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Страна : Канада

Год : 1983

Ближнемагистральный пассажирский самолет


Bombardier Q Series (de Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash 8)

   Анализ рынка пассажирских перевозок, проведенный в конце 1970-х годов специалистами фирмы "de Havilland Canada" показал наличие ниши для продаж 30-40-местного ближнемагистрального самолета, способного закрыть промежуток между существовавшими 19-местным Twin Otter и 50-местным Dash 7. Первый из четырех прототипов самолета DHC-8 Dash 8 поднялся в воздух 20 июня 1983 года. Все четыре прототипа прошли интенсивный курс летных испытаний, сертификат типа был получен в Канаде и США в конце 1984 года. Во многих отношениях DHC-8 является уменьшенным в размерах двухдвигательным вариантом самолета DHC-7 с ограниченными возможностями в части коротких взлета и посадки. Самолет выполнен по схеме высокоплана с Т-образным хвостовым оперением. Двигатели снабжены четырехлопастными реверсивными винтами с постоянной скоростью вращения. Шасси убираемое, трехопорное, с носовой опорой; основные опоры убираются в мотогондолы. В типовом варианте самолет рассчитан на перевозку 36 пассажиров, предусмотрена возможность увеличения количества кресел в салоне до 40. В смешанном грузопассажирском варианте самолет способен перевозить груз и до 17 пассажиров. Исходная модификация DHC-8 Series 100 выпускалась в вариантах Commuter и Corporate, последний способен перевозить 17 пассажиров на дальность 2446 км и летать по приборам. Кабина пилотов и салон для пассажиров герметичные, оборудованы системами кондиционирования. В 1 990 году началось производство модификации Series 100A, на которой предусматривалась возможность установки двигателей PW123. Интерьер салона этой модели несколько изменили для повышения комфорта. В 1992 году появился Series 100B, в конструкцию которого внесли ряд изменений и установили двигатели PW121.
   В 1992 году началось производство DHC-8 Series 200 с двигателями PW123C повышенной мощности и другими улучшениями. В дальнейшем был разработан DHC-8 Series 200A (сертифицирован в марте 1995 года) с двигателями PW123C. На DHC-8 Series 200B установили двигатели PW123D, улучшившие летные качества в условиях жары и высокогорья. DHC-8 Series 300 с удлиненным на 3,43 м фюзеляжем и крылом увеличенного на 1,52 м размаха выполнил первый полет 15 мая 1987 года, сертификат получил в феврале 1989-го. Series 300 рассчитан на перевозку до 56 пассажиров на дальность 1540 км. Самолет оснащен двумя двигателями PW123 по 2380 л. с. В 1990 году был разработан вариант Series 300A с улучшениями, внедренными на Series 100A, и силовой установкой из двух ТВД PW123B. В 1994 году появился DHC-8 Series 300E с двумя ТВД PW123E и улучшенными высотными характеристиками.
   К 30 апреля 2009 года производителем получены заказы на 1018 самолетов DHC 8/Q Series, включая небольшое количество военных DHC-8 Dash 8М. Канада закупила шесть DHC-8 Series 100M, два в военно-транспортном варианте CC-142 и четыре учебно-штурманских CT-142 с РЛС картографирования местности. Два самолета Е-9 эксплуатируются в ВВС США, они базируются в Тиндэлле, Флорида. В состав бортового оборудования Е-9 входят РЛС с фазированной антенной решеткой, установленная по правому борту фюзеляжа; поисковая РЛС APS-128 в подфюзеляжном обтекателе; аппаратура телеметрии и передачи данных. На вооружении ВВС Кении состоят четыре стандартных DHC-8 Series 100, которые используются для перевозок людей и грузов.


   Bombardier (de Havilland Canada) DHC-8 Dash 8 Series 100A

   Тип: ближнемагистральный пассажирский самолет
   Силовая установка: два ТВД Pratt & Whitney Canada PW120A мощностью по 2000 л. с.
   Летные характеристики: крейсерская скорость 491 км/ч на высоте 4570 м; начальная скороподъемность 450 м/мин; сертифицированный потолок 7620 м; дальность полета с макс. количеством пассажиров 1546 км
   Масса: пустого 10 250 кг; максимальная взлетная 15 650 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 25,91 м; длина 22,25 м; высота 7,49 м; площадь крыла 54,35 м1
   Полезная нагрузка: до 39 пассажиров или груз массой до 3810 кг

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  • Описание
  • Мировая Авиация 135

    20 июня 1983г.: первый полет экономичного короткофюзеляжного транспортного самолета de Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash 8 (C-GDNK), способного перевозить 30-40 пассажиров.

  • Авиация и Время 2001-06 / В.Беляев - Гражданская авиация на рубеже столетий (3)

    В настоящее время в мире эксплуатируется более 500 самолетов семейства DASH 8

  • Air Pictorial 1999-05

    Bombardier’s turboprop Dash 8 is still acquring orders, in spite of the increasing popularity of jet-powered regional aircraft. A total of 581 had been sold by March 1999, including 75 Series 200s, the type shown here.

  • Air International 1988-02 / D.Godfrey - Expanding Markets for the Dash 8

    The prototype Dash 8 Series 300 is a conversion of the first Series 100 airframe. Seating up to 56 passengers, the Series 300 cabin is 11 ft 3 in (3,4 m) longer than that of the 37/40-seat Series 100, and an increase of 5 ft (1,52 m) in wing span raises the aspect ratio of the new variant from 12-35 to 13-39:1.

  • Air International 1999-11 / D.Birch - Desert Classics /Commercial aviation/

    De Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash 8Q, A6-ADA, was the first of two of the type acquired by Ahu Dhabi Aviation, primarily for transferring oil industry personnel between onshore bases.

  • Air International 2008-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Athens-based Greek freighter operator Aeroland, which currently operates a fleet of four Cessna 208B Cargomasters, has now taken delivery of Dash 8-106, C-FRIY (c/n 351, ex N387BC) 'Island of Mykonos', which has become SX-BVE. The aircraft was previously operated by Caribbean Sun but was then stored at Quebec City after the airline ceased operations. It commenced its delivery flight from North Bay, Ontario, on January 26, 2008, routing via Goose Bay and Reykjavik, Iceland, to arrive at Rotterdam in the Netherlands on January 27. After a 30 minute fuel stop, it is seen here departing from Rotterdam for the next leg of its journey.

  • Air International 2016-11 / A.Spaeth - Northern Star /Commercial/

    Harsh conditions, as seen here at Nuuk, are a fact of life in Greenland. But in 2015 Air Greenland still carried 395,000 passengers and made a profit.

  • Air International 2016-11 / A.Spaeth - Northern Star /Commercial/

    Ex-Sabena A330-223 OY-GRN (msn 230) can only operate into Kangerlussuaq on the west coast, from where its passengers and cargo are distributed around Greenland using the Dash 8 fleet.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 - International - 1992

  • Air International 2007-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow

    Officially handed over to Air Nelson on January 23, 2007 for operation on New Zealand Link services was Bombardier Dash 8-Q311 ZK-NEP (c/n 634, ex C-FIOV). The aircraft is the 13th of the type to join the airline and is seen here on January 8 at Bombardier's facility at Toronto-Pearson undergoing final preparations for delivered.

  • Air International 2007-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Air New Zealand subsidiary Air Nelson confirmed on September 11, 2007 that it is to purchase two additional Bombardier Q300s to boost capacity in and out of Nelson and other regional centres. Delivery of the two additional aircraft will boost Air Nelson's Q300 fleet to 23 by May 2009. The airline currently has 17 of the type in service, with an 18th handed-over in Montreal on September 7 and due to enter service in October. A further three are also still outstanding from previous orders. Seen here outside the Bombardier hangar at Toronto/Lester B Pearson International Airport, Ontario, Canada, in Air New Zealand Link colours on July 18 is Air Nelson's 16th 0311, ZK-NET (c/n 6421 wearing test registration C-FJKQ. The aircraft left on delivery on the same day, arriving in Nelson on July 23.

  • Air International 2024-01 / M.Doran - Destination: Innovation

    To hit its zero emission targets, the airline plans to replace the Q300s with clean technology

  • Air International 2015-03 / N.Pittaway - The Secret of the Success /Commercial/

    Dash DHC-8-300 ZK-NET (c/n 642) at Napier, one of 23 used by Air Nelson for Air New Zealand Link operations.

  • Air International 2008-10 / J.Rodriguez - A New Dawn for Iberia /Commercial/

    Air Nostrum is an Iberia franchise operator and flies many of the latter's short-haul routes. This photo shows one of Air Nostrum's 19 Dash 8s. It also has five ATR 72s, eleven CRJ900s and 35 CRJ200s in its fleet.

  • Air International 2006-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Previously an all-HS.748/Andover operator, Nairobi, Kenya-based 748 Air Services took delivery of their first Dash 8 during August 2006. The former Horizon Air aircraft, Dash 8-102 N828PH (c/n 287), staged through Southend, Essex, on August 20 in the airline's new colours. The aircraft had routed from Ottawa/McDonald-Lester Pearson International Airport, Canada, via Goose Bay, Newfoundland - Narsarsuqi, Iceland - Reykjavik, Iceland - Southend. It is seen here departing Southend on August 21 for Pescara, Italy, en route to Nairobi/Wilson Field. Note that the company name is reversed to 'Air Services 748' on the starboard side, but applied normally as 748 Air Services on the port side.

  • Air International 1996-03 / Airscene

    Illustrating the new livery and name of Interot Airways, which changed its name to Augsburg Airways at the beginning of January 1996, is DHC-8 Dash 8-103 D-BIRT/Agnes Bernauer seen at Augsburg Airport on January 10, 1996. Repainting of the fleet began in the first week of the new year and D-BIRT re-entered service on January 8.

  • Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Former US Airways Express/Piedmont Airlines Bombardier Dash 8 Series 102 N835EX (c/n 289) departs Goderich/Sky Harbour Airport in Ontario, Canada, after repainting by Sky Harbour Aircraft Refinishing in the colours of Austrian operator Austrojet, the operating name of BFS Business Flight Salzburg. The aircraft had previously been stored at North Bay, Ontario, and returned to the Voyageur facility there via Buffalo, New York, after its respray for application of Canadian registration C-FNZM. It was then ferried to Austria on June 13-14, 2007 via Iqualuit, Greenland, Reykjavik, Iceland, and Newcastle, UK, to Salzburg, where it is now locally registered as OE-HWG as the first of the type for Austrojet.

  • Air International 2005-12 / E.Crump - Austrian arrows /Commercial/

    An Austrian Arrows Dash 8-Q300, OE-LTM, on approach to the airline's home base of Innsbruck. The company is still officially known as Tyrolean Airways, though the aircraft wear the brand name of Austrian arrows to reflect its ownership by Austrian, the nation's flag carrier.

  • Air International 2007-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Seen here passing through Rotterdam in the Netherlands on June 24, 2007 are former Caribbean Star Airlines Bombardier Dash 8-315s A6-ADD (c/n 627, ex V2-LGL) and A6-ADE (c/n 628, ex V2-LGM) on delivery to Abu Dhabi for the UAE Air Force. The aircraft had arrived from Frobisher Bay via Reykjavik and flew on via Corfu, Brindisi and Hurghada before arriving in Abu Dhabi on June 25. A total of four ex-Caribbean Star Dash 8-315s have been acquired by Abu Dhabi Aviation on behalf of the UAEAF for conversion to maritime patrol aircraft. The other two, A6-ADF (c/n 610, ex V2-LGJ), A6-ADG (c/n 624, ex V2-LGK), routed Goose Bay - Reykjavik - Newcastle - Brindisi - Hurghada - Abu Dhabi on June 30 - July 1.

  • Air International 2008-05 / E.Crump - Lufthansa Regional - European Networking /Commercial/

    Another German regional carrier with a connection to Lufthansa is Cirrus Airlines. It is not part of Lufthansa Regional, though it does fly some routes for the German flag-carrier. Asa result, this Dash 8 carries 'Partner of Lufthansa' titles near the rear passenger door.

  • Air International 1988-02 / D.Godfrey - Expanding Markets for the Dash 8

    German regional operator DLT is one of the few European operators of the Dash 8, the principal market for which, to date, has been in North America. Power plant for this Series 100 is a pair of Pratt & Whitney Canada PW 120s of 2,000 shp each, whereas the Series 300 uses 2,380 shp PW 123s.

  • Air International 2015-04 / D.Oliver - ECHO Flight /Commercial/

    One of the two ECHO Flight Dash 8 Series 102s (5Y-BTP) outside DAC Aviation's facility at Nairobi’s Wilson Airport.

  • Air International 2008-06 / Bruyn - Bunia Lifeline for Congo /Commercial/

    The European Union's Echo Flight also undertakes humanitarian work, with this Dash 8. The aircraftis pictured atGoma where it is based, but regularly visits Bunia.

  • Air International 2015-04 / D.Oliver - ECHO Flight /Commercial/

    ECHO Flight's Dash 8s operate from austere landing strips in remote areas of East Africa.

  • Air International 2007-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Seen here during taxi and run up trials at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Ontario, Canada, on July 5, 2007 is new production Bombardier Dash 8-315 C-FLKI (c/n 645), which is being prepared for delivery to HM Airways (Heli Malongo) of Luanda, Angola, which already operates two of the type.

  • Air International 2005-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow

    Seen passing through Glasgow on September 19, 2005 was Dash 8-315 C-FDHE (c/n 614) on delivery to Heli Malongo, a subsidiary of Chevron Oil, in Angola, where it will be registered D2-EYM. The aircraft is one of two that will be used to ferry oil workers around Angola, the first, D2-EYL (c/n 613, ex C-FDGW), also passed through Glasgow on August 27.

  • Air International 2008-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Bombardier Dash 8-Q311 C-FNEA (c/n 653), the first Q300 for Air Philippines/Island Holidays, taxies out at Toronto/Downsview Airport, Ontario, Canada, on November 25, 2007 for a test flight. The aircraft arrived in Manila after completing its delivery flight on December 11, now wearing registration RP-C3016. The aircraft is one of three on order, with options on a further three, under a contract signed on April 25, 2007. They will join a fleet currently made up of eight Boeing 737-200s. The next two Q300s are scheduled to join the airline in the first quarter of 2008.

  • Air Pictorial 1999-12 / Register Review

    G-JEDC, the first of four Dash 8-Q300s ordered by Jersey European Airways to replace Fokker F.27s, was delivered to Exeter on 3/10/99. The airline also has three Dash 8-Q200s and four Dash 8-Q400s on order

  • Air Pictorial 1992-01 / P.Clarke - Carribean Islander

    A Dash 8 of LIAT airlines calls into Montserrat.

  • Мировая Авиация 172

    Увеличенная вместимость самолетов Series 300 привлекла внимание таких компаний, как "Lufthansa City Line", что позволило снизить рентабельность авиаперевозок.

  • Air International 1995-11 / G.Jones - Northwest is Northbest

    Mesaba Airlines are a Northwest Airlines Airlink operator at Minneapolis/St Paul as well as at Detroit and Grand Rapids, its fleet including DHC-8s.

  • Air International 2015-11 / A.Spaeth - Greek Triumph /Commercial/

    Fourteen Dash turboprops, including four Dash 8-100s with 37 seats, serve 18 mostly smaller islands under the state-subsidised Public Service Obligation flights.

  • Air International 2015-11 / A.Spaeth - Greek Triumph /Commercial/

    Aegean runs Olympic Air as a 100% subsidiary with its own brand and a separate Air Operator Certificate.

  • Air International 1986-02

    A de Havilland Canada Dash 8 ready for delivery to Henson Aviation, a Piedmont commuter. De Havilland has now been purchased from the Canadian government by Boeing.

  • Air International 2021-09 / P.Eden, R.McKinney - Blue skies ahead

    The Dash 8 Series 100 accounts for ten of Ravn Alaska’s 11-strong fleet. It meets the carrier’s scheduled passenger and freight demands, as well as supporting charter operations

  • Air International 2021-09 / P.Eden, R.McKinney - Blue skies ahead

    Even bankruptcy couldn’t stop Ravn Alaska.

  • Air International 2021-09 / P.Eden, R.McKinney - Blue skies ahead

    This Dash 8 Series 300 is Ravn Alaska's latest fleet addition. Besides adding aircraft, the carrier is investing in the future of its Dash 8s - ordering five hydrogen-conversion kits from Universal Hydrogen

  • Air International 2023-01 / T.Batchelor - Brighter skies ahead?

    The Regional Airline Association (RAA) advocates on behalf of more than a dozen smaller carriers, among them Ravn Alaska (shown here) and Indianapolis-based Republic Airways

  • Air International 2021-09 / P.Eden, R.McKinney - Blue skies ahead

    A Ravn Dash 8 at Valdez Airport - a state-owned, public-use airport in eastern Alaska

  • Air International 2021-09 / P.Eden, R.McKinney - Blue skies ahead

    Looking immaculate on delivery to Ravn Alaska, Dash 8 Series 300 N151RA has spent much of its career on the Canadian and US registers

  • Air International 2021-09 / P.Eden, R.McKinney - Blue skies ahead

    Ravn Alaska currently serves 12 destinations from its Anchorage base, including Aniak, Cold Bay, Sand Point, King Salmon, Dillingham and Unalakleet

  • Air Pictorial 1998-03 / A.Owen - Civil markings of the world (3)

    The prefix PH has been the Dutch commercial marking since 1929. DH Dash 8 ’SDI was seen at London City in 1995.

  • Мировая Авиация 172

    Голландская "Schreiner Airways" эксплуатирует пять Dash 8 Series 300 от имени бельгийской компании SABENA. Они имеют одноклассную компоновку на 48 мест.

  • Air International 2009-01 / K.Bekele, B.Hales-Dutton - South African Airline Back In Profit /Commercial/

    A South African Express Airways Dash 8-Q300. This short-haul carrier flies a mix of Dash 8s and CRJ-200ERs on routes unprofitable for the mainline carrier's larger aircraft.

  • Мировая Авиация 172

    Австрийская "Tyrolean" получила свой первый Series 100 в мае 1985 года, а затем заказала модификации Series 300 и Series 400.

  • Air International 2008-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Dash 8-103 N810WP (c/n 363), previously operated by Island Air of Hawaii, on the ramp at Goderich, Ontario, on February 4, 2008 after respray by Sky Harbour Refinishing in the colours of its next operator. United Airways of Bangladesh. The second of these aircraft for United, it was registered to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest on November 30, 2007, and had arrived at Goderich for painting on January 12 from Quebec/Jean Lesage International Airport. It is now awaiting the arrival of a delivery flight crew. United commenced operations on July 10, 2007, with a single Dash 8-100, also ex-Island Air, whilst on February 11 the airline’s chairman and managing director, Captain Tasbirul Ahmed Choudhury, said that a Letter of Intent was signed with a Singapore-based company in January to lease an Airbus A310-300. Negotiations are also in progress for the lease of a Boeing 747-300.

  • Air International 2013-05 / News

    Noted at Niamey-Diori Hamani International Airport in Niger on April 4, 2013 was de Havilland Canada DHC-8-102 Dash 8 5Y-BVO (c/n 007, ex TR-LGX) operated for the United Nations Humanitarian Air Services for the World Food Programme. It is owned by Aircraft Leasing Services, based at Nairobi-Wilson Airport in Kenya, one of four operated by the company for the UN.

  • Air International 2011-09 / C.Kjelgaard - Nordic Networker /Commercial/

    Formed in 1934, Norway's Wideroe is part of the SAS Group and operates a fleet of 34 Dash 8s.

  • Air International 2008-04 / Talkback

    Entebbe Airport was the subject of a feature in the June 2007 issue, which reported its use by United Nations (UN) aircraft to transport relief supplies and personnel into the Democratic Republic of Congo. The airport is still used by the UN and this Dash 8-300, C-FIQT, of Voyageur Airways from Canada was pictured there recently.

  • Air International 2011-04 / News

    Anonymous looking Bombardier DHC-8-315 N570AW (c/n 570) was noted transiting Glasgow International Airport in Scotland on February 25, 2011. It is operated by the US Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Office of Aviation and arrived from CFB Goose Bay in Canada, with a refuelling stop at Narsarsuaq in Greenland. Its eventual destination is unknown, but is likely to be in Afghanistan or Iraq. The aircraft previously flew with Air Nostrum as PH-DMV before returning to Bombardier in October 2010 (and transiting Glasgow on the 21st of that month) prior to joining the Office of Aviation.

  • Air International 2011-05 / News

    Seen arriving at RAF Mildenhall, Norfolk, on March 23, 2011 was Bombardier DHC-8-202Q Dash 8 N349PH (97-0486, c/n 486) of the 524th Special Operations Squadron, 27th Special Operations Wing based at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. The aircraft was registered to Win-Win Services on February 11, 2010. The unit currently has four on strength.

  • Air International 2020-08 / M.Broadbent - Cutting a converted Dash

    Kenyan-based 748 Air Services is the launch customer for the Simplified Package Freighter option on the Dash 8-100.

  • Air International 2013-03 / News

    Arriving at Maastricht Airport in the Netherlands on February 10, 2013, was Bombardier DHC-8-315Q Dash-8 5N-TBB (c/n 613, ex D2- EYL) of TopBrass Aviation. The Nigerian airliner was in the Netherlands to undergo maintenance. It previously served with Heli Malongo Airways of Angola before delivery to its current operator in November 2011. TopBrass took delivery of a second DHC- 8-315Q (5N-TBA, c/n 608) in December 2012, enabling operations to continue while 5N-TBB is being worked on.

  • Air International 2015-03 / News

    Icelandic Coast Guard Dash 8-314Q TF-SIF taxies for departure from Norwich, Norfolk, on January 3, 2015.

  • Air International 2008-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Bombardier DHC-8-314 Q300 Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) C-FQWY (c/n 660), destined for the Landhelgisgaeslan (Icelandic Coast Guard), emerged from the production facility at Downsview Airport in Toronto, Ontario, on June 23, 2008. Ordered on May 7, 2007, to replace the Coast Guard's sole Fokker F27-200, it will be based at Reykjavik International Airport, carrying out maritime surveillance patrols, interdiction, search and rescue, and medevac missions. Dash 8 specialist Field Aviation has been contracted to install mission systems, long-range fuel tanks and an air-operable rear door to allow the dropping of rescue equipment and para-rescue personnel, plus launch tubes for flares and oil sampling buoys. The sensor suite will include a maritime surface-search radar, side-looking synthetic aperture radar (SLAR) and an electro-optic/infra-red camera pod controlled by an L-3 Systems integrated data handling system.

  • Air International 1999-05 / J.Haynes - All at Sea /Military aviation/

    Three de Havilland Canada Dash 8 Series 200As have been modified by Field Aviation Company Inc for use by Surveillance Australia on contract from the Australian Customs Service. They are fitted for EEZ patrol with a Texas Instruments surveillance radar in a ventral radome, an integrated tactical data system and a Wescam Optronics surveillance turret housing a Mitsubishi IRST and LLTV.

  • Air International 2008-01 / D.Willis - Bombardier's Special Mission Aircraft /Special missions/

    Surveillance Australia, based in Adelaide, has provided specialist aerial surveillance of the Australian exclusive economic zone since 1995 on a long-term contract to the Australian Customs Service. It is planning to increase the size of its Dash 8 fleet from its original five, to ten during 2008. They will comprise six Dash 8-202 and four of the Dash 8-315 longer endurance variant. All the aircraft will be fitted with improved sensors.

  • Air International 2020-12 / News: Commercial, Military

    The Dash 8s will serve the Dutch Coastguard in a variety of capacities

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    The new De Havilland Canada DHC-8-102MPA Dash 8 flies along the Dutch coastline, while the old Dornier-228-212 symbolically banks away from service.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dornier Do.228 - Германия - 1981

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    The RNLAF said farewell to its two Dornier 228-212 aircraft on November 3, 2022, and handed over the Dutch coast guard activities to ISR Europe B.V., operating two Dash 8 aircraft

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dornier Do.228 - Германия - 1981

  • Air International 2023-04 / L.Mennes, J.Lorraine - Orange is the new yellow

    The Netherland Coast Guard has operated both new fixed wing and helicopter assets since November 2022. ISR Europe B.V. operates two Dash-8 aircraft for maritime patrol from Schiphol airport

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.189 - International - 2011

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    The new Dash 8 is pushed back by ground personnel at Schiphol Airport for a new mission. The aircraft have been bought by PAL Aerospace, are operated by ISR Europe and maintained by Jet Support

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    Managing director Michel Versteeg of ISR Europe B.V. addresses the crowd during the official handover ceremony of the aircraft to the Netherlands Coast Guard on November 3, 2022

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    The Elta Maritime Search Radar with a 360-degree coverage is capable of detecting over 200 targets under the fuselage. Right behind the radar is the drop hatch from where the crew can cast a life raft, smoke markers and data buoys

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    The Sentient Vision Visual Detection and Ranging (ViDAR) optical Radar system with eight lenses is capable of detecting small objects in the water, unaffected by white caps

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    A close up of the L3Harris WESCAM MX-15HDI EO/IR imaging system, which is used for visual day and night identification by the mission commander on board

  • Air International 2023-03 / L.Mennes - Game changer

    A close up of the new ST Airborne Systems side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) for oil spill detection. The aircraft are also equipped with the ST Airborne Systems UV Scanner for substance determination, which is positioned at the end of the fuselage

  • Air International 2011-09 / J.Selman - Dynamic Aviation. A Legacy of Innovation /Paramilitary/

    This Dash 8-100 is fitted with an extensive suite of sensors all of which remain undisclosed. The aircraft is flown with US Army titles and is deployed to Afghanistan in support of US Central Command.

  • Air International 2018-05 / Airscene

    An unusual visitor to RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk on April 6, 2018, was this highly modified DHC-8-202 fitted with a variety of wide-area surveillance systems, imaging radars, signals intelligence equipment and electro-optical, infrared and hyperspectral cameras. Registered as N8200R (c/n 425) with Dynamic AvLease, Delaware, the company has been the nominal owner of several other extensively modified Dash 8s that have gone on to be assigned US Army serial numbers. However, those machines have been larger DHC-8-300 series aircraft. Aircraft N8200R departed south from Mildenhall the next day.

  • Air International 2018-06 / Airscene

    Unusual visitor to RAF Mildenhall on May 3, 2018 was this US Special Operations Command Dash 8 surveillance aircraft.

  • Air International 2014-10 / News

    Bombardier DHC-8-202Q ‘Dash-8’ N8200L (c/n 455, ex N455YV) arrived at Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport in Hungary on August 17, 2014 from operations in the US Central Command’s (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility. The next day, the aircraft operated by Dynamic Aviation on behalf of the United States Army, departed for Glasgow-Prestwick Airport in Scotland on its way to the US. It was replaced on operations by Q300 N8300L (c/n 352, ex ZS-NLY), which passed through Budapest one week earlier.

  • Air International 2015-05 / News

    The US Army wants to buy and modify five Dash Eights from contractors that currently fly government missions in Afghanistan such as Dash 8-315 N8300T (c/n 358) operated by Dynamic Aviation. The aircraft is seen at Glasgow-Prestwick Airport, Scotland on May 12, 2014.

  • Air International 2012-04 / News

    Noted at Glasgow International Airport in Scotland on February 19, 2012 was this modified Bombardier DHC-8-202Q N8200H (c/n 494, ex N801VA of Vision Airlines) of Dynamic Avlease of Bridgewater, Virginia, in US Army titles. The aircraft stopped off for fuel, arriving from Iceland and proceeding on to Germany en route to Afghanistan.

  • Air International 2014-09 / News

    Bombardier DHC-8-315 N8300L (c/n 352, ex ZS-NLY) arriving at Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport in Hungary on August 11, 2014. The aircraft was on its way east, having arrived from Glasgow-Prestwick Airport in Scotland, and departed Budapest the following day. It is owned by Dynamic Avlease Inc of Bridgewater, Virginia, but is operated on behalf of the US Army and carries the service's titles on its tail and forward fuselage. In addition to a threat-warning suite, the aircraft has a large satcom antenna on top of its forward fuselage and canoe-like sensor pods attached to its sides. Dynamic has at least six Dash-8 Srs 300s and N8300L is understood to be a replacement for another already operating in US Central Command’s area of responsibility.

  • Air International 2008-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    This new production Bombardier Dash 8-Q202 for the US Department of Homeland Security/Customs and Border Protection, carrying test registration C-FNZS (c/n 655), was seen at Toronto-Pearson International Airport, Ontario, Canada, on January 18, 2008, fresh out of the paint shop at the Bombardier Customer Delivery Centre in a new toned-down colour scheme.

  • Мировая Авиация 172

    По заказу канадских военных построены шесть специализированных самолетов Series 100: два BTC CC-142 (на фото) - с усиленным шасси и полом грузовой кабины, топливными баками увеличенной емкости и новым БРЭО; четыре CT-142 для подготовки штурманов (имеют удлиненную носовую часть фюзеляжа).

  • Air International 1988-02 / D.Godfrey - Expanding Markets for the Dash 8

    Unmarked with national insignia when this photograph was taken shortly before delivery, the CC-142 is a Canadian Armed Forces version of the Dash 8 Series 100. Two have been purchased for use on cargo and passenger transport duties in Europe in place of Dash 7s previously in service.

  • Air International 2007-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Provincial Aerospace Dash-8-102A maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) C-GRNN (c/n 314), wearing the colours of the Coast Guard for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, seen in Canada on July 18, 2007 after completion of conversion to MPA configuration. The aircraft formally took over surveillance duties around the island nations' coastlines on October 12, replacing two Royal Netherlands Air Force Fokker 60MPAs that had previously been undertaking these duties.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-02 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL

    Canadian Coast Guard Dash 8 Srs 100 with side-mounted environmental monitoring equipment (1999)

  • Air International 1988-02 / D.Godfrey - Expanding Markets for the Dash 8

    Distinguished by a large nose radome - here on an aerodynamic test-bed - the CT-142 version of the Dash 8 Series 100 is a navigational trainer for the CAF. Four are on order, in addition to the two CC-142 transports.

  • Air International 2008-01 / D.Willis - Bombardier's Special Mission Aircraft /Special missions/

    Dozens of Canadian and foreign student navigators are trained each year on the CT-142 at the Canadian Forces Air Navigation School, located at 17 Wing, Winnipeg. The CT-142 is a conversion of the Dash-8, adapted for navigation training by Bombardier in the late 1980s.

  • Мировая Авиация 70

    Характерным отличием учебно-штурманского самолета CT-142 является удлиненная носовая часть фюзеляжа, в которой установлена РЛС. CT-142 окрашен так же, как военно-транспортный CC-142.

  • Air International 2013-02 / News

    A rare and recent visitor to Norwich Airport in Norfolk, was de Havilland Canada DHC-8-102 N1000 (c/n 024) operated by Dynamic Aviation on behalf of the US Army. The aircraft is heavily modified to undertake surveillance missions. It arrived at Norwich from Souda Bay on Crete, via Budapest in Hungary, on November 29, 2012, and departed the following day for the United States via Wick in Scotland.

  • Air International 2006-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow

    Bombardier Dash 8-Q311 C-FEDJ (c/n 622) '501', the first for the Swedish Kustbevakning (Coast Guard), seen shortly after arrival at the Field Aviation facility at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Ontario, on April 29, 2006 after delivery from the Bombardier factory at Downsview, Toronto. The aircraft is the first of three on order and will now be fitted out in maritime surveillance configuration before delivery to Sweden next year.

  • Air International 2007-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil

    Swedish Kustbevakning (Coast Guard) Bombardier Dash 8-Q311 C-FEDJ/'5O1' (c/n 622) taxies out on March 29, 2007 at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Canada, for its first flight following conversion by Field Aviation to a maritime surveillance aircraft.

  • Air International 2008-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Kustbevakning (Swedish Coast Guard) Dash 8-Q311 KBV501/SE-MAA (c/n 622, ex C-FEDJ) arrives overhead Skavsta on May 8, 2008 at the end of its delivery flight from Canada, escorted by CASA 212 KBV583/SE-IVE. Three Dash 8s, converted to maritime surveillance aircraft by Field Aviation at its facility at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Canada, are being acquired to replace the Coast Guard's two CASA 212s. The remaining two, KBV502/SE-MAB (c/n 631,ex C-FJGS) and 503/SE-MAC (c/n 638, ex C-FHEG), are currently still being worked on by Fields.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: CASA C-212 Aviocar - Испания - 1971

  • Air International 2015-11 / D.Isby - Searchers & Hunters /Military/

    Three Q300s were modified as MPAs by Canada’s Provincial Aerospace for the Swedish Coast Guard.

  • Мировая Авиация 172

    Еще один эксплуатант военизированного варианта - Кения, располагающая тремя BTC Series 103.

  • Мировая Авиация 172

    Для ВВС США "Sierra Research" переоборудовала два планера в самолеты связи и управления E-9A (на фото) - для обеспечения практических пусков ракет в акватории Мексиканского залива (сбор телеметрических данных пусков ракет и их передача на наземные пункты управления), а также для проведения опытных, доводочных и войсковых испытаний ракет класса "воздух-воздух" и для загоризонтной ретрансляции. В состав БРЭО входят: установленная внизу по правому борту фюзеляжа РЛС AN/APS-143(V)-1 с ФАР поисковая РЛС APS-128D в подфюзеляжном обтекателе и аппаратура телеметрии и передачи данных.

  • Air International 2008-01 / D.Willis - Bombardier's Special Mission Aircraft /Special missions/

    Two E-9As, based on the Dash 8, are operated by the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron, based at Tyndall AFB, Florida. They are used in weapons evaluation programmes, primarily as a surveillance platform to ensure that the Gulf Coast waters are clear of civilian ships and aircraft during live missile firings.

  • Air International 2006-11 / D.Carrara - Phantom Targets - The USAF's Last F-4 Squadron /Military/

    Two QF-4s fly in formation with one of the unit's E-9As, which are used to check the sea to ensure there are no surface vessels in an area where missiles are due to be fired. They also record and relay missile and target telemetry. Below are two of the unit's MR-120 boats used to recover sub-scale drones.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F-4E / F-4F Phantom II - США - 1965

  • Air International 2023-06 / E.Kelly - Going green

    The Dash 8-400 will be the largest hydrogen fuel cell-powered aircraft ever to fly, which is due to take place at Grant County International Airport in Moses Lake, Washington

  • Air International 2023-07 / M.Broadbent - Taking flight

    Universal Hydrogen flew the DHC-8 with the company’s hydrogen fuel cell from Moses Lake in Washington State in March 2023