- Short - Scion / S.16 - 1933 - Великобритания
- Short - Scion Senior / S.22 - 1935 - Великобритания
Short S.16 Scion и S.22 Scion Senior
В 1933 году компания "Short Brothers" вышла на рынок легких транспортных самолетов, предложив двухмоторный высокоплан S.16 Scion, рассчитанный на пять или шесть пассажиров и оснащенный двумя двигателями Pobjoy R мощностью 75 л. с. Первый самолет поднялся в воздух в Грейвсенде в августе 1933 года и получил сертификат летной годности в феврале 1934 года. Первая партия из четырех серийных Scion I была построена с двигателями Pobjoy Niagara I или II мощностью 85 л. с., но пятый Scion I и последняя партия из десяти Scion II получили двигатели Pobjoy Niagara III мощностью 90 л. с.
Ввиду большого объема работ по летающим лодкам Empire компания продала права на производство Scion компании "Douglas Pobjoy", построившей еще шесть самолетов.
- Short S.16 Scion и S.22 Scion Senior
- Flight, September 1933
SHORTS' "SCION" - Flight, February 1935
THE IMPROVED SHORT "SCION" - Flight, April 1936
British light aircraft - Flight, October 1938
British Commercial Aircraft
Flight 1933-09 / Flight
The new Short Transport monoplane making a test flight.
Flight 1933-10 / Flight
THOROUGH flight testing to weed out any possible "snags" before going into production is the policy adopted by Short Brothers in connection with the little civil monoplane with two Pobjoy "R" engines. The above views were secured at Gravesend Aerodrome by our Chief Photographer recently when Mr. Lankester Parker was carrying out some tests. A deck fairing hap been added to the previously flat top of the fuselage behind the wing, but so far it has not been possible, owing to unfavourable weather conditions, to determine the effect of this fairing on performance, stability and trim. The tests are being continued.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The prototype Scion after the curved decking had been added to the rear fuselage.
Flight 1934-02 / Flight
36 H.P. PER PAYING PASSENGER: The Short "Scion" with its low power per passenger is a most economical aeroplane.
The prototype Short Scion, G-ACJI, made its maiden flight from Gravesend in August 18, 1933. -
Flight 1934-08 / Flight
A FORCED LANDING WITH REASON: Just in case there may be some pilots who underrate the weather with which our English pilots have to contend, we publish this photograph of a Short "Scion" taken by Mr. A. Irwin just after he had decided that discretion was the better part of valour. The black clouds behind the machine are right down on the ground and completely block the way to Aberdeen, a journey which on this occasion took seven hours instead of the usual three or so.
Air Enthusiast 2000-11 / G.Warner - Founding Fathers (2)
Aberdeen Airways initially used Short S.16 Scion G-ACUV.
Flight 1934-07 / Flight
EFFICIENCY: With two Pobjoy "Niagara" engines of 90 h.p. each, the Short "Scion" carries pilot and five passengers at a cruising speed of 100 m.p.h.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The Scion I G-ACUX was built as a seaplane, operated in New Guinea as a landplane, and may still exist in Australia.
Flight 1939-04 / Flight
Interchangeable wheel and float undercarriages gave the popular little Scion a wide field of application.
Flight 1935-03 / Flight
GOLD RUSH: This particular Short "Scion," fitted with floats, is to be used for gold survey in Papua.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
G-ACUZ was the fifth production aircraft and the first Scion II. The wheel spats were soon removed.
Мировая Авиация 234
G-ACUZ - первый из 10 самолетов Scion II, которые оснащались парой двигателей Niagara III. Эти самолеты развивали максимальную скорость 206 км/ч.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / N.Ewart - When flying was still an adventure (3)
The Short Scion G-ADDP, flown by the author for Air Touring at Gatwick. The Scion was powered by two 90 h.p. Pobjoy Niagara engines. G-ADDP was scrapped in April 1941 after RAF impressment as X9374 a year earlier.
Flight 1937-01 / Flight
The Scion is of Short design and Pobjoy manufacture and is powered with two Niagara radials.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-07 / J.Viner - The great Flea race
The scene at Ramsgate Airport on August 3, 1936. In the foreground is Ramsgate Airport's Short Scion G-ADDV; behind that is another Scion, G-ACUZ, Monospar ST-6 G-ACGI, a Swallow, Aeronca C-3, a row of Fleas and the Cierva C.30 autogyro.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aeronca C - США - 1929British Klemm L.25 Swallow - Великобритания - 1933Cierva/Avro C.30A / Rota - Великобритания - 1932General Aircraft Monospar ST-4 - ST-12 - Великобритания - 1932Mignet Pou-de-Ciel / HM-14 - Франция - 1932
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-07 / Personal album
Short Scion G-AEZF seen at Heston where it later became the subject of a court order. The bailiff's men took one of the wheels away to prevent the aircraft's removal. The Scion was subsequently sold and was later withdrawn from use at Exeter in May 1954.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The Adelaide Airways Scion II VH-UVQ before delivery. It passed to Australian National Airways in July 1936 and was withdrawn from use in 1939.
Flight 1937-12 / Flight
ECONOMICAL TRANSPORT: One of the two five-passenger Pobjoy Scions used by Palestine Airways on services linking the towns of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Lydda. The chief pilot of the Company is Capt. Andrews, who was previously in the service of Imperial Airways. The new engine cowlings and the slightly modified pilot's window arrangements are worth noting.
Flight 1935-02 / Flight
The roomy cabin of the new "Scion"; its proximity to the ground makes entrance and egress very simple for passengers.
Flight 1936-01 / Flight
A.G.E.C floodlight, mounted as a mobile unit, in use at the Brighton, Hove and Worthing municipal airport.
Flight 1935-02 / Flight
This flying picture shows how the Pobjoy "Niagara" engines have been cleanly faired into the wing and indicates the excellent outlook which the new nose design allows the pilot.
Flight 1935-05 / Flight
NEXT OF KIN: The modified Short "Scion" which has just been delivered to Southend Flying Services, Ltd. Changes in the shape of the nose, in which a landing light is fitted, and the fact that the engine nacelles are now in the centre line of the wing section account for the improved performance.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / N.Ewart - When flying was still an adventure (3)
The Short Scion G-ADDP, flown by the author for Air Touring at Gatwick. The Scion was powered by two 90 h.p. Pobjoy Niagara engines. G-ADDP was scrapped in April 1941 after RAF impressment as X9374 a year earlier.
Flight 1938-04 / Flight
The Pobjoy-powered Scion is available as a landplane or on floats.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
This view shows the clean lines of the Scion II. Note the higher position of the Pobjoy engines compared with that of the Scion I.
Flight 1936-11 / Flight
With a pair of 90 h.p. Pobjoy Niagara' IIIs the Pobjoy Scion cruises at 115 m.p.h. with a disposable load of 1,000 lb.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Southend-on-Sea Flying Service's Scion II G-ADDN.
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
A Short Scion
Flight 1936-08 / Flight
THE CROWD that came to see the Poux race at Ramsgate on Saturday - and stayed to joy-ride in the airport's Short Scions. Mr. Whitney Straight, incidentally, is having some fine hangars and club buildings erected.
Flight 1937-06 / Flight
Finale: Herr Wendel (inset) winds up his demonstration with the Bucker Jungmeister with a high-speed inverted passage across the aerodrome at zero altitude. When this picture was taken he was climbing to avoid the Short Scion on the left; on his previous passage the Bucker's tail fin positively stroked the grass - to the terrified joy of the onlookers.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bucker Bu.133 Jungmeister - Германия - 1935
Flight 1938-03 / Flight
The view from the clubhouse, opened last summer, of the Thanet Aero Club, Ramsgate.
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
Competing machines in the Viceroy's Cup Race lined up on the aerodrome at Bombay. The Scion is fifth in the line.
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
The machine being refuelled at Bombay during the race.
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
A sunny scene on Madras Aerodrome
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
YOUNG ENTHUSIASTS, members of the Skybird League, who recently visited the new aerodrome at Southend-on-Sea as guests tf the Southend Flying Club. They are seen standing by the Club's Short "Scion," in which Mr. A. M. Glover (Chief Instructor) gave many of them flights.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-06 / News Spotlight
Also moved into the Museum, on March 21, 1977, was the Short Scion VH-UUP, which will eventually be restored in its original marks as G-ACUX.
Flight 1933-10 / Flight
ACCESSIBILITY: The nose of the new Short monoplane (two Pobjoy engines) is hinged so as to allow ready inspection and adjustment of the controls, instruments, etc. The machine is at present being thoroughly tested by Mr. Lankester Parker before deciding on production. That the machine is efficient is shown by the fact that, carrying three occupants for each Pobjoy engine, the top speed is in the neighbourhood of 115 m.p.h.
Flight 1934-02 / Flight
OPEN SESAME: For ease of maintenance the nose of the "Scion" can easily be swung open. It also carries the air bottle for the Dunlop wheel brakes.
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
The present Pobjoy cowling is of long chord and incorporates "helmets" for the cylinders. This installation is of a Niagara in a Short Scion
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
H.H. The Maharajah of Jodhpur trying out the Scion with his personal pilot, Flt. Lt. Godwin, at the controls.
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
The Short Scion is normally equipped with four passenger seats, one of which swings out of the way to permit entrance to the pilot' s compartment, but this arrangement can be modified to suit the purchaser. A radio set, when carried, is mounted behind the left-hand forward seat and there is a separate luggage compartment.
Flight 1936-05 / Flight Advertisements
Roomy cabin interior of the Pobjoy-Short "Scion"
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-08 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
The UK’s sole surviving Short S.16 Scion G-AEZF needs a new home. Southend milkman Ray Jackson has been rebuilding it with the help of retired engineer George Hurst in a neighbour’s garage - but now the neighbour wants his garage back. Jackson is appealing to anyone in Essex who can provide space to house the 31ft fuselage, and to enable him to continue the rebuild - which is being tackled using photographs and sketches, since no manufacturer’s drawings have been found.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Personal album
The Scion G-ADDT during an earlier mishap, probably at Coventry, though on this occasion the aircraft was taken back to Brooklands and repaired.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Personal album
The final demise of Short Scion G-ADDT. The crash took place at Porthcawl in South Wales on July 26, 1936. Ron Paine can be seen on the extreme left.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Personal album
The final demise of Short Scion G-ADDT. The crash took place at Porthcawl in South Wales on July 26, 1936. Scion ’DT was painted green with cream letters and the words Gaumont British News can be seen painted on the fin and rudder.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
KEITH WOODCOCK'S painting shows Aberdeen Airways' Short Scion G-ACUV in its original livery.
Flight 1935-01 / Flight Advertisements
"SCION" This machine has a take-off run of 120 yards - landing run 100 yards Fitted with two Pobjoy Niagara Engines which use less petrol per h.p. than any other air-cooled engine, thereby enabling this machine to give maximum mileage for minimum cost.
Flight 1934-07 / Flight
The rev. counter, oil-temperature and oil-pressure gauges, as seen from the cabin of the Short "Scion."
Flight 1934-10 / Flight
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bellanca 28 Flash - США - 1934De Havilland Comet / D.H.88 - Великобритания - 1934De Havilland Fox Moth / D.H.83 - Великобритания - 1932De Havilland Leopard Moth / D.H.85 - Великобритания - 1933Fairey Fox - Великобритания - 1925Harkness & Hillier All Australian - Австралия - 1934Lockheed Sirius / Altair 8 - США - 1929Lockheed Vega - США - 1927Miles M.3 Falcon / M.6 Hawcon - Великобритания - 1934Monocoupe 90 / 110 / 145 - США - 1930Northrop Delta - США - 1933Percival Gull - Великобритания - 1932
- Фотографии