Страна : США
Год : 1997
Легкий вертолет общего назначения с двумя членами экипажа
Bell Model 427
Как и в случае Model 407, компания "Bell" в новом вертолете Model 427 использовала силовую установку Model 406. Model 427 разрабатывался как легкий вертолет с двумя двигателями, кабиной и хвостовой балкой, изготовленными южнокорейской корпорацией "Samsung"; сборка выполняется на заводе "Bell" в Мирабеле, Канада. "Bell" показала новый легкий двухдвигательный вертолет на выставке "Хели-Экспо'96". Первый полет Model 427 состоялся 11 декабря 1997 года, сертификат Министерства транспорта Канады получен в ноябре 1999 года, поставки начались в январе 2000 года.
Вертолет предлагается для корпоративного, полицейского и общего использования. В целом аналогичный SB427, он собирается фирмой "Samsung" для корейского и китайского рынков.
"Bell" также предлагала Super Kiowa - вооруженный разведывательный вариант Model 427, но заказов на него не поступило. Компания предполагает закрыть производство Model 427 к 2010 году. Его кабина оказалась чересчур тесной для эксплуатации службой HEMS (вертолетная скорая медицинская помощь), а авионика - слишком примитивной.
Bell Model 427
Тип: легкий вертолет общего назначения с двумя членами экипажа
Силовая установка: два турбовальных двигателя Pratt & Whitney Canada PW207D, каждый с постоянной мощностью 625 л. с. (466 кВт)
Характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость 259 км/ч на уровне моря; практический потолок 6095 м; статический потолок 6020 м при влиянии земли и 5060 м без влияния земли; дальность полета 722 км на экономичной крейсерской скорости без резерва топлива
Масса: пустого вертолета 1581 кг; максимальная взлетная 2835 кг
Размеры: диаметр несущего винта 11,28 м; общая длина с развернутыми лопастями 13,07 м; длина фюзеляжа с хвостовым костылем 10,94 м; высота 3,49 м; ометаемая площадь 99.89 м
Полезная нагрузка: до 6 пассажиров или до 1141 кг груза
- Bell Model 427
- Bell Model 429
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Регистрационный номер : C-GBLL [2] Prototype Bell 427 twin-turbine utility helicopter (1999)
Bell’s new Model 427 was officially awarded FAA certification at Heli-Expo on January 24, 2000 - the first two production examples being handed over to customers immediately after. -
Мировая Авиация 51
Продажи Model 427 оказались неудовлетворительными, и "Bell" отказывается от него в пользу Model 429.
Мировая Авиация 51
Показанный здесь первый прототип Model 429 имеет тип шасси, из-за которого и возник спор с "Eurocopter". Сегодня оно заменено на шасси иного типа, есть также возможность использования колесного шасси.
Air International 2007-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow
Регистрационный номер : C-GBLL [2] Bell 429 prototype C-GBLL (c/n 54801) makes its first flight at Montreal/Mirabel on February 28, 2007.
Air International 2013-12 / News
Регистрационный номер : C-FCTA Bell 429WLG prototype C-FCTA was unveiled at Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 22, 2013.
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
Регистрационный номер : C-FNFO [2] The Bell 429 has proven itself to be an advanced multi-mission helicopter that looks set to enter the military market equipped with the latest weapons and mission management systems as part of Bell’s Special Mission Aircraft initiative
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
Регистрационный номер : C-FNFO [2] Highly praised for its speed and smooth ride, the Bell 429 has found its niche within the corporate and VIP sectors with a design intended for the demanding HEMS sector from the outset
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : C-FTNB [4] The 429's rotors look like a four-blade rotor, but it is two two-blade yokes stacked on top of each other. Each main rotor blade is connected to a blade grip assembly by two bolts.
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : C-FTNB [4] -
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : C-FTNB [4] Bell 429 C-FTNB on a demonstration flight from Alicante, Spain.
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : C-FTNB [4] One option for operators of the Bell 429 GlobalRanger is rear clamshell doors.
Air International 2013-02 / News
Регистрационный номер : C-GTNQ Bell 429 C-GTNQ has become the first example of the type for a UK customer. It was recently delivered to the National Grid.
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : G-RIDB [6] G-RIDB is based at Turweston Airfield, but deploys around England and Wales each week.
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : G-RIDB [6] Bell 429 G-RIDB entered service in 2013.
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : G-RIDB [6] -
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : G-RIDB [6] The helicopter will spend up to 12 minutes inspecting a pylon.
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : G-RIDB [6] When inspecting power lines, G-RIDB is flown at between 300 and 500ft and at around 50 knots.
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : G-RIDB [6] -
Air International 2014-12 / News
Регистрационный номер : G-WLTS [2] The Wiltshire Air Ambulance’s new Bell 429 (G-WLTS, c/n 57191) is the first EMS-configured example of the type in the UK. Seen at the service’s Devizes HQ on October 27, 2014, it will enter service in January 2015.
Air International 2023-11 / M.Doran - Focused on protection
Регистрационный номер : G-WLTS [2] Wiltshire Air Ambulance service relies on Trakka systems for its safe operations
Air International 2017-03 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : OM-ATM Bell Helicopter has delivered the first fully customised aircraft from its new European Customisation and Delivery Centre in Prague with the handover of three emergency services-configured Bell 429s to the Slovakian company Air Transport Europe.
Air International 2020-10 / M.Broadbent - European Rotors 2020
Bell will give an update on the 429, among other types
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
With the ability to hover out-of-ground effect at 11,290ft, the Bell 429 is the platform of choice for many European HEMS operators in mountainous terrain
Air International 2012-10 / News
Регистрационный номер : HB-ZSU Bell 429 HB-ZSU of Air Zermatt is the first example of the type equipped with an emergency medical services interior to be delivered to a European customer.
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
Air Zermatt, a HEMS operator that provides SAR operations in the Swiss Alps, operates three Bell 429s. Gerold Biner, Air Zermatt CEO, describes the helicopter as “being in a class of their own, offering superior performance in our SAR missions"
Air International 2021-12 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
Each Bell 429 has an advanced mapping system, tactical radio, and rescue hoist
Air International 2020-11 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, GA
Bell helicopter operators in Europe such as Heli Alps now have more service options
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell Model 505 Jet Ranger X / SLS - США - 2014
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
The ability to carry seven passengers comfortably at speeds of 155kts at a distance of 411nm has easily secured the Bell 429’s place in the corporate market. Of those leaving the production line, 50% are for this profitable sector
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
The benefits of operating a Bell 429 means that companies such as Palmaz winery with facilities across California mean the distance between sites is no longer a factor. It’s made daily business operations easier and managing the sites smoother and time-efficient
Air International 2023-11 / M.Doran - Focused on protection
FLIR operators can see all the sensor output simultaneously on their screens
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
Регистрационный номер : N812LE Parapublic and state police forces soon introduced the 429 into their ranks. The impressive performance of the helicopter means it can easily cope with the additional weight of a rescue hoist and EO/IR-associated equipment
Air International 2012-02 / News
Регистрационный номер : N211FX Bell 429 N211FX (c/n 57004, ex N429ER) is the first configured with a multi-mission interior. It was delivered to the Fairfax County Police Department in December 2011.
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
The ability to arrive on the scene quickly, with everything they need, means the seven Bell 429s of the Swedish National Police Air Unit are often supporting SAR missions as well as their regular law enforcement role
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
The benefits of operating a Bell 429 means that companies such as Palmaz winery with facilities across California mean the distance between sites is no longer a factor. It’s made daily business operations easier and managing the sites smoother and time-efficient
Air International 2020-09 / K.Chapman - Australia's Special Ops on the hunt
Регистрационный номер : N49-048 Australia has previously operated the 429 GlobalRanger in a military role, serving as a training helicopter for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) until April 2019. Its selection under the Project LAND 2097 Phase 4 programme would see the type make a return to the ADF.
Air International 2020-09 / K.Chapman - Australia's Special Ops on the hunt
Регистрационный номер : YH-MJI A glimpse of the future? Bell's 429 GlobalRanger, registration YH-MJI (c/n 57043), has been painted in ADF colours as Babcock Australia pushes to win the Project LAND 2097 contract.
Air International 2018-10 / Airscene
Jamaican Defence Force Bell 429 JDF H-37, one of two delivered this summer.
Авиация и Время 2013-06 / А.Хаустов - Dubai Airshow 2013 - рубеж в 200 миллиардов взят!
Регистрационный номер : C-GVZG Bell 429 представлен впервые на колесном шасси
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
The Bell 429's main rotor blades are a hybrid carbon-fibre/epoxy structure and the leading edges are protected by full-length nickel-cobalt electroformed abrasion strips.
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
The nose-mounted Wescam MX-10 stabilised imaging system provides thermal imaging and full-motion HD video.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-07 / А.Юргенсон - Helirussia-2013
Вертолет «Белл» 429
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Bell 427 instrument panel (1997)
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
Three 8x6 inch Rogerson Krotas colour liquid crystal display multi-function displays dominate the 429's cockpit.
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
The 429 cockpit lacks circuit breaker boxes and overhead switches, providing a clean and easy-to-work-with layout for single-pilot operations. BasixPro software makes the calculations for the pilot, and intuitive MFD displays show them everything they need to know
Air International 2014-03 / M.Broadbent - The Flying Linesmen /Commercial/
The observer sits in front of a 22-inch Skyforce LCD monitor to view the images generated by the MX-10.
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
The Bell 429's standard side doors can be replaced with an optional, larger sliding door that provides a 52 inch non-obstructed opening - useful for operations with an external hoist.
Air International 2013-06 / R.Trevino - GlobalRanger /Commercial/
The Bell 429's passenger/cargo compartment occupies the middle section of the cabin and has a volume of 130 ft3. The aft cabin has an additional volume of 74 ft3, giving a total continuous cabin volume of 204 ft3.
Air International 2019-07 / Backpages
Bell displayed a 429 helicopter at EBACE 2019 fitted with a corporate interior designed by Mecaer Aviation Group of Italy.
Air International 2023-07 / G.Sands - From Corporate to Care
Bell recently introduced the Designer Series, which, following customer feedback, will enhance the rear cabin for the corporate and VIP sector through the use of superior leathers and enhanced flooring
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Provisional general arrangement of Bell 427 (1999)
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