Страна : International
Год : 1999
Легкий тактический военно-транспортный самолет
- Aeritalia - G222 - 1970 - Италия
- Alenia - C-27J Spartan - 1999 - International
Alenia C-27J Spartan
Alenia C-27J Spartan - дальнейшее развитие G222 - был создан как дополнительный транспортный самолет для новой модификации четырехмоторного тяжелого военно-транспортного C-130J Hercules. Разработка машины была начата в 1997 году после создания консорциума "Lockheed Martin Alenia Tactical Transport Systems". Новый самолет был оснащен двигателями с шестилопастными винтами Dowty, как на C-130J, также унаследовав у последнего множество усовершенствований, включая кабину с пятью дисплеями и авионикой фирмы "Honeywell".
По сравнению с G222, дальность полета и потолок C-27J увеличились на 35 и 30% соответственно. Самолет оснащен оборудованием для дозаправки в полете и имеет четыре узла для внешней подвески грузов, в том числе и топливных баков. C-27J сохранил возможность совершать укороченный взлет и посадку и осуществлять десантирование грузов.
Впервые демонстратор C-27J, переделанный G222, поднялся в воздух 25 сентября 1999 года, а первая полностью новая машина взлетела 12 мая 2000 года. Итальянские и греческие ВВС заказали по 12 самолетов, поставки этих машин начались в 2005 году. Заказы также разместили Болгария (пять самолетов), Греция (двенадцать), Литва (три), Марокко (четыре), Румыния (семь, сделка заморожена из-за юридических проблем) и Словакия. "Alenia" также предложила C-27J Канаде для замены морского спасательного самолета CC-115 Buffalo, и, по данным на начало 2009 года, C-27J считался лидером конкурса.
Армия и ВВС США выбрали C-27J в качестве замены для парка своих самолетов Beech C-12 and Shorts C-23 в рамках программы Joint Cargo Aircraft. Общая потребность в самолетах этого типа оценивается в 145 машин. Для выполнения этого заказа "Alenia", совместно с фирмами "L-3 Communications" и "Boeing Integrated Defense Systems", организовала консорциум "Global Military Aircraft Systems" (GMAS). Обойдя конкурентов из "Raytheon/ EADS North America" с их самолетами CN-235 и C-295, GMAS поставила Армии США первый из 78 заказанных C-27J в сентябре 2008 года.
Также в 2008 году представители Армии США заявили, что на базе C-27 будет разработан самолет для борьбы с повстанцами ("gunship") - AC-27 Stinger.
Alenia C-27J Spartan
Тип: легкий тактический военно-транспортный самолет
Силовая установка: два ТВД Rolls-Royce AE2100-D2 мощностью по 3180 кВт
Летные характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость 602 км/ч на оптимальной высоте; потолок 9145 м; перегоночная дальность 5925; дальность полета 4260 км с грузом 6000 кг, или 1850 км с грузом 10000 кг, или 2037 км с 46 десантниками на борту; продолжительность полета 9 ч 12 мин
Масса: пустого 17 500 кг; максимальная взлетная 31 800 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 28,70 м; длина 22,70 м; высота 10,57 м; площадь крыла 82 м
Полезная нагрузка: до 68 пехотинцев, или 46 десантников, или 36 раненых на носилках с восемью сопровождающими, или 11 500 кг груза
- Описание
Мировая Авиация 24
Когда имевший большой потенциал самолет C-27J только пытался "собрать" заказы, фирма "Lockheed Martin" вышла из программы его разработки.
Мировая Авиация 177
C-27J оснащен двумя двигателями AE2100-D2 мощностью по 4637 л. с. Они примерно на 30% мощнее двигателей GE T64-P4D, установленных на G222. Двигатели AE2100 приводят во вращение шестилопастные композитные винты R-391, выпускаемые "Dowty".
Air International 1999-11 / Airscene
Prototype LMATTS C-27J I-CERX (c/n 4043) lifts off the runway at Turin for its first flight on September 25, 1999.
Air International 2005-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
Alenia C-27J Spartan C.S.X62216 (c/n 4115) was displayed in the static park at Pisa-San Guisto Air Base on September 10, 2005 during an air show to mark the imminent retirement of the G.222 from Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI - Italian Air Force) service. The C-27J will begin replacing the G.222 next year and this aircraft is the first to be completed in full AMI configuration, including a reinforced undercarriage and airframe, in-flight refuelling probe and electronic warfare self-protection suite. It made its first flight after upgrade to AMI configuration on August 28 at Torino-Caselle.
Мировая Авиация 223
Совместное предприятие LMATTS использовало для летных испытаний по программам гражданской и военной сертификации три прототипа C-27J. Самолеты выполнили 793 испытательных полета с налетом 445 ч.
Air International 2008-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Alenia’s demonstrator C-27J Spartan, C.S.X.62127 (c/n 4033, the third prototype), seen at Bamako, Mali, on December 1, 2007 during a humanitarian mission as part of Italy's Ridare La Luce (Give Back Light) aid operation. The aircraft operated four flights to Mali from Pratica di Mare Air Base, near Rome, two of them direct return flights with maximum load to a rough landing strip at Gao in eastern Mali. Two internal flights in Mali, from Bamako to Gao, were also flown by the C-27J, which transported medical equipment and relief materials.
Авиация и Время 2006-04 / А.Совенко - Жаркие дни "Фарнборо-2006"
В воздухе - легкий ВТС C-27J Spartan
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-11 / CIAF'2005
Международный авиасалон в Чехии Брно-2005 "CIAF"
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-11 / CIAF'2005
Международный авиасалон в Чехии Брно-2005 "CIAF"
Авиация и Космонавтика 2012-01 / Д.Пичугин - Дубай-2011
C-27 "Спартан" и A-380
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005
Air International 2008-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
The second Alenia C-27J Spartan Joint Cargo Aircraft (JCA) for the US Army made its maiden flight from Turin-Caselle Airport in Italy on September 15, 2008. L-3 Communications, the prime contract for the JCA, handed over the first C-27J to the Joint Program Office on September 25. A total of six have been ordered for the US Army, although 54 for that service and 24 for the US Air Force are under contract. The first 14 will be built by Alenia in Turin. The second aircraft was due to be delivered to L-3 Communications at Greenville in Waco in Texas and will be handed over to the Army in November.
Мировая Авиация 177
Представляется, что наиболее вероятной причиной создания C-27J стало стремление увеличить комплексный показатель полезная нагрузка/дальность полета/скорость полета, а не простое увеличение массы полезной нагрузки. C-27J берет на 1000 кг больше груза, но развивает на 15% большую крейсерскую скорость, чем G222.
Air International 2015-11 / R.Niccoli - Silvio Angelucci /Military/
Two Italian Air Force C-27Js on the flight line at Herat Air Base in Afghanistan.
Air International 2015-11 / R.Niccoli - Silvio Angelucci /Military/
An Italian Air Force EC-27J JEDI aircraft on the flight line at Herat in Afghanistan.
Air International 2014-06 / R.Niccoli - Training to Fly, Training to Fight /Military/
The AMI’s revised training system is intended to reduce the costs of training pilots on multi-engine types like the C-27J.
Air International 2008-06 / D.Willis - Spartan Ramps Up /Military/
A number of countries have opted to have a probe in-flight refueling system fitted, as illustrated here on an Italian Air Force C-27J.
Мировая Авиация 223
Основным внешним отличием C-27J являются шестилопастные винты из композиционных материалов. На самолет установлены ТВД AE2100, такие же, как на C-130J.
Air International 2007-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Arriving at Pisa-San Guisto on January 9, 2007 was C-27J MM.62215, the first for 46* Brigata Aerea of the Aeronautica Militate Italiana (AMI - Italian Air Force), which is seen here in formation with two AMI Eurofighter Typhoons, peeling away as the aircraft passes over the famous leaning bell tower of Pisa's cathedral. A formal delivery ceremony took place at the base on January 11 to accept the aircraft into service with the unit, with which it will take up code '46-80' (callsign 'Lupo 80' - 'Wolf 80' was already painted on the forward fuselage). The first AMI C-27J had been handed-over on October 24 last year but since then the type has been undergoing official AMI testing prior to entering service. The last of 12 aircraft on order for the AMI is scheduled for delivery by 2008.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Мировая Авиация 223
С сентября 2008 по 27 января 2009 года два C-27J успешно действовали в Афганистане, обеспечивая военный контингент Италии в составе сил НАТО.
Air International 2008-06 / D.Willis - Spartan Ramps Up /Military/
Italy was the C-27J Spartan's first customer with 12 aircraft purchased to replace the country's air force fleet of G222s.
Мировая Авиация 175
C-27J Spartan - средний военно-транспортный самолет, один из лучших в своем классе. Особенно впечатляющими выглядят его выступления на авиашоу, когда самолет выполняет различные фигуры высшего пилотажа, включая даже бочку и петли.
Air International 2008-06 / D.Willis - Spartan Ramps Up /Military/
Greece ordered 12 Spartans in January 2003, with the first example entering service in September 2005.
Air International 2018-11 / Airscene
Slovak Air Force C-27J 1931 transported Slovakian peacekeepers' equipment and weapons to Larnaca.
Мировая Авиация 223
В 2006 году Болгария заказала пять C-27J, но в 2010 году заказ был сокращен до трех самолетов. Болгарские машины используются для доставок людей и грузов, санитарных перевозок, обеспечения боевой подготовки болгарских десантников и личного состава спецназа МВД.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2017-12 / А.Младенов, К.Грозев - ВВС Болгарии. В ожидании перемен
Болгарские C-27J базируются на аэродроме Враждебна - аэропорт София, северная сторона
Авиация и Космонавтика 2017-09 / М.Йорданов - Учения "Шабла-2017"
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aero L-39 Albatros - Чехословакия - 1968
Air International 2013-05 / A.Mladenov - Spartan's Way to Maturity /Military/
Bulgarian Air Force C-27J 072 is one of three in service with 1/16 Transportna Avio Eskadrila based at Sofia-Vrazhdebna.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2017-12 / А.Младенов, К.Грозев - ВВС Болгарии. В ожидании перемен
Парашютисты десантируются с самолета C-27J
Air International 2007-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Lt General Simeon Simeonov, head of the Bulgarian Air Force, announced at a press conference on October 10, 2007 that the first of the Air Force's C-27J Spartan transport aircraft is scheduled to arrive at Sofia on November 5. The aircraft, one of five on order, will still be in a basic configuration, with some equipment not yet installed. This includes the cargo winch, digital map display and night vision equipment. The aircraft will, however, still be able to undertake missions until spring 2008, when it will be brought up to full configuration. Seen here during acceptance test flying from Turin-Caselle on October 10 is the first Bulgarian aircraft, 071, also carrying Italian test serial C.S.X62240.
Air International 2014-09 / A.Mladenov, K.Grozev - European Transport Training /Military/
The EATT exercise is Europe's only multinational training opportunity for military transport aircraft operators.
Мировая Авиация 223
В декабре 2007 года Румыния для замены устаревших Ан-24 и Ан-26 заказала семь C-27J, первые два самолета Spartan поставили 12 апреля 2010 года.
Air International 2019-09 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Airlift for experts /Military/
Zaragoza has not hosted the multinational ETAP-T exercise, which was formerly known as EATT, since 2013.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2019-09 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Airlift for experts /Military/
Both the classes and training organised as part of the ETAP are open to nations outside of the programme. Romania, Bulgaria and Lithuania frequently participate as invited countries.
Air International 2007-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
A ceremony at Siauliai Military Airport in Lithuania on December 27, 2006 marked the formal hand-over to the Lithuanian Air Force of its first C-27J Spartan, '06 Blue' (c/n 4115, ex CS.X62216), which had earlier been flown from the Alenia production facility in Turin-Caselle, Italy, to Siauliai on December 21. The aircraft, seen here on November 8 at the factory, is the first of three for Lithuania and had made its first flight in Lithuanian colours in early November, although it had originally been built as the second prototype C-27J and was later used to develop the Italian Air Force configuration. The second aircraft for Lithuania will follow in 2008 and the third in 2009.
Мировая Авиация 223
В июне 2006 года Литва разместила заказ на три C-27J и модули для санитарных и VIP-перевозок. Самолеты названы в честь исторических князей Литвы и базируются в Шауляе.
Авиация и Время 2007-04 / А.Хаустов, А.Совенко - Глобализация авиастроения - веление времени
ВВС Литвы закупают американо-итальянские транспортники C-27J
Air International 2008-06 / D.Willis - Spartan Ramps Up /Military/
Former Eastern Bloc countries have proved to be lucrative markets for Alenia Aeronautica's C-27J sales force with orders received from Lithuania, as illustrated here, Bulgaria and Romania.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-03 / В.Морозов - Авиация Литвы: 1919-2018гг. (3)
Транспортный C-27J "Спартан" ВВС Литвы
Air International 2014-09 / A.Mladenov, K.Grozev - European Transport Training /Military/
The Lithuanian C-27J performs a tactical departure at Plovdiv.
Air International 2013-04 / News
The last sortie by an Afghan Air Force Alenia C-27A (G222) Spartan was due to take place on March 21, 2013, just three years after the tactical transport entered service. The aircraft have been plagued by serious serviceability issues which has resulted in the US Air Force (which supplied the transports to the Afghans) terminating the programme. At least 11 of the aircraft are seen stored at Kabul International airport in mid-March, along with a derelict Antonov An-32 (far right). The first two of four former US Air Force C-130Hs, due to replace the Spartans, are expected to be delivered by the end of 2013, with the remainder by end of 2014.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-32 - Россия - 1977
Air International 2014-10 / News
Alenia C-27J Spartan 1402/TT-PAH, the second for the Chadian Air Force, conducting a test flight from Turin-Caselle on August 28, 2014.
Air International 2014-03 / News
Alenia C-27J Spartan 1401/TT-PAG is the first of two for the Force Aerienne Tchadienne (Chad Air Force). The tactical transport is seen during a test flight at Turin-Caselle in Italy on January 16, 2014, with its Italian military test registration, CSX62292. The aircraft wears the same scheme that was applied to Spartans delivered to the Royal Moroccan Air Force. Chad ordered two C-27Js in 2013 and was expected to receive the first by the end of that year. The original timetable was delayed briefly, as delivery is now anticipated in the first quarter of 2014.
Air International 2011-10 / News
Alenia C-27J Spartan CN-AMQ, also carrying the Italian test serial CSX62278, is the last destined for the Royal Moroccan Air Force. The transport is seen at Turin-Caselle Airport on September 2, 2011 at the conclusion of a test flight with the manufacturer. Morocco ordered four C-27Js in September 2008 and the first (CN-AMN) was delivered on July 7, 2010. The final example is due to be delivered soon.
Air International 2012-06 / ??? - Four days in Marrakech /Military/
Alenia C-27J Spartan CN-AMN (c/n 4150) is one of four that has been delivered to the Royal Moroccan Air Force. The order for the medium transports was placed in 2008.
Air International 2019-04 / Airscene
Leonardo C-27J Spartan AF 002 in full Zambian Air Force colours at Turin-Caselle airport, Italy, on March 15, 2018 during a test flight. The aircraft made its first flight on July 17, 2018, without Zambian Air Force titles and insignia. In September 2015 Alenia Aermacchi (now Leonardo) announced an undisclosed African air force had ordered two C-27J Spartans. In December 2017 Zambian Air Force Deputy Commander, Major General David Muma confirmed the deal. The second Zambian C-27J, AF 003, made its maiden flight on December 27,2018.
Air International 2015-02 / News
Royal Australian Air Force C-27J Spartan A34-001 takes off from Waco, Texas, on December 15, 2014, for its first sortie after being officially transferred to RAAF charge on November 25. The aircraft carried instructors from L-3 Communications along with the heads of the RAAF C-27J Transition Team.
Air International 2018-12 / N.Pittaway - Spartan conditions /Military/
C-27J A34-008 takes off from the austere airfield at Batchelor for a local air drop sortie. Two Spartans were based at the airfield, south of Darwin, during the large force employment phase of Pitch Black 2018.
Air International 2019-09 / N.Pittaway - Testing times 75 years of ARDU /Military/
A C-27J Spartan from 35 Squadron conducted a series of flight trials in conjunction with a PC-9A aircraft from the Aircraft Research and Development Unit in November 2018. The trials involved delivery of static-line parachutes, an important certification activity that prepared Spartans for final operational capability.
Air International 2018-06 / News by countries
To mark 75 years since the establishment of 35 Squadron, an anniversary tail flash has been applied to C-27J Spartan transport aircraft A34-006. Formed at RAAF Base Pearce on March 11,1942, 35 Squadron has provided airlift to a range of operations throughout its career, and today is based at RAAF Base Richmond. The tail flash includes a high-visibility orange wallaby, similar to that worn by the squadron's DHC-4 Caribou transport aircraft during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
Air International 2018-12 / N.Pittaway - Spartan conditions /Military/
A 35 Squadron C-27J Spartan delivers an air drop load from low-level during Exercise Pitch Black 2018. The squadron performed both air drop and air-land sorties, operating from austere facilities at Batchelor Airfield.
Air International 2014-08 / News
Alenia C-27J Spartan l-RAID on approach to Turin-Caselle, Italy, on June 30, 2014. The transport is the third produced for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and will become A34-003 upon delivery. The RAAF has ten C-27Js on order. The first flew on December 18, 2013, and was due to be handed over around the time AIR International went to press. The type will enter service with 35 Squadron at RAAF Base Richmond, New South Wales.
Air International 2015-08 / News
The first RAAF C-27J, A34-001, touches down at RAAF Base Townsville, Queensland, June 24, 2015, following its delivery flight from the USA. It completed its journey to RAAF Base Richmond the following day.
Air International 2017-03 / Airscene
The RAAF's 35 Squadron received its initial operational capability declaration on December 16, 2016.
Air International 2016-04 / News
A Royal Australian Air Force C-27 Spartan receives a water cannon salute after arriving at RAAF Base Richmond in 2015. The type is due to achieve initial operational capability at the end of 2016.
Air International 2023-01 / T.Fish - Keeping up the pace
A RAAF C-27J Spartan aircraft takes part in combat offload activity as part of Exercise Rajawali Ausindo in September 2022 for the fi rst time at RAAF Base Townsville
Air International 2014-02 / News
Alenia Aermacchi C-27J Spartan A34-001 is the first for the Royal Australian Air Force, destined for 35 Squadron ‘Wallaby Airlines'.
Air International 2018-12 / N.Pittaway - Spartan conditions /Military/
Crews from 176 Air Despatch Squadron load C-27J A34-008, during an engines running turnaround at Batchelor.
Air International 2017-03 / Airscene
Three 35 Squadron C-27Js parked on the flight line at RAAF Base Amberley.
Air International 2020-04 / K.Chapman, P.Eden - Disaster Down Under
C-27J Spartans have proved their value in the operations, being able to deliver cargo, transport firefighters and evacuate residents from areas inaccessible to larger fixed-wing transport aircraft.
Air International 2013-02 / News
Work on the first Alenia C-27J Spartan tactical transport for the Royal Australian Air Force is advancing. On December 18, 2012, Alenia Aermacchi announced that the fuselage had arrived at the Turin facility in Italy for final assembly via truck and sea from Capodichino in Naples. Australia ordered ten C-27Js via the US Foreign Military Sales programme in May 2012 and the first (c/n NC179, to become A34-001) will be delivered in early 2015. The fleet will serve with No.35 Squadron.
Air International 2008-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Flight tests have begun with the US Army's first C-27J Spartan.
Air International 2011-01 / News
Aircraft 08-27014 was the first C-27J Joint Cargo Aircraft (JCA) to be delivered to the 179th Airlift Wing, Ohio Air National Guard and is seen at Mansfield in September 2010.
Мировая Авиация 223
Несмотря на выигрыш конкурса JCA, история самолета C-27J неоднозначна. Сокращение закупок и возможный отказ от эксплуатации уже построенных самолетов вообще поставили под угрозу экспортные перспективы самолета.
Air International 2011-09 / News
C-27J 08-27012 (c/n 4148/CA3, ex I-RAIF) of the 164th Airlift Squadron, 179th Airlift Wing, Ohio Air National Guard, is seen at Prestwick Airport on July 28, 2011, on its deployment to Afghanistan to join the 702nd EAS.
Air International 2013-08 / J.Dorschner - Spartan's Future /Military/
Joint Army National Guard and Air National Guard crews operated two C-27Js out of Kandahar from July 2011 to June 2012, where they resupplied isolated forward operating bases and combat outposts throughout Afghanistan. The aircraft flew 3,200 missions, including 71 airdrops, moved 1,400 tons of cargo and transported 25,000 passengers.
Air International 2013-12 / News
C-27J 08-27013, a former Ohio Air National Guard aircraft operated by the 179th Airlift Wing based at Mansfield Lahm municipal airport, arrived at David-Monthan on August 7, 2013. The aircraft is currently awaiting a parking allocation for Type 1000 storage, which requires the airframe to be kept in near-active condition. Other C-27Js, the first of which (serial number 09-27021) arrived on July 23, have been retired from Maryland, Michigan, and the US Army.
Air International 2014-12 / News
Former US Air Force C-27J Spartan 10-27023 (c/n 4172), now wearing US Coast Guard titles on the rear fuselage, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, prior to departure on November 13, 2014.
Air International 2011-10 / News
The first Alenia C-27J Spartan II for the Mexican Air Force (carrying the test serial CSX62259) is seen on approach to Turin-Caselle Airport on August 24, 2011. The transport is undergoing test flights from Alenia Aeronautica's facility at the airport. Mexico ordered four Spartans in July, with the first scheduled for delivery in time to take part in a military parade that was due to take place in Mexico City on September 16. CSX62259 is believed to be one of the aircraft built for the Hellenic Air Force (4146/HA011), but its delivery was later cancelled. The other three will be handed over by the end of 2012.
Air International 2015-03 / News
The first Peruvian Air Force C-27J Spartan, FAP-328/C.S.X62295, on the ramp outside the factory at Turin-Caselle, Italy, on January 14, 2015. The FAP has signed a contract for a further two of the tactical airlifters.
Air International 2012-08 / News
Alenia Aermacchi and ATK unveiled the MC-27J special operations version of the Spartan at the recent Farnborough Airshow. The aircraft will be equipped with a modular package of sensors, including a target designator, as well as weapons, initially comprising a palletised 30mm GAU-23 Bushmaster cannon, the barrel of which can be seen protruding from the rear door. Trials with the weapon are due to take place in the US later this year. Precision-guided weapons will be integrated with the MC-27J at a later date. According to Alenia a potential market for 50 MC-27Js exists.
Air International 2019-09 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Airlift for experts /Military/
The Aeronautica Militare sent one of its Alenia MC-27J Praetorian to Zaragoza. The aircraft is operated by 98 Gruppo/46 Brigatta Aerea based at Pisa-San Giusto.
Air International 2013-05 / R.Niccoli - A Gunship from Italy /Military/
A GAU-23 30mm Bushmaster cannon.
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