- Short - Calcutta / Rangoon / S.8 - 1928 - Великобритания
- Kawanishi - H3K - 1931 - Япония
- Short - Kent / S.17 - 1931 - Великобритания
- Short - Sarafand / S.14 - 1932 - Великобритания
- Breguet - Br.520 Bizerte / Br.530 Saigon - 1933 - Франция
- Short - Scylla / L.17 - 1934 - Великобритания
Short S.8 Calcutta и S.8/8 Rangoon
В 1926 году авиакомпания "Imperial Airways" заказала две летающие лодки. Самолет, обозначенный как S.8 Calcutta, был рассчитан на 15 пассажиров и создавался на базе военного Singapore I. Эти бипланы предполагалось оснастить тремя звездообразными двигателями Bristol Jupiter XI мощностью 640 л. с. Когда машины в конце лета 1928 года были доставлены авиакомпании, они стали первыми летающими лодками с металлическим корпусом и работающей обшивкой, поступившими в коммерческую эксплуатацию. Всего для "Imperial Airways" было построено пять машин, а еще один самолет компания "Short Brothers" построила для правительства Франции. В результате переговоров с компанией "Breguet" о предоставлении ей лицензии на производство последняя создала в целом схожую модификацию Breguet 521 Bizerte (описана отдельно).
Чуть позже авиационное министерство выпустило техническое задание R.18/29 на самолет для 203-й эскадрильи британских ВВС, дислоцировавшейся в Басре в Ираке. Компания "Short Brothers" разработала военный вариант лодки Calcutta, получивший обозначение S.8/8 Rangoon. Было построено шесть таких самолетов, последний был передан заказчику в сентябре 1943 года.
Самолет управлялся экипажем из пяти человек, мог нести под нижним крылом бомбовую нагрузку массой до 454 кг и был вооружен одним пулеметом Lewis, установленным в носовом отсеке, и еще двумя такими же пулеметами, установленными с каждой стороны корпуса за бипланной коробкой. Все шесть самолетов в августе 1935 года вернулись в Великобританию, на их место пришли Singapore III.
"Short Brothers" разработала на базе Calcutta еще один проект для японских ВМС, которым требовалась летающая лодка большой дальности. Она должна была строиться по лицензии в Японии компанией "Kawanishi" и оснащаться моторами Rolls-Royce Buzzard, которые также требовалось строить по лицензии.
"Short Brothers" построила опытную машину S.15 K.F.1 в Рочестере, которая затем была отправлена в Японию, куда и прибыла в марте 1931 года. "Kawanishi: построила затем еще четыре самолета под обозначением H3K.
- Short S.8 Calcutta и S.8/8 Rangoon
- Flight, January 1927
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA" FLYING-BOAT - Flight, February 1928
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA” - Flight, July 1928
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA” - Flight, October 1930
SHORT "CALCUTTA" - Flight, November 1932
British Aircraft
Aviation Historian 1 / G.Warner - To Belfast via Calcutta
Based on original Short engineering drawings provided by AEROPLANS, this illustration shows the second Short S.8 Calcutta, G-EBVH, during its service with Imperial Airways.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The first Short Calcutta, G-EBVG, is shown moored on the Medway at Rochester. Note the horn-balanced elevators, which were fitted only to the first two examples.
Flight 1929-04 / Flight
MORE APPRECIATION: The French Government has recently placed with Short Brothers, of Rochester, an order tor a "Calcutta" flying.boat with "Jupiter'' engines, similar to those used on the Mediterranean section of the England-India air route.
Flight 1936-12 / Flight
The Calcutta (three 525 h.p. geared Bristol Jupiters)
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The first Calcutta, G-EBVG, at Rochester after being fitted with cowled Armstrong Siddeley Tiger engines.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
G-EBVG moored on the Thames by Westminster Bridge in August 1928.
Flight 1928-08 / Flight
The picture shows another view of the " Calcutta" with "Big Ben" in the background
Flight 1928-08 / Flight
One of the sights of London last week was the all-metal Short "Calcutta" flying-boat of Imperial Airways, which, piloted by Mr. Lankester Parker, and with Mr. Oswald Short on board, flew from Rochester on August 1 and alighted on the Thames above Lambeth Bridge. It was moored opposite the Houses of Parliament, and later a large number of members, including Sir Samuel Hoare, were taken out to the flying-boat and made a thorough inspection of this latest example of modern transport. Large crowds had gathered on the embankment and the bridge to see the "Calcutta," which continued to attract sightseers during the several days it was moored on the water. Shortly after its arrival at Westminster, Col. the Master of Sempill arrived on a Blackburn "Bluebird" seaplane, which provided a striking contrast when moored next to the "Calcutta" as shown in our illustration.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Blackburn Bluebird / L.1 - Великобритания - 1924
Flight 1939-04 / Flight
Londoners were treated to a close-up view of Britain’s then latest commercial flying boat when, in 1928, Mr. Lankester Parker, with Mr. Oswald Short on board, put a Calcutta down on the Thames at Westminster for M.P.s to inspect.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
ON THE MEDWAY: This little seascape is of interest in showing three Short machines moored. In the background is the "Calcutta." On the left, the little "Mussel," which has been moored out for more than 2,000 hours, and on the right the "Sturgeon"
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Short Mussel / S.7 - Великобритания - 1926Short Sturgeon / S.6 / Gurnard / S.10 - Великобритания - 1927
Flight 1929-04 / Flight
THE ENGLAND-INDIA AIR ROUTE: These three snapshots, kindly sent us by Mr. J. J. Ide, show the Short "Calcutta" at Ostia on Easter Sunday. The machine is shown in 2 just after its arrival. In 1 Sir Samuel Hoare is seen leaving the "Calcutta," while in 3 the machine is being prepared for refuelling.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
EMPIRE AIR COMMUNICATIONS: Launch at Rochester of the first of the Short "Calcutta" flying-boats with three Bristol "Jupiter" engines built for Imperial Airways, Ltd. 1. The Mayoress of Rochester christening the machine. 2. Front view showing the "Jupiter" engines. 3. The tail of the "Calcutta." Note the servo rudder. 4 and 5. Views of the machine on the slipway and afloat after the launch.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": The machine on the slipway. Note the open luggage hatch.
Flight 1929-09 / Flight
On the photo may be seen in and on the machine M. de Fleuriau, Mr. Mayer, of Shorts, Mr. Oswald Short, Lieut. Sala, and Mr. Mayer, of the Bristol Co.
Flight 1931-03 / Flight
Launched on February 20, 1928, the first of the Short "Calcuttas" has now completed three years of flying, and has in that period completed 1,160 hours of flying and covered 104,400 miles. The machine is still in excellent condition.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-11 / B.Gunston - The classic aero engines (3)
Short Calcutta G-EBVG was originally powered with three 510 h.p. Bristol Jupiter XIFs, later replaced with Armstrong Siddeley Tiger VIs of 810 h.p.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-06 / G.Todd - White Nile Rescue
VH’s sister ship, G-EBVG, named Calcutta, seen at her moorings at Alexandria in October 1930. On August 1, 1928, this boat was flown from Rochester and landed on the Thames between Vauxhall and Lambeth bridges, taking off from the same stretch of the river on August 5. ’VG was scrapped after a freak storm at Mirabella caused her to capsize in January 1937.
Flight 1929-09 / Flight
In the photograph the "Calcutta" is seen taxying on the River Medway, with a remarkable absence of spray.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-02 / P.Moss - Wings for the Empire (2)
Short Calcutta G-EBVG was commissioned for the Channel Isles service on July 26, 1928.
Aviation Historian 1 / G.Warner - To Belfast via Calcutta
The first Calcutta prototype, G-EBVG, was given the name City of Alexandria in Imperial Airways service and after a stint with Air Pilots Training at Hamble capsized during a storm at Mirabella on Crete on December 28, 1936.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": Views of the machine "planing" and in flight. In the lower photograph, note should be taken of the particularly "clean" running. The "Calcutta" will not only fly on two engines but will take off on two.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The first Short Calcutta, G-EBVG, on a test flight in 1928.
Flight 1936-03 / Flight
BORN 1928 ... : Given a new lease of life with three Siddeley "Tiger VI" engines this eight-year-old Calcutta will be used for flying-boat training by Imperial pilots at Hamble.
Flight 1935-09 / Flight
VETERAN: The original Short Calcutta, which is now back at Rochester after seven and a half years on Imperial Airways Empire routes, and is being fitted with Armstrong-Siddeley Tiger engines preparatory to its use as a training machine for Imperial pilots.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-03 / Personal album
Short Calcutta G-EBVG at Hamble. This aircraft was first flown on St Valentine's Day, 1928, and was delivered to Imperial Airways early the following year. It flew the Mediterranean service, operating from Genoa to Alexandria for seven years, returning to Rochester for conversion to a training aircraft and installation of Armstrong Siddeley Tiger engines. It was delivered to Air Pilots Training Ltd at Hamble early in 1936 but was returned to Imperial Airways in September of that year. On December 28, 1936, it capsized in a storm at Mirabella, Crete.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-03 / P.Moss - Wings for the Empire (3)
The photograph of Short Calcutta G-EBVH was also taken at Khartoum, and show it before a dicey launch, during which it tipped up on its nose.
Flight 1929-04 / Flight
Calcutta ’VH on the Medway on May 3, 1928, the day of her first flight.
The three-engined Calcutta was broadly similar to the same company’s twin-engined Singapore military flying-boat, the wings being of slightly greater area but the same span. Note the leading-edge slats on the upper wing of G-EBVH, which were not fitted to G-EBVG. -
Мировая Авиация 234
Этот G-EBVH - второй самолет Calcutta, в 1928 году он ежедневно совершал полеты между Ливерпулем и Белфастом, а позже летал в Джерси.
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": A three-engined flying-boat introduced in 1928 for use on the Mediterranean section of the England-India route. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The second Calcutta, G-EBVH, with Handley Page slots, being refuelled on the Nile at Kareima.
Aviation Historian 1 / G.Warner - To Belfast via Calcutta
The second Short S.8 Calcutta, G-EBVH, is moored at Belfast Harbour during the experimental service undertaken with the aircraft between Liverpool and the Northern Irish capital in the autumn of 1928.
Aviation Historian 1 / G.Warner - To Belfast via Calcutta
The second Short Calcutta, G-EBVH, being towed out on to the Medway for its first flight on May 3, 1928.
Aviation Historian 1 / G.Warner - To Belfast via Calcutta
Imperial's first flying boat (apart from the old Sea Eagle), the Short Calcutta which made its appearance in 1928.
With the leading-edge slats fully extended, G-EBVH taxies on the Medway on May 3, 1928. It was named City of Athens in Imperial Airways service, and later City of Stonehaven, before going to Air Pilots Training in June 1937 and being dismantled for spares shortly thereafter. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Imperial Airways' ill-fated Short Calcutta, G-AADN, at Rochester on April 6, 1929, awaiting its first flight.
Air Enthusiast 1992-12 / P.MacDougall - Medway Dynasty
Short Calcutta. The interesting point about this photo is the excellent view it provides of the Seaplane factory which was sited about half-a-mile down river from Rochester bridge.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-06 / G.Todd - White Nile Rescue
G-AASJ, the Calcutta in which the author flew out to rescue G-EBVH. This boat was lost in December 1935 when it ran out of fuel at night and sank after a forced landing just off Alexandria.
Air Pictorial 1977-12 / J.Hunt - Aviation in the Sudan - before independence
Imperial Airways Short Calcutta G-AATZ "City of Swanage" beside the Nile at Khartoum. For a period two of these flying-boats operated the Khartoum-Mwanza sector
Flight 1930-06 / Flight
NEARLY ALL IN: The photographer did not quite succeed in catching the whole of this new Short "Calcutta." This is the machine, recently delivered to Imperial Airways. The three engines are Bristol "Jupiters"
G-AATZ over the Medway at Rochester. -
Flight 1937-06 / Flight
Under the Calcutta's float, in the photograph is the town of Dar-es-Salaam, with the harbour mouth on the right.
Flight 1937-06 / Flight
The well-planned and seemingly spacious town of Lourenco Marquez - the last base before Durban, where S.A.A. take over the good work.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-06 / G.Todd - White Nile Rescue
Capt Lumsden judged his take-off superbly, and went on to make Malakal in 50min, a trip which had taken the author nearly 50hr by boat.
Flight 1928-05 / Flight
AIR MINISTER'S CHANNEL CRUISE: This week Sir Samuel Hoare is making a cruise of (inspection to the Channel Islands, Scilly Islands, &c, in one of the new Short all-metal "Calcutta" flying boats with "Jupiter" engines. The "Calcutta" is seen at the moment of departure, while in the foreground is the Supermarine "Southampton"-Napier which is escorting the Air Minister on his cruise.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Southampton / Solent - Великобритания - 1925
Flight 1936-02 / Flight
MILITARY AND CIVIL: Singapores, Scapas and an Imperial Airways Calcutta off the Khedival Palace, Alexandria.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Short Singapore III / S.19 - Великобритания - 1934Supermarine Scapa - Великобритания - 1932
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-08 / ??? - Boats for the Empire
Servicing the Bristol Pegasus engines of an Empire Boat with Short Calcutta, G-AATZ, in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Short Empire / S.23 - Великобритания - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The civil Calcutta built for the French government, F-AJDB, is seen taxying on the Medway.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / M.Passingham - From Calcutta to Bizerte
Short Calcutta F-AJDB, purchased for Air Union. The aircraft has deployed its 'Diraison' apparatus to assist in alighting on the water
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
French naval Calcutta built by Short Brothers.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / M.Passingham - From Calcutta to Bizerte
Fine study of Escadrille 3E1 Calcuttas based at Berre patrolling along the French Mediterranean coastline. 3E1 1 is flying an Admiral's flag from the rear starboard wing strut.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / M.Passingham - From Calcutta to Bizerte
A Breguet-Short Calcutta about to be lifted onto the rear deck of the seaplane carrier Commandant Teste.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / M.Passingham - From Calcutta to Bizerte
Calcutta with the black wolfs head insignia of Escadrille 3E1. At this stage it was depicted in a circle. This aircraft, rather unusually, has the vertical national colours painted on the Flettner servo carried by the rudder, as opposed to the normal arrangement of the tricolore stripes on the rudder itself.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / M.Passingham - From Calcutta to Bizerte
Escadrille 3E1 lined-up on beaching trolleys on the hard standing in front of the hangars. The uncowled K9 radial engines are fitted with four-bladed wooden propellers
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
Practical seamanship: The first Short Calcutta at its moorings in Southampton Water. In the forward hatch is Flt. Lt. Middleton, while Capt. Wilcockson, of Imperial Airways, is standing in the cockpit
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
TRAINING SHIP: A recent arrival at Air Service Training, Hamble, is a Short Calcutta flying boat on which Imperial Airways pilots will be instructed in readiness for duty on the Empire routes. Siddeley Tiger engines will eventually be installed. Major Brackley (superintendent of flying, Imperial Airways), who flew the machine from Rochester, is seen in this photograph with Flt. Lt. G. D. Middleton (left), one of the instructors.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-06 / G.Todd - White Nile Rescue
The steamer’s dinghy, loaded with three crew and ’VH’s half-ton Bristol Jupiter XIF engine.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-06 / G.Todd - White Nile Rescue
The author poses in front of a Calcutta's Bristol Jupiter radial.
Flight 1929-12 / Flight
ENGINE OVERHAUL SIMPLIFIED: Our picture shows a Bristol "Jupiter" engine being removed for overhaul from the port side of a Short "Calcutta" flying-boat, of Imperial Airways, on the shores of the Mediterranean. The self-contained derrick and winch make this operation a comparatively simple one, while the detachable launching chassis of the "Calcutta" further simplifies matters.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": On the left, a "close-up" of the beaching chassis. The front hatch, which also forms steps, can just be seen. On the right, the port wing engine. Above the nacelle can be seen the crane, used for lifting the engines into and out of the machine. In the photograph, the engine has open exhaust. A collector ring, shaped liked the cowl in the photograph, will be fitted later.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": On the left, a wing in skeleton, and on the right, the hull, Note particularly the faired rear step.
Мировая Авиация 234
Шесть самолетов Rangoon с сентября 1935 года по июль 1936 года входили в состав 210-й эскадрильи британских ВВС, дислоцированной в Гибралтаре. Пять из них затем утилизировали, но этот S1433 получил гражданскую регистрацию G-AEIM и использовался компанией "Imperial Airways" в качестве учебного самолета до 1938 года.
Мировая Авиация 98
24 сентября 1930г.: Джон Паркер выполнил в Рочестере первый полет на патрульной летающей лодке Short Rangoon (S1433). Первые три лодки Rangoon эксплуатировались в Персидском заливе.
THE SHORT "RANGOON" FLYING BOAT: Three of these machines are now flying to Basra to join No. 203 (Flying Boat) Squadron, R.A.F. The "Rangoon" is fitted with three Bristol "Jupiter" engines. -
Air Enthusiast 1992-12 / P.MacDougall - Medway Dynasty
Rangoon S1433, first flown September 24, 1930. A development of the Calcutta, it boasted Jupiter XIFs, greater fuel capacity and an enclosed cockpit.
Flight 1938-03 / Flight
“Taking in tow” is an art in itself.
Flight 1938-03 / Flight
Mooring practice from the nose of the Short Calcutta, used for advanced instruction.
Aviation Historian 1 / G.Warner - To Belfast via Calcutta
The Calcutta’s passenger cabin was 17ft (5·2m) long, 6ft 6in (2m) wide and 6ft 3in (1·9m) high, and offered a high degree of space and comfort. The fuel tanks were located in the upper wing, which allowed passengers to smoke during flight.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
View aft in the passenger cabin of Calcutta G-EBVG.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": 1, view inside the cabin, looking forward. 2, the galley and buffet. 3, the lavatory, with tip-up wash basin. 4, view in the luggage hold, looking aft.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-03 / P.Moss - Wings for the Empire (3)
The photograph of Short Calcutta G-EBVH was also taken at Khartoum, and show it after a dicey launch, during which it tipped up on its nose.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
KEITH WOODCOCK'S painting shows Calcutta G-EBVH City of Stonehaven, the only one with Handley Page autoslots.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA" THREE-ENGINED FLYING BOAT: Some constructional details. A section of the rear spar of the top centre-section is shown in 1, with its steel fitting for strut and lift wires, etc. 2, shows a section of the top rear spar. Note the laminations which reinforce the spar at point of attachment of fittings. Built-up compression struts are used, the end of one being illustrated in 3. The spars of the lower centre-section differ slightly in construction, as shown in 4. The curved angle-section piece conforms to the cabin roof, through which this spar passes. The attachment of the raked struts which run from lower plane at engine supports to chine, meet the latter as shown in 5. The two petrol tanks are housed in the top plane, and are of the form shown in 6. Details of the tank supports, incorporating rubber buffers, are shown in 7 and 8.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": On the left, a view inside the luggage compartment, showing the general construction, the special hatch which also serves as an emergency exit, and the tubular steps. When open, the hatch is kept raised by the two tubes shown folded in their clips. On the right, a portion of the cabin, showing construction, and, right, the finished cabin covered with material. Below is a double seat, with the neat folding tables provided for each passenger.
Flight 1928-02 / Flight
THE SHORT "CALCUTTA": Plan of the passenger accommodation.
Flight 1927-01 / Flight
Short "Calcutta" Flying Boat 3 Bristol "Jupiter" Engines
- Фотографии