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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1933


Short S.16 Scion и S.22 Scion Senior

В 1933 году компания "Short Brothers" вышла на рынок легких транспортных самолетов, предложив двухмоторный высокоплан S.16 Scion, рассчитанный на пять или шесть пассажиров и оснащенный двумя двигателями Pobjoy R мощностью 75 л. с. Первый самолет поднялся в воздух в Грейвсенде в августе 1933 года и получил сертификат летной годности в феврале 1934 года. Первая партия из четырех серийных Scion I была построена с двигателями Pobjoy Niagara I или II мощностью 85 л. с., но пятый Scion I и последняя партия из десяти Scion II получили двигатели Pobjoy Niagara III мощностью 90 л. с.
   Ввиду большого объема работ по летающим лодкам Empire компания продала права на производство Scion компании "Douglas Pobjoy", построившей еще шесть самолетов.

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  • Short S.16 Scion и S.22 Scion Senior
  • Flight, September 1933
  • Flight, February 1934
  • Flight, February 1935
  • Flight, April 1936
  • Flight, March 1938
    British light aircraft
  • Flight, October 1938
    British Commercial Aircraft
  • Flight 1933-09 / Flight

    The new Short Transport monoplane making a test flight.

  • Flight 1933-10 / Flight

    THOROUGH flight testing to weed out any possible "snags" before going into production is the policy adopted by Short Brothers in connection with the little civil monoplane with two Pobjoy "R" engines. The above views were secured at Gravesend Aerodrome by our Chief Photographer recently when Mr. Lankester Parker was carrying out some tests. A deck fairing hap been added to the previously flat top of the fuselage behind the wing, but so far it has not been possible, owing to unfavourable weather conditions, to determine the effect of this fairing on performance, stability and trim. The tests are being continued.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace

    The prototype Scion after the curved decking had been added to the rear fuselage.

  • Flight 1934-02 / Flight

    36 H.P. PER PAYING PASSENGER: The Short "Scion" with its low power per passenger is a most economical aeroplane.
    The prototype Short Scion, G-ACJI, made its maiden flight from Gravesend in August 18, 1933.

  • Flight 1934-08 / Flight

    A FORCED LANDING WITH REASON: Just in case there may be some pilots who underrate the weather with which our English pilots have to contend, we publish this photograph of a Short "Scion" taken by Mr. A. Irwin just after he had decided that discretion was the better part of valour. The black clouds behind the machine are right down on the ground and completely block the way to Aberdeen, a journey which on this occasion took seven hours instead of the usual three or so.

  • Air Enthusiast 2000-11 / G.Warner - Founding Fathers (2)

    Aberdeen Airways initially used Short S.16 Scion G-ACUV.

  • Flight 1934-07 / Flight

    EFFICIENCY: With two Pobjoy "Niagara" engines of 90 h.p. each, the Short "Scion" carries pilot and five passengers at a cruising speed of 100 m.p.h.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace

    The Scion I G-ACUX was built as a seaplane, operated in New Guinea as a landplane, and may still exist in Australia.

  • Flight 1939-04 / Flight

    Interchangeable wheel and float undercarriages gave the popular little Scion a wide field of application.

  • Flight 1935-03 / Flight

    GOLD RUSH: This particular Short "Scion," fitted with floats, is to be used for gold survey in Papua.

  • Фотографии