, which will be the UAE's first Formula 1 race. Etihad introduced the A320 as its first narrow body type late last year with one purchased and two leased aircraft, whilst A6-EIB is the first of a further three being introduced during the first quarter of 2008.
A320s are used predominantly on short-haul high frequency routes within the Middle East. A320-232 A6-EIB has been given a new colour scheme to promote the 2009 Formula 1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi.
One of the two 174-seat A320s flown by Eurocypria, the new charter subsidiary.
Lufthansa Group's Eurowings operation is to standardise on the A320, with Brussels Airlines set for closer alignment with network carriers rather than integration into Eurowings.
Eurowings A320-214 D-ABDQ (msn 3121), pictured climbing out of Palma de Mallorca, has received a colourful livery promoting Europa Park, a leisure and theme park in Germany.
This Eurowings Airbus A320-214 D-ABDU (msn 3516), photographed on approach to Palma, has recently been repainted in a colourful livery to mark the centenary of the car hire firm Hertz.
Having descended to around 3,000ft, flaps are extended, as per this Excalibur Airbus A320, and speed control used extensively to ease the task of air traffic control in sequencing aircraft to land.
A decision will be made within the next two years on a future narrowbody between the A320neo or Boeing 737 MAX families to replace the current A320 Family aircraft.
Современный гражданский самолет камбоджийских авиалиний "Эйрбас" A-320-232 авиакомпании "Ферст Камбоджа Эйрлайнз".
Most winglets are blended to effectively form a smooth, upturned wingtip, but the A320 (as seen here on a First Choice aircraft) is equipped with symmetrical winglets above and below the wing.
Three Airbus A320-212s for First Nation Airways were delivered to the Nigerian start-up in April 2011. All three are leased from the Aviation Capital Group and previously served with Gulf Air before being refurbished and painted in Montreal, Canada. All of the aircraft transited through Glasgow Airport on their way to Kano in Nigeria. A320 5N-FNA, named Resilience (msn 409, ex N409AG), arrived at the Scottish airport on April 7 and departed on the 11th; 5N-FNB marked as Fortitude (msn 466, ex A9C-AJ) landed at Glasgow on April 8 and departed two days later, while 5N-FNC, Endurance (msn 497, ex A9C-EL) touched down on April 10 and also stayed two days. First Nation Airways was created by the staff and owner of the defunct Bellview Airlines and expects to commence operations shortly.
The new German associate airline of Airtours, FTI (Frosch Touristik International), is due to commence operations in May 1999 with three Airbus A320s. The first aircraft, N444RX, was delivered from Manchester to Munich as D-ACAF on 27/3/99. The remaining two aircraft will be the former Oman Air machines A40-MA/G-BYDS, which is due to become D-AFRO, and A40-MB
Go Air Airbus A320-232 VT-WAE (c/n 3256, ex F-WWDF), the first of ten ordered by the Mumbai, India-based airline left Toulouse on delivery on October 3, 2007, initially for Ankara and then arrived in Delhi the next day. Go Air launched services in November 2005 with two leased A320s, adding a further five leased A320s during 2006, although VT-WAE is the first directly ordered aircraft to join the fleet. A further three A320s were also ordered by the airline on September 4.
Recently delivered Airbus A320-232 XY-AGT (msn 2128, ex P4-PAS) is the second of its type for Golden Myanmar Airlines. It arrived for maintenance at London Southend Airport, Essex, on September 23, 2013 from Bournemouth Airport, Dorset, where it was painted in Golden Myanmar's livery, and is seen departing on October 14 on delivery via Dubai. It was previously operated by Air Astana. The carrier's first A320 (XY-AGS, msn 1407, ex EI-EUE) was delivered on December 19, 2012.
Following the decision to refurbish the interior of its aircraft, Gulf Air began with its A320 fleet. These, including A40-EB seen here, were reconfigured to give an enhanced two-class service.
Gulf Air's distinctive Golden Falcon motif is proudly sported on the fins and engine nacelles of all its aircraft, including Airbus A320-212 A40-EH illustrated here.
Airliners from the same production line are like peas from the proverbial pod. However, there are many customising differences, such as the external paintwork detail as shown here on Airbus A320s in service with United Airlines, Gulf Air and Air Canada.
The first Airbus A320 for Germany carrier Hamburg Airways has been painted in its new colours. Former Iberworld Airlines A320-214 EC-JQP (msn 2745) arrived at Southend Airport, Essex, on June 8, 2011 and was reregistered as EI-ERR before entering the paint hangar on June 23. It was rolled out four days later as D-AHHC and is seen here departing for an air test on July 7. Hamburg Airlines already operates two Airbus A319s.
Having given up hope of a third runway at Heathrow, British Airways is looking for space to expand at foreign airports. Iberia's main hub at Madrid has an obvious appeal following BA's merger with the Spanish carrier.
Airbus A320-214 EC-KMN (msn 1229, ex XA-MXD) named Hoces del Cabriel of Iberia performed the first commercial biofuel flight in Spain on October 3, 2011, and carries titles reflecting this fact on its forward fuselage. The airliner flew between Madrid and Barcelona powered by a mix of 25% biofuel derived from camelina sativa, and 75% conventional fuel.
An A320 of Spanish flag-carrier Iberia is pictured just prior to touchdown at Munich. Although Lufthansa may dominate the flight schedules, other airline alliances recognise the importance of Munich and have numerous flights to the Bavarian airport.
Distinctive triple domes of Sharjah International Airport with a Tajikistan Airlines Tu-154 at the terminal to the left and an Indian Airlines A320 just visible behind. Originating as a remote stopover for Imperial Airways in the 1930s, the airport has seen fluctuating fortunes, although since construction of the new terminal in 1974 there has been steady expansion. Today Sharjah is a major Middle Eastern cargo crossroads for both CIS and Western operators, while there is also considerable passenger traffic from the CIS countries to take advantage of the cheap duty free goods.
New low-fare Indian carrier IndiGo took delivery of its first Airbus A320 on July 28, 2006, when A320-232 VT-INA (c/n 2844, ex F-WWIH) was handed-over to the New Delhi-based airline. IndiGo, which has ordered 100 A320s, with five more due this year and all 100 due in service by 2016, launched commercial operations on August 4 with its inaugural scheduled service from Delhi to Guwahati.
Jazeera Airways’ first A320-214, 9K-CAA (c/n 2569), was delivered to the airline on October 24, 2005.
Ближний Восток. Средний Восток стал важным рынком сбыта A320, особенно когда в регионе разразился бум пассажирских авиаперевозок. В последние десять лет здесь были образованы несколько новых авиакомпаний, заказавших большое количество A320. Так "Air Arabia" и "Jazeera Airways" заказали 44 и 40 самолетов A320. Ранее существовавшие компании "Gulf Air", "Qatar Airways" и "Saudi Arabian Airlines" наращивают свои авиапарки. "Gulf Air" из Бахрейна получила первый из 10 заказанных A320 в 1992 году, самолеты поставлялись в 136- и 158-местных вариантах. В середине 2008 года были заказаны еще 15 A320, подписан контракт на 6-летний лизинг у ILFG двух A319-100.
JetBlue Airways has helped revitalise JFK and now accounts for a quarter of passengers at the airport. Pictured is one of the carrier's Airbus A320s.
The airline made the unprecedented decision of acquiring brand new jets from Airbus. The carrier's first aircraft was delivered on December 1, 1999.
JetBlue's first Airbus A320-232 N503JB (c/n 1123), seen here while still carrying test registration F-WWBR, left Toulouse on its delivery flight to the airline on December 3, 1999. The carrier intends to begin operations on February 11.
Компания "jetBlue" собирается к 2012 году иметь парк из 202 собственных и арендованных A320. К августу 2009 года она заказала 173 самолета концерна "Airbus", из них 118 уже получены. Эта компания использует их наряду с EMBRAER 190 на недорогих маршрутах в США, на Карибы и в Латинскую Америку. "jetBlue" (ранее "New Air") заказала свои первые A320 в 1999 году. Все эти самолеты летают в 150-местном варианте, но в силу применения льготных тарифов авиакомпании они не разделяются по классам. Вместо этого за повышенную плату предлагаются 12 мест с более просторным расположением кресел.
A third of JetBlue’s destinations are international including St Maarten in the Dutch Antilles, where N594JB is seen on final approach.
JetBlue operates a fleet of 205 Airbus A320 Family jets. This 2002-built example, N537JT (c/n 1785) Red, White and Blue, is framed against the Las Vegas skyline on departure from the city's McCarran airport.
With 70 daily departures Fort Lauderdale, where this A320 (N536JB) is pictured, is one of JetBlue’s major hubs.
Despite JetBlue shifting to the larger Airbus A321 and A321neo, the A320 remains the most numerous type.
JetBlue flew the first regularly scheduled, commercial passenger service between the United States and Cuba for more than 50 years on August 31, 2016.
Airbus A320-200, N503JB (c/n 1123) Bluebird, is showered in champagne ahead of the carrier's first revenue service.
Los Angeles is the airline’s west coast hub.
Despite being 'New York's hometown airline', Boston/Logan is JetBlue's largest hub. To acknowledge this there are special liveries to support the city's basketball and ice hockey teams - the Celtics and the Bruins.
JetBlue has marketed itself as New York's 'hometown airline' since its launch. This is reflected in the company's support of the city's police and fire departments with liveries celebrating the two forces as illustrated by FDNY-inspired, N615JB (c/n 2461) Blue Bravest.
JetBlue holds a 5% stake in the US market and, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, had planned to operate transatlantic services between Boston, New York and London from 2021.
While JetBlue's largest New York hub is at JFK, it also maintains a presence at neighbouring LaGuardia and Newark Airports
The carrier's short history means it does not have a large enough back catalogue of previous corporate identities, but that hasn't deterred it from flying one of its Airbus A320s in a retro-inspired livery.
Jetstar Asia is based in Singapore and uses eleven A320s and two A330s.
A Jetstar A320 in a hangar at Auckland Airport. The airline offers an extensive range of routes serving New Zealand.
The side of this Jetstar A320 features players from the Gold Coast Titans' rugby league team.
The A320 is the backbone of the Jetstar fleet.
Qantas posted pre-tax profits of $165 million, while Jetstar, part of the Qantas Group earned a record $143 million.
Owing a stake in Jetstar Japan gives JAL a presence in the low cost airline market.
A Jetstar A320 in the cruise. This low-cost carrier off-shoot of Qantas has grown quickly since it was launched in 2004.
Thomas Cook's JMC Airlines begins its first season of operations this summer using A320s, seen here, and Boeing 757s.
Seating in the Boeing 757-200 totals 235, while that in the A320s, to the rear in the lower view, is 180.
The Air France-KLM Group has launched a new airline, Joon. It is flying from Paris CDG to various European points, initially using six Airbus A320s, and plans to start flights to Cairo, Tehran and Cape Town in the spring using A330s and A340s. Here A320-241 F-GKXY (msn 4105) taxies at Lisbon.
Airbus A320-211 JY-JAC (msn 029, ex SX-BLX) is seen climbing away from Runway 19L at Stockholm-Arlanda International Airport in Sweden on May 20, 2011. The airliner was being used to undertaken scheduled flight MKH215 to Baghdad via Malmo-Sturup. Based at Amman in Jordan, the carrier operates scheduled and charter services, as well as providing wet-leases.
Unlike most low-cost carriers around the globe, Juneyao Airlines has configured its aircraft, such as this A320, with a two-class cabin. It offers an economy and business class service, as it is trying to capitalise on being based in Shanghai - China's economic powerhouse.
Although India's Kingfisher Airlines already has eight leased Airbus A320s in service, the first of which was delivered in April 2005, A320-232 VT-KFL (c/n 2817, ex F-WWDJ), which made its first flight on June 7, 2006, will be the first aircraft directly ordered from the manufacturer. As such, it carries appropriate 'first' titles on the forward fuselage.
Noted at Dusseldorf International Airport on February 17, 2011 was Airbus A320-231 EY-621 (msn 386, ex N386BV) of Kyrgyz Airways. The airliner was being used for a special humanitarian charter flight for SOS Kinderdorf (Friedensdorf Oberhausen), transporting 90 children from Afghanistan and other countries to Germany for medical attention. The airliner joined the carrier on October 8, 2010.
Laudamotion is leasing two aircraft from SMBC Aviation Capital, including Airbus A320-232 OE-LOB (msn 2928), a former Air Berlin aircraft, pictured at Palma de Mallorca.
Lufthansa tries to get both international and short-haul flights onto gates at Terminal 1, represented here by an A340 parked next to an A320.
Lufthansa looks on Munich and Frankfurt as of equal importance to its business interests.
Lufthansa has deferred deliveries and grounded more aircraft, including 11 A320s.
Not all airlines remain members: Ansett Australia ceased operations in 2002 and Mexicans (one of whose A320s is seen here) left Star (for oneworld) last year.
Monarch Airlines' Airbus A320-212 G-OZBB (msn 389) has had titles applied to its front fuselage to mark the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London. The airliner is depicted departing Manchester International Airport on April 7.
Manchester is a major base for Monarch - pictured at the airport is one the airline's six A320s, parked alongside three A321s. These aircraft types are mainly used by the airline for scheduled flights.
Своей популярностью A320 перешел дорогу самолетам фирм "Boeing" и "McDonnell Douglas" даже на рынке США, где традиционно доминировали американские производители.
The last of Northwest's order for 50 Airbus A320s was delivered in 1993; A320-211 N322US, the 22nd example, was being delivered in January 1992.
Одним из крупнейших в мире операторов Airbus является компания "Northwest Airlines", располагающая флотом из 135 самолетов семейства A320. На снимке - один из лайнеров A320 этой компании.
A sign of the acceptance achieved by the A320 family is the fact that it is operated in large numbers by numerous American airlines. Previously these carriers had tended to buy US-built airliners. Pictured is an A320 of Northwest Airlines.
Nouvelair has expanded its UK presence to include scheduled links from Manchester and Gatwick to Enfida. Previously the Tunisian carrier had only operated charters to the UK.
The airline Orbest Portugal has been transferred to Barcelo, a tourism company based in Palma de Mallorca, following the end of operations by Orizonia and the sale of most of its divisions. Orbest Portugal plans to have three aircraft in service for the summer season, including Airbus A330-343X CS-TRH (msn 833) for long haul flights and two A320-214 (CS-TRK, msn 4735, ex EC-LLX, pictured, and CS-TRL msn 3758, ex EC-KYZ), which will be transferred from the former Orbest Orizonia (Orizonia's former Spanish airline, which has closed), for short- and medium-haul flights.
Airbus A320-214 JA801P (msn 4887, ex F-WWIQ) was delivered at Toulouse in southern France to Peach Aviation on November 4, 2011. The airliner is leased from GECAS, powered by CFM International CFM56s and configured for 180 passengers. Peach Aviation is a new low-cost Japanese carrier based at Osaka that was established by All Nippon Airways, the First Eastern Investment Group of Hong Kong and Innovation Network Corporation of Japan. It will start operations from Kansai airport in March 2012, first on domestic routes, and then on services to Asia. It will initially lease ten A320s.
The MRO company also has a presence in the Philippines, at the former US Air Force base at Clark International
28 августа 2017г. авиакомпания Qatar Airways совершила свой первый рейс в Киев - из столицы Катара Дохи в аэропорт Борисполь прибыл ее авиалайнер A320. Рейс Доха-Киев-Доха запланировано выполнять семь раз в неделю.
Qatar Airways is one of the youngest global airlines to serve all six continents, with a route network currently extending to more than 140 global destinations
In 1988, the A320 became the first airliner with fly-by-wire to enter widespread airliner service. In addition to possessing relaxed static stability, the A320 flight control system controls outboard spoiler and aileron actuators to inhibit gust load response and thus give a smoother flight.
One of four Airbus A320-232s leased from Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise to bridge the gap until delivery of new aircraft from Airbus Industrie in 2001. Seen here with its pre-delivery registration F-WWIG, it is now in service with Qatar as A7-ABS.
Airbus A320-200 V8-RBT (msn 2139) touching down at Jakarta, one of Royal Brunei’s key Southeast Asian feeder destinations.
Среди больших деловых реактивных самолетов особо выделяется самолет A340-600 Prestige. Саудовская авиакомпания "SAADAir" использует эту машину наравне с A320 Prestige.
Airbus announced on December 18, 2006 that private Saudi Arabian business group SAAD Air Ltd has become the first customer to take delivery of a VIP version of the ultra long-range A340-600. The aircraft, A340-642 VP-CCC (c/n 779, ex F-WWJE), is seen here in formation with the company's A320-232 Prestige, VP-CMS (c/n 2403, ex ZK-OJJ with Air New Zealand), which was delivered in April 2005 after refitting from a conventional airliner layout. The Rolls-Royce Trent 500-powered A340, which made its first flight on November 28, has yet to be outfitted with its VIP cabin, which will seat around 80 passengers.
Airbus A320-214 6V-AIH Gandiol and 6V-AII Kayemor are seen upon arrival at Dakar-Leopold Seda Senghor Airport on January 19, 2011 on delivery to Senegal Airlines. The two aircraft are the first for the carrier, which was founded in May 2009 and began operations with its new aircraft on January 25 with a flight between Dakar and Conakry. Gandiol (msn 799, ex M-ABCV and China Eastern Airlines as B-2361) is leased from CIT Leasing and Kayemor (msn 879, ex Spring Airlines as B-6258) from GECAS. The new airline has the initial aims of launching services between Dakar and Bamako, Banjul, Bissau, Conakry, Niamey, Nouakchott and Ouagadougou.
Airbus A320-232 EI-EUL (msn 2027, ex EC-IPI) is seen arriving back at Dublin International Airport in Ireland from Bournemouth International Airport in Dorset on February 5, 2013. The airliner was painted in Shaheen Air colours by Airborne at Bournemouth and will become the only A320 (as AP-BJK) in the Pakistani carrier's fleet, although it has previously operated two others. Owned by the International Lease and Finance Corporation, the A320 was originally due to go to FlyRak of Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates as A6-TIA, but the lease was not taken up and the airliner was stored at Dublin.
The first Airbus A320 to enter service with SAS is seen on final approach to runway 24L at Palma de Mallorca Airport after completing flight SAS 585 from Copenhagen in Denmark. A320-232 OY-KAL (msn 2883, ex OE-IBJ) was leased from GECAS from December 10, 2012, having previously served with Indian low-cost carrier IndiGo. It was delivered to Copenhagen on December 17 and entered service with SAS four days later. Nine A320s will join the SAS fleet.
SilkAir took delivery of its first A320 on 18 September 1998 (1999)
Singapore Airlines has operated Airbus types since the days of the original A300 (dubbed 'Superbus' by SIA) and A310 ('3TEN'). Here an A310 can be seen in a distant shot of the carrier’s Changi Airport base in February 2002 (with a Silkair A320 and another SIA A310 behind).
Small Planet Airlines Airbus A320-233 SP-HAC at Dusseldorf, Germany, in March 2014 while flying for Afriqiyah Airways.
Hybrid paint schemes emerge in the European charter market during the peak summer season, as airlines lease secondary operators' aircraft. One example is Small Planet Airlines A320 LY-ONJ (msn 4203) wearing Afriqiyah tail colours.
In October, Spirit launched the only daily, nonstop flights between Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport and Orlando
Airlines in China do not have control over how many aircraft they add to their fleets, as this has to be approved by the state-run National Development and Reform Commission. For example, Spring Airlines wanted to buy 20 A320s, but was only allowed ten.
The new national airline of Switzerland, Swiss, officially came into existence on March 31, 2002. Pictured flying over the Alps is Airbus A320 HB-IJP.
"TACA International Airlines". Парк компании TACA из Сальвадора долго состоял только из A320. Лишь недавно она заказала семь машин E190. К августу 2009 года TACA заказала 19 лайнеров A319, 54 лайнера A320 и пять A321. Из них уже получено 14, 41 и 5 соответственно. Еще ряд самолетов TACA арендует. В компании "TACA Peru", в которой "TACA International" имеет 49% акций, летают три A319 и один арендованный у основной компании A320. Самолеты A321 компании "TACA International" вмещают 194 пассажира, A320 - 150 пассажиров, а A319 - 120. На всех лайнерах стоят двигатели V2500. Самолеты этой компании летают по всей Латинской Америке и в девять городов в США. Один лайнер A320 компании в мае 2008 года потерпел катастрофу при посадке в трудных условиях в Гондурасе. Командир лайнера и еще три человека погибли.
TAM (Transportes Aereos Regionais SA) Airbus A320-232 PT-MZG (c/n 1143) seen during pre-delivery test flying as F-WWBG. The aircraft, together with PT-MZH (c/n 1158, ex F-WWBY), was handed over to TAM at Toulouse on February 18, 2000. These are the first of 32 A320s for the Brazilian airline, which already has six A319s operating on its Super Ponte TAM shuttle system together with four A330-200s (of five on order) flying international routes to Europe and the USA.
United's low-cost subsidiary Ted was launched in 2004, while the airline was still in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. It operates a fleet of 58 Airbus A320-200s to destinations within the US and Mexico. Other major carriers have launched low-fare subsidiaries - notably Delta Air Lines with Song - however Ted remains the only 'airline-within-an-airline' currently operating in the US.
G-CVYG, one of five JMC A320s being transferred to the newly established Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium, was noted in its new livery at Manchester on 16/3/02
Following the announcement that Thomas Cook was to establish a new Belgian-based holiday charter airline, operations have now begun under the Thomas Cook Airlines name with A320-231s from sister airline JMC Air, including G-CVYG seen here recently at Manchester. Operations began on March 6, 2002 and there are plans to serve some 34 holiday destinations in Europe. A Condor Boeing 757 is also being leased for the summer to provide services to Banjul and Dakar whilst summer capacity is also expected to be supplemented by a Boeing 767 between July and September.
Thomas Cook Belgium has taken delivery of an additional Airbus A320. The former Hellas Jet A320-232, OO-TCN (c/n 425, ex SX-BVA) 'Dream', was painted at Southend and is seen departing from there on May 28, 2006 on its delivery flight to Brussels with its former Greek registration taped over its new Belgian identity.
Tiger Airways Australia Airbus A320-232 VH-VNB (msn 2906) was one of several aircraft from the carrier's fleet temporarily grounded at Melbourne Tullamarine Airport, Victoria. Seen on July 30, 2011, it was one of two towed from a remote parking spot and into the John Holland Aviation Services hangar (Building 91) for work to be carried out.
Сингапурская "Tiger Airways" эксплуатирует восемь A320-232 в тигровой окраске, авиакомпания заказала еще 57 самолетов данного типа. В ее парке также два A319-132. Все самолеты компании имеют одноклассную эконом-конфигурацию.
An A320 of Singapore-based Tiger Airways. The Congress heard how Asia is an emerging market for low-cost carriers.
TransAer's latest A320 EI-TLT, ex B-HYV, sports additional Andalusair titles
Африка. Многие авиакомпании Африки используют самолеты семейства A320, хотя здесь парк самолетов данного типа меньше, чем в других регионах мира. A320 популярны у ведущих авиакомпаний Северной Африки, включая "Air Libya", "Egyptair" и "Tunis Air" (фото). Одним из крупнейших эксплуатантов региона является "South African Airways", получившая в ноябре 1991 года семь A320 со сроком эксплуатации до 2011 года. В 1992 году компания заказала 11 машин A319-100 и еще 15 - A320-200, хотя затем контракт на A320-200 был разорван. Первый A319 компания получила 24 августа 2004 года, самолеты предназначались для замены Boeing 737-200 на внутренних и региональных линиях. Самолеты эксплуатируются в конфигурации с салонами двух классов: на 25 мест в бизнес-классе и 95 мест в эконом-классе.
"United Airlines". Компания "United" является крупным владельцем машин A320 (на снимке). Из всех американских компаний она уступает в этом только "jetBlue". Она все еще ожидает поставку 19 самолетов из заказанных в августе 2009 года 117 машин. "United Airlines" эксплуатирует 55 лайнеров A319 из заказанных 78 машин. Первая машина из заказанных A320 поступила в ноябре 1993 года. Данный тип самолета выбрали для замены Boeing 727. Фирма "Boeing" проиграла второй раз, когда эта авиакомпания выбрала A319 для замены Boeing 737-200 вместо Boeing 737 Next Generation. Первый заказ компании "United" на 24 самолета A319 стоимостью 900 млн долларов был размещен в сентябре 1996 года.
Airliners from the same production line are like peas from the proverbial pod. However, there are many customising differences, such as the external paintwork detail as shown here on Airbus A320s in service with United Airlines, Gulf Air and Air Canada.
Airbus A320-214 VQ-BDJ (msn 2187, ex N269AV) of Ural Air has had 'Ekaterinburg World Expo 2020 Candidate City' stickers applied to the rear fuselage to support the Russian city's application to host the event The airliner is seen at Cologne Bonn Airport in Germany on March 13, 2013. Ural Air is not the only airline supporting a bid to hold the exposition, as Emirates has applied stickers to its fleet of Airbus A380-861s to promote Dubai's submission.
Virgin America Airbus A320-214 N629VA (c/n 3037, ex F-WWOG), seen here on April 26, 2007, is one of four now delivered to the airline but stored at the carrier's operational base at San Francisco International Airport, California, awaiting approval for flights.
Nightshot of Tartan Lassie one of four leased A320s in the Virgin Little Red fleet.
Virgin Atlantic's A320-200 EI-EZV (msn 2001) at Manchester International Airport on April 19, 2013, serving the Little Red route to Heathrow.
Little Red offered links from Heathrow to Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Manchester using four Airbus A320s leased from AerLingus.
Virgin Atlantic's last foray into the UK domestic market, with Little Red in 2013, was a shortlived effort created in reaction to British Airways merger with bmi.
Little Red lasted a just 2.5 years before being wound up.
Airbus A320-214 EI-DEO (msn 2486, ex F-WWIV) completed the types' first service with Virgin Atlantic Airways on March 31, 2013, flying between Manchester and London-Heathrow airports. The airliner arrived on delivery from Dublin, Ireland, the previous evening. Virgin Atlantic has leased four A320s from Aer Lingus to undertake domestic UK services - a first for the carrier - which previously concentrated on long-haul flights. The new routes have been branded 'Little Red' by the airline.
Airbus A320-231 of South East European Airlines, on approach to London Heathrow in May 1994.
Italian operator Volare Airlines flew A320 F-OHFT into East Midlands on May 19, 1999, on a football charter.
Verona based Volare Airlines are operating the A320-214 EI-CUC on lease from GECAS. It brought the Florentina team into Manchester on 14/3/00 for the UEFA Champion's League match against Manchester United
Iberia has shares in low-cost carrier clickair. It has been decided that clickair will merge with Vueling, another Spanish no-frills airline, in order to compete more effectively. Iberia will own 45% of the combined entity, which will use the Vueling brand name
In late May 2011 Spanish budget-carrier Vueling Airlines unveiled its latest special scheme airliner, Airbus A320-214 EC-KDG (msn 3095). The aircraft has 'Fly Me - I'm Famous' titles and artwork to reflect the lifestyle of David Guetta, a DJ and music producer well known in Ibiza. The aircraft is seen at Madrid-Barajas Airport on June 4.
Expansion of the European Union has led to a huge increase in services between the UK and some Eastern European countries. One carrier to take advantage of this is Wizz Air of Hungary, one of whose A320s is pictured at London Luton Airport.
New Polish start up airline Yes Airways began operations with their initial aircraft on April 29, 2011, flying from Warsaw to Antalya in Poland. Two Airbus A320s were delivered to the carrier in late April on an operating lease from Fly Leasing. A320-214 SP-IAA (msn 533, ex EI-DDL) and SP-IAB (msn 566, ex F-GYFK) were painted in the airline's colours by Air Livery at Southend Airport, Essex. SP-IAA arrived at Southend for storage on September 10, 2010, and is seen about to depart for Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport on April 28. The airline will operate from Warsaw, Cracow, Wroclaw, Poznan and Szczecin to holiday destinations in Egypt, Greece, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey.
Tests using the DLR’s A320-232 Advanced Technology Research Aircraft found vortex generators underneath the aircraft eliminated two noise tones.
Menzies Aviation has halved its global workforce, laying off 17,500 staff.
Airbus is seeing considerable success with the corporate ACJ versions of its A318, A319 and A320. This ACJ320 has just been delivered to the Paris-based charter operator, Masterjet.
Regional Aircraft offers a wide range of products and services across all aircraft types including the Airbus A320.
Research is underway into graphene's potential for aerospace.
Vistara will initially use five A320s leased from BOC Aviation and plans to expand the fleet to 20 within five years.
Airbus A320ceo test aircraft F-WWBA taking off on its i4D test flight in March 2014.
30 ноября 2011г. компания Airbus в рамках программы A320neo успешно выполнила первый полет опытного самолета типа A320 (MSN 001), оснащенного законцовками крыла типа Sharklet. Законцовки Sharklet были разработаны специально для семейства Airbus A320 с целью снижения расхода топлива на 3,5%, что позволит сократить ежегодные выбросы CO2 в атмосферу на 700 т с каждого самолета. Эта цифра эквивалентна годовым выбросам CO2 двух сотен автомобилей
Airbus UK engineers created the SHort AiRfield Package to increase wing lift at low speeds and enhance take-off and landing performance on the A320.
Eighty percent of all Aegean customers are tourists from across Europe, including Manchester, where A320 SX-DGY is pictured.
Production of Sharklet-equipped Airbus A320s is under way. A320-214 F-WWIM (msn 5452, to become A6-ANO) is destined for Air Arabia. It is seen during a test flight at Toulouse in France on January 8, 2013.
AirAsia was the first airline to fit Sharklets to its A320ceos.
Conducting its maiden flight at Toulouse-Blagnac in France on November 27, 2013 was Airbus A320-214(WL) F-WWIV (msn 5891). The airliner is due to be delivered to AirBlue of Pakistan as AP-EDG, its first equipped with Sharklet wingtip devices.
A Sharklet-equipped Air France A320ceo coming into land at Amsterdam-Schiphol.
Luton-based easyJet has a significant presence within the EU
Airbus A321-231(WL) A6-AEC (right) and A320-232(WL) A6-EIX are respectively the 100th and 101st airliners delivered to Etihad Airways, both arriving in June 2014.
Airbus A320-214(WL) EC-LZD (msn 5642, ex CS-TRM) leased from Orbest of Portugal was used by Spanish charter start­up Evelop Airlines to begin operations. The airliner was delivered on November 23, 2013, and was seen on approach to San Pablo Airport in Seville three days later. It is based at Tenerife Sur. Evelop will use Orbest's air operator certificate (AOC) until at least April 2014, when it plans to transfer the airliner to its own AOC.
The Iberia Express regional subsidiary operates A320-216 EC-LYM (msn 5815), pictured at Paris CDG.
The carrier has applied special colour schemes to 22 Airbus A320s and a sole Embraer E190.
For low-fare airlines, like Jetstar, minimising costs is especially important.
Jetstar is Qantas’ offering in Asia-Pacific's competitive low-cost carrier market.
Lufthansa’s A320ceos are now receiving both Sharklets and the DLR-developed vortex generators.
Monarch Airlines entering administration ended nearly 50 years of operations by the UK carrier. This A320-200 (msn 5581) was one of around 50 A320 Family jets used by the airline during its history. As G-ZBAB, it was used by Monarch until 2015 and is now with Frontier Airlines as N229FR.
Tigerair was one of the first airlines to go for the 'production retrofit’ option to install Sharklets on its A320ceos.
ANA subsidiary Vanilla Air uses eight aircraft, including A320-214 JA07VA (msn 6422), on routes between Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.
India’s Vistara, a joint venture between Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines, began operations in 2015. Its name is from the Sanskrit word vistara, meaning ‘limitless expanse’
Spanish budget airline Vueling was the first European carrier to introduce Sharklets on its A320ceos.
В очередной рейс отправляется A320 авиакомпании "Визз Эйр Украина"
25 августа 2017г. авиакомпания WizzAir открыла из аэропорта "Киев" направления в Люблин и Познань (Польша), Копенгаген (Дания), 26 августа отправился первый рейс во Франкфурт-Хан (Германия), а 27-го - в Нюрнберг.
New Airbus A320-214(CJ) Prestige F-WWBB (msn 6112) is destined for the Royal Thai Air Force as 60203/HS-TYT. The aircraft conducted a test flight at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport on May 5, 2014. Funding for the VVIP aircraft was approved by the Thai Government on June 25, 2014. Upon delivery, it will be housed in a specially constructed hangar at Don Muang AB, Bangkok.
On October 12, Rolls-Royce agreed to sell its 32.5% equity and programme shares in the International Aero Engines joint venture to Pratt & Whitney. IAE produces the V2500 mid-sized turbofan engine family - its only product line.
IATA wants a sustainable aviation fuels production capacity for the airline industry totalling 449 billion litres per year
Numbers of CFM56-5BS (for Airbus A320-family aircraft) and CFM56-7BS (for Boeing 737NGs) for exchange are bound to grow substantially as more and more A320s and 737NGs are retired.
Undercarriages are subjected to a number of structural and environmental tests during development, including drop tests. Rubber is burned off the tyre as this A320 main gear is slammed onto the simulated runway.
Ниша передней стойки шасси для самолета A320
The new Advanced Inspection Drone has been demonstrated to several airlines, who according to Airbus have expressed interest in the product. The system will be available for the industry in Q4 2018 following regulatory approval
Note the wing deflection of the Airbus A320 static-test airframe which successfully demonstrated its ability to withstand 1.59 times the maximum load that it could be expected to encounter in service, during a test to destruction at the CEAT facilities, Toulouse.
A320 on the barge en route from the Airbus factory to the port of Hamburg, prior to its onward shipment to China.
Making its debut at ILA 2008 was the Airbus A320 test-bed equipped with a PEM device.
Летающая лаборатория Fuel Cell Demonstrator
Seen here on April 15, 2006 whilst still retaining its former Niki livery but without titles, A320-232 OE-LOE (c/n 659) has been acquired by German's DLR for use as a research aircraft, replacing the VFW-614 currently in use.
Trailing behind A320 D-ATRA, the DLR's Falcon 10 D-CMET measured the exhaust gas composition and condensation trail properties emitted by the A320.