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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1919

Единственный экземпляр

Flight, December 1919



Boulton and Paul, Ltd.

   Probably the centre of attraction of v this stand will be formed by the new Boulton and Paul all-metal machine, the P 10, with 100 h.p. "Lucifer" Cosmos engine. This machine is of very original design as regards its construction. The body is built-up of formers and longerons of rolled steel sections, as shown in the accompanying photograph. Between the formers and longitudinals are interposed panels of special fibre sheet, which is riveted to the metal parts. Extensive experiments in the rolling of sheet steel strips into suitable sections have enabled Messrs. Boulton and Paul to provide forms of metal construction which have excellent strength/weight ratios and which approach very close to the ideal rolled metal section - i.e., a section in which the full strength of the material can be developed.
   It is not only as regards the fuselage construction that P 10 is built of metal. The wings also are constructed entirely of steel, apart from the fabric covering, of course. The spars are of rolled-steel sections, the results of a number of experiments extending over a considerable period. Dr. Thurston, in his paper read before the Royal Aeronautical Society, mentioned and illustrated one of the Boulton and Paul spar sections, of which these new spars are a development.
   The ribs also are made of steel, each part being specially designed to fulfil its own particular function. The mounting of the 100 h.p. Cosmos "Lucifer" engine on the P 10 is of special interest. It is so arranged that by removing the vertical hinge-pin on one side the whole engine and its mounting may be swung about the opposite vertical hinge, thus allowing easy access to the back of the engine for inspection and adjustments. The piping, controls, etc., are so arranged that they do not require disconnecting when the engine is swung out.
   This feature of the design is one of the greatest importance from a practical point of view, and one to which other designers would do well to pay attention.

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  • Flight, December 1919
  • Flight, January 1920
    The Paris Aero Show 1919
  • Фотографии