Vickers Vanguard / Type 72 / Type 103
Vickers - Vanguard / Type 72 / Type 103 - 1923 - Великобритания
Страна: Великобритания
Год: 1923

Единственный экземпляр
Vickers Type 56 Victoria, Type 264 Valentia и Type 72 Vanguard

   Единственный пассажирский самолет, Type 72 Vanguard, рассчитанный на 23 пассажира и оснащенный двумя ПД Napier Lion (позднее 650-сильными/485 кВт Rolls-Royce Condor III и переименованный в Type 103 Vanguard), начал службу в авиакомпании "Imperial Airways" в мае 1928 года.
   В конце 1928 года он был разбит в ходе испытаний, после доработки хвостового оперения по образцу самолета Type 170 Vanguard.
Единственный "Виккерс-103" "Вэнгард" являлся производной от наиболее распространенных военно-транспортных самолетов Королевских ВВС межвоенного периода "Виктория" и "Валентия". Имея пассажирскую кабину на 20 мест, он одно время был самым вместительным авиалайнером, применяемым на регулярных авиалиниях. "Вэнгард" потерпел катастрофу 16 мая 1929г. в Шеппертоне недалеко от Лондона, находясь в пользовании Британского авиационного министерства.
VICKERS TYPE 103 VANGUARD. Adoption of the name Vanguard by Vickers Armstrongs for their latest propjet transport recalls the original Type 103 Vanguard of 1922. The 1922 Vanguard was a civil development of the Victoria military troop transport and carried twenty-three passengers.
The prototype, G-EBCP, was handed over to Imperial Airways for evaluation, and it was used on the London-Paris-London daylight round trips. Proving flights were extended through 1927 and 1928. Eventually the Type 103 Vanguard was returned to Vickers, and on 16th May, 1929, G-EBCP crashed into the Thames near Shepperton, Middlesex, killing the Vickers test pilot , Scholefield. The Vanguard had an all-up weight of 17.600 lb., and was powered by two 600-h.p. Rolls-Royce Condors. Span was 88 ft.
WORLD'S LARGEST PASSENGER AEROPLANE: The Vickers "Vanguard," which is shortly to be handed over to Imperial Airways, Ltd., has accommodation for 20 passengers and luggage. The wing span is a little over 87 ft., and the length is 60 ft. Carrying a useful load of approximately two tons, the machine has a cruising speed of 100 m.p.h. The two engines are Rolls-Royce "Condors" of 650 h.p. each.
Vickers Vanguard G-EBCP stands in the foreground as the Avro Aldershots of No. 99 Sqn fly past at the 1925 pageant.
IMPERIAL AIRWAYS' NEW AIR LINER: On Tuesday, October 27, the Vickers "Vanguard," fitted with two Rolls-Royce "Condor" engines of 650 h.p. each, took up a party at the Croydon Aerodrome, when a complete luncheon was served on board. Very bumpy weather somewhat interfered with the enjoyment of the lunch. The machine was piloted by Major H. G. Brackley, Air Superintendent of Imperial Airways, and the Director of Civil Aviation, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker, acted as "spare pilot." The machine has seating accommodation for twenty passengers, and has a top speed of 112 m.p.h. Our photograph shows (1), front view of the machine; (2), a group of distinguished passengers, including, from left to right, Capt. Acland, Major Mayo, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker, Major Brackley, and Squadron-Leader Payn. (3), View of the machine in flight, and (4), Side view.