Страна : International
Год : 1992
Средне- и дальнемагистральный авиалайнер большой пассажировместимости
- Airbus - A330 - 1992 - International
- Airbus - A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - 2007 - International
- Airbus - A330neo - 2017 - International
- Airbus - Beluga XL - 2018 - International
Airbus Industrie A330
5 июня 1987 года после завершения предпроектных исследований было принято решение о начале полномасштабного проектирования самолетов A330 и A340, способных составить конкуренцию новейшим американским проектам Boeing 767 и 777. Оба новых самолета оптимизированы для эксплуатации на линиях большой протяженности с большим объемом пассажиропотоков. A330 и A340 стали первыми авиалайнерами, спроектированными по "безбумажной" технологии, с использованием компьютеров с программным обеспечением CAD. Самолеты A330 и A340 унифицированы по фюзеляжу, хвостовому оперению, шасси, оборудованию кабин и геометрии крыла. Двухдвигательный A330 предназначен для эксплуатации на линиях средней и большой дальности, A340 с четырьмя двигателями - на линиях очень большой протяженности. Конструкция крыла обоих самолетов в целом одинаковая и отличается лишь силовым набором и механизацией.
На обоих самолетах использована электродистанционная система управления полетом с боковыми ручками управления. Приборное оборудование выполнено по принципу "стеклянной кабины" с использованием цветных многофункциональных индикаторов. Экипаж - два человека. Фюзеляж круглого сечения не отличается от фюзеляжей самолетов A300 и A310, что позволило сэкономить на разработке салонов.
Ключевым фактором, увеличившим эффективность самолетов Airbus нового поколения, стало новое крыло на 40% большей площади, по сравнению с крылом самолета A300-600. Стреловидность крыла по четверти хорды 30 градусов. Новая форма крыла в плане позволила несколько снизить его лобовое сопротивление на крейсерской скорости полета.
Первый A330 впервые поднялся в воздух 2 ноября 1992 года, на самолете были установлены двигатели CF6-80E1A2 тягой по 300,25 кН. В качестве альтернативной силовой установки предусмотрено использование двигателей Rolls-Royce Trent 768/772 с большей тягой. Первый полет A330 с двигателями Rolls-Royce выполнил 31 января 1994 года, за ним последовал A330 с двигателями Pratt & Whitney PW4164/4168 тягой по 302,48 кН.
Европейский и американский сертификаты на модель с двигателями CF6 были получены в октябре 1993 года. Первый самолет A330 авиакомпания "Air Inter" получила в декабре 1993 года, а в январе 1994 года начала его эксплуатацию.
В 2009 году заказчикам предлагаются самолеты A330 в трех вариантах: исходный A330-300, более совершенный A330-200 и грузовой A330-200F. В разработке находится новая модель самолета с увеличенной на 5 т взлетной массой и увеличенной до 12 650 км дальностью полета. Считается, что данный вариант поддержит у вероятных заказчиков интерес к самолетам семейства A330, особенно на фоне аннулирования программы самолета Boeing 787. Базовый вариант A330-300 рассчитан на перевозку 335-440 пассажиров. В качестве силовой установки возможно использование двух двигателей CF6-80E1 или двух PW4164/4168, или двух Trent 768/772 тягой до 316,27 кН. Первый полет A330-200 выполнил 13 августа 1997 года, эксплуатация началась с апреля 1998 года. Основанный на A330-300, он рассчитан на большую дальность полета, имеет укороченный на 5,33 м фюзеляж и усиленное крыло от A340-300. A330-200 способен перевозить 380 пассажиров на расстояние более 12000 км, максимальная взлетная масса самолета доведена до 230000 кг.
Проект A330-400X представляет собой усиленный вариант A330-300 с теми же массовыми характеристиками и силовой установкой и с салонами двух классов для 370 пассажиров в удлиненном на 6,35 м фюзеляже; дальность полета 7300 км.
Ранее планировалось, что в 2009 году должны начаться поставки грузового варианта A330-200F. В передней части фюзеляжа сделана грузовая дверь по типу самолета A300-600F. Кроме того, в передней части фюзеляжа устроены блистеры, позволяющие осматривать носовую опору шасси. Самолет A330-200F предлагается вероятным заказчикам в варианте с двигателями Trent или PW4000.
Консорциум "Airbus" разработал многоцелевой транспортный самолет/самолет-заправщик A330 MRTT (Multi-Role Tanker Transport). Австралия заказала пять таких самолетов под обозначением KC-30A с началом поставок в 2009 году, хотя в октябре 2008 года представители EADS объявили о задержке с началом поставок на девять месяцев.
ВВС Великобритании выбрали A330-200 в качестве прототипа перспективного самолета-заправщика, принятие на вооружение первого самолета намечено на 2011 год. ВВС Великобритании намерены закупить 14 самолетов. EADS и "Northrop Grumman" представили самолет-заправщик KC-300 на базе A330 на конкурс самолета-заправщика KC-X для ВВС США, которым требуется 179 машин для замены устаревших заправщиков KC-135. Самолет KC-330 выиграл конкурс, но контракт на его поставку был оспорен фирмой "Boeing" и американскими политиками. Новое решение по самолету KC-X, как ожидается, будет принято в 2009 году.
Всего к ноябрю 2008 года "Airbus" получил заказов на 1012 самолетов серии A330.
Airbus Industrie A330-300
Тип: средне- и дальнемагистральный авиалайнер большой пассажировместимости
Силовая установка: два двухконтурных турбореактивных двигателя General Electric CF6-80E1A2 тягой по 300,25 кН или два ТРДД Pratt & Whitney PW4164/4168 тягой по 302,48 кН или два ТРДД Rolls-Royce Trent 768/772 тягой по 316,27 кН
Характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на высоте 12 500 м 930 км/ч; экономическая крейсерская скорость на высоте 11 900 м 860 км/ч; практический потолок 12 500 м; дальность полета с 335 пассажирами и навигационным запасом топлива на 370 км полета 8350 км
Массы: пустого снаряженного 120000-120850 кг; максимальная взлетная 212 000 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 60,30 м; длина 63,65 м; высота 16,74 м; площадь крыла 363,10м2
Полезная нагрузка: максимальная масса полезной нагрузки 46150 кг
- Описание
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Airbus A330-200 in an uncharacteristic pose (1999)
Мировая Авиация 34
A330-300 (на снимке) - среднемагистральный вариант A330 с большой вместимостью. "Airbus" планирует ввести в эксплуатацию в 2010 году вариант A330-200 с увеличенной массой, используя задержку в программе создания лайнера Boeing 787.
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2 ноября 1992г.: успешный первый полет выполнил дальнемагистральный A330.
Мировая Авиация 35
В августе 1997 года в воздух поднялся первый экземпляр укороченного A330-200. Летом 1998 года, после испытательных полетов с двигателями CF6 и PW4000, начались полеты с двигателями Trent.
Мировая Авиация 35
Во время испытаний на определение минимальной расчетной скорости отрыва самолета из-под защищенной нижней хвостовой части фюзеляжа разлетались искры. За первым полетом в 1992 году последовал период интенсивных летных испытаний.
Air International 1994-10 / M.Hirst - Anatomy of an Airliner (2)
Flight testing, including a demonstration of the minimum unstick-speed, is a fundamental element of the certification process. This test was successfully completed by the Airbus A330 in June 1993.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Airbus A330-200 prototype displaying at Farnborough in September 1998, following refit with Rolls-Royce engines (1999)
Air International 1994-10 / Farnborough Airscene
General overview of part of the static park with the US military contingent dominating, including the new Gulfstream C-20G to the right and C-17A on the left while the Airbus A330 and A340 are prominent behind.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A340 - International - 1991Gulfstream Gulfstream IV/V/G450/G500/G550 - США - 1985McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III - США - 1991
Мировая Авиация 34
Фирма "Airbus" представляла A330 лидером рынка, особенно из-за задержек с созданием лайнера Boeing 787. Однако в эпоху высоких цен на топливо A340 - четырехдвигательный собрат A330 - выглядел куда менее привлекательным.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A321 - International - 1993Airbus A340 - International - 1991
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Workhorse twin /Commercial/
Airbus has invested €150 million a year in an incremental development programme for the legacy A330.
Air International 2019-11
Airbus predicts healthy future demand for airliners over the next 20 years, although in the long term the A380 is not one of the products on offer.
AIRBUS HAS confirmed its Skywise open data and digital services platform is now in use on more than 6,000 aircraft worldwide.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A320neo - International - 2014Airbus A350 - International - 2013Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005Airbus Beluga XL - International - 2018Bombardier CSeries - Канада - 2013
Air International 2019-07 / Airscene
Airbus airliners in formation with the Patrouille de France off the southwestern French coast in late May 2019.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A320neo - International - 2014Airbus A350 - International - 2013Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005Airbus Beluga XL - International - 2018Bombardier CSeries - Канада - 2013Hawker-Siddeley Hawk / HS.1182 - Великобритания - 1972
Air International 1994-10 / Farnborough Airscene
Airbus A330-300 with RR Trent 768s
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - Twin Peaks /Commercial/
A dramatic motion-blur photograph showing how sleek an A330 can look.
Air International 2014-12 / News
Lufthansa plans to begin low-fare services to long-haul leisure destinations in autumn 2015, and now says it is considering launching a second carrier into this sector.
Air International 2015-11 / A.Spaeth - Greek Triumph /Commercial/
Aegean now operates an all-Airbus fleet, including A320-232 SX-DVG seen on finals to Heathrow.
Air International 2020-08 / G.Smith, B.O'Sullivan - Aer Lingus fighting COVID-19 /COVID-19/
The flight from Dublin to Beijing/Capital typically takes around ten hours outbound and 11 hours on the return.
Air International 2011-08 / A.Spaeth - Iolar Flies Again /Commercial/
A330-300 EI-DUZ departs Dublin International Airport bound for the United States.
Air International 2011-08 / A.Spaeth - Iolar Flies Again /Commercial/
Aer Lingus operates seven A330s including EI-DUO, one of three 200 series versions.
Air International 2007-07 / B.Hales-Dutton - Open Skies or Just Half-Open? /Commercial/
Irish flag-carrier Aer Lingus has described the deal as "a momentous development for Irish aviation". It has already announced its intention to expand its US route network from four to seven destinations.
Air International 2020-08 / G.Smith, B.O'Sullivan - Aer Lingus fighting COVID-19 /COVID-19/
Each crew member working on the PPE charters must study a 45-page document explaining the procedures unique to the route.
Air International 2020-06 / J.Wyatt - Cargo Sector Pulls its Weight
Recent weeks have seen a flurry of unusual city pairings as governments and private organisations scramble to source medical supplies to help combat COVID-19. This Aer Lingus A330 has just returned to Dublin from Beijing.
Air International 2020-08 / G.Smith, B.O'Sullivan - Aer Lingus fighting COVID-19 /COVID-19/
Capt Brian O'Sullivan (far right) is pictured alongside colleagues before the maiden flight.
Air International 2019-03 / Backpages
Plain and largely white fuselages are in vogue for airline liveries.
Air International 2019-03 / Backpages
Airbus A330-302 EI-EDY (msn 1025) was the first Aer Lingus widebody to be repainted and is pictured here during the rebrand launch event at the carrier's Hangar 6 in Dublin.
Air International 2020-08 / G.Smith, B.O'Sullivan - Aer Lingus fighting COVID-19 /COVID-19/
Aer Lingus operates a fleet of 15 Airbus A330 widebody jets. Since late March 2020, many of them have been involved in special PPE charter work.
Air International 2017-09 / D.Sipinski - A Time of Growth /Commercial/
A mostly Western fleet is one reason why Aeroflot Russian Airlines has been able to improve its reputation. Airbus A330-343 VQ-BMY (msn 1301), pictured approaching London Heathrow, is one of 22 A330s in service with the carrier.
Мировая Авиация 46
Пять A330-200 стали основой флота "Air Algerie", они были поставлены в 2005 году и получили двигатели CF6.
Air International 2014-09 / News
Airbus A330-343 F-WWKD (msn 1549) was delivered to AirAsia X as 9M-XXT on August 14, 2014. The airliner is seen on its first flight from Toulouse-Blagnac in southern France on July 23, painted in what the carrier calls its Xcintillating PhoeniX scheme. The design is the result of an open competition for AirAsia Facebook subscribers to create a distinctive livery for one of the airline's new A330-300s. Entries had to be submitted via e-mail by September 2013 and competitors could draw inspiration by chosing from the names XKLusive, Xiao Long Bao, Xeoul Mate, Xiaolin Spirit, Harmonious DiverXity, Xakura Blossom and Xcintillating PhoeniX. The scheme was designed by Denzel Yap Shuet Lih.
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - Twin Peaks /Commercial/
AirAsia X is among A330 operators pushing for an A330neo.
Air International 2016-02 / M.Broadbent - Evolved /Commercial/
A330s are used by a range of operators. Low-cost long-haul operator AirAsia X has converted 11 existing A330ceo orders to A330neos, it was announced in January 2016.
Air International 2009-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
On October 31, 2008, AirAsia X of Malaysia took delivery of the first of its Airbus A330-343s (c/n 952 ex F-WWKR) at Toulouse in France. AirAsia X has 25 A330-300s on order, which will be used to link Kuala Lumpur with low fare services to Australia, North Asia, the Middle East and Europe to complement its the existing AirAsia network. The aircraft have a two-class cabin layout with 355 economy seats and 28 in the airline's new XL premium class.
Air International 2023-05 / M.Doran - A profitable approach
For AirAsia X, the A330 is the aircraft for Malaysia-Australia flights
Air International 2012-03 / News
Airbus A330-343E 9M-XXF (msn 1126) is seen on approach to Melbourne-Tullamarine International Airport, Victoria in Australia, on January 15, 2012. The airliner carries a special scheme and 'Now Everyone Can Fly to Malaysia' titles. The Petronas Towers are depicted on the tail. The aircraft was painted in the new colours in late December 2011.
Air International 2012-05 / A.Spaeth - Growing pains /Commercial/
Air Berlin's Boeing 737-800 D-ABKU (c/n 37744) and A330-200 D-ABXA were the first aircraft to use the apron at Berlin-Brandenburg Airport on March 20, 2012. The airport is due to open for passenger services on June 3.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 737-600 / BBJ - США - 1998
Air International 2015-07 / D.Sipinski - Heading Back to Black /Commercial/
Despite its close partnership with majority stakeholder Etihad Airways, airberlin will continue to be part of the oneworld alliance.
Air International 2012-05 / A.Spaeth - Growing pains /Commercial/
A330-200 D-ABXA (msn 288) featuring the Oneworld logo, at Berlin-Brandenburg Airport on March 20, 2012.
Air International 2015-10 / News
Airbus flew Air China's 50th A330 on September 7, 2015. The jet, A330-343 B-5977 (msn 1658, F-WWYC), pictured at Toulouse Blagnac, features the increased 242-tonne maximum take-off weight capability cleared for the type. Once delivered, it will take Air China’s fleet of A330-300s to 20; the airline also operates 30 A330-200s. Its initial A330-200 was delivered in 2006 and its first A330-300 four years later.
Мировая Авиация 65
"Air France". К началу 2009 года авиакомпания "Air France" располагала флотом из 16 лайнеров A330-200, которые использовались преимущественно на дальних маршрутах - в США, Латинскую Америку и Африку. 1 июня 2009 года произошла катастрофа самолета A330, выполнявшего рейс Рио-де-Жанейро - Париж. Точная причина катастрофы пока не установлена. Салоны самолетов A330 авиакомпании "Air France" имеют от 219 до 291 мест.
Air International 2020-10 / T.Haynes - Black boxes: built to survive
Following the crash of Air France Flight 447 on June 1, 2009 it took nearly two years for the black boxes to be recovered from the crash site
Air International 2020-09 / J.Feldman - Aviation's COVID-19 paradigm shift
Previously, major incidents including the loss of Air France flight 447 on June 1, 2009 have been responded to with changes to standard operating procedures.
Air International 2008-10 / G.Jones - Air France at 75 /Commercial/
Air France and KLM merged in 2004 and have worked together to find improvements to their operational efficiency. The two carriers share a lot in common, including flying a number of the same types of aircraft such as the Boeing 747, 777 and Airbus A330 (pictured).
Air International 2016-11 / A.Spaeth - Northern Star /Commercial/
Ex-Sabena A330-223 OY-GRN (msn 230) can only operate into Kangerlussuaq on the west coast, from where its passengers and cargo are distributed around Greenland using the Dash 8 fleet.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash-8 - Канада - 1983
Мировая Авиация 46
"Air lnter" получила первый A330 в декабре 1993 года и стала первым эксплуатантом данного типа самолета.
Мировая Авиация 34
Французская авиакомпания "Air Inter" первой начала эксплуатацию A330-200. Европейская поддержка программы A330/A340 была очень мощной благодаря таким национальным авиакомпаниям как "Lufthansa" и "Air France", начавшим коммерческую эксплуатацию A340.
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
One of Air Italy's new aircraft is Airbus A330-202 EI-GFX (msn 571), formerly operated by Qatar Airways, the 49% shareholder in the recently rebranded Italian carrier.
Air International 2019-01 / A.Spaeth - Small island, big jets /Commercial/
Two A330-202s, including 3B-NPL (msn 1057), have served Air Mauritius since the late 2000s. The carrier is set to become an early operator of the next-generation A330-900.
Air International 2019-04 / Airscene
Air Serbia’s sole Airbus A330-202 YU-ARA ’Nikola Tesla' (msn 885) has been repainted with a special livery featuring numerous words emblazoned across the tail to promote a Serbian Government campaign called 'Serbia Creates’. The aircraft is pictured departing Belgrade for New York JFK in March 2019.
Air International 2022-04 / News
Restrictions in international air transport following Russia's invasion of Ukraine led Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow to close passenger service at Terminal D
Air International 2016-06 / Airscene
Air Serbia A330-202 A6-EYC (msn 885), which is to become YU-ARA at Belgrade on May 11, 2016. This is the airline’s first long-haul aircraft, and will be used on services to New York JFK from June.
Air International 2017-08 / A.Spaeth - From Intercontinental to Island Hopping /Commercial/
Both A330s were formerly operated by Jet Airways, which like Air Seychelles is an Etihad partner airline.
Air International 2017-08 / A.Spaeth - From Intercontinental to Island Hopping /Commercial/
Air Seychelles is returning to Europe this summer with its A330s, reflecting a growing tourist trade.
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
Three of the four Airbus A330-342s operated by Air Transat have received a special livery to mark the Canadian charter carrier’s 30th anniversary. Here C-GTSO (msn 132) is pictured at Toronto. The jets will retain the livery for the rest of this year.
Air International 2020-05 / Special Report: Outbreak Fallout
Canadian leisure carrier Air Transat confirmed on March 22, 2020 that it would temporarily let go of 70% of its workforce.
Air International 2018-01 / Airscene
The Canadian carrier Air Transat has introduced a revised livery, seen here on Airbus A330-243 C-GTSN (c/n 369) at Toronto Lester B Pearson International Airport. The livery was unveiled in November 2017 to coincide with the airline's 30th birthday.
Air International 2007-02 / P.Giannico - Air Transat - Canada's Holiday Airline /Commercial/
Four Airbus A330s are also operated by AirTransat, which uses them mainly for long-haul flights to Europe.
Air International 2021-02 / M.Broadbent - Northern flights
Air Transat's acquisition by Air Canada is due to complete in February 2021
Air International 2011-11 / A.Spaeth - Alitalia Resurgent /Commercial/
Alitalia is renewing its A330-200 fleet, as well as introducing its new long-haul cabin products to the type.
Air International 2017-01 / A.Spaeth - Reinventing Alitalia /Commercial/
This year has seen two more A330s join the fleet as Alitalia looks to grow in long-haul; another will arrive in 2017.
Air International 2017-01 / A.Spaeth - Reinventing Alitalia /Commercial/
Alitalia is seeking to grow its long-haul business and has introduced a new business class on its A330s and Boeing 777s.
Air International 2015-07 / News
Airbus A330-202 I-EGJA (msn 825), on finals to Milan Malpensa on June 5, 2015, shows the new ‘pinstripe effect’ detail on the rear fuselage, leading up to the enlarged tricolour logo.
Air International 2017-01 / A.Spaeth - Reinventing Alitalia /Commercial/
Alitalia's revised colour scheme on A330 I-EJGB (msn 831).
Air International 2017-09 / Airscene
American Airlines, the world's largest airline, posted a $1.04 billion net profit in the first half of 2017. This shows the North American market's strength; nearly half of the profits made by the world’s airlines this year will be generated by airlines based there.
Air International 2011-04 / S.Schmitz - African Ambition /Commercial/
Airbus A330-200 5N-EIA was the first wide body jet to be registered in Nigeria.
Air International 2007-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Asiana Airlines Airbus A330-323X HL7747 (c/n 803), seen here during a test flight on December 7, 2006, was handed over in Toulouse on December 18, becoming the 100th aircraft to join the South Korean airline and the fifth A330 in its fleet. The aircraft is the first A330 to appear in the airline's new colour scheme and will be joined by a further aircraft in 2007.
Air International 2012-10 / News
Airbus A330-243 F-WWCK (msn 1342) in Star Alliance colours is seen making its first flight from the manufacturer's facility at Toulouse in southern France on August 31, 2012. It will become N342AV upon delivery to Avianca of Colombia, the ninth of ten for the carrier.
Air International 2015-12 / News
SATA Air Acores has rebranded to Azores Airlines as it seeks to bolster its competitive position in offering air travel to its Azores Islands home in the North Atlantic, around 845 miles (1,360km) west of Portugal. The carrier is leasing two Airbus A330-203s, one of which (CS-TRY, msn 970) has been repainted in the relaunched carrier's distinctive identity which features a sperm whale on the fuselage.
Air International 2015-01 / News
The specially-marked A330-200 PR-AIV is one of the A330s used for long-haul flights by Azul Brazilian Airlines.
Air International 2001-07 / Airscene
BMI British Midland Airbus A330-243 G-WWBB (c/n 404) was seen at Manchester throughout the weekend of May 6/7, 2001 undertaking crew training flights prior to inaugurating transatlantic services from the airport to Washington on May 12.
Air International 2011-08 / News
Removing the need to fly passengers through Britain? bmi, now owned by Lufthansa, is examining prospects for growth offered by airports like Frankfurt and Brussels.
Air International 2013-05 / News
Airbus A330-223 M-ABFL (msn 324) was rolled out of the Air Livery paintshop at Manchester Airport on March 20, 2013 in Brussels Airlines colours. The airliner previously flew with Air Australia as VH-SSA and will become OO-SFU on entering service with its new operator. Brussels Airlines has two A330-200s and five -300s already in service.
Air International 2015-04 / C.Kjelgaard - Brussels with Muscles /Commercial/
Brussels Airlines operates to 17 destinations in 16 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Dakar in Senegal, where A330-322 OO-SFW (msn 82) is seen during turnaround.
Air International 2015-04 / C.Kjelgaard - Brussels with Muscles /Commercial/
A330-301 OO-SFC (msn 45), wearing its Red Devils scheme, taxies to the Brussels runway in June 2014 before departure to Sao Paulo. The Belgian football team was aboard for the flight to the World Cup finals.
Air International 2008-01 / T.Wills - Brussels Airport - From Airships to Air Hub /Commercial/
Brussels Airlines is the biggest provider of flights from the Belgian capital and has helped to fill the void left by the collapse of Sabena. Pictured is one of the carrier's Airbus A330s taking off from Brussels Airport. The airline is applying a new colour scheme to its fleet, and three examples of it can be seen behind this aircraft parked at the terminal.
Air International 2015-04 / C.Kjelgaard - Brussels with Muscles /Commercial/
The Red Devils scheme is also painted on Airbus A330-300 OO-SFO (msn 45).
Мировая Авиация 46
В середине 2009 года авиапарк "Cathay Pacific" насчитывал 29 машин A330-300 - на всех стоят двигатели Rolls-Royce Trent 700. Самолеты авиакомпании имеют три различные компоновки салона.
Мировая Авиация 17
Авиакомпания "Cathay Pacific" выбрала самолеты A330 в варианте с двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent. Авиакомпания также эксплуатирует дальнемагистральные самолеты A340.
Air International 2013-05 / D.Armstrong - Cathay Confronts Challenges /Commercial/
Hong-Kong based Cathay Pacific Airways operates a fleet of 37 Airbus A330-300s.
Air International 2013-10 / News
Airbus delivered the 1,000th A330 (msn 1436) to Cathay Pacific Airways on July 19, 2013. The aircraft is registered B-LBB with the slogan 'We are flying the 1,000th A330' on each side of the forward fuselage.
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - The In-Flight Revolution /Technology/
Cathay Pacific was the first Asian airline to introduce ARINC’s eEnabled system.
Air International 2020-05 / News: Commercial, Military
A Cathay Pacific widebody departs the carrier's Hong Kong/Check Lap Kok base. The firm has 120 aircraft stored at the facility.
Air International 2013-07 / News
Airbus A330-343X F-WWTR (msn 7420, to become RP-C3341) is the first of the type for Cebu Pacific Air of the Philippines, leased from CIT Aerospace. Cebu will lease eight A330-300s powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 772Bs, two of which will be delivered in both 2013 and next year. The first made its maiden flight from Toulouse-Blagnac on May 15, 2013 and is seen making a test flight from the south-west France airport eight days later. It was delivered on June 13 and will enter service on long-haul flights between Manila and Dubai on October 7.
Мировая Авиация 39
Фирмы "Airbus" и "Boeing" добавляют специальные индексы к обозначениям своих авиалайнеров, чтобы отразить заказчиков этих машин. Так, самолет для компании "China Airlines" с двигателями General Electric известен в "Airbus" как A330-302. Индекс "2" показывает, что машина была построена для данного перевозчика. "Airbus" предлагает различные варианты комплектации лайнеров на заказ, начиная со специальнойавионики и компоновки салона и заканчивая силовыми установками и максимальной взлетной массой. А система индексов обеспечивает простой способ стандартизации.
(Проект дальнемагистрального авиалайнера A350 ???) -
Air International 2006-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow
China Airlines has introduced two specially painted themed aircraft into service, including this new Airbus A330-302, B-18311 (c/n 752), which carries large 'Sweet' titles on the rear fuselage along with illustrations of Taiwanese fruits. The aircraft was the tenth owned A330-300 to join the airline and was delivered from Toulouse on June 21, 2006. The other themed aircraft is Boeing 737-809 B-18610 (c/n 29105), which has been in service with the airline for some years but has now been painted in a special scheme featuring sprigs of lavender along the fuselage sides.
Air International 2021-01 / T.Batchelor - Tackling a deadly threat
Birds can cause headaches for pilots, even at busy international hubs
Мировая Авиация 65
"China Eastern". К концу 2008 года авиакомпания "China Easterns эксплуатировала пять A330-200 и 15 A330-300, новых заказов пока не последовало. Контракт на 20 самолетов A330-300 подписан в 2004 году, но в процессе реализации был пересмотрен в пользу закупки самолетов не одной, а двух модификаций. Авиалайнеры имеют двухклассную компоновку и летали на престижной линии Шанхай - Лондон, однако в 2009 году из-за глобального экономического кризиса рейсы пришлось прекратить. Самолеты A330 и A340 авиакомпании "China Eastern" в целях унификации оснащены двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent; A330-200 используются для полетов в Индию, Японию, Сингапур, Южную Корею, Австралию и Таиланд. Первый A330 авиакомпания получила в 2006 году в варианте A330-300 (на снимке), став первой китайской авиакомпанией, приступившей к эксплуатации лайнеров данного типа. Самолеты A330-300 имеют 300-местную конфигурацию (38 мест бизнес-класса) и пришли на смену самолетам A300-600, в первую очередь на линиях внутри дальневосточного региона. A330 оснащены современной авионикой фирмы "Rockwell Collins".
Air International 2012-01 / News
China Eastern airlines Airbus A330-243 F-WWKH (msn 1267, to become B-6538) is seen at the manufacturer's facility at Toulouse/Blagnac in southern France on November 8, 2011, the day it made its first flight. The airliner has been painted in the colours of SkyTeam, which China Eastern Joined on June 21, 2011.
Air International 2018-08 / Airscene
Czech Airlines is 95 years old this year, with the anniversary falling on October 29, 2018. The airline has added a subtle '95 years’ sticker to several types in its fleet including an A320, an ATR 42 and its sole widebody aircraft, A330-300 OK-YBA (msn 425) pictured here departing Barcelona.
Air International 2013-09 / A.Spaeth - A Giant Spreads Its Wings /Commercial/
A330-300, N819NW (msn 858), is one of 32 in service with Delta Air Lines. All of Delta's A330s are former Northwest Airlines aircraft that were registered to Delta on October 29, 2008 the day the US Department of Justice approved the merger between the two carriers.
Air International 2018-10 / Backpages
THE WORLD'S largest airline, Delta, has opened a new 127,000ft2 (11,798m2) engine repair shop at its Atlanta headquarters.
Air International 2021-01 / News: Commercial, Military
Airlines are preparing to distribute billions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines
Air International 2018-12 / Airscene
Delta Air Lines' current 42-strong A330 fleet, including A330-242 N822NW (msn 1627), will be among the aircraft connected to the Airbus Skywise digital services platform.
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - Twin Peaks /Commercial/
Delta will be the first to receive the 242-tonne A330-300, in 2015.
Air International 2020-01 / News: Commercial, Military, UAV
Airbus will cooperate with Delta Air Lines on its Skywise predictive maintenance system.
Air International 2006-08 / T.Allett - World Cup Airlift /Commercial/
Emirates sponsors a number of sporting events. For the FIFA World Cup it was an official partner and painted additional markings on the rear fuselage of this Airbus A330, AB-EKY.
Мировая Авиация 65
"Emirates". Первый A330 "Emirates" получила в 1999 году (A330-200), а летом 2009 года ее парк насчитывал уже 29 лайнеров этого типа. Оснащенные двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent 772B самолеты выполняют рейсы в двухклассной компоновке (27 мест бизнес-класса и 251 - эконом-класса), работают на региональных маршрутах, а также выполняют полеты в Китай, Европу, Индию, на Шри-Ланку и в США. Авиакомпания "Emirates" в числе первых разрешила пассажирам пользоваться в полете мобильной связью, используя систему AeroMobile, дебют которой состоялся в 2008 году. AeroMobile быстро внедрили на всех самолетах A330 этой авиакомпании. В июле 2008 года "Emirates" анонсировала закупку еще 30 самолетов A330-300 (и 30 единиц A350XWB), представитель авиакомпании назвал самолет "самым экономичным средством перевозки 300 пассажиров на линиях средней протяженности с высоким уровнем комфорта". Поступление новых A330 намечено на 2012 год - предположительно они будут оснащены новым программным обеспечением Honeywell SmartLanding, которое "Emirates" планирует установить на все свои самолеты, включая A380.
Air International 1999-11 / D.Birch - Desert Classics /Commercial aviation/
Emirates was the first airline in the Middle East to take delivery of the Airbus A330-200, it has an order for 17 of the type to replace the current fleet of ten General Electric CF6-80-powered Airbus A310-300s and six A300-600Rs.
Air Pictorial 1999-05 / R.Jackson - Airport Movements
Emirates Airline's first Airbus A330-200 A6-EKQ arriving at Manchester from Dubai on 28/3/99. The airline, which now operates a twice weekly service into Manchester, has 16 further A330-200S on order plus six options. The aircraft will replace A300s and A310s
Air International 2007-06 / S.O'Connor - Entebbe - An Airport in Transition /Commercial/
An Emirates Airbus A330 touches down at Entebbe after a flight from Dubai. The current terminal can be seen in the background and a new building to handle domestic flights will be complete by this September.
Air International 2007-06 / S.O'Connor - Entebbe - An Airport in Transition /Commercial/
Last year international passengers increased to 643,330 from 551,853 in the previous year. Passengers disembark an Emirates A330 and file into the arrivals hall. One of the current improvements is the addition of airbridges to the terminal.
Air International 2014-12 / News
Etihad Airways Airbus A330-243 A6-EYH (msn 729, ex F-WWKR) departs Manchester in the UK for Abu Dhabi on November 5, 2014, sporting a special livery promoting Expo 2015 in Milan, Italy, which runs from May 1 to October 31 next year. An Alitalia A330 also wears a similar scheme.
Air International 2012-05 / News
Making its first visit to Manchester Airport on March 26, 2012 was Airbus A330-343X A6-AFA (msn 1071, ex F-WWYP) of Etihad Airways. The airliner wears a special scheme unveiled on February 15 promoting tourism to Abu Dhabi.
Air International 2011-08 / News
Airbus A330-243 A6-EYE (msn 688) named Blue Moon Rising of Etihad Airways is seen at Manchester International on July 7, 2011, having completed its first flight into the airport from Abu Dhabi after being painted in a special scheme to promote Manchester City Football Club. Etihad sponsors the club.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
Etihad is the main sponsor of the British Premiership football team Manchester City and currently operates this A330-200 A6-EYE in the team's colours.
Air International 2015-08 / News
Airbus A330-200 D-AXGA (msn 530) arriving at Hamburg on July 1, 2015 following repainting in Eurowings livery. The aircraft, owned by GECAS, was previously leased to EVA Airways. It is the first in a fleet of up to seven A330s that Eurowings will use for long-haul, low-cost services from Cologne/Bonn to Dubai, Bangkok and Phuket in Thailand, Varadero in Cuba and Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, which are planned to start on October 25.
Air International 2015-12 / News
Eurowings began long-haul services in November 2015 using wet-leased Airbus A330s, one of which is A330-203 D-AXGB (msn 684).
Air International 2005-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
EVA Air Airbus A330-203 B-16303 was unveiled on October 21, 2005 in this special scheme featuring characters from the Hello Kitty cartoon series as part of a joint promotion with the Sanrio Company. The special theme continues inside the cabin with Hello Kitty paintings on the walls.
Авиация и Время 2018-03
A330-200 (борт EC-MTY, cep. № 802) испанской авиакомпании Evelop Airlines
Air International 2013-04 / News
Airbus A330-243 DQ-FJT (msn 1394, wearing test registration F-VZWKD) was delivered to Fiji Airways on March 16, 2013. The aircraft is seen making its maiden flight at Toulouse, France, on February 19, painted in the carrier's new livery.
Air International 2016-02 / M.Broadbent - Evolved /Commercial/
A smoother pressure profile on the inboard wing upper surface and a shortened flap track fairing to improve the shock pattern on the mid-board wing have, Airbus says, cut the A330’s drag by 1% in the cruise.
Air International 2017-07 / C.Kjelgaard - Swap You /Technology/
GE Aviation’s TrueChoice Transitions pool covers every major turbofan-engine model GE Aviation has made over the past 30 years, including CF6-50C2S. This CF6-50C2-powered Finnair Airbus A330-302 OH-LTT (msn 1088) is pictured departing Helsinki.
Air International 2023-01 / T.Batchelor - Route to success
The airline's eight A330-300s are set to remain in service until the early 2020s.
Finnair has been forced to drop a number of routes due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine -
Air International 2013-12 / A.Spaeth - Defending the Nordic Niche /Commercial/
A330-300 OH-LTM (msn 994) was delivered to Finnair in March 2009 and is one of eight in service with the Finnish carrier.
Air International 2016-10 / M.Ayton - Hi Fly /Commercial/ (2)
A330-300 CS-TMT (msn 96) in the colours of Saudi low-cost carrier Flynas landing at Manchester. CS-TMT was leased from Hi Fly between May and November 2014.
Air International 2021-06 / M.Broadbent - Bouncing back
flypop will use a leased A330 from the UK to South Asia
Air International 2016-06 / Airscene
French Blue is the latest long-haul low-cost airline. Its first aircraft, A330-323 F-HPUJ (msn 1727), flew in May 2016.
Air International 2006-09 / M.English - Gulf Air. The Golden Falcon /Commercial/
This view of A330-243, A40-KA, shows to good effect Gulf Air's new colour scheme, comprising a re-styled falcon on the fin and a gold-painted forward fuselage. It is one of six A330s in the fleet.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
Gulf Air painted A330-200 A9C-KB in these special markings for the 2011 F1 Grand Prix that never was - the race was cancelled following the political unrest in Bahrain.
Air International 2012-03 / News
A never-before-seen formation comprising Gulf Air A330-200 A6C-KB and Royal Bahraini Air Force F-16Cs 202, 203, 205 and 206 of the 2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron based at Shaikh Isa AB.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 2006-09 / M.English - Gulf Air. The Golden Falcon /Commercial/
These three golden falcons, seen on the apron at Bahrain International Airport, illustrate, from left to right, the colours of Gulf Traveller (767-3P6ER, A40-GZ), Gulf Air's earlier livery (A330-243, A40-KB) and its latest colour scheme (A340-312, A40-LH).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A340 - International - 1991Boeing Boeing 767 - США - 1981
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Workhorse twin /Commercial/
Hainan Airlines A330-300 B-8117 (msn 1677) exits the runway at Manchester on January 6, 2018. Airlines in the Asia-Pacific region operate 46% of the total in-service A330 fleet according to analysts ICF.
Air International 2008-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Hainan Airlines (HNA) Airbus A330-243 (c/n 875, ex F-WWKB) was delivered to the airline on November 14, 2007 in a ceremony at Toulouse. Powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 700 engines and in a 222-passenger, two-class configuration, the aircraft, leased from CIT Aerospace, is the first A330 to join the Chinese airline. A second A330 for HNA, B-6118 (c/n 881, ex F-WWKD) also leased from CIT, made its first flight from Toulouse on November 15 and will also be delivered shortly.
Air International 2022-10 / T.Batchelor - Bright young things
New UK long-haul airline Hans Airways took delivery of its first Airbus A330-200 in early August 2022
Air International 2015-05 / D.Armstrong - Going Global /Commercial/
A330-200 N381HA (msn 1114) - one of 19 of a type that has powered Hawaiian's international expansion.
Air International 2015-05 / D.Armstrong - Going Global /Commercial/
An evening landing for A330-200 N384HA (msn 1259) at Las Vegas’ McCarran International.
Air International 2023-03 / C.Smith - Mixed blessings
The Hawaiian Airlines fleet includes 24 A330s
Air International 2015-05 / D.Armstrong - Going Global /Commercial/
Airbus A330-200 N384HA (msn 1259) at Tokyo-Haneda, one of the Asian destinations Hawaiian has added as part of its expansion into the Far East.
Air International 2023-01 / T.Batchelor - Brighter skies ahead?
Incorporated on January 30, 1929, under the name Inter-Island Airways, Hawaiian Airlines started out with just two eight-passenger Sikorsky S-38 amphibian planes and a Bellanca
Air International 2015-05 / D.Armstrong - Going Global /Commercial/
This colourful tailfin design is part of Hawaiian’s efforts to reflect its home islands' character.
Air International 2014-01 / News
The fifth Airbus A330-302 delivered to Iberia is the first of the airline’s fleet to appear in its new colour scheme. The airliner (EC-LYF, msn 1437, ex F-WWKA) named Juan Carlos I was delivered on November 14, 2013 and was noted at Madrid-Barajas Airport in Spain on November 30.
Air International 2014-07 / News
Iberia Airbus A330-302 EC-LYF Juan Carlos I (msn 1437, ex F-WWKA) departs Madrid-Barajas Airport in Spain for Baltimore, Maryland, on June 2, 2014. The airliner was carrying the Spanish national football team on its way to Brazil for the FIFA 2014 World Cup, and wears special decals applied to promote the event. It was delivered to Iberia on November 14, 2013
Air International 2016-11 / A.Spaeth - Zombie to Star Pupil /Commercial/
One of Iberias eight A330-302s, EC-LZJ (msn 1490). Iberia has invested in improving the product in its long-haul aircraft, including adding new seats and on-board Wi-Fi.
Air International 2017-08 / Airscene
Iberia marked its 90th anniversary with a private event at Cuatro Vientos aerodrome, Madrid on June 25, 2017. Among the celebrations was a flypast by Airbus A330-302E EC-LZX (msn 1507) in formation with the Ejercito del Aire (Spanish Air Force) Patrulla Aguila.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: CASA C-101 Aviojet - Испания - 1977
Air International 2016-11 / A.Spaeth - Zombie to Star Pupil /Commercial/
The introduction of a new colour scheme, seen here in contrast to the previous livery on aircraft at Madrid-Barajas, coincided with major restructuring at Iberia.
Air International 2007-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
At a ceremony on April 27, 2007, Jet Airways took delivery of its first directly ordered Airbus A330 aircraft. Jet Airways ordered ten A330-200s in October 2005 and the first of these, A330-202 VT-JWF (c/n 825, ex F-WWKE), is seen here on April 13 in the airline's revised livery.
Air International 2011-02 / N.Pittaway - Jetstar Group. A Stellar Outlook /Commercial/
Due to the late delivery of the Boeing 787s intended for Jetstar, Qantas transferred some of its A330-200s to fill the gap.
Air International 2017-07 / Airscene
Airbus A330-202 G-ZYGL (msn 1555) that Jet2 is leasing from AirTanker on finals to runway 06L at Palma de Mallorca.
Air International 2013-03 / News
Noted visiting Madrid-Barajas Airport in Spain on February 5, 2013, was Airbus A330-243 Prestige UP-A3001 (msn 863, ex 3B-TSL) of the Government of Kazakhstan. It transported the Kazakh President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to Spain to discuss trade and co-operation, and to a meeting with King Juan Carlos I. The VIP aircraft was delivered to Kazakhstan in March 2010.
Air International 2013-08 / News
Airbus A330-243CJ UP-A3001 (msn 863) of the Kazakhstan Government arrived at Manchester Airport on June 12, 2013 for repainting by Air Livery. It was rolled out six days later with a new blue, white and yellow stripe along the fuselage and tail. The aircraft departed the same day.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Spaeth - Defending 'Dutchness' /Commercial/
KLM will take delivery of its 17th and final A330 by the end of the year.
Air International 2012-04 / News
The first Airbus A330-303 PH-AKA (msn 1287) for KLM is seen on approach to Toulouse, France, on February 22, 2012, prior to being handed over as PH-AKA a week later.
Мировая Авиация 39
Как и все лайнеры фирмы "Airbus", A330 обязан своими хорошими характеристиками превосходному крылу. Крыло, спроектированное для A330-200, похоже на крыло A340, отличия минимальны. Крыло A330 не требовало изменения конструкции и модификации предкрылка.
Мировая Авиация 17
Сочетание большой дальности полета со значительной массой полезной нагрузки позволяет самолетам A330 выдерживать конкуренцию на дальневосточных маршрутах.
Air International 2014-10 / News
Korean Air Lines Airbus A330-223 HL8212 (msn 1155, ex F-WWKI) carries the design of a Children’s Drawing Competition along its rear fuselage. The special markings were applied in October 2013.
Air International 2017-07 / Airscene
Airbus A330-202 EC-MOU (msn 1777) departs Manchester after repainting by Air Livery into the livery of Level, the International Airlines Group’s new low-cost long-haul airline which started revenue flights to North American destinations from Barcelona in June 2017.
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Workhorse twin /Commercial/
Ownership costs of legacy A330s are a key reason why the type has found use with low-cost long-haul operators such as Level. Here A330-202 EC-MOU (msn 1777) is pictured at Barcelona in September 2017.
Air International 2020-07 / News: Commercial, Military
Lufthansa has received substantial state funding.
Air International 2022-02 / P.Willis - Ready for action?
Usually made of vinyl and secured by Velcro straps, engine covers are designed to withstand weather and deter birds or insects
Air International 2022-02 / P.Willis - Ready for action?
Helene Garcia believes the speed of the shut-down forced airlines to park aeroplanes rather than store them
Air International 2023-01 / News
The German team travelled to Dubai on a scheduled service - Flight LH 632 on November 14, 2022 - aboard a Fanhansa-branded Airbus A330
Air International 2023-01 / News
The Fanhansa campaign was designed to ‘connect the world’, Lufthansa said
Air International 2023-01 / News
German illustrator, animator and skateboarder Peter Phobia has worked with The New York Times and The New Yorker, among others
Air International 2016-10 / A.Spaeth - Towards A New Beginning /Commercial/
A330-323X 9M-MTC (msn 1229) touching down at Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport. The carrier has 15 A330s; it has six A350-900s on order.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
Malaysia Airlines operates 19 A330s (14 -300s, three 200s and two 200F freighters) serving routes such as Melbourne Australia, where -300 9M-MTD (msn 1234) is seen on December 6, 2011.
Air International 2013-05 / A.Spaeth - Asia's rollercoaster airline /Commercial/
Malaysia Airlines joined the oneworld alliance on February 1, 2013.
Air International 2006-07 / B.Hales-Dutton - Monarch Airlines - Adapting To Change /Commercial/
Two A330s operated by Monarch fly around 4,000 hours each annually. They are mostly used for long-haul services to such places as Goa in India. The airline is considering replacing the type with the A350 or Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Мировая Авиация 46
Авиапарк "Northwest Airlines" из 11 самолетов A330-200 и 21 A330-300 стал основным достижением фирмы "Airbus". Любая сделка на традиционной территории фирмы "Boeing" особенно приятна для европейской компании.
Мировая Авиация 65
Northwest Airlines/Delta Air Lines. Авиакомпания "Northwest Airlines" (NWA) объединилась с "Delta Air Lines" в 2008 году. Принадлежавшие "Northwest" самолеты A330-200 в 243-местном варианте отошли к "Delta", были перекрашены в ее цвета и начали полеты из Солт-Лейк-Сити. Обновленная "Delta" также унаследовала от NWA и самолеты A330-300 (на снимке) в двухклассной конфигурации с 34 местами бизнес-класса, именуемого "Business Elite", и 264 местами эконом-класса. Всего авиакомпания "Northwest" закупила 32 единицы A330 (11 A330-200 и 21 A330-300).
Мировая Авиация 46
"Philippine Airlines" в 1995 году заказала восемь A330-300. Поставки начались 1 августа 1997 года, в 2009 году все машины оставались в эксплуатации.
Мировая Авиация 65
"QANTAS". Решение авиакомпании "QANTAS" пополнить самолетами A330 свой флот среднемагистральных лайнеров имело огромное значение для компании "Airbus" - наконец удалось нарушить доминирование "Boeing" в парке ведущей австралийской авиакомпании, кроме того, это помогло заключить контракт на поставки самолетов A380. Данная сделка имела еще один аспект: 13 декабря 2007 года "QANTAS" получила 5000-й построенный самолет "Airbus" - им стал A330-200. В настоящее время парк "QANTAS" и ее компании "Jetstar" включает десять A330-300 и шесть A330-200 (на снимке), еще четыре A330-200 заказаны для эксплуатации на внутренних линиях. В 2009 году "QANTAS" продолжала эксплуатацию A330-300 в двухклассной компоновке - 30 мест в бизнес-классе и 267 мест в эконом-классе. Самолеты используются в основном для полетов в Шанхай, Гонконг и Сингапур. Также на дальних маршрутах компаниями "QANTAS" и "Jetstar" эксплуатируется по шесть A330-200. Самолеты "Jetstar" в двухклассной 303-местной конфигурации выполняют рейсы в Японию, Индонезию, Вьетнам, Малайзию, Сингапур, Таиланд и на Гавайи, тогда как A330-200 компании "QANTAS" на международных рейсах имеют 237- или 235-местную компоновку, а в 303-местном варианте работают на внутренних линиях.
Air International 2008-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Airbus celebrated a further milestone in a ceremony at Toulouse on December 14, 2007, when it handed-over its 5,000th aircraft, A330-202 VH-EBG (c/n 887, ex F-WWKD), to Australian flag carrier Qantas. This is the seventh of ten A330-200s ordered by the airline. Airbus delivered its first aircraft, an A300B2, in May 1974 and then it was to be 19 years before the 1,000th was delivered, in 1993. Reflecting rapid growth and expansion of products, the 2,000th followed only six years later, in 1999, the 3,000th in 2002, and the 4,000th in September 2005, whilst it only took another two years to reach the 5,000th milestone.
Мировая Авиация 39
Компания "Qantas Airways" является крупнейшей и старейшей авиакомпанией Австралии. В составе ее авиапарка находится 15 самолетов A330 различных модификаций.
"Airbus" предлагает три варианта двигателей для A330, и хотя параметры располагаемой тяги изменялись со временем, основные типы двигателей остались неизменными. Так, A330-200 авиакомпании "QANTAS" оснащен двигателями General Electric CF6-80E1A2, A330-300 авиакомпании "Asiana" (ниже слева) - Pratt & Whitney PW4168A, а A330-300 авиакомпании "China Southern" - турбовентиляторными Rolls-Royce Trent 7728-60. -
Air International 2007-01 / T.Wills - Qantas - Guarding The Territory /Commercial/
A Jetstar Airbus A330-200s on finals. With lower operating costs, Jetstar flies on services that Qantas Mainline found to be less profitable.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
A330-300 VH-QPF is seen departing Sydney Kingsford Smith International. The aircraft is one of 10 -300 series in operation with the Australian carrier delivered in June 2004.
Air International 2023-08 / M.Doran - Bouncing back
The level of investment required in providing high-end MRO facilities is evident
Air International 2023-08 / M.Doran - Bouncing back
The Qantas base maintenance facility in Brisbane services Qantas A330 widebodies and also works on Jetstar A320s
Air International 2008-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
The first of four Airbus A330-200s to be converted as KC-30Bs for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) by Qantas Defence Services under the AIR 5402 tanker programme was the centrepiece of an induction ceremony on June 6, 2008. It took place at the Qantas Australian Conversion Centre at Brisbane Airport, Queensland, where the aircraft arrived in early June from the production line at Toulouse in France. The RAAF's initial KC-30B was modified in Madrid, Spain, by EADS CASA. Qantas will also provide in-service support for the fleet, which will enter service with the 'new' 33 Squadron. The final Boeing 707-338C(KC) tanker in service with 33 Squadron (A20-624, known as 'Richmond Town') was retired on June 30 at RAAF Base Richmond, after flying over Sydney Harbour bridge in the morning and over 33 Squadron's farewell parade in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the aircraft's appearance over Sydney (followed by a RAAF Hawk acting as a photo-platform) caused panic in some quarters after some assumed that the city was under attack by a hijacked airliner.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
The A330 is the most numerous type within the Qatar Airways fleet with 29 (16 -200s and 13 -300s) currently in service. A7-ACJ (msn 760) is seen at Copenhagen.
Мировая Авиация 65
"Qatar Airways". Летом 2009 года парк авиакомпании "Qatar Airways" насчитывал 18 единиц A330-200 и 13 A330-300 (на снимке). A330-200 обычно выполняют полеты в 228-местном варианте (12 мест первого, 24 места бизнес-класса и 192 места эконом-класса) и в 281 -местном варианте (22 места в бизнес-классе и 259 - в эконом-классе). Полеты выполняются в Алжир, Гонконг, Индонезию, Японию, Малайзию, Сингапур, Великобританию и на Филиппины. Все самолеты A330 авиакомпании "Qatar Airways" оснащены двигателями General Electric CF6. На своих самолетах A330 и A340 авиакомпания "Qatar Airways" предлагает пассажирам, в зависимости от класса, услуги по индивидуальным аудио/видео трансляциям.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
Climbing out of London-Heathrow, Royal Jordanian A330-200 JY-AIG (msn 1002) was the third such type to enter service with the airline in July 2011.
Air International 2020-07 / K.Nuthall, P.Cochrane, W.Kigotho - Opening skies over Africa
RwandAir launched flights to London/Gatwick in May 2017.
Air International 2016-10 / M.Ayton - Hi Fly /Commercial/ (2)
Following its service with Flynas during the summer of 2014, A330-300 CS-TMT (msn 96) was subsequently wet leased to Saudi Arabian Airlines in late 2014 and served with the carrier for much of 2015. The aircraft is seen at Tel-Aviv International Airport in May 2015.
Air International 2021-01 / T.Batchelor - Tackling a deadly threat
East Sussex-based Scarecrow uses technology to help airports to avoid airborne threats
Air International 2014-06 / News
Airbus A330-343 F-WWKP (msn 1513) during a test flight at Toulouse-Blagnac in southern France on April 14, 2014. It was delivered ten days later to Saudi Arabian Airlines as HZ-AQL in SkyTeam colours, having first flown on March 6. Saudi currently operates 12 A330-343s and has four additional series 300 aircraft leased from Onur Air.
Air International 2015-11 / News
Scandinavian Airlines is the first European carrier to receive the higher-MTOW A330-300, and will operate four examples.
Air International 2011-09 / C.Kjelgaard - Nordic Networker /Commercial/
A330-300 LN-RKH (msn 497) was the first of four to enter service with Scandinavian Airlines in late 2002
Мировая Авиация 39
Лайнер A330-300 авиакомпании "Singapore Airlines" с турбовентиляторными двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent. A330-300 - это базовый вариант A330. В салоне бизнес-класса на 30 пассажиров расстояние между рядами кресел было около метра, а в салоне эконом-класса на 305 пассажиров - примерно 80 см. Пассажировместимость аналогична A340-300, при той же длине фюзеляжа - 63,60 м. Длина салона 50,35 м, максимальная ширина 5,28 м.
Air International 2014-03 / News
Airbus A330-343 F-WWKH (msn 1483) is the first of its kind for Skymark Airlines of Japan. The airliner is seen undertaking a test flight from Toulouse-Blagnac in southern France on January 21, 2014, having completed its first sortie on December 16, 2013. It will become JA330A upon delivery. Skymark is a low-cost carrier that flies Japanese domestic routes. It announced in July 2012 that it would lease from Intrepid Aviation seven A330-300s equipped for 271 passengers in a single-class premium configuration.
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - Twin Peaks /Commercial/
The Regional variant is primarily targeted at Asian carriers, such as Skymark, which in February 2014 became the first Japanese A330 operator.
Air International 2023-10 / A.Dron - So much potential...
South African Airways A330-300s are configured in a comfortable two-class cabin layout with 46 seats in Business Class and 203 in Economy. The aircraft introduced a new level of comfort for SAA’s passengers
Air Pictorial 1999-12
SriLankan Airlines recently introduced its Rolls-Royce Trent-powered Airbus A330-200 into service, as the first of nine on order to replace the company’s fleet of four Lockheed TriStars. The new Airbus is operating on the Far East to Europe routes.
Air International 2023-09 / A.Dron - Breaking even
A oneworld member since 2014, the airline operates to 112 destinations in 58 countries
Air International 2014-09 / A.Spaeth - SriLankan on the Rise /Commercial/
The ceremony at Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport marking SriLankan’s entry to the oneworld alliance.
Air International 2023-09 / A.Dron - Breaking even
SriLankan Airlines is the flag carrier of Sri Lanka and the most prominent international airline serving the Maldives and southern India
Мировая Авиация 46
"Star Airlines" приобрела два A330-200, по одному в 2002 и 2004 годах. Авиакомпания, ранее известная как "Star Europe", просуществовала недолго и закрылась к 2008 году.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Swissair is an early customer of the Airbus A330-200, beginning services on 25 September 1998 (1999)
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
Swiss International Air Lines operates a fleet often A330-300s including HB-JHD (msn 1026) seen at Zurich.
Air International 2012-10 / S.Santana - LATin AMerica's Greatest Airline /Commercial/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 767 - США - 1981
Air International 2012-03 / News
TAM Airlines operates a daily service between Sao Paulo and London-Heathrow. Airbus A330-223 PT-MVU is seen on take-off from Heathrow on January 15, 2012.
Air International 2017-09 / Airscene
TAP Portugal has repainted A330-343 CS-TOV (msn 1006) into the livery worn by the airline in the 1960s and 1970s. The aircraft is pictured arriving at Lisbon-Humberto Delgado Airport.
Мировая Авиация 46
A330 с двигателями PW4168 удачно выполнил 14 октября 1993 года первый полет из Тулузы (продолжительность - 3 ч 28 мин). Полет стал частью 500-часовой программы сертификации данных двигателей для A330.
Air International 2015-06 / News
Thomas Cook Airlines is leasing A330-243 G-VYGK on an ACMI basis to conduct charter flights from UK airports.
Air International 2020-05 / M.Broadbent - Life After Thomas Cook
Thomas Cook was the third British airline to cease trading within two years, following the collapse of Monarch Airlines and Flybmi.
Air International 2020-05 / M.Broadbent - Life After Thomas Cook
While many of the defunct carrier's Airbus A321s have been placed with other airlines, only one of its seven A330-200s has returned to service.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
A330-200 TC-JNB (msn 704) was delivered to Turkish Airways in December 2005, one of seven in the carrier's fleet that also includes two -200F freighters and seven -300s.
Air International 2014-09 / A.Spaeth - Turkish Ambition /Commercial/
A Turkish Airlines A330 at Montreal, where the airline began flying in June 2014.
Air International 2016-03 / D.Sipinski - Star's Alliance with Low Costs /Commercial/
The 27 member airlines of Star Alliance operate logojets with the alliance's branding applied. This Turkish Airlines Airbus A330-200, TC-JNB (msn 704), pictured at Brussels Airport in January 2016, was recently repainted into the Star livery.
Air International 2014-10 / News
Newly delivered Turkish Government Airbus A330-243 Prestige TC-TUR at Cardiff Airport in Wales on September 3, 2014 for the NATO Summit.
Air International 2013-06 / B.Hales-Dutton - America's Last Great Airline Merger? /Commercial/
A330-200 N283AY (msn 1076) was delivered to US Airways in December 2009. The aircraft is one of 16 in service.
Air Pictorial 2002-05
VG Airlines took delivery of its first aircraft on March 14, 2002. The Airbus A330-200, OO-SFQ was previously operated by Sabena. The airline intends to fly from Brussels to Boston and New York. For more information see www.vgair.be
Air International 2002-08 / Airscene
New Belgian carrier VG Airlines has now taken delivery of all three of its former Sabena Airbus A330-223s, which are being leased from ILFC. The third example, OO-SFS, is seen here undertaking the first Los Angeles-Brussels flight on June 30, 2002. VG Airlines’ services began on May 23 with flights from Brussels to New York seven times per week, followed by addition of a five times per week flight to Boston on June 20, whilst the Los Angeles flight operates thrice weekly, with an onward connection from Brussels to Jerevan, Armenia.
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
Delivered on October 19,2011, VN-A379 (msn 1256, seen here with the pre-delivery registration F-WWYO) is one of 11 in service with Vietnam Airlines.
Air International 2018-03 / Airscene
A shortage of Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines affecting Boeing 787 production and deliveries has led Virgin Atlantic to lease four ex-Air Berlin Airbus A330s to make up for a shortfall in capacity on its long-haul network. One of the new additions is A330-223 D-ALPA, (msn 403).
Air International 2011-05 / News
Virgin Atlantic Airbus A330-343X G-VSXY is seen on April 2, 2011 departing Manchester International Airport as Flight VS75 at the start of the type's first revenue flight with the carrier to Orlando, Florida.
Air International 2020-01 / News: Commercial, Military, UAV
A Virgin Atlantic A330-200. The carrier has ordered A330neos to complement the A350-1000s and 787-9s in its long-haul fleet.
Air International 2013-06 / M.Broadbent - LittleRed BigPlans /Commercial/
Airbus A330-200 G-VLUV (msn 1206) is one often of the type in service with Virgin Atlantic Airlines.
Air International 2015-06 / News
Virgin Australia A330-243 VH-KFE rotating from Sydney, one of Australia’s top five airports (the others being Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide) by passenger numbers. Airbus expects to see these airports' traffic double to 180 million in 20 years.
Air International 2007-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Seen in the early morning light whilst visiting Dublin, Ireland, on July 7, 2007, White Airways Airbus A330-243 (c/n 635) is the first of the type with the Lisbon, Portugal-based carrier and only joined the airline in June. The aircraft is leased from XL Airways France and still wears the latter’s partial colour scheme. It was operating a flight into Dublin with Irish holidaymakers on behalf of Futura International Airways.
Air International 2013-09 / News
Airbus A330-223 UR-WRQ (msn 296, ex CS-TRJ) is the first of its type for WindRose Aviation of the Ukraine. It is seen after being rolled out of the Air Livery hangar at Manchester Airport on August 4, 2013, after repainting from basic Malaysian Airlines scheme. The airliner departed for Boryspil International Airport, Kiev in the Ukraine, the following day. WindRose is a charter airline based at Boryspil and operates eight A320 family airliners.
Air International 2016-09 / M.Ayton - Hi Fly /Commercial/ (1)
Hi Fly’s A330-300 CS-TRI (msn 127) is currently operating with XL Airways and is seen landing at Paris Charles de Gaulle in June 2016.
Air International 2018-08 / Backpages
Airbus now classifies the A330 alongside the A321 as a medium aircraft in its product portfolio.
Air International 2016-10 / M.Ayton - Hi Fly /Commercial/ (2)
Hi Fly is trying to specialise so that the Maltese Air Operator Certificate (AOC) is used for the A340 and the Portugese AOC on the A330.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A340 - International - 1991
Air International 2015-09 / News
Former Qantas Airbus A330-203 VH-EBH (c/n 892) landing at Getafe, Spain, on July 13, 2015, after arriving from Singapore for conversion to KC-30A tanker/transport configuration for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). A second aircraft for conversion is due to arrive in November. Australia's defence minister, Kevin Andrews, had announced plans for their acquisition on July 1. Both had been leased to Qantas by CIT Aerospace and are being returned to the US lessor before being sold to the Australian Department of Defence. They will join five KC-30As already in RAAF service.
Air International 2021-06 / B.Taghvaee - Phoenixes of the Esterel
The French Air and Space Force transport squadron ET/3/60 Airbus A330-243, F-UJCS, with CTM1046 call-sign, is seen here departing Paris/Charles de Gaulle Airport for Niamey, Niger on January 26, 2021
Air International 2021-06 / B.Taghvaee - Phoenixes of the Esterel
A Dassault Rafale C of Fighter Squadron 3/30 ‘Lorraine’, armed with four MICA-EM and IR air-to-air missiles, escorts the Airbus A330-243, F-UJCS, during a photo shoot prior to the A330’s delivery on November 26, 2020
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Rafale - Франция - 1986
Air International 2006-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
Airbus A330-203 F-WWYI (c/n 747), the first of five aircraft for conversion to Multi-Role Tanker Transport configuration for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), arrives at Getafe, Spain, on June 2, 2006 for work on the conversion to commence.
Мировая Авиация 35
A330 проходит вибрационные испытания. В октябре 1993 года A330 с двигателями CF6 одновременно получил европейский и американский сертификаты, а в ноябре 1994 года его сертифицировали по критерию "120-минутного полета" норм ETOPS. В мае 1994 года "Aer Lingus" выполнила первый трансатлантический полет с двигателями CF6 по нормам ETOPS.
Мировая Авиация 35
Композитные материалы составляют примерно 13% массы крыла A330 и A340, хотя основная конструкция выполнена из алюминиевого сплава. BAe первоначально выпускала крылья для A330 на заводе в британском Честере, но в 2006 году "BAE Systems" продала свою долю акций в "Airbus" компании EADS. Крылья для A330 продолжают выпускать на том же заводе, но теперь он называется "Broughton" и принадлежит "Airbus".
Мировая Авиация 34
"Семейственность" является важным преимуществом как для производителя, так и для покупателей. Лайнеры A330 (на снимке) и A340 имеют высокую степень унификации.
Мировая Авиация 35
25 апреля 1995 года, всего через два года после начала коммерческой эксплуатации A340, со стапеля сошел сотый фюзеляж A330/A340. Юбилейной машиной стал A330-300.
Air International 2015-03 / News
The first 242 tonne A330-202 F-WWYY (msn 1628), destined for Delta Air Lines, takes off from Toulouse.
Air International 2013-09 / News
Airbus A330-202 F-WWCB (msn 871, ex EC-332) departed Getafe, Spain for Dresden in Germany on July 17, 2013 using the flight code AIB871. The aircraft would have been the first KC-45A produced by Northrop Grumman for the US Air Force, but the original KC-X programme for which it was destined was cancelled before it could be converted. It arrived for storage at Getafe on March 24, 2009. The aircraft will undergo a C-check at Dresden. The AIB code is used by Airbus, possibly indicating that the aircraft has been transferred from Airbus Military to the company's commercial division.
Air International 2016-02 / M.Broadbent - Evolved /Commercial/
Airbus delivered the first 242-tonne A330 weight variants in 2015. The Incremental Development programme has involved introducing new parts and assembly methods for the aircraft.
Air International 2015-11 / News
A330 tails - this one is for Etihad Airways - are among the sections carried by the Belugas. The XL fleet will offer a 30% increase in transport capacity, according to Airbus.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A300ST Beluga - International - 1994
Air International 2021-06 / N.Pittaway - You only live twice
The A330P2F programme complements Airbus’s already popular new-build A330-200Fs. The prototype for the latter is seen departing Toulouse on its first flight in November 2009
Мировая Авиация 39
Грузовой самолет A330-200F
Air International 2023-01 / M.Broadbent - Recovery and revival
Medellin-based Avianca Cargo transports flowers from Latin America to Miami, as well as general cargo throughout the Americas
Air International 2023-04 / C.Smith - A state of flux
Aeroplex is a state-owned MRO based in Budapest
Air International 2012-01 / C.Kjelgaard - The A330 Family. Talented Twins from Toulouse /Commercial/
A330-200F 9M-MUA (msn 1136) is one of two freighters in service with Malaysia Airlines. The aircraft was delivered in September 2011.
Air International 2012-09 / News
Airbus A330-243F freighter F-WWTS (msn 1332) is the first of four of the type destined for MNG Cargo Airlines of Istanbul, Turkey. The aircraft is seen during a test flight at Toulouse-Blagnac in southern France on August 1, 2012. It initially flew on July 6 and will become TC-MCZ upon delivery. MNG Cargo signed a memorandum of understanding with Airbus for two A330-200Fs, plus an option for another, in January 2007, which became a firm order on June 26, 2007. A second pair was ordered in September 2009. All of the aircraft will be powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 700s.
Air International 2023-06 / M.Broadbent - Euro freight
MNG Airlines received its first A330P2F in 2022
Air International 2023-02 / D.Willis - Watch this space
Airbus has delivered 38 new-build A330-200F freighters. In capacity and range, the aircraft falls between the Boeing 767 and 777, but it can accommodate only one more pallet than the 767
Авиация и Космонавтика 2023-01 / М.Никольский - Стимулированные пандемией
Грузовой вариант самолета A330-200 способен принимать на борт до 70 т груза
Air International 2013-03 / News
Airbus A330-243F F-WWYK (msn 1380, to become N331QT) is seen making its first flight from Toulouse in southern France on January 30, 2013. The freighter is destined for the Colombian carrier Tampa Cargo. Four of the aircraft were ordered by Tampa Cargo's parent company, Avianca, in September 2011 to replace Boeing 767-241 ER(BDSF)s leased from CECAS. The first (N330QT, msn 1368, ex F-WWKQ) was delivered on December 19, 2012.
Авиация и Время 2020-03 / А.Хаустов - Пассажирские грузовозы (Авиатехника для регулярных грузовых линий)
Грузовой A330-243F авиакомпании Turkish Airlines. Аэропорт Борисполь, осень 2019 г.
Air International 2023-04 / News
Donated items destined for victims are loaded on to a Turkish Airlines aircraft at Heathrow Airport
Air International 2012-04 / News
Airbus A330-243F freighter F-WWKT (msn 1175) is the first (and so far only) example for Yangtze River Express. It is seen making its first flight at Toulouse-Blagnac in France on March 8, 2012. The carrier currently operates ten Boeing 737-300 and four 747-400 freighters.
Air International 2021-01 / P.Eden - New time for neo
Comparing an Egyptair Airbus A330-200F with the first ever customer of the A330-900, delivered to TAP Air Portugal, reveals the essential physical differences between the A330ceo and neo. The larger engine nacelles, held much higher, are particularly notable, as is the revised windscreen
Air International 2020-11 / I.Harbison - Conversion kicks
Passenger-to-freighter (P2F) options have become more affordable since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis EFW
Air International 2021-06 / N.Pittaway - You only live twice
The Airbus A330P2F programme was launched in 2012, with all conversion work being carried out at Elbe Flugzeugwerke’s facilities in Dresden, Germany. This -300P2F, EI-HEA (c/n 116), was the first of the type to be delivered to an airline customer
Air International 2020-11 / I.Harbison - Conversion kicks
The upper frame shell of an Airbus A330-200P2F
Мировая Авиация 35
Во второй половине 1993 года "Pratt & Whitney" поставила в Тулузу первые PW4168 для A330. Вентилятор диаметром 2,5 м сделал PW4168 самым большим двигателем из устанавливаемых на самолетах "Airbus" до настоящего времени.
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - Twin Peaks /Commercial/
Airbus’s decision about whether to re-engine the A330 family is keenly awaited.
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