De Havilland Moth / D.H.60
De Havilland - Moth / D.H.60 - 1925 - Великобритания
Страна: Великобритания
Год: 1925

de Havilland DH.60 Moth
Flight, March 1925
Flight, January 1927
Flight, July 1928

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de Havilland DH.60 Moth

Идея относительно дешевого самолета для небогатых людей привлекала авиастроителей во все времена. Одним из первых примеров успешной реализации этой концепции стал аэроплан DH.60 Moth, который положил начало целому семейству самолетов Moth, в корне изменившему британскую авиацию в 1920-1930 годах. Прототип DH.60 впервые взлетел 22 февраля 1925 года с рядным мотором ADC (Airdisco) Cirrus I мощностью 60 л.с. (45 кВт) - фактически "половинкой" V-образного мотора Airdisco мощностью 120 л.с. (90 кВт). Аэроплан оказался настолько удачным, что Министерство авиации решило субсидировать пять аэроклубов, оснащенных этими машинами. Первые из них поставили аэроклубу Ланкашира в июле 1925 года, всего через пять месяцев после полета прототипа. В тот год построили 20 DH.60, на следующий год - 35. Вскоре к британским заказчикам прибавились покупатели из Австралии и Японии. Последовали и военные заказы от Министерства авиации и авиакорпуса Ирландии. После демонстрационных полетов Алана Кобхэма на гидросамолете Moth в США там заключили договор о серийном производстве машины.
   В 1926 году мотор Cirrus форсировали до 85 л.с. (63 кВт), назвали его Cirrus II и установили на DH.60. Одну машину построили для проведенного в 1926 году Министерством авиации конкурса легких самолетов в Лимпне, оснастив ее звездообразным мотором Armstrong Siddeley Genet мощностью 75 л.с. (60 кВт). Позже ее использовали для высшего пилотажа. Модель следующего года DH.60X снова улучшили, увеличив размах и присвоив название Cirrus II Moth.
   Были установлены рекорды, совершены дальние перелеты, заказы продолжали поступать. Центральная летная школа ВВС закупила шесть экземпляров машины с моторами Genet, авиакорпус Ирландии - еще две. Cirrus II Moth также поставлялись многочисленным иностранным заказчикам.

Flight, March 1925

60 H.P. "Cirrus" Engine

   FROM whichever point of view one regards it, the de Havilland "Moth" must be considered a very fine little aeroplane. It may be argued that it is not a light plane, in the sense of the term that has come to be commonly accepted, but it is a low-power aeroplane with a good performance, and it is hoped to be. although naturally this still has to be proved, one of the most reliable little machines of modern times. In fact, the first aim of the designers of machine as well as engine has been this particular feature. The engine, the Aircraft Disposal Company's "Cirrus," described and illustrated in FLIGHT last week, is of fairly large capacity (4,500 c.c), and is capable of flying the machine quite strongly without being run at its maximum permissible "revs." This, naturally, means that there is a good power reserve to enable the machine to take off from a reasonably small field, so that the "Moth," as the new machine is called, will, both on this account and also because of the fairly high top speed which enables headway to be made against a head wind, be well suited to cross-country flying or touring. In fact, the "Moth" is distinctly more than an "aerodrome machine" (i.e., an aeroplane mainly used for short flights in the vicinity of an aerodrome), and should, provided the reliability proves as good as expected, be extremely useful for a variety of purposes. The designers naturally hope that it will be adopted for use by the light 'plane clubs, as it is particularly suitable for school work and "joy-riding," but one can foresee a number of other uses to which the "Moth" can be put. As a fairly low-priced machine for the owner-pilot the type should have much to recommend it, especially as its construction is of the simplest and most straightforward, while the "Cirrus" engine is so much of the motor-car type that anyone with motor-car experience should easily be able to look after it. Moreover, the engine has been designed to give very long service without overhaul, so that the maintenance should be well within the capabilities of the average motorist. Then there is the question of the employment of low-power aeroplanes in the Dominions. Here, also, the "Moth" should be extremely useful, as its performance enables it to fight adverse weather conditions, while its landing speed is low enough to enable the machine to be put down in a small field. Altogether, therefore, if orders are forthcoming in sufficient numbers to allow of placing it on a production basis, one can foresee a very bright future for the de Havilland "Moth." There is still the question of the Air Ministry airworthiness certificate, but we understand that the second machine, now nearing completion, is being built under A.I.D. supervision, and that, therefore, the type may confidently be expected to be "approved."
   On Monday of this week the De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., had invited a number of press representatives to visit the Stag Lane works in order to inspect the "Moth" and to watch it flying. The aerodrome was in a deplorable condition after the incessant rains, and the "Moth" sank in up to its axle in the mud, but for all that it got off with a relatively short run, and, once in the air, the climb was extremely good. A large number of passengers were carried, and incidentally the visitors were, probably quite unconsciously, paying a tribute to the "Cirrus" engine by waiting their turn for a "flip," the thought never occurring to them that the engine might refuse work.
   We were among the passengers carried during the day, and perhaps a few impressions may be of interest. The machine got away very well, and once off, Mr. Broad, the well-known de Havilland test pilot, climbed her at 1,800 r.p.m. and an air speed of 50-55 m.p.h., at which speed she rapidly gained height. The day was somewhat bumpy, but the "Moth” appeared to rise and fall on an even keel, and no tendency to pitching was observed. In a series of steep curves it was observed that the amount of aileron movement was very small, an indication that, although only the lower plane is fitted with ailerons, lateral control is ample. In normal straightforward flying the ailerons were used surprisingly little, the large dihedral evidently being sufficient to give good stability, yet not so large as to make the machine "wallow." As there was no control stick fitted in the forward cockpit we were not able to ascertain how much elevator control is required, but observation from the ground did not reveal any large movement in ordinary manoeuvres. The rudder bar in the forward cockpit moved very little indeed, so that presumably the large rudder is very effective, and should help very materially to give control at or near the stalling angle.
   The front cockpit proved most comfortable, and by keeping one's face fairly close to the wind screen no appreciable draught was felt, and it was found unnecessary to wear goggles. As soon as one attempted to look over the side, however, the wind was felt, and probably a slightly wider wind screen might be an improvement. The "Cirrus" engine had a most reassuring note, and at no time did one have the slightest idea that it was likely to stop or to give any trouble at all. There was a very marked absence of vibration, and altogether the "Cirrus" sounded and ran more like a "six” than a “four." The noise was very slight, certainly not sufficient to produce that "deafness" which sometimes accompanies sitting behind a larger engine, but it seems likely that still more can and will be done to make the engine even more silent. When throttled down to land it was wholly delightful to float into the aerodrome at about 30 ni.p.h. ground speed. One had the feeling that there was plenty of time to think things over and to decide exactly where to land, and we fancy that when used as a school machine, this feature will be found a most valuable one. ns it can scarcely fail to inspire pupils with confidence.
   At the moment it has not been possible, owing to the unsettled weather, to carry out proper performance tests with the "Moth." but preliminary Tests seem to indicate that the top speed will probably be roughly 90 m.p.h. (144 kms./h.) and the stalling speed about 38 m.p.h. (61 kms./h.). The manoeuvrability appears excellent, and on Monday Mr. Broad repeatedly looped the machine, as well as doing Immelmann turns and spins.
   With these general remarks on the "Moth," we may turn to a more detailed description of the machine. Simplicity and robustness are the main features of the de Havilland "Moth." or D.H.60, to give the machine its official type designation. The number of fittings used, for example, has been reduced to an absolute minimum, and such few as are employed are of very simple form, cheap to manufacture and not likely to require much attention during use. The fuselage, for instance, is a box composed of four longerons, straight plain vertical and horizontal struts, and the whole covered with sheet ply-wood. This type of construction has now been employed for many years by Capt, de Havilland, and has stood the test of time. In actual use it stands up well to fairly rough handling and at the same time it is a form of construction comparatively cheap both in small numbers and in large quantities. The sides and bottom are flat, but the top is deeply cambered. The struts in sides and bottom are not directly attached to the longerons, but are held in place by the three-ply covering, whereas the top (which is, of course, open under the fairing) has its struts secured by angle brackets and bolts to the top longerons, as shown in a sketch.
   The two cockpits are arranged in the usual fashion, that at the rear being normally intended for the pilot, although when dual controls are fitted the machine can, of course, be flown from either cockpit provided the machine is trimmed by carrying a passenger, or equivalent load, in the rear cockpit. From the side elevation and photographs it will be seen that the view from the rear cockpit is very good, and we can personally testify to the excellence of the view from the front cockpit. The seat is comfortable and the cockpit exceptionally roomy for such a small machine. It is intended to fit a speaking tube in the cockpit, so as to facilitate communication between pilot and passenger or pupil. On the first machine this had not yet been fitted, but we understand that it will probably have been installed by now. Access to the front cockpit is facilitated by a small door in the coaming, which allows of stepping from the lower plane into the cockpit without any great difficulty. When closed the door is kept in place by a simple spring-loaded bolt, which can easily be withdrawn by the passenger himself.
   The undercarriage is ot the plain V-type, with the rear "legs" in the form of telescopic tubes sprung by rubber blocks working in compression. The rubber is enclosed in a cylindrical metal casing, so that the light is kept away from it, and it should thus last almost indefinitely. The travel on the legs is not long, some 4 ins. or so, but appears to be ample, and the machine displayed not the slightest tendency to bounce. Of course, pupils cannot be expected to make landings like those made by Mr Broad, but it seems likely that even in the hands of a novice the "Moth" should not be difficult to land.
   The "Cirrus" engine has its four "feet" resting on the top longerons, which are specially strengthened for the purpose, and a very neat cowling surrounds all but the top of the cylinders, in the first machine the exhaust pipe is crossed over the top of the fuselage, to run along the starboard side, but in subsequent machines it will run straight down along the port side, and the door to the front cockpit will be to starboard. The two long breather pipes of the crank-case are hidden inside the engine cowling, and help materially to keep the machine clean. The oil-filler cap, incorporated with the breather pipes, projects through the cowling, and thus allows of replenishing the sump without disturbing anything. The carburettor is placed on the side, above the cowling, where, in case of a backfire setting any small quantity of petrol on fire, it is removed from any inflammable part of the machine, and is, moreover, exposed to the rush of air. A small metal shield serves to prevent the carburettor from getting too cold. The petrol supply (15 gallons normally) is carried in the gravity tank on the top centre section, and there are thus no petrol pumps to get out of order. The oil is carried in the sump of the engine. The petrol carried in the standard tank is sufficient for about 5 hours at cruising speed, or something like 325-350 miles. It is, however, of interest to note that if the machine does not carry a passenger, and a petrol tank is built into the fuselage, the petrol capacity can be increased to suffice for about 12 hours' flying. A hand-starter, operated by a lever in the pilot's cockpit, enables the engine to be started without outside assistance, as was repeatedly demonstrated on Monday last by Mr. Broad.
   The wing construction is extremely simple, with I-section spars, spindled out from the solid, and with very simple ribs. The wing bracing is in the form of streamline wires, and there is but one pair of inter-plane struts on each side. The wings have been designed to fold, an operation occupying but a few minutes, and in the folded state the machine only occupies a width corresponding to the span of the tail plane, or approximately 9 ft. Ailerons are fitted to the bottom plane only, in order to make them more accessible, but the lateral control appears to be sufficient. The ailerons are hinged at the top of the spar, instead of on the centre line, and thus it has been possible to cover the gap between wing and aileron with a fabric strip.
   A detailed weight specification is not available, but we learn that the weight of the machine empty is 764 lbs. Allowing 160 lbs. each for pilot and passenger, about 60 lbs. for luggage and 100 lbs. for petrol, the total loaded weight should thus be in the neighbourhood of 1,250 lbs.

Flight, January 1927

More Powerful Engine and Many Refinements Incorporated

   FOR the first time in the history of aviation, at any rate in the history of British aviation, it has become possible to speak of a new "model" of an aeroplane, in the sense in which the word is used in connection with motor cars, and not as we generally use it in connection with aviation. The de Havilland "Moth" has now reached a stage when it is not a question of a machine that will do its job with an engine of such and such a power, but of what sort of little comforts, what minor refinements, what colour schemes, etc. would the purchaser like. That in itself marks, we think, a definite step in the evolution of the private owner's aeroplane. The de Havilland "Moth" started life with the advantage of lines pleasing to the eye, and in that respect it has remained unchanged. In many details, important to the machine as an aeroplane, and others of value more from the user's point of view, the process of evolution has been at work, with the net result that the 1927 "Moth" marks a very considerable advance on earlier models. Yet this general improvement has not been accompanied by an increase in cost. In fact, exactly the reverse has happened, and the machine is being marketed this year at a price of ?730.
   Taking improvements first, perhaps the greatest change in the 1927 "Moth" is the fitting as standard of the new "Cirrus" Mark II engine in place of the Mark I fitted on the old model. The new engine (which was described and illustrated in FLIGHT of November 11, 1926) is slightly lighter in weight than the Mark I, but its power output is considerably greater, and there is no reason to doubt that the enviable reputation for reliability established by the older model will be worthily maintained by the new. The extra power is naturally reflected in the performance of the 1927 "Moth," which is considerably better than that of the Mark I engine type. Thus the following performance figures are guaranteed: Top speed, 98 m.p.h. (158 km./h.); cruising speed, 75-80 m.p.h. (120-130 km. h.); rate of climb at ground level, 625 ft. per min. (3-18 m. per sec.); ceiling, 15,000 ft. (4,570 m.). These performances relate to a total loaded weight of 1,265 lb. (575 kg.). At the same time the machine is very economical in fuel and oil, the average mileage being 20 miles per gallon (2-8 litres per kilometre). The oil consumption is only 1 pint (about 0-5 litre) per hour. Mention should also be made of the fact that the "Cirrus" engine runs perfectly on ordinary petrol as obtainable at any garage, so that the private owner need never worry about his fuel supplies. This has been well demonstrated during the flight of Stack and Leete to Karachi, which was carried out on any petrol available along the route.
   Statistics compiled from data relating to the flying of "Moths" over something like three-quarters of a million miles show that the cost of upkeep of the machine is, on an average, but a fraction of a penny per mile, this being a result of the special form of construction employed, which is of simple form and very robust.
   Of minor improvements mention should be made of the greater comfort of the cockpits, a more artistic lay-out, with instrument board finished in dull cellulose finish, a small pocket above the dashboard for the stowage of gloves, pipes, maps, and even - yes, why not ? - powder puffs. The luggage compartment behind the aft cockpit now opens into the cockpit itself, and does not have a "hatch" in the deck, as it was found that users sometimes forgot to fasten this, with the result that it flew open when the machine was in the air, although there is no record of week-end cases having been deposited on unsuspecting victims below. A new type of windscreen is being fitted, although those shown in our photographs are, it should be pointed out, of the old pattern. Altogether the 1927 "Moth" is a thoroughly "eyeable" machine, apart from its robustness and reliability, and the factor which it is so important to cultivate in the case of automobiles: pride of ownership, can very justly be applied to the first British standardised private aeroplane.
   As regards the question of cost, the price reduction has been made possible by putting the "Moth" on a quantity production basis. Not, of course, on the scale that automobiles are produced in quantities, but by making a close study of details and setting a shop aside entirely for the production of "Moths." Somewhat elaborate jigs have been made which facilitate the construction of the fuselage, the sides, top and bottom being erected on one of these jigs, the complete fuselage shell leaving the jig absolutely accurate and ready to have the controls, seats, engine mounting, etc., installed. The de Havilland works even boast a chute for the rapid transport of parts from stores to erecting shop. Doubtless the endless belt conveyor will come in time!

Flight, July 1928

A.D.C. "Cirrus" Engine

   THE X type "Moth" designed by The de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., is one of the most well-known two-seater light aeroplanes. It can be fitted with land undercarriage, skis or floats, and in these three forms is suitable for undertaking a great variety of duties.
   Fuselage. - This is of three-ply construction with spruce longerons and web members. The passenger is situated between the planes with the pilot at his immediate rear. Full dual control is fitted, the forward "joy-stick" being detachable and the remaining gear being covered up by a robust hinged cowling.
   Wings. - Arranged in the form of a single-bay equal-span biplane, the structure, with the exception of tubular drag struts and wires, is of spruce, and is of orthodox design. The wings fold easily against the fuselage by the swinging into position of two jury struts and the withdrawal of four spring-loaded bolts.
   Engine Installation. - The A.D.C. "Cirrus" engine is bolted direct to the fuselage sides. A streamline petrol tank in the top centre section feeds the carburettor by gravity. Two gallons of oil are carried in the sump, no tank being required. Special attention has been paid to the accessibility of all engine accessories - filters, magnetos, carburettor, etc. Starting up by swinging the propeller is made an easy operation by the installation of an impulse starter on one magneto.
   Undercarriage. - The chassis is of conventional design, having the usual axle, radius rods, bracing cables and shock-absorber legs. The latter are fitted with rubber compression blocks housed in a circular tubular casing, 600 x 100 mm. wheels and tyres are fitted as standard.
2 февраля 1925г.: первый полет выполнил двухместный биплан de Havilland DH.60, G-EBKT, поднятый в воздух Джеффри де Хевилендом и положивший начало удачному семейству самолетов de Havilland Moth. 29 мая Алан Кобхэм пролетел на первом прототипе 1609 км от Кройдона до Цюриха и обратно зо один день. В июле самолет принял участие в гонках на Королевский кубок. Жизнь этого аэроплана была недолгой - он разбился в 1927 году.
The Original "CIRRUS" Mark I Number 1 in the first D.H. "MOTH."
Makers of light plane history. The first D.H. 60 Moth, G-EBKT, with 60 h.p. Cirrus engine. This machine was De Havilland's interpretation of what a light aeroplane should be like. The machine was produced in 1925.
Two De Havilland "Moths" with 65 h.p. "Cirrus" engines are taking part in the King's Cup race. One has been entered and will be piloted by Cap. G de Havilland, and the other has been entered by Sir Charles Wakefield and will be flown by Mr. Alan J. Cobham. The machine shown in our photograph is the one entered by Sir Charles Wakefield.
THE DE HAVILLAND "MOTH": Three-quarter front, side, and three-quarter rear views, and, inset, the machine in flight
LONDON-ZURICH AND BACK IN A DAY: The De Havilland "Moth" (D.H. 60) light 'plane, fitted with a 60 h p "Cirrus" engine, on which Alan Cobham flew from London to Zurich and back in a day. The "Cirrus," which is manufactured by the Aircraft Disposal Co., is a 4-cyl. "in line" (vertical) air-cooled engine.
THE D.H. "MOTH": The machine being seen having its wings spread from the folded position in readiness for flight
THE KING'S CUP: The first away on Friday were two D.H.60 "Moths" - G-EBKT, piloted by A. J. Cobham, and G-EBKU, piloted by Capt. de Havilland - shown taking off.
THE D.H. "MOTH": The machine being seen in full flight, photographed from another aeroplane.
EXAMINING THE ESCORTS: Visitors surround the D.H. "Moths," six of which went out to meet Cobham over Sevenoaks, one of them, piloted by Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland, carrying Mrs. Cobham. Owing to poor visibility, the "Moths" failed to get close to Cobham's machine, and arrived back at Croydon some little time after Cobham had landed.
"CRAZY-FLYING" AT NOTTINGHAM: Sqdn.-Leader Jack Noakes demonstrating the error of ordinary aerodynamic theory on the first de Havilland "Moth" ever built, the faithful old "Katie" (KT).
OPENING OF LONDON AEROPLANE CLUB: Sir P. Sassoon about to make a flight in one of the "Moths," with Mr. Sparks as pilot.
At the Lancashire Aero Club Aerodrome: Behind the De Havilland "Moth" are seen Sir Charles Wakefield, Bart., President of the L.A.C.; Mr. John Leeming, Chairman of the Club; Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary of State for Air; Mr. Cantrill, one of the club's flying instructors. In the cockpit, Mr. Scholes, the club's chief instructor.
The Shuttleworth Trust’s D.H.Moth G-EBLV over Old Warden in June 1974.
D.H.60 Moths G-EBLV and G-ATBL photographed from a third near Old Warden by Air Portraits.
DH 60 Moth, G-EBLV.
Hawker Tomtit K1786 and DH Moth G-EBLV.
THE "MIDLAND MOTH": Capt. W. J. McDonough and the green D.H. "Moth" entered by Maj. Gilbert Dennison (Midland Aero Club). McDonough put up a plucky fight, and stuck it to the bitter end.
"Hurry up Sparkie": Mr. R. A. Loader, while seated in his megaphone, shouts instructions through his "Austin Seven."
THE RACE FOR THE LADIES' PURSE: The photograph shows the three machines lined up for the start
Flying in a Thunderstorm: Mr. S. F. Mathews during the Talbot O'Farrell Race, flying "Moth" MF, an old-timer with Mark I "Cirrus" engine.
THE WINNER OF THE FIFTH KING'S CUP RACE: Capt. H. S. Broad takes off on the white and red D.H. "Moth" at the start on Friday. Inset, the "Moth" is shown "Crossing the line" at the finish on Saturday.
AN EASTER TOUR ON A D.H. "MOTH": These photographs show Mr. D. Kittel in the cockpit of his machine, and inset, starting on his flight.
THE LYMPNE OPEN HANDICAP: 5. The white de Havilland "Moth."
Land's End to John O'Groats in a "Moth": Colonel the Master of Sempill enjoys a refreshing cup of tea after his recent flight from Land's End to John O 'Groats in the King's Cup D.H. "Moth" G-EBMO. He covered the 630 miles in 8 hrs. 14 mins., making a brief halt at Shotwick en route.
DE Havilland Cirrus I Moth G-EBMO, piloted by Hubert Broad, won the 1926 King’s Cup Race. It was subsequently fitted with the first production Cirrus II engine of 85 h.p. and, on 16 November, left Croydon for India, flown by T. Neville Stack and accompanied by B. S. Leete in G-EBKU, the second prototype Moth. After reaching India in December the two Moths - the first to be seen in the subcontinent - went on a joyriding tour. G-EBMO was sold in India in June 1927, and ’KG crashed at Calcutta the following month. Stack (left) and Leete are seen here with ’MO in front of a rather distinctively marked hangar.
THE LANCASHIRE AIR PAGEANT: Line-up of six "Moths" for the start of the Inter-Club Members' Race. This was won by Mr. Lacayo, on the Lancashire Aero Club's G-EBLV.
Hooton Air Pageant: Mr. R. Williams dropping over the temporary fence in the landing competition on Moth "MQ". His fellow club member, Mr. Costa, tried on the same machine, and got second place to Mr. Will Hay.
FLYING AT MANCHESTER: Bombing the Arab Fort at the L.A.C. Display; left, a "Moth" makes a machine-gun attack: right, the Arab "scouts" during a lull in the attack.
At Stag Lane Aerodrome on Tuesday of this week, Sir Charles Wakefield, Bart., presented to representatives of the Lancashire Aero Club the de Havilland "Moth" generously promised the Club at a luncheon in Manchester in November last. In our group will be recognised Colonel Edwards of the Air Ministry, Sir Charles Wakefield, Commander H. Perrin, Mr. John Leeming, Chairman of the'Lancashire Club, and Colonel Darby, whose firm built the "Cirrus" engine with which the "Moth" is equipped. The flying pictures show the "Moth" being stunted by Capt. Broad, the well-known de Havilland pilot.
G-EBMP on its nose afer an incident at Stag Lane, possibly in 1926. Inset "D.H." himself. Geoffrey de Havilland seated in a Moth of the Newcastle upon Tyne Aero Club at Stag Lane.
20 Moths basking in the summer sun, lunchtime, June 3, 1927.
MASS PRODUCTION AT STAG LANE: This assembly of twenty "Moths" was taken at Stag Lane recently, and with the exception of getting them lined up no previous arrangements had been made for their presence. The group includes those owned by Lady Bailey, Lord Ossulston, the Hon. Geoffrey Cuncliffe, Capt. W. R. Bailey, Mr. D. Kittel and Capt. Eric Hayes.
FLYING IN 1909 AND STILL GOING STRONG: Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland, one of our pioneer designers and pilots, still flies whenever there is an opportunity. He is here seen on one of the "Moths," having a look at the recent snow from above.
"Designer, Entrant, and Pilot, too!": Capt. G. de Havilland not only entered one of his "Moths" for the King's Cup Race, but flew it himself. This machine had a new "Cirrus II" engine, and Capt. de Havilland was making excellent progress until forced out of the race by a very minor defect - a broken oil pipe.
THE BOURNEMOUTH AVIATION MEETING: The Ensbury Park Low Power Handicap (Saturday). Top, Mrs. Eliott-Lynn (right) and S.L.F. St. Barbe flying their "Moths," in the first heat. Bottom, Capt. de Havilland on his Cirrus II "Moth," winning the final of this race.
A D.H.50 FOR NEW ZEALAND: This machine has been ordered for survey work, the cabin being specially arranged for the taking of photographs. Our picture shows the 50 on a test flight, piloted by Captain Broad, shortly before its despatch to the Antipodes. In the background is seen a "Moth," piloted by Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland himself.
THE "KILL-JOY" TROPHY: A line-up of the machines.
The line-up for the start of the “Kill-Joy” race with three S.E.5As at the far end.
THE BOURNEMOUTH AVIATION MEETING: The line up for the first event on Sunday - the Private Club Handicap, won by Capt. de Havilland's "Moth" (the third machine on the left).
One of the memories of the Orly meeting for the French and Germans (to judge from their impressions) will be of the stunting display of Flying-Officer Atcherley on the Genet-Moth, the first of that type ever constructed. (Inset left) Flying-Officer Atcherley, and (inset right) shows the machine in a slow roll, whilst in the centre is evidence of the reception he got after the display.
"STAR TURN" AT NORTHAMPTON: Flying Officer R. L. R. Atcherley in a conventional position (for him) on his back in Flight-Lieut. Soden's "Genet-Moth" "OU" during a roll. He "shot up" the large crowd at Syweil on Saturday in his usual way, diving low and clearing with climbing rolls.
SECOND AND ALSO FIRST: Lieut. L. G. Richardson, second in the King's Cup and first in the Siddeley Trophy, starting from Heston (left) and finishing. Below, Richardson and Atcherley being greeted on landing at Heston.
The President of the Suffolk Club, the Hon. Lady Bailey, is here seen in an active position on her own "Moth," in which she took a large share in the joyriding work that was carried out continuously at the meeting at Hadleigh.
THE BRISTOL AIR PAGEANT: A portion of the "Parade." Nearest the camera is a de Havilland "Cirrus-Moth." Ahead of that a Westland "Cirrus-Widgeon," an Avro "Cirrus-Avian" and a Blackburn "Genet-Bluebird."
BRISTOL CLUB'S AIR DAY: These are two general views of the machines which took part at the meeting at Filton, giving an idea of how representative the machines were of the light aeroplane class.
THE MIDLAND CLUB "AT HOME": Two views taken on the occasion of a successful aerial "At Home," held last Sunday, at Castle Bromwich, showing some of the machines lined up for a handicap race for three cups presented by the Club Council.
TO 18,000 FT.: The Honourable Lady Bailey (right), accompanied by Mrs. Geoffrey de Havilland, last week succeeded in establishing a new world's record for light 'planes by ascending to 18,000 ft. in a De Havilland "Moth X."
THE HAMPSHIRE AIR PAGEANT: Event 4, the Light Aeroplane Utility Race for the "Flight" Cup. The winners; (left), Flight-Lieut. G. I. Thomson and his passenger, Mr. McCracken, of the Hampshire Club. They wheeled their "Moth" out of its "hangar" (top), unfolded its wings, took off, flew one circuit, landed, re-folded, and pushed the machine back in the hangar (bottom) all in 7 mins. 14 secs.
AT THE ROTTERDAM LIGHT 'PLANE MEETING: The take-off and landing competition. 1. Miss O'Brien taking off.
DISFIGURATION: At the last House Dinner of the Royal Aero Club, Mr. C. R. Fairey referred to the manner in which the lines of an aeroplane are spoiled by registration letters. These two photographs rather bear out Mr. Fairey's contention. A motor car with registration letters "as large as the surface will permit" would probably not be easy to sell.
THE 1927 MODEL "MOTH": This three-quarter front view shows the type of machine that has been standardised for the present year, and which incorporates several refinements.
Flying over Sydney: This photograph shows Maj. H. de Havilland, D.S.O., flying a "Cirrus-Moth" during his visit last year.
DE HAVILLAND SPORTS: Some snaps from a highly successful meeting. Giving 2s. 6d. joy rides on a "Moth"
TWO "MOTHS": Pope on PR leading Broad on QH in Hotels Association Sweepstake, first heat.
G-EBQH. A high performance two-seater Moth, the property of Mr. A. S. Butler, Chairman of The de Havilland Aircraft Company Limited. Fastest time for light aircraft in King's Cup Race, 1929. Top speed 120 m.p.h. Standard Gipsy engine, racing undercarriage, Compass. Faired and streamlined throughout. C. of A. to September, 1930. Price ?575.
SUFFOLK CLUB'S AIR DAY: (2) Capt. "Jerry" Shaw does his share of the joy-riding work in the Shell "Arom."
Northern Air Transport's blue and silver D.H.60X Moth, G-EBRI, photographed at Barton in September 1932. In December 1939 'RI was impressed into the RAF as X5128.
PAGEANT OF PROGRESS: The leader is a "cave-man"with a "cave-man's" alleged form of transport, of which one doubts the historical accuracy. He is followed by the "penny-farthing" bicycle motor-cycle, racing car and Avro "Avian" piloted by Lady Heath.
A NEW PARACHUTE: The D.H. "Moth" was, as usual, ready to assist by providing a "wind" to open the parachute on the ground. In the group are Air Ministry representatives and other experts. Behind the cords and hatless is Mr. C. A. Pike, who piloted the D.H.9 for the occasion. Miss June, the well-known parachutist, is on the left facing the camera.
Three months after the Cinque Ports Flying Club purchased D.H.Moth G-EBSS, a newly qualified pilot came to grief in it. He was aerobatting in the vicinity of Lympne and had completed two loops, but had difficulty recovering from a roll. While upside down he was thrown from the aircraft and killed. G-EBSS dived vertically into the ground close by.
G-EBTD - это Moth, оснащенный двигателем Gipsy и налетавший около 600 часов в 1928-1929 годах при выполнении только текущего технического обслуживания. Такая надежность оказалась отличной рекламой для Gipsy Moth.
The photograph shows Capt. Broad behind the Sealed Gipsy Engine which has completed 502.3 flying hours (apart from running up and taxying, which is approximately another 43.75 hours) or 42,695 MILES.
During 1929 D.H.60 Moth G-EBTD was fitted with a sealed Gipsy I engine and flown for 600hr, covering a distance of 51,000 miles. The engine received only routine maintenance and at the end of the reliability test the cost of replacement parts was a little more than £7.
The sealed Gipsy engine test Moth G-EBTD.
G-EBTD. (The Reliability Tour Moth.) The identical Gipsy Moth which has just concluded the record total of 600 flying hours with completely sealed engine. Aircraft and engine now completely overhauled and reconditioned throughout. Telephones fitted. C. of A. for 12 months. A chance to acquire a machine which has made flying history, Price ?425.
Mr. Geoffrey de Havilland, Jr., adds a few more hours to EBTD's score.
1,000 HOURS BETWEEN OVERHAULS: A few years ago this would have appeared out of the question. Yet the de Havilland "Gipsy" engine, in a "Moth," has just completed 600 hours, so that we are well on the way. One of these photographs shows, Mr. Eadon, who has sat behind the "Gipsy" during a large proportion of the 600 hours, is seen chalking up the final "hourage." Interested onlookers are Mr. Tuck, of the Hoyt Metal Co., who is interested in the bearings, Mr. Collins, an apprentice who has had much to do with the reliability test, and, on the right, G. de Havilland, Jun., one of several pilots who have helped to pile up a mileage of well over 50,000 miles. The "Gipsy" will now be put on the test bench to have power curves taken, and will then be stripped for examination.
Cowling and propeller removed, and seals still untouched.
Starting to dismantle the engine.
A "MOTH" WITH AUTOMATIC SLOTS: Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland demonstrating a mistake often made by beginners: "Landing 10 ft. above the ground." Note that the elevators are hard up. In a normal machine a crash on a wing tip would almost certainly have followed. In this case the "Moth" merely bounced, and then settled quite comfortably.
ONE AVIATES AT BRISTOL: Mr. Bartlett is here seen flying two machines (but not at the same time). On the picture in the Bristol Club's "Moth."
AT HADLEIGH: On the left is the A.D.C. "Cirrus" Service "Moth" which was flown down by Capt. Stack with Mrs. Stack as passenger. On the right Capt. Stack is on the same machine giving his interesting exhibition of stunting.
"THE MASTER AND HIS MINIONS": Capt. T. Neville Stack, A.F.C., Chief Pilot and Air Superintendent, on the left in the Hermes Moth and on the right his pilots show the result of his organisation.
Capt, Stack aerobating with his usual verve.
THE MIDLAND AIR PAGEANT: A portion of the machine park, and some of the crowd at Castle Bromwich Aerodrome.
LT. COL. G. L. P. Henderson of the Henderson Flying School reports an excellent performance by a Cirrus Mark II engine which has just completed 260 hours without top overhaul. The fuel used throughout was Pratts. This is a splendid tribute to the purity and reliability of this famous motor spirit.
Although not a photograph taken during the authors first solo, this does show the actual D.H.Moth, G-EBWC, featured in this article. The aircraft was the de Havilland Company's' demonstration model, and is seen here in the capable hands of Hubert Broad during the Cinque Ports' Flying Club Easter Meeting at Lympne in April 1928.
Almost certainly another picture of ’WC at Lympne during Hubert Broad's demonstration flight in Easter 1928.
'WC in company with Avro Avian G-EBWU at Lympne. On July 7, 1928, a club member taxied 'WC, “at great velocity into one of the permanent hangars. The hangar proved to be more permanent than the Moth, which looked uncommonly like a write-off”.
G-EBWD - летный экземпляр DH.60X (получил такое название за Х-образную форму стоек шасси с полуосями), оснащавшийся моторами Cirrus III мощностью 90 л. с. (67 кВт). G-EBWD на самом деле не стандартный самолет - на нем установлен двигатель Cirrus Hermes I мощностью 105л.с.(78кВт).
The plate, taken by TOM HAMILL of Flight International, depicts the Shuttleworth Collection's D.H.60 Moth G-EBWD, still airworthy 56 years after it was built.
SOME MORE COMPETING MACHINES: The winning D.H. "Moth" (D.H. "Gipsy"), piloted by W. L. Hope. Hope's "Moth" is fitted with the new de Havilland "Gipsy" engine, of which three were entered and all of which completed the course.
THE FINISH OF THE KING'S CUP AIR RACE: Capt. W. L. Hope "crossing the line" at Brooklands on his D.H. "Moth" (D.H. "Gipsy")
D.H. 60 Moth G-AADB, the author's favourite, began life as the American Naval Attache's personal aircraft, based at Stag Lane.
Airspeed Courier G-ABXR takes on fuel from Handley Page W.10 tanker G-EBMR in 1934, watched by D.H.60 Moth G-AADB.
FIRST TWICE, NOW THIRD: Last year's winner, Capt. W. L. Hope, seen on the right, looks far from displeased, although he came in third for the King's Cup and second for the Siddeley Trophy. On the left, starting from Heston.
Latest restoration from the Hamble-based Antique Aeroplane Company is Ian White's D.H.60 Moth G-AAHY, seen here on its first flight, during the first week of July 1985. Built from parts of ex-Swiss Moth HB-AFI, the aircraft is painted in the red and black colour scheme of the Brooklands Flying School of the Thirties.
Mr. Butler's "Moth" (Gipsy II), No. 76, was "cleaned up" with extreme care. The thin centresection was mounted on Vee struts and braced by vertical wires. The small undercarriage was carefully faired, and all strut and wire ends faired into the surfaces. The engine cowling completely covered the engine, with very small front openings. The cowling line continued aft over the passenger's cockpit, and merged from pilot's cockpit very cleanly into the tail. Mr. Butler averaged 129.7 m.p.h. around the course, thus gaining award for greatest speed.
На снимке видна характерная для DH.60 бипланная коробка без выноса верхнего крыла. Его австралийский код регистрации подтверждает экспортный успех машин этого типа.
"AEROBATICS": The De Havilland "Moth," of which several are on order for Australia, is built with high load factors and holds an "aerobatics" airworthiness certificate. In these three views, taken from another De Havilland machine, the "Moth," is shown doing a roll, the left-hand photograph showing the machine just about to commence a roll, the right-hand picture illustrating the early part of the roll, and the inset showing the machine on its back, with the ailerons still hard over.
These four photographs show one of the D.H. "Moths" on order for Australia being put through its paces by Capt. Hubert Broad. The views are such as to illustrate practically all the features of the machine, and incidentally they demonstrate the way in which pilots show their faith in the "Moth" and its "Cirrus" engine by "evoluting" close to the ground.
DE HAVILLANDS IN AUSTRALIA: An Australian-built "Cirrus-Moth."
General Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven, V.C., Governor of South Australia, uses the light 'plane to keep his many engagements. He is seen here in the front cockpit of the Cirrus-Moth belonging to his pilot and Aide-de-Camp, Capt. the Hon. H. R. Grosvenor, who is in the rear cockpit. This photograph was taken at they were about to start from Adelaide for a tour of Kangaroo Island, about 100 miles away. The other view shows the machine on the Island.
Montreal Air Meeting: General views at Montreal aerodrome on October 1, when 43 machines, including many D.H. "Moths," took part. The machine in foreground is the D.H. "Moth" in which Capt. F. G. M. Sparks won the important 30-mile race.
"EXAMPLE BETTER THAN PRECEPT": This photograph, taken from another aeroplane, shows the Director of Civil Aviation, Sir Sefton Brancker, piloting his de Havilland "Cirrus-Moth" "D.C.A."
A DE HAVILLAND "MOTH" FOR GERMANY: Germany has fallen under the spell of the "Moth," and, owing to the generosity of Herr Carl Bercowitz, the Deutscher Sportflieger Club of Berlin has obtained one of these machines, which was delivered by Capt. Broad on Saturday last. Our photographs show the "Moth" in various attitudes. In the top right-hand picture, taken during a loop, the "trade" registration letters should be noted. In the lower left-hand corner the "Moth" appears to be looking for a candle.
PARTING COMPANY! This remarkable photograph shows Mr. John Tranum and his Russell-Lobe parachute just after quitting the "Moth" belonging to Mr. M. E. I. Jensen above Kastrup Aerodrome, Copenhagen, at an altitude lof 3,000 feet. The photograph was taken from another "Moth" belonging to Mr. Thielst.
SPORTSMANSHIP IN INDIA: The Moth which Mr. Lakhmicard Isardas has lent to the Karachi Aero Club.
THE HARROVIAN: One of the De Havilland "Moths," with "Cirrus" engine, flying over Harrow-on-the-Hill, piloted by Captain Hubert Broad.
THE MARCHIONESS OF TOWNSHEND'S AERIAL FETE: The "Moth," piloted by Capt. Lines, chasing balloons.
AEROBATICS AT LYMPNE AIR MEETING: Capt. N. Stack performing the "falling leaf" in the D.H. "Moth" (Cirrus III) during his display of aerobatics
STUNTING AT HENDON: Two D.H. "Moths" crossing the aerodrome wing to wing, one inverted and the other in normal position. Their pilots were Flying Officers Boyle and Atcherly.
TAKING A BROAD VIEW: This photograph shows Capt. Broad on his "Moth" (NO) which should have had the identification letters YES, doing a vertical bank in the first heat of the Business Houses Handicap on Saturday.
SUFFOLK CLUB'S AIR DAY: (3) Squad.-Ldr Noakes giving his usual clever exhibition of crazy flying on a "Moth."
Bombing Event at Northampton: Capt. H. Broad diving to attack the elusive car with bombs (bags of flour) in the "Gipsy-Moth"; an interesting event in which many pilots tried their hand. The continuance of joyriding slightly interfered with movements. Capt. E. W. Percival, on his Avro "Avian," with which he gained second place at the French Light 'PlaneTrials, planted some excellent shots.
MANOEUVRABILITY: A de Havilland "Cirrus-Moth" piloted by Capt. C. D. Barnard, "bombing" a "Chris Craft" motor boat, piloted by Mr. Arthur Bray. The scene of the duel was the Welsh Harp, and both pilots threw their craft about in a most spectacular fashion.
"SIDE AND UP-SIDE" LINES AT THE BOURNEMOUTH AVIATION MEETING: Capt. H. S. Broad makes a roll on the red-and-white King's Cup "Moth."
OPENING OF LONDON AEROPLANE CLUB: One of the "Moths" in flight.
"KAMERAD!": This photograph shows Capt. Broad (not arriving over Berlin!) flying the "Moth" with both hands held high to demonstrate the stability of the machine. The machine illustrated is the actual one which Capt. Broad delivered to the German Club last week. On his way to Berlin Broad paid a visit to the Rotterdam Flying Club.
Mr. R. H. Wynne, Ground Engineer of the Cinque Ports Club, flying a club Moth (Cirrus II), photographed by a member of the Committee from another club machine. The Club markings on the fuselage are Royal blue, white and orange.
The King's Cup: The D.H."Moth," 27-60 h.p. "Cirrus" I and II. Five of these machines are entered.
A FEW MORE GOOD FRIDAY PICTURES: 1, Captain Geoffrey de Havilland winning the Final of the Branksome "Cirrus" Handicap.
The finish of the Grosvenor Challenge Cup Race: The Newcastle Club's "Moth" 'PT (G. S. Kemp) comes in first with their other "Moth" 'QV (H. L. B. Dixon) second, and the Lancashire Aero Club "Avian " 'EC (A. Goodfellow) third.
The finish of the King's Cup in 1927, won by L. Hope in a Moth.
SHERBURN AIR PAGEANT: (2) Mr. B. Martin of the Nottingham Aero Club, winning the race on the Club's Moth "SK.";
HOOTON AIR PAGEANT: (2) Capt. W. L. Hope winning the Low-Power Handicap on Moth "MV".
Hooton Air Pageant: Captain T.N. Stack stunting on Moth "UA"
THE BOURNEMOUTH AVIATION MEETING: Capt. H. S. Broad hurries off on the final of Sunday's Bournemouth Summer Handicap in the King's Cup D.H. "Moth."
BRISTOL CLUB OPENS: Here is Mr. W. E. Bartlett, the pilot instructor to the Club, and a close view of his crazy flying in the Club's Moth, which delighted the crowd.
L. Hope in Moth winning the King's Cup in 1928 at Brooklands.
THE BOURNEMOUTH AVIATION MEETING: Three of the four D.H. "Moths" take off for the first event on Saturday - the Light Aeroplane Club Instructors' Scratch Race. The leading machine is one of the L.Ae.C. entries, then McDonough on the Midland Ae. C. 'bus, and finally Capt. G. I. Thomson (Hants Ae. C.) .
The Johannesburg Flying Meeting: A close finish. Lady Heath winning the 12-mile handicap race in her Avro "Avian," with Lieut. Bentley a good second in his D.H. "Moth." Note the big crowd.
MANOEUVRABILITY: Two De Havilland "Moths" racing at Lympne during the August meeting. The leading machine is being piloted by Cobham, and that in the background by Broad.
THE RACE FOR THE LADIES' PURSE: Mrs. Eliott-Lynn is seen wining the race on the Westland "Widgeon III" monoplane, with Miss O'Brien second on "Moth" MF.
SHERBURN AIR PAGEANT: (5) Miss Woodhead (left) winning the Ladies' Race from Miss O'Brien, both on Moths;
HOOTON AIR PAGEANT: (4) Mrs. Eliott-Lynn on Avian "QL" (left), Mr. Fielding on Bluebird "SV" (middle), and Mr. Lacayo on Moth "MF" (right) coming in at the end of the first lap in Inter-Club Members' Race.
THE HAMPSHIRE AIR PAGEANT: The race for the Wakefield Challenge Cup. Four D.H. "Moths" go away in a "bunch."
HEADING FOR POSTLING: In the lead is the Airdisco "Avro," followed by the Pander monoplane, above which is seen the De Havilland "Moth" flown by Broad, with Cobham on the second "Moth" in hot pursuit.
AN ILL-FATED EVENT: The first race on Whit Monday was a Medium Power Handicap. In the photo some of machines are seen leaving aerodrome on the last lap. Longton on the "Bluebird" is seen in the top left-hand corner.
THE PRIVATE OWNERS' HANDICAP: The machines are here seen approaching the aerodrome turning point at the conclusion of the second lap. Mr. Norman Jones was so far ahead as to be out of the picture. The others are, in the order given - Longton, on the "Bluebird," de Havilland on "Moth" NO, Col. Sempill on D.H. 51, Hinkler on his "Avian," Lady Bailey on her "Moth," PU, and Scroggs on the Westland "Woodpigeon."
A SPLENDID FINISH: The event of the day on Sunday at the Bournemouth Meeting was the final for the Bournemouth Summer Handicap. This was won - " at the last minute" - by D. A. N. Watt on the "Swallow" seen on the extreme left about to cross the line, from Flt.-Lieut. J. S. Chick on the R.A.E. "Hurricane," seen "jumping the hurdles" on the extreme right. Three remaining machines in the race are also to be seen (centre), the nearest being W. L. Hope on the "Moth" next A. S. Butler on the D.H.37, and, banking round into the straight, H. S. Broad on the red-and-white "Moth."
OPEN HANDICAP: Miss W.S. Brown, (centre) on her Avro "Avian" (Cirrus), winning the Open Handicap from Capt. Baker on an Avro "Avian" and Flight-Lieut. T. Rose on the D.H. "Moth" by two seconds.
WAKEFIELD HANDICAP: Flt.-Lieut. Le Poer Trench on the Halton monoplane "OO," leading Flt.-Lieut Soden on his D.H. "Moth" (Genet) "OU" in the second lap of the race, which was eventually won by the former at 80 1/2 m.p.h.
AT HAMBLE: Mr. Lowdell on the Blackburn "Bluebird" "SZ" is seen leading Flt.-Lieut. Rose on the D.H. "Moth" "LW".
AT THE BOURNEMOUTH MEETING: 4, Bert Hinkler on his "Avian" leads Broad on the "Moth" in the Final of the Hotels and Restaurants Race.
THE NOTTINGHAM FLYING MEETING: A close finish for the Ladies' Purse. Mrs. Eliott-Lynn in D.H. "Moth" 'MV (left) crosses the line but two yards ahead of Lady Bailey on D.H. "Moth" 'PU.
The Midland Air Pageant: Event 1, the finish of the Midland Inter-Club Handicap. F. L. Turnbull, on the Newcastle Club "Moth," 'PT, crosses the line first, with Norman Jones, on the London Club "Moth," 'WI, second.
THE MIDLAND AIR PAGEANT: The start for the Midland Open Challenge Cup race. Three "Moths" take off together - Broad on 'XG, Martin on 'SK, and Bartlett on 'TV.
THE KING'S CUP AND SIDDELEY TROPHY: Some competitors starting from Hendon on the first stage. Bernard Martin on the Avro Avian (No. 22), Wing-Com. S. W. Smith on the D.H. Moth X (No. 15), and Capt. G. de Havilland on another Moth X, take off together.
STAG LANE SPORTS: The D.H. "Moths" flying home during the obstacle race.
FLYING AT MANCHESTER: Formation flying by three D.H. "Moths" at the L.A.C. Flying Meeting.
GOOD FRIDAY AT BOURNEMOUTH: 3, Three " Moths" take off together in the Christchurch Handicap Stakes. From left to right the machines are: MF (Spooner), KT (Beaumont) and LV (Twemlow). The Moth on the right, G-EBLV, still survives at Old Warden.
THE HALTON PAGEANT: Finish of the Light Aeroplane Race. First, Capt. Stack ("Cirrus-Moth"), second, Miss Spooner ("Cirrus-Moth"), third, Miss O'Brien ("Cirrus-Moth").
AT THE BOURNEMOUTH MEETING: 2, Two "Moths" (OU and PG) start together in the Hotels and Restaurants Sweepstake Race on Easter Monday.
THE HAMPSHIRE AIR PAGEANT: Event 6, the President's Cup Race. The Midland and Newcastle Club "Moths," with five others behind, completing the first lap;
A FEW MORE GOOD FRIDAY PICTURES: 4, Third, fourth and fifth in Branksome "Cirrus" Handicap were: Pope on PG, Stack on PU, and Gray on QN.
THE BOURNEMOUTH AVIATION MEETING: The Christchurch Sprint Scratch Race (Saturday). On the left, W. L. Hope wins the second heat of this event, and is thus able to (right) win the final, on his D.H. "Moth." Sparks, however, on the L.Ae.C. "Moth," is, it will be seen, a good second.
WINNING THE KING'S CUP RACE: Mr. W. L. Hope crossing the finishing line on his "Moth" with "Cirrus I" engine.
TWO DE HAVILLANDS: Capt. Broad flying Mrs. Eliott-Lynn's "Moth" above the Czechoslovak D.H.50 and, inset, doing one of his large-diameter slow loops.
BLACKPOOL: (Inset) Miss O'Brien, sitting on the leading edge of her D.H. "Moth," and her passenger, Miss Mawdsley, and winning the Daily Dispatch Nomination Handicap.
JOY-RIDING AT HADLEIGH: Much to the satisfaction of the Suffolk Club, the public clamoured for joy-rides at 5s. per flight; in fact, although the numerous visiting pilots gave their services generously, it was found impossible to satisfy all demands. Without a doubt, Capt. "Jerry" Shaw did as much joy-riding work as anyone. His golden D.H. "Moth" named "Arom," which he flies for the Shell-Mex Company, here seen taking off just over the corner of the aerodrome, where the joy-riders were waiting, was in the air all day. Inset, shows Capt. Shaw with two little girl passengers whom he took up at the Lympne meeting on the preceding day.
Mr. W. L. Runciman, of the Newcastle Aero Club winning the Cinque Ports Handicap at Lympne on his D.H. "Moth" (Cirrus II). He is also seen standing by his machine on the left.
Capt. H. Broad bringing down the Gipsy-Moth at Stag Lane aerodrome at 5.30 p.m. on August 17 after a whole day in the air. There was sufficient petrol left for a further 4-hour flight out of the original 80 gallons carried.
THAT GENTLE TOUCH: Miss Slade puts her Moth down at Desford, but the wind nearly takes it off again for her.
The Limit Man: Mr. Sutcliffe starts the ball rolling at 7 a.m.
The Gipsy-Moth, piloted by Capt. H. Broad, taxying in on August 17, 24 hours after taking off from the same spot to establish a record duration flight for light aeroplanes.
THIRD AND FIRST: Miss W. E. Spooner lands safely at Brooklands in her D.H. "Moth" ("Cirrus I") after a plucky fight for first place in the King's Cup race. She was placed third in this, and won also the Siddeley Trophy.
A fast Second: Mr. Butler's "Gipsy Moth" being led in.
THE NEW DE HAVILLAND "TIGER MOTH" WITH DE HAVILLAND ENGINE: The photograph of the new machine standing next to a standard "Moth X" serves to indicate how almost absurdly small is the "Tiger Moth."
THE KING'S CUP AIR RACE: First and last away from Hendon. At the top E. E. Stammers and H. M. Yeatman (No. 30) are first away in their D.H. "Moths" ("Cirrus I"), at 8 a.m.
Lady Heath's Avro "Avian" (Cirrus) and Lt. R. Bentley's D.H. "Moth" (Cirrus) (on photo) at Broken Hill during the combined flight through Africa.
SOME OF THE MACHINES AT NORWICH: The photograph shows a Vickers "Virginia" coming in to land over a line of "Moths" which are having their tanks filled.
Mk VII making a landing, a variety of DH Moths in the foreground.
Nothing to do with the subjects discussed by "Indicator," but Connor Park aerodrome, Australia, with a portion of the town of Rockhampton in the background. It is the mid-way stopping place between Brisbane and rich north-west. Airlines of Australia run a daily service each way with Stinson Trimotors. One of the two Dragons belongs to Aircraft Pty. and is used for carrying Sunday newspapers from Brisbane. The D.H.86 belongs to W. R. Carpenter and was, when the picture was taken, on its way from New Guinea to Sydney. The Monospar belongs to Air Taxis,while the Moth is owned by the Rockhampton branch of the Royal Queensland Aero Club.
LADY HEATH'S TOUR IN SOUTH AFRICA: The Club's D.H. "Moth," with a group of members and the staff, which includes the instructor, Mr. Kurtz, who gives his services voluntarily.
Eastward Ho! by "Moths": Having once got clear of the bad weather hold-ups in England and France, Capt. Stack and Mr. Leete, of the Lancashire Aero Club, are now making good progress towards India in their D.H. "Moths." Our picture shows them (Capt. Stack on the left and Mr. Leete on the right, in front of the machine) superintending the refuelling with "Shell" spirit at Malta.
"PRATT'S" IN THE WORLD OF SPORT: The 1926 King's Cup Race was won by Capt. H. S. Broad on a D.H. "Moth" and "Pratt's." The "Moth" is shown above taking in its supply of fuel at Hendon.
CHRISTENING THE "SHELL" "MOTH" "AROM": The photograph shows Mrs. George Wilson performing the ceremony by pouring "Shell" spirit out of a golden can into the tank, Mr. "Jerry" Shaw acting as Godfather.
Местные сановники и канистра с топливом от спонсора - типичная картина для многочисленных остановок Эми Джонсон в Австралии. Эми считала чрезмерный интерес публики к своему перелету утомляющим.
The opening of the Aero Garage on June 24, 1926. Lock-up compartments equipped with tools were available to aircraft owners.
Amy Johnson with D.H Gipsy Moth G-AAAH Jason at Sourabaya in May 1930.
AN ECHO OF A GREAT FLIGHT: A snap of Miss Amy Johnson taken at Sourabaya while her D.H. "Moth" was having its tanks replenished with "Shell" motor spirit.
SOME PRIVATE OWNERS AT BOURNEMOUTH: 2, Lady Bailey, who, in spite of serious scalp injuries, was present at the meeting and flew as passenger in her "Moth" G-EBPU.
CAMERA SHY: Lady Bailey, who flew her "Moth" to Norwich through very bad weather, refuses to be "took."
Lady Bailey with her Moth, at Stag Lane.
Miss W. E. Spooner, a private owner of a "Moth" and a member of the London Aeroplane Club with whom she graduated, recently flew her machine to Chard, Somerset, to visit her brother, Capt. Spooner. She is seen here standing by her machine at Chard.
SOME PRIVATE OWNERS AT BOURNEMOUTH: 5, Captain Geoffrey de Havilland, who has been flying since about 1909 and still likes it as well as ever. His special "Moth" X carries the identification letters G-EBQH.
Capt. G. de Havilland and Mrs. de Havilland (in the cockpit) who have recently completed a holiday air tour to Morocco in their Gipsy-Moth
A NEW BRITISH WORLD'S RECORD: On July 25 Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland established a new world's altitude record for the 2-seater light 'plane class, when, accompanied by his wife, he ascended from Stag Lane in a standard "Moth" fitted with the new 85-100 h.p. "Gipsy" engine, and reached an altitude (subject to correction) of 21,000 ft. Capt. de Havilland is seen (on the left) standing by the machine just before the start, and on the right, Mrs. de Havilland is seen receiving the sealed barograph.
SOME PRIVATE OWNERS AT BOURNEMOUTH: 4, Mr.L.leRoy Irvin, of parachute fame, who is the owner of a "Moth" G-EBNX.
SLOTS AND "MOTHS": Squadron-Leader England is starting shortly on a demonstration tour of the Continent, and will use a "Moth" fitted with Handley Page automatic slots.
Mr. N. St. V. Norman, private owner of a D.H. "Moth" (Cirrus) fitted with Handley Page slots. He is codirector with Mr. F. A. I. Muntz, of Airwork, Ltd., who are constructing the Heston Aerodrome, Middlesex.
NEW CLUB INSTRUCTOR: When the Norfolk and Norwich Aero Club's pilot instructor, Capt. Lines, left them some time ago to join an aviation company, Mr. F. Fry, photographed above, beside a D.H."Moth" at the Mousehold aerodrome, was chosen to fill the vacancy. He is an excellent instructor and has been a Sergeant Pilot in the R.A.F.
The Novelty Race :- Mr. R. G. Murray whose aerobatics gained him much applause.
Mr. D. Kittel taken beside the nose of his own "Moth X," called Silvry 3, on his arrival at Stag Lane after the successful completion of his latest European tour. He was one of the first private owners to learn to fly at Stag Lane with the London Aeroplane Club, and has about 400 hours' flying to his credit.
"CIRRUS" SERVICE: Capt. T. N. Stack has now joined A.D.C. Aircraft, and has been equipped with a de Havilland "Moth" on which he visits the light 'plane clubs and private owners so as to ensure that quick and satisfactory service is given. Stack's machine is painted white and red, like that on which he flew to India, and carries the registration letters G-EBUF.
A PRIVATE OWNER: Capt. Stewart Burt, with his D.H. "Moth X"
A NEW VENTURE: Capt. Stack standing alongside his "Hermes-Moth," the property of S. Smith and Sons for whom he is now flying.
THE MARCHIONESS OF TOWNSHEND'S AERIAL FETE: In the picture is Lord Ossulston (in flying gear) with the Lord Mayor of Norwich, Mr. C. R. Bignold, whom he flew back to Norwich to keep an appointment.
Tunbridge Wells Air Pageant: The Mayor, Alderman C. Westbrook (left) and Sir Robert Gower, M.P., standing by a Moth
At Hadleigh on Sunday: Here are Mr. and Mrs. Mill alongside the "Moth" in which they flew down and took part in the meeting at Hadleigh. Mr. Mill is the New Zealand distributor of "Moths" for the De Havilland Company, and the machine he is standing by will be taken by him to New Zealand.
U.S. NATIONAL AIR RACES: The D.H. "Moth," flown by its owners, Kenneth E. Whyte and Harry R. Campbell (Members of the Hamilton, Ont., Aero Club), in the International Trans-Continental Air Race (Windsor - Los Angeles). They came in second.
THE MIDLAND AERO CLUB'S NEW "MOTH": Three members of the Club (l. to r.), Flight-Lieut. T. Rose (Instructor), Mr. W. J. Halland, and Mr. W. F. Sutcliffe, standing in front of the new D.H. "Moth X," "Wulfrun," which was presented to the Club by Messrs. J. D. and N. B. Graham of Wolverhampton.
Competitors at Lympne : (Left to Right) F./O. J.G. D.Armour, Sqdr.-Ldr. F. O. Soden; and Flying Officer R. L. R. Atcherley, who did inverted flying in a Genet-Moth
Mr. Leslie Irvin (in overalls) after landing at Warsaw, Poland, following a recent flight from England in his own D.H. "Moth." With him are (left to right) Capitaine Wroniecki, Commandant Willmann, Flt.-Lt. H. O. Long, and Col. Abzoltowski.
Flt.-Lieut. R. R. Bentley, A.F.C., has just completed his fourth flight between South Africa and Great Britain in the same Cirrus-Moth. His latest trip was for the purpose of flying a business man, Mr. M. Filsinger, to Germany from Johannesburg. They left on July 10, and reached Berlin on August 22, having flown via Nairobi, Cairo, Constantinople, Sofia, Vienna and Prague. Flt.-Lieut. Bentley then flew on to London. Our illustration marks the arrival at Berlin. (Left to right) Mrs. Bentley, Mr. M. Filsinger, Flight-Lieut. Bentley, Dr. Millner, and Capt. Udet, the German wartime "ace."
A Landing Ground Campaign has been carried out in South Australia, sponsored by Louis Coen Wireless Pty. Ltd., who are said to be the first company in the Dominion to use aircraft for conveying their commercial travellers on a regular circuit, and own three D.H. "Moths." The Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., also contributed to the campaign, which resulted in over 130 towns being inspected and the selection of many sites. Our illustration marks the conclusion of a section of the campaign in South Australia, when over 50 towns in the State were visited. Officials of the South Australia Aero Club congratulate the Victorian airmen on their useful work. (Left to right): Capt. Roberts, pilot of a touring machine : Mr. A. C. Hewitt (Club President), Mr. J. Churchill Smith (Club Secretary), Mr. B. Skeil (Organiser), and Capt. Mollison, late R.A.F. (Club Instructor).
Congratulations: Capt. H. Broad, on the ground again at Stag Lane aerodrome, after a 24-hour record in the air with the Gipsy-Moth, receives congratulations from Capt. W. L. Hope, who won the King's Cup this year on the same type of machine.
The Lord Mayor of Nottingham (Alderman A. R. Atkey) receiving the licence for the new Nottingham Corporation Aerodrome (Tollerton) from Mr. F. Montague, Under Secretary of State for Air, at Stag Lane Aerodrome on July 27, after flying down from Nottingham. He immediately flew back to perform the opening ceremony at which Sir Alan Cobham was present. Our illustrations show the Under Secretary for Air presenting the Mayor with the licence, with Air Vice-Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker an interested witness, and the arrival in the Nottingham Club's D.H. "Moth," piloted by Flight-Lieut. F. L. Bateman.
Getting ready to go home. The Duchess of Bedford and her pilot, Capt. C. D. Barnard, about to return after a flying visit to the Nottingham meeting.
LADY HEATH'S AERIAL AT HOME: On July 18 Sir James and Lady Heath gave a Garden Party at Croydon Aerodrome. The guests were taken for flights during the afternoon, and many had their "bapteme de l'air" on this occasion. In this photograph is seen Miss O'Brien's "Moth" about to take up Mrs. Patrick Ness.
THE FRENCH LIGHT 'PLANE COMPETITION AT ORLY: The eight competing machines: 1. No. 1, D.H."Moth," with its pilot, Mrs. Eliott-Lynn.
THE BRITISH TEAM: 1, from left to right: N. H. Jones, passenger; Mrs. Ellott-Lynn, pilot; R. Hyder and H. Webb, mechanics. 2, the D.H. "Moth" in a hurry. 3, just before the axle and wheel "went west." 4, Mr. Bramson lends a helping hand in the folding test. 5, visitors, including M. Laurent Eynac, interested in Mrs. Eliott-Lynn's easy starting of the "Cirrus" engine.
BRITISH SUCCESS AT ROTTERDAM MEETING: The British team standing in front of Lady Heath's "Moth," with the other two "Moths" in the background. In the group, from left to right: Miss O'Brien and her passenger, the Hon. Miss M. K. Leith; Capt. Cordes and his passenger, Mr. Cooke; Lady Heath and her passenger and private secretary.
THE HAMPSHIRE AEROPLANE CLUB: Two of the "Moths" and some members of the energetic South-Coast club. The group includes, reading from left to right, Mr. Stanford (Assistant Ground Engineer), Mr. Bevis, Mr. Capon, Mr. Dickson, Mr. McCracken (Chief Ground Engineer), Mr. H. R. Bound (Hon. Publicity Secretary), and Capt. G. I. Thomson, D.F.C. (Chief Instructor).
HAC personnel and Moths, Hamble, April 1927.
"MOTH'ERS" AT LYMPNE: A group of "Moth" pilots in front of Mr. Nigel Norman's machine, the first privately-owned aeroplane to be fitted with automatic slots. From left to right: Mr. Norman Jones (WI), Mr. Muntz, Mr. Norman (WY), Sq. Ldr. England (WS), Capt. "Jerry" Shaw (QE), Capt. de Havilland, the father of all "Moth'ers" (PU), Mr. Malcolm (NO), Mr. Burt, Mr. Irving (of parachute fame), and Capt. Broad.
Members of the Sydney Club standing in front of a de Havilland "Cirrus-Moth."
SIR SEFTON BRANCKER'S VISIT TO LYMPNE: This group welcomed the Director of Civil Aviation on his arrival at Lympne on December 5 ina D.H."Moth" light aeroplane piloted by Capt. H. Broad. They are mostly members of the new East Kent Flying Club. Reading from left to right and commencing at the fourth from the end they are :- Mr. T. A. M. Lewis, Mr. P. D. Baker, Capt. H. Broad, Mr. H. E. Little, Mr. A. Dallas Brett, Mr. R. Dallas Brett, Mrs. Marie Coleman, Sir Sefton Brancker, Miss Eilean Martin, Mr. Lowe, Dr. Whitehead Reid, Mr. Faraday, Commander Deacon, Capt. Jarman, Capt. Braddell and Mr. F. J. Harlow.
OPENING OF YORKSHIRE LIGHT AEROPLANE CLUB: Sir Sefton Brancker, who opened the Club, the Lady Mayoress of Leeds, Capt. A. M. West (Club Instructor) , and Mr T W. Stainford, M.P. for Leeds, standing in front of the D.H."Moth." Below, the Lady Mayoress, assisted by Gen. Festing, getting into the Moth for her first flight in an aeroplane.
OPENING OF YORKSHIRE LIGHT AEROPLANE CLUB: Above, the D.H. "Moth" being brought out on to the Sherburn Aerodrome, prior to its first flight. Below, the "Moth" landing after its flight.
OPENING OF LONDON AEROPLANE CLUB: The photograph show the two de Havilland "Moths," with "Cirrus" engines which are owned by the club.
THE BRISTOL FLYING .MEETING: 1, Line-up for the Final of the First Handicap Race. The machines include, from left to right, the Halton "Mayfly," Lady Bailey's "Moth" PU, Watt's "Avian," QL, and the Farnborough Club "Avian," ON.
The line-up and winner of one of the three racing events at the Newcastle Pageant. S.B.A.C. Challenge Cup: Dr. H. B. L. Dixon.
THE FIFTH KING'S CUP AIR RACE: Three of the five D.H. "Moths" are shown, in the bottom picture, lined up for the start on Friday, and above Hope, Broad and Sparks are seen taking off together on their respective "Moths."
TUNBRIDGE WELLS AIR PAGEANT: The fleet of five Moths lined up in the field and receiving a very close (too close, sometimes) inspection from the small crowd.
MACHINES IN USE BY THE LONDON AEROPLANE CLUB: These are four de Havilland "Moths" with "Cirrus" engines, and a Bristol "Brownie" with Bristol "Cherub" engine
AN ILL-FATED EVENT: The first race on Whit Monday was a Medium Power Handicap. The photo shows the 12 machines lined up for the start
A TEAM IN THE RELAY RACE: In the foreground, Lady Heath's "Cirrus-Moth." In the centre, the Demonty-Poncelet, and in the background one of the Pander machines.
A FEW MORE GOOD FRIDAY PICTURES: 3, Line-up for the second heat. The "Imperial Joy-rider" lands somewhat close to the mere private machines.
Amy Johnson prepares to leave the de Havilland factory at Stag Lane in a D.H.60 Moth, to fly to her home town of Hull in August 1930.
At Jhansi: An officer helps to start Miss Johnson's engine.
A DE HAVILLAND "CIRRUS-MOTH" IN NEW SURROUNDINGS: A typical sheep run in New Zealand.
WHEN "SPARKS" FLY: Capt. F. G. M. Sparks and the brown D.H. "Moth" entered by the Duke of Sutherland (London Aeroplane Club) for the Fifth King's Cup Race.
READY FOR BRIGHTON: Some of the machines lined up ready for the start on the first circuit on Sunday morning. On the right, the Bristol "Brownie," which was the first machine away. The other machines are the Parnall "Pixie," the Avro "Avis," and the de Havilland "Moth."
AIRCRAFT IN THE KING'S CUP: D.H. "Moth X" (75-h.p. "Cirrus II").
OUT AGAIN: The de Havilland "Moth" fitted with Handley Page automatic slots, was in dock but a very few days after its recent argument with the ground. It is here seen flying again, piloted by Capt. Hubert Broad.
A "Moth" with Slots: This service "Moth" was flown over to Norwich from Martlesham, where it has been undergoing tests. The slot control is reported to have been most successful on this machine.
The first evaluation Cirrus I Moth, J8030, at Martlesham Heath in April 1926.
Four Cirrus II D.H.60X Moths, J9113-J9116, supplied to the Air Ministry in 1928.
"MOTHS" FOR SPAIN: Recently three de Havilland "Moths" were flown to Spain, two for the Aero Club of Madrid, and one for Duc D'Estremera. The three machines were flown by three brothers, Juan, Jose and Enrique Ansaldo. One of the machines also carried the Commandante Ricardo Bellot.
BRITISH MACHINES IN FINLAND: Finland's first "Moth," on skis.
One of the Aero Materiel A/B's school D.H. "Moth" (Cirrus) on skids, used during the past year for training flying club pupils in Sweden in various places.
THE WINNIPEG FLYING CLUB: Miss Dorothy Bell entering the Club's D.H. "Moth," equipped with skis, to pass her tests at Stevenson Field. Winnipeg, on January 24, when the temperature was 15 degrees below zero. In the group are (left to right) Flt. Lt. L. R. Charron (examiner). Miss D. Bell, Flt.-Lt. A. Carter (examiner), Mr. Allan Keith, Michael de Blicquy (pilot instructor), and Messrs. W. Ross and P. McBean. (Note the skis on the machine.)
Among the antique aircraft was this 1929 D.H. Moth in yellow with grey leading edges, red strips and struts. It is in excellent condition and powered by a Cirrus engine;
Прочность и простота конструкции были отличительными особенностями самолетов Moth. Разработка "de Havilland" способствовала популяризации частной авиации в межвоенный период. Складное крыло облегчало хранение и транспортировку самолета. Новые владельцы могли арендовать гаражи для Moth у "de Havilland" на Стег-Лейн.
In Tow. - The "Moth" being towed by the Morris chassis with another chassis following to keep it from escaping, Mr. Wilson is on the right.
THE BRISTOL AND WESSEX AERO CLUB: For the meeting held by this club last week, Capt. H. Broad flew down to Bristol to help in arousing interest in private flying, his D.H. "Moth" being on view on the steps of the Victoria Rooms. Our photographs show: (1) The "Moth" being towed from Filton aerodrome to Bristol, (2) through the streets of Bristol, (3) being pushed up the slope to Victoria Rooms, and (4) on view, with wings spread.
AN AERIAL WEEK-END: We show some photographs taken during Col. the Master of Sempill's and Mrs. Sempill's Whitsun tour of 800 miles in a D.H. "Moth." 1. Wheeling the "Moth" up the beach at Borth on the Welsh coast. 2. Folding its wings at Borth prior to being housed in an hotel garage. 3. Lord Portsmouth receives his visitors at Morchand Bishop, Devonshire. 4. A farmyard inhabitant at Morchand Bishop ignores the "Moth." 5. How the "Moth" spent the night at this Devonshire farmyard.
STAG LANE AERO GARAGE: Above are three photographs showing the service afforded to private aeroplane owners. On the left we see Mrs. Eliott-Lynn's "Moth" emerging from the cocoon; above, unfolding its wings; and on the right feeding it with "milk and honey," i.e., "Shell"
FOLDING TESTS AT ORLY: Our machines showed superiority in the folding tests at the French Light 'Plane Trials. (2) Capt. H. Broad was not quite broad enough for his task. Assisting him is Mr. St. John Plevins.
THE BRISTOL FLYING MEETING: "Moths" and "Avians" in the Utility Race.
AROUND SOUTH AFRICA IN A WEEK: Some pictures from Maj. Miller's fine tour. Above the start from the quayside at Cape Town. On the left, the "Moth" just before the start, the statue behind it being that of Van Riebeck, the first European to land at Cape Town. On the right, Maj. Miller in the cockpit of the "Moth"; and below, an admiring crowd at Durban.
SO SIMPLE: This group clearly illustrates the natural adaptability of the light aeroplane for casual landings away from any aerodromes. Senor Don Juan de la Cierva flew this Moth from Hamble and landed on the sands outside the house, at the Isle of Wight, of Mr.Wallace Barr, who has kindly sent us these pictures. The machine was easily wheeled up to the house, and simply parked amongst the cars and boats.
End of 18,000 Miles' Solo Flight: Lady Bailey taxying in the Cirrus-Moth at Croydon and surrounded with an admiring crowd, amongst whom were the numerous employees of the A.D.C. Aircraft Company, Ltd., whose own work had played a large part in the success of the great flight.
THE UBIQUITOUS "MOTH": Having conquered the world, so to speak, as a landplane, the de Havilland "Moth" has now been most successfully turned into a seaplane, and Sir Alan Cobham will take one of these machines with him to America, where the "Moth" is to be built under licence, and will fly, with Lady Cobham, the last few miles from Sandy Hook to New York. The machine is here seen being tested at Rochester by Capt. Hubert Broad. The floats were made by Short Brothers, and, in fact, are those originally fitted to the Short "Mussel." The engine is a "Cirrus" Mark II.
A "Moth" for America: This photograph shows Sir Alan Cobham assisting Lady Cobham into the "Moth" seaplane preparatory to making a short test flight at Rochester on Monday last. The "Moth" looks extremely well in its seaplane form, and gets off and alights remarkably well, while having, apparently, lost nothing in air performance.
OFF TO "THE LAND OF A THOUSAND LAKES": A de Havilland "Moth" Seaplane, with "Cirrus II" engine and Short Duralumin floats, undergoing tests at Rochester, piloted by Capt. Broad. The machine has been sold to Finland.
Two of the Singapore Club's Moths (Cirrus II) landing in formation when Sir Geoffrey Salmond was visiting the Club.
Многие самолеты Moths оснащались поплавковым шасси. Самолет на снимке был приобретен правительством провинции Онтарио и собран в Торонто. В 1927 году за первые три месяца эксплуатации эта машина налетала свыше 300 часов, патрулируя лесные массивы.
SEAPLANE FLYING IN CANADA: D.H. "Moth" seaplane, D.H.61 seaplane, and an old H.S.2Ls flying-boat at the Sioux look-out base of the Ontario Government Air Service.
Buhls frequently dropped into Wawa to refuel for spring trips further north. CF-OAR had float settings altered on August 20,1936, to improve performance. Pilot W M Emery claimed that the longest time with full load to 1,000ft took five minutes instead of the usual seven. DH.60 Moth floatplane in the background.
A "Moth " seaplane at the base of the Ontario Provincial Government Air Service at Sault Ste. Marie, Lake Ontario.
D.H.60 Moth G-CAOX, foreground, and a Hamilton Monoplane, both of the Ontario Provincial Air Service Forestry Branch.
I.L.I.S.: The main exhibition building is seen on the right. On the left is the tent hangar occupied by the Finnish exhibits.
NOT AN EXHIBIT: Another "Moth" seaplane whose home is at Lindarangen.
SWEDISH GIPSY MOTH SEAPLANE: In the background may be seen a small portion of the Free Harbour of Stockholm, which adjoins the seaplane station.
A little-known licence-built de Havilland D.H.60 Moth, built in Finland by the famous Karhumaki Brothers at Halli. Note the enclosed cockpits and unusual exhaust pipe above which is the name "Mollii".
THE D.H. "MOTH": View showing undercarriage and mounting of the "Cirrus" engine. In the next machine the exhaust pipe will be on the port side.
The 1927 Model "Moth": The Mark II "Cirrus" engine is very accessibly mounted, as this photograph of the nose with cowling raised indicates. Note the new induction manifold.
Lieut. Richardson's "Moth" (Cirrus III), No. 66, had a Fairey metal propeller, and a complete metal fairing around the rather long exhaust stubs (102-36 m.p.h.).
Hassene in Bey, the first Chamberlain to King Fuad, has recently acquired the Moth G-EBTD (of the 600 hours test fame). He hopes to fly to Egypt in this machine, which he has named Princess Falka.
THE KING'S CUP CONSOLATION HANDICAP: 2, Alan J. Cobham, who finished second on Sir Charles Wakefield's D.H.60 Moth.
SECOND IN RACE FOR LADIES' PURSE: Miss S. O'Brien in the "Moth" which she handled so well.
THE WINNER OF THE GROSVENOR CUP: Mrs. S. C. Eliott-Lynn, who won the race on her "Moth," MV.
Mr. Alan Butler leaving his machine after flying a very good race.
THE ACTOR AIRMAN AND THE AIRMAN ACTOR: Mr. Robert Loraine goes for a flight with Alan J. Cobham, in a D.H. "Moth."
SOME PERSONAL TOUCHES: Friendly Rivalry: Captain Geoffrey de Havilland takes Mr. Roy Chadwick, Avro designer, for a flight in his "Moth"
THE D.H. "MOTH": This photograph shows the arrangement of the cockpits. Note also the gravity petrol tank on the top centre-section.
Mr. Norman Jones starting up his D.H. "Moth" (Cirrus) at Blackpool, where he won the Owner-Pilots' Handicap Race at 97 m.p.h.
RUSSELL "LOBE" PARACHUTE TESTS: Mr. John Tranum (right) who demonstrated Russell "Lobe" parachutes at Stag Lane Aerodrome, Edgware, on January 14, from a D.H. "Moth" flown by Capt. W. L. Hope (left). In the other views Mr. Tranum is seen descending with (centre) the 1929 type, then the 1928 type (top) and finally a smaller 1927 type.
The arrival at Stag Lane of the Duchess of Bedford and Captain Barnard in the D.H. "Moth" on May 12.
WITH THE EAST KENT F.C. at LYMPNE: In conversation with Capt. H. S. Broad, who is seated in the D.H. "Moth" are (left to right) :- Capt. Braddell, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker and Mrs. Marie Coleman. This "Moth'' in which Sir Sefton flew down from Croydon was fitted with the Handley Page slotted wing device, and was demonstrated at Lympne by Capt. Broad.