Agusta Westland AW.139 / AW.149
Agusta Westland - AW.139 / AW.149 - 2001 - International
Страна: International
Год: 2001

Средний вертолет общего назначения с экипажем из одного-двух человек

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Agusta Westland AW 139 и AW 149

   Первый прототип двухдвигательного 15-местного вертолета Agusta Westland AW139 впервые поднялся в воздух 3 февраля 2001 года. Вертолет является плодом сотрудничества крупнейших вертолетостроительных фирм Италии и Великобритании, объединивших усилия промышленных групп "Finnmeccanica" и GKN в совместную венчурную компанию "Agusta Westland". Изначально вертолет создавался итальянской фирмой "Agusta" совместно с американской "Bell" под обозначением Agusta-Bell AB139, но вскоре американцы ушли из проекта.
   Шасси вертолета - колесное (носовая опора двухколесная, основные - одноколесные), убираемое. Фюзеляж плавно переходит в хвостовую балку. Грузопассажирская кабина позволяет перевозить до шести больных или раненых на носилках, ее объем примерно 8 м3. Кабина снабжена большой сдвижной дверью и двумя крупными прямоугольными иллюминаторами по каждому борту. Дверцы кабины летчиков открываются на петлях вперед. Бортовое электронное оборудование полностью цифровое. В его состав входят двухканальный автопилот, система управления полетом, приемник спутниковой навигации и система радионавигации. Вертолет оснащен двумя газотурбинными двигателями Pratt & Whitney PT6C. Несущий винт - пятилопастный, хвостовой - четырехлопастный. Хвостовое оперение состоит из стреловидного киля, с левой стороны которого установлен хвостовой винт, и стабилизатора с небольшими вертикальными шайбами на законцовках.
   Вертолет позиционируется как полицейский, поисково-спасательный, санитарный, транспортный или патрульный. Первый серийный образец выполнил первый полет 24 июня 2002 года. Первые поставки заказчикам осуществлены в 2003 году. Фирма "Agusta Westland" к 2008 году получила заказы на изготовление 430 вертолетов AW139 и поставила примерно 200 из них в разные страны, в том числе в Австралию, Китай, Эстонию, Ирландию, Японию, Намибию, Оман, Испанию и Объединенные Арабские Эмираты. В 2004 году AW 139 предлагался и армии США по программе легкого многоцелевого вертолета, но конкурс выиграл другой вертолет - Eurocopter UH-71 Lakota. На авиасалоне в Фарнборо в 2007 году фирма "Agusta Westland" объявила о разработке многоцелевой военной модификации AW 149. Ее первый полет запланирован на 2009 год, а начало поставок - на 2011-й.


   Agusta Westland AW 139

   Тип: средний вертолет общего назначения с экипажем из одного-двух человек
   Силовая установка: два газотурбинных двигателя Pratt & Whitney PT6C-67C мощностью по 1679 л.с.
   Характеристики: максимальная скорость на уровне моря 310 км/ч; крейсерская скорость на оптимальной высоте 290 км/ч; скороподъемность на уровне моря 600 м в мин; статический потолок с учетом влияния земли 4740 м; практический потолок 5930 м; дальность полета 568 км; продолжительность полета 3ч 54 мин
   Массы: максимальная взлетная 6400 кг
   Размеры: диаметр несущего винта 13,80 м; длина с вращающимися винтами 16,65 м; площадь, ометаемая несущим винтом 149,57 м2
   Полезная нагрузка: 15 пассажиров или груз массой до 2500 внутри кабины или до 2800 кг на внешней подвеске
24 июня 2002г.: поднялся в воздух первый серийный Agusta-Bell AB139 (l-ANEW). 22 июля Береговая охрана США объявила о выборе AB139 победителем тендера, объявленного в рамках программы "Deepwater".
AB139 prototype 01, which was lost in a crash on April 22, 2002.
AW139 с успехом применяется в роли спасателя в альпийских областях итальянской провинции Ломбардия. Он является одним из самых мощных в своем классе, а потому прекрасно подходит для сложных ситуаций, когда необходимо работать в тяжелых погодных условиях. Вертолеты являются единственным средством для подъема и эвакуации пострадавших туристов и альпинистов из горных районов, зачастую недоступных для наземного транспорта. На снимке: AW139 итальянской компании "Elilombarda", предоставляющей услуги вертолетчиков.
AW139 из итальянской "Elilombarda", член экипажа вертолета готовит к работе спасательную лебедку. От вертолетчиков требуется особое искусство управлять машиной в условиях гор, где зачастую зазор между лопастями винта и склоном горы бывает совсем небольшим.
AgustaWestland has delivered two AW139 medium twin-engined helicopters to the Royal Thai Army. The first arrived as airfreight at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport on December 19, 2013, and was followed by the second in January. AW139 31525 (c/n 31525), wearing its test registration I-EASI, is seen prior to delivery. The other aircraft is 31520 (c/n 31520). The order for the aircraft was revealed on October 9, 2012.
AgustaWestland AW139 l-EASJ (c/n 31608) at Varese-Venegono, Italy on April 13, 2015 during a test flight from the company’s nearby factory at Vergiate. The VIP-configured helicopter carries 'Republique de Cote d’Ivoire’ titles and is to be delivered as TU-VHY to the Ivory Coast Air Force/Presidential Flight, based at Abidjan Airport. The manufacturer announced on February 17 that four AW139s had been ordered by four unspecified West African Governments, and this helicopter is part of that order.
One of the first AgustaWestland AW139s for the Abu Dhabi Police Air Wing, already in full colours but still wearing test registration I-EASK, is seen here during a test flight on April 29, 2008 at Turin-Caselle Airport, Italy. Abu Dhabi has ordered eight of the type for the Police Air Wing, with which they are expected to replace Bell 412s.
Leonardo claims the AW139 is the market-leading intermediate twin-engine helicopter, ideally suited to demanding offshore missions, with superior speed, range and single engine capability together with excellent handling characteristics.
An AW139 for the Pakistan Army was photographed on August 24, 2016 at Venegono during a test flight from the Leonardo-Finmeccanica (formerly AgustaWestland) facility at Vergiate. This could be the first AW139 of the batch ordered by Pakistan in May; the ‘Army' title and roundel discloses its future assignment. On May 24 it was announced that the Pakistan Government had placed an order with Leonardo-Finmeccanica to purchase the AW139 search and rescue variant. It was not made public how many had been ordered. Deliveries to Pakistan will start from 2017.
Photographed during a test flight from Venegono on January 17, 2019, Pakistan Army AW139 c/n 31829 with temporary registration l-RAIO; the number of AW139s ordered by Pakistan is unknown.
Bulgarian Border Police AW139 520, still wearing its pre-delivery registration I-RAIX. It was delivered on November 27, 2010.
Leonardo AW139 DU-201 with the test registration l-EASS, is destined for the Dubai Police; in the past, the serial number (DU-201) was used for an AW109K2.
Этот AW139 авиакомпании "FB Heliservices" используется в Военной вертолетной школе (DHFS) и имеет британский военный номер ZR327. Он приписан к британской авиабазе Вэлли-он-Энглеси, летает в составе поисково-спасательной учебной эскадрильи (SARTU) и используется для обучения иностранных экипажей.
Leonardo AW139 (c/n 31808) with the test registration l-EASY is destined for the Nepalese Army Air Service, but little else is known about Leonardo's contract with Nepal.
In a ceremony at its Vergiate plant in Italy on April 10, 2008, AgustaWestland handed over an AW139 medium twin helicopter to Atlantic Airways, which is based at Vagar in the Faroe Islands. Configured for 12 or 15-seat layouts, it will be used for both public passenger transport and offshore passenger operations. Although it will initially be operated in the Faroe Islands for a short period, it will then be relocated to operate services in the European contract market. The helicopter, l-EASY (c/n 31129), is seen here whilst still carrying its pre-delivery test registration.
The HH-139A’s landing gear is higher and stronger than the AW139’s and protects the FLIR and other equipment fitted to the lower part of the helicopter
К началу 2010 года были выпущены более 200 AW139,a портфель заказов фирмы включает еще 300 таких машин, поэтому считается, что у нее прекрасное будущее. На снимке I-RAIJ - 200-й экземпляр AW139. Вертолет популярен благодаря большой кабине, низкой стоимости эксплуатации и высоким характеристикам.
The first AgustaWestland AW139 for the aviation unit of the Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Fighting Department) of the Autonomous Province of Trento (I-TNCC, c/n 31369) was delivered on October 28, 2011. It is equipped for the emergency helicopter role and can be reconfigured for two patient litters and six medical attendant seats or 12 people for disaster relief operations. The second (I-TNDD, c/n 31374) ordered for the unit is due to be handed over before the end of the year.
"Sky Shuttle" - коммерческая вертолетная компания, предлагающая свои услуги для полетов между Гонконгом, Макао и Шеньженем, основным финансовым центром юга Китая. Она имеет шесть AW139, которые можно зафрахтовать для фотографирования, обзора окрестностей или челночных транспортных перевозок.
Manufacturers continue to address their environmental footprint: Leonardo’s fleet is compatible with 50% blended sustainable aviation fuel
A second AgustaWestland AW139 is due to join the original example (ES-PWA, c/n 31069, seen here) with the Piirivalve Lennusalk (EPVLS, Estonian Border Guard Aviation Group) in the autumn of 2008. ES-PWA became operational at Tallin on October 16, 2007. The AW139 was selected to replace the service's Mil Mi-8T Hips.
HM Coastguard AW139 G-CGWB operating from Portland during a normal training mission in August 2008 near Lulworth Cove, Dorset.
CHC Scotia AgustaWestland AW139 G-SARD (c/n 31208) arrived at Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire, on March 20, 2008 and will be flown from there on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency on SAR missions along the south coast.
CHC has recently introduced the AW139, two of which are based at North Denes in Norfolk. This helicopter is wearing the latest version of the company's livery, which can be compared with the above photo of an AS332L2.
CHC Scotia AW139 G-SNSF (s/n 31407) arrived at Norwich International Airport, Norfolk on October 26, 2016 with the emergency flotation bags deployed. The reason for the deployed floatation bags is unknown.
The QinetiQ ETPS AW139 has been registered G-ETPP
Шансы выжить больше у тех пострадавших, которым была оказана помощь в первые часы после спасения. На снимке: медики и экипаж вертолета AgustaWestland AW 139, эксплуатируемого норвежской "Lufttransport AS", осторожно выгружают пациента из вертолета.
An Atlantic Airways AW139 departs Bodanes heliport. The company provides scheduled flights to 11 locations across the Faroe Islands three to four times a week.
Atlantic Airways' scheduled flights provide a vital link to remote communities across the Faroes
Islanders, government and companies hire the AW139s for around 150 hours a year for transport and sling load operations. Here, one of the AW139s prepares to transport fuel barrels to Dimun to power the island.
Atlantic Airways operates two AW139s from Vagar Airport in the Faroe Islands, the company providing domestic helicopter services, including regular scheduled flights, HEMS, offshore operations and SAR.
The AW139 is equipped with 14 passenger seats during scheduled flights instead of nine passengers in the Bell 412 it replaced. The rescue hoist is visible in this photo; Atlantic Airways crews fly about 200 hours for HEMS tasks a year.
A Dutch Police Air Support Unit Tactical Flight Officer (TFO) walks to 'his' Leonardo AW139 helicopter at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
A Netherlands Police Air Support Unit AW139 patrolling the country's coast on behalf of the Netherlands Coast Guard
An H135 and AW139 at sunset over the North Sea. Formation flying is practised on a regular basis for missions to transport special police units such as the Dienst Speciale Interventies (DSI)
The latest addition to the fleet, PH-PXX, was ordered on December 15, 2017 and entered service on January 30, 2019
Dutch Police AW139s help the Netherlands Coast Guard with surveillance of smaller boats from a lower altitude as well as search and rescue missions
Police Aviation Unit AW139s and EC135P2+s operated from Valkenburg for the summit.
Two AW139s fly in formation above the coastline at Ijmuiden harbour in the Dutch province of North Holland
Crew safety remains a priority given the often-tricky offshore conditions in which they operate
Development of the six-tonne AW139 started in the late 1990s as a Bell-Agusta joint venture.
CHC flies its AW139s to North Sea oil and gas rigs from Den Helder in the Netherlands.
The Queensland Government has ordered two more AW139s for EMS duties which are set to enter service in December 2018 joining three AW139s already in operation with QGAir, a division of the Public Safety Business Agency.
AgustaWestland AW139 VH-SYJ (c/n 31114) lifts off from Adelaide Airport Helipad Weston February 4, 2008 for its first flight after re-assembly at CHC Helicopters (Australia)/Lloyd Offshore Helicopters' base at Adelaide, Australia. The new production helicopter, which was officially registered on December 20, arrived crated at the CHC facility in Adelaide during the same month and re-assembly commenced in January. After further test flights, pilot conversion and crew training flights,the AW139 will be painted in the colours of the Ambulance Service of New South Wales. It will be operated for the latter from March and is expected to be based in Sydney. CHC has ordered 33 AW139s for its worldwide operation and three of these will be flown on the Ambulance Service of NSW emergency medical services contract.
TOLL AVIATION announced on September 24, 2018, that its Aeromedical Crewing Excellence (ACE) Training Centre in Sydney has now received Australian Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) Part 141 and 142 Approvals.
Australian Helicopters is now using five Finmeccanica Helicopters AW139s to provide a HEMS capability on behalf of the Victorian Government and Ambulance Victoria.
The AW139S are on call 24/7 at key regional centres around Victoria, to provide a rapid response to emergency situations. Here the Melbourne Cricket Ground forms the backdrop for the first AW139.
Externally the AW139 is equipped with a high-speed two-person external winch and a Trakkabeam A800 searchlight, visible here. There are two additional searchlights housed in the belly.
AgustaWestland AW139 ZS-EOS (c/n 31502) departing the ExCeL London Exhibition and Conference Centre after being display at Helitech 2013 between September 24 and 26, 2013.
Seen here devoid of registration during pre-delivery test-flying on August 2, 2006, AgustaWestland AW139 ZS-EOS (c/n 31052) undertook an eight-day ferry flight from the factory in Vergiate, near Milan, Italy, to Cape Town, South Africa, during September in time to appear at the African Aerospace and Defence Show later in the month. The helicopter, officially registered on September 11 to Fireblade Investments Ltd, is the first of the type in South Africa and wears an unusual customised colour scheme designed for the owner, a South African businessman, by a South African artist.
An AgustaWestland AW139 (40-HHH) is the first helicopter to carry Montenegran civil markings. It is pictured at Guernsey Airport on August 20, 2008 before being handed over to its new owner, having arrived the previous day from Liverpool Docks.
The major rotary-wing news event at the recent LIMA exhibition in Malaysia was Weststar's order for three AW169s and two AW139s. Pictured is one of the company's earlier AW139s, appropriately registered 9M-WAS, at the 2015 LIMA show.
A Leonardo AW139 in operation on behalf of New Jersey State Police
Управление авиационных и морских сил СВР располагает 270 летательными аппаратами и 280 кораблями и катерами. На фотографии: AW139 и пара скоростных патрульных катеров "Midnight Express" сфотографированы в районе Тампа, Флорида, операция по обеспечению безопасности 43-х соревнований "Super Bowl", 2009 год.
Быстрые и грузоподъемные, вертолеты AgustaWestland AW139 используются в дальних всепогодных миссиях по задержанию наркоторговцев. Вертолеты также обеспечивают воздушную безопасность крупных мероприятий, наподобие международных конференций и финалов спортивных состязаний в США.
During the week-long 66th session of the UN General Assembly in New York City in late September, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Air and Marine provided two AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters and a Bell Huey II for security support. AW139s N140HS (c/n 31036) and N139HS (c/n 31016) are seen approaching the city during the deployment. They are normally based in Detroit, Michigan, and fly missions along the Canadian border, while the Huey II came from Virginia.
AgustaWestland AW139 N495SH is the 200th example of the medium twin-engined helicopter assembled in the United States. It was recently delivered to Yokohama in Japan.
За высокий уровень поддержки потребителей со стороны "AgustaWestland" датская авиакомпания "Bel Air" назвала свой первый и пока единственный AW 139 "Духом "Agusta". AW139 установил рекорд безопасности полетов, что имеет важную роль для потребителей, имеющих необходимость летать над морем, например, обеспечение транспортных перевозок между берегом и нефтяными вышками.
Большой объем грузопассажирской кабины и отличные летные характеристики делают вертолет AW139 привлекательным для вооруженных сил многих стран. Ведется разработка специализированной военной модификации AW149.
AgustaWestland officially delivered the 100th AW139 when it was handed-over to Synergy Aerospace in a ceremony in the static park at Le Bourget on June 18, 2007. It is seen here on June 12, prior to arrival at the Show, following which it was due to be delivered to Brazil to enter service with Senior Taxi Aereo for use in the offshore transport role.
LEONARDO HELICOPTERS has recently achieved further success in the parapublic helicopter market on December 14, 2018, with the announcement sales of its AW139 to Italy's Vigili del Fuoco (National Fire Service) and the Los Angeles Fire Department in the United States.
LEONARDO HELICOPTERS announced orders for both its AW139 and AW169 helicopters during the 2017 Dubai Air Show.
Fast, reliable and discrete transfer from the car to the aircraft, from the jet to the helicopter and on to the yacht is highly desirable for many high net-worth travellers. The Luxaviation network enables easy access to globally managed fixed and rotary-wing fleets with similar guaranteed service standards throughout
The primary task of the Nemo is safeguarding of the human life at sea, which often sees the crews involved in SAR mission.
AW139GC '11-01', callsign NEMO 01, was the first of the AgustaWestland machines delivered to the Guardia Costiera. The type's Nitesun searchlight is mounted low down on the port fuselage side, just aft of the cockpit door.
In 2016, more than 2,900 total flight hours and 144 SAR missions were undertaken from Catania, mainly with the ATR 42MP and AW139.
The AW139 is 17m long and has a 14m rotor diameter that, thanks to a shorter transmission shaft, allows it to carry up to 12 people in the cabin plus two pilots.
With its long endurance and high-speed cruise, the AW139 is ideally suited to SAR duties around Italy's extensive coastline. Further purchases are necessary if the new helicopter is to fully replace the AB412CP and, perhaps, equip three new GC installations.
The under-nose Star SAFIRE FLIR turret and elongated radar nose somewhat spoil the fine lines of the AW139, but add immeasurably to the aircraft's capabilities in AW139GC form. Through the sensor turret, the crew is able to 'sparkle' a target with laser energy, for ranging purposes and to mark it for other rescue platforms.
With the cabin door open, the winch man prepares to use the AW139GC's high-capacity winch. The helicopter is also fitted with bubble observation windows.
The aero rescuer is lowered into the sea or on board ships to recover injured persons or those in distress, rescue them and give first aid when required.
The AW139 has two Pratt & Whitney PT6C-67C turbine engines, which guarantee Category A landings and take-offs up to a 6,400kg (14,109lb) weight.
Pre-flight checks underway on the AW139 Nemo.
AW139 M.M. 81927 is the second of an order for six signed in December 2016 by the Italian Guardia di Finanza border and economic police. Another order for six more was signed in December 2017.
AgustaWestland AW139 CSX81750 (c/n 31301) is the second example of the helicopter delivered to the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Customs and Border Patrol Service). The aircraft was handed over at the manufacturer's facility at Vergiate in northeast Italy on January 13, 2011. The first example for the service (MM81714, c/n 31094) was delivered in mid-2009.
The introduction of the AW169M will deliver a higher quality of performance and operational results
A FLIR Systems Star Satire III EO/IR imaging turret is mounted underneath the HH-139A’s nose.
The AMI will receive 13 HH-139 SAR helicopters to replace HH-3F Pelicans.
An aircrew on the flight line at Cervia. Note the self-defence suite sensors on the tail of this HH-139A.
Air Corps 112 parked, rotors running, on the helipad at University Hospital Galway in west Ireland. Note the IAC EC135 orbiting overhead
Arriving at Baldonnel on November 23, 2006 at the conclusion of their delivery flight from Italy were the first two AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters for the Irish Air Corps, 274 (c/n 31048) and 275 (c/n 31059), with the latter being seen here shortly after arrival. In a formal ceremony at the base on November 29 they were officially inducted into service by Irish Minister for Defence Willie O'Dea. After completing an extensive training programme, the helicopters should enter full operational service by the end of March 2007. The remaining two helicopters on order will be delivered in spring 2007, whilst options are also held on a further two.
An Irish Air Crops pilot, crewman and National Ambulance Service advanced paramedic walk out to the aircraft for another tasking
It is only a short walk from the crew room to the helicopter
Callsign Air Corps 112 lifts from Custume Barracks, Athlone, on a training sortie. Owing to the area's built-up surroundings, crews will initially climb the aircraft backwards, allowing for an easy descent back ti the pad, in the event of engine failure
AgustaWestland AW139 serial number 274, the first for the Irish Air Corps (IAC), was formally handed-over to Brigadier General Ralph James, General Officer Commanding, IAC, in a ceremony at Vergiate, Italy, on August 10, 2006, marking the first delivery of an AW139 to a military customer. Flying training of IAC pilots will now commence and continue until late October, when the second IAC AW139 will be handed over. A total of four of these helicopters are on order, whilst options are held on a further two. Role equipment includes AM/FM tactical radios, a forward looking infra-red (FLIR) camera with a fifth cockpit liquid crystal display mission display, abseiling and fast rope systems and a dual machine gun installation. The cabin can be quickly reconfigured from the troop transport role with ten crashworthy seats to the medical evacuation configuration with air ambulance equipment, plus seats for attendants. The IAC will use the AW139s for a variety of roles, including transport of special operation units, air ambulance, overland search and rescue and VIP transport. By mid-2006, over 190 AW139s had been ordered, of which 40 have now been delivered.
The IAC’s fleet of six Agusta Westland AW139 helicopters are used for myriad mission roles, such as firefighting with a bambi bucket
Custume Barracks, with Air Corps 112 in its parking spot. The tent offers technicians somewhere sheltered to work on the aircraft during bad weather
Two National Ambulance Service paramedics prepare to offload a patient
INSET: A patient is transported to a waiting ambulance for the short journey from the helipad to the hospital admissions department
AW139 стоит на вооружении ВВС нескольких стран, в том числе Ирландии (на снимке), имеющей шесть таких вертолетов. Он примерно на 30% дешевле и затраты на его эксплуатацию в три раза меньше по сравнению с более крупным NH90. На ирландских вертолетах в дверях кабины могут устанавливаться пулеметы калибра 7,62 мм.
The first AW139 assembled in Russia was due to be handed over to Exclases Holdings in June 2013. During the exhibition, Exclases Russia ordered five more AW139s.
One aircraft on show at HeliRussia was AW 139 RA-01996, the first helicopter of this type assembled in Russia.
A general view of the HeliRussia 2017 exhibition hall, with an AW139 and Ansat visible.noted
AW 139
AgustaWestland AW139 CSX81814/'PS-108' is the first of two of the type ordered by the Italian Polizia di Stato (State Police) for the European Union's Frontex. The helicopter is seen at Vergiate, equipped with a sensor turret under the nose and searchlight, as well as emergency floatation equipment. Scheduled for delivery soon, both are due to be based at Pratica di Mare, near Rome. The Polizia has options a further six AW139s. The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union is shortened to Frontex (Frontieres exterieures - French for ‘external borders'). It is the agency responsible for coordinating the activities of the member states' border security forces. The helicopter displays Italian and Union flags on its tail.
AgustaWestland AW139 CSX81814/‘PS-108' (c/n 31483) was one of the first two delivered to the Italian State Police.
Leonardo UH-139E MM81978 (c/n 31914) ‘PS-116’ seen here on January 30, 2021 is the first of a new batch for Italy’s Polizia di Stato (State Police), which already operates eight UH-139Cs. A second new Polizia UH-139E, MM81979 (c/n 31915) ‘PS-118,’ has also been seen test flying, but it is unclear how many additional helicopters have been ordered
THE VICTORIA Police Air Wing announced on October 23, 2018, that it will lease three Leonardo Helicopter AW139 helicopters from StarFlight Victoria, together with a Beechcraft King Air 350ER from Skytraders, as part of its fleet modernisation strategy.
"AgustaWestland" поставляет свои вертолеты органам внутренних дел Китая. Вертолеты AW139 (на заднем плане) закупила полиция провинции Гуанси в дополнение к AW109 Power. AW139 используются органами внутренних дел Шеньяна и Пекина.
Two AW139s were acquired from AgustaWestland in 2015 for maritime patrol and SAR duties.
French firm Heli Union will be the first operator of a new increased-weight derivative of the AW139.
AW139 из состава авиации Береговой охраны Эстонии заходит на посадку
Cypriot National Guard Air Wing AW139 703 (c/n 31367) from 460 Mira Erevnas Diasosis (460 Search and Rescue Squadron) about to be loaded with a simulated casualty on the USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44) on October 7, 2014 during the bilateral search and rescue (SAR) exercise between Cyprus and the US. Also flying from the US ship as part of the exercise was Cypriot Police Aviation Unit AW139 CP-8 (c/n 31325).
AW139 serial number 702 waits to approach a cliff face during a crew conversion training mission.
Photographed during a SAR crew training mission, the hoist aircrewman operates the winch as a rescue swimmer recovers a training dummy.
Seen here along Cyprus' southern coastline, AW139 serial number 702 has recently returned from Belgium following depot-level maintenance with a new colour scheme.
Вертолет A109 (AW139 ???) ВВС Туркменистана
Although not publicised at the time, deliveries of AgustaWestland AW139s to the Royal Oman Police Air Wing commenced on December 20, 2007, when the first two helicopters, A40-CA and A40-CB, were officially handed-over at Milan-Malpensa, Italy. Seen here a few days earlier on December 17 is A40-CB. The Omani Police have ordered six AW139s, whilst options are also held on a further four.
The AW139 is employed for a variety of specialised law enforcement and air support applications that require several people on board or extended endurance when operating in remote areas of Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian Border Police Specialised Air Support Unit’s AW139, serial 520, was procured by the Bulgarian Government and delivered in November 2010.
SASU’s two AW109S feature a Star SAFIRE HD day/night multispectral imaging system: mainly used for border patrols, but also used to monitor wildfires and counter-narcotic missions, as required.
The first of two AgustaWestland AW139s for the Brazilian Policia Federal on show at LAAD.
AgustaWestland AW139 AS1428 is the first of its type for the Armed Forces of Malta.
19 декабря 2012 г. в подмосковном Томилино на территории ЗАО «ХелиВерт» впервые поднялся в воздух первый собранный в России вертолет AW139 (борт № 60001). Машина разработана европейской компанией AgustaWestland, обладает максимальной взлетной массой 6800 кг и вмещает до 15 пассажиров. «ХелиВерт» - совместное предприятие ОАО «Вертолеты России» и AgustaWestland. Завод в Томилино построен «с нуля» и сможет выпускать 15-20 вертолетов в год.
AgustaWestland AW139 60001 making its maiden flight on December 18, 2012, at Tomilino.
The LA City maintenance hangar at Van Nuys Airport. Note the LAPD helicopter on the right, the Department of Water and Power's helicopter on the left, and the LA City Fire AgustaWestland AW139 in the rear.
Boeing's image release of the MH-139 based on the Italian AW139.
MH-139A Grey Wolf, registration 18-1002 (N6762H), arrives at Duke Field, Florida, for the type's naming ceremony.
13 ноября 2009г. состоялся первый полет нового среднего двухдвигательного вертолета AgustaWestland AW149, созданного по заказу ВВС Италии.
The AgustaWestland AW149 military utility helicopter was awarded its Type Certificate from the Italian Directorate of Air Armaments (ARMAEREO) on July 15, 2014 at the Farnborough International Air Show in Hampshire. It was evaluated by the Reparto Sperimentale di Volo at Practica di Mare during the second quarter of this year. CS-X81848 (P6, ex l-AWTH) is the sixth AW149/189 prototype; it was displayed at Heli-Expo 2014 at Anaheim, California, in February, in the colours of Era Helicopters, one of the customers for the AW189. No orders for the AW149 have been announced, although the helicopter is being offered to fulfil Polish military requirements and Italy has expressed interested in it for combat search and rescue.
LEONARDO HELICOPTERS announced on July 18, 2022 that it has started to establish a new AW149 production line at its facility in Yeovil, Somerset, as the race for the UK MOD'S New Medium Helicopter (NMH) contract gains considerable pace.
The AW149 will likely be put forward officially when the UK releases its formal medium helicopter requirement
Leonardo's AW149 could be a contender
The AW149 is the ideal solution for the UK’s New Medium Helicopter requirement. Leonardo’s AW149 multi-role delivers latest-generation battlefield capability, and is rapidly reconfigurable for a wide range of demanding missions in the most severe operational environments.
Should it win the Polish helicopter competition, AgustaWestland plans to manufacture the AW149 in Poland at subsidiary PZL-Swidnik, which should lower unit costs and increase prospects for joint training and maintenance if Hungary follows suit. Like other candidates, the AW149 can be armed with missiles and rockets should Hungary decide to do so.