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Страна : Нидерланды

Год : 1928

Трехместный спортивный/туристский моноплан с закрытой кабиной

Koolhoven FK 41

Ф. Кулховен спроектировал несколько не самых удачных самолетов, включая двухместный учебный полутораплан FK 32, трехмоторный FK 33 на девять пассажиров (использовался в компаниях "Lufthansa" и "German Aero"), трехместный гидроплан-разведчик FK 34 и двухместную ультралегкую машину FK 30 Toerist.
   Следом был разработан трехместный спортивный высокоплан FK 41. Первый FK 41 поднялся в воздух в июле 1928 года. Самолет строился в Голландии серийно в двух вариантах: FK 41 Mk I с мотором Cirrus Hermes мощностью 105 л.с. и FK 41 Mk II с мотором de Havilland Gipsy мощностью 130 л.с.
   Оба самолета в Великобритании выпускала по лицензии "Desoutter Aircraft Company", всего был построен 41 аппарат.
   Позже FK 41 получил упрощенное хвостовое оперение. В годы войны самолеты голландской и британской постройки эксплуатировались в Австралии, Бельгийском Конго и в Южной Африке.


   Koolhoven FK 41

   Тип: трехместный спортивный/туристский моноплан с закрытой кабиной
   Силовая установка: один мотор de Havilland Gipsy мощностью 130 л. с.
   Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость 195 км/ч
   Масса: максимальная взлетная 900 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 10,50 м; длина 7,80 м

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  • Koolhoven FK 41
  • Flight, April 1929
  • Flight, May 1929
  • Flight, June 1929
  • Flight, April 1930
  • Flight, September 1930
    Desoutter Mark II
  • Flight 1928-07 / Flight

    SOME AIRCRAFT TYPES AT THE ROTTERDAM MEETING: 3, the new Koolhoven monoplane, type F.K. 41. This is a three-seater touring machine.

  • Flight 1928-08 / Flight

    ECONOMICAL AVIATION: The Koolhoven F. H. 41, although fitted with a Siemens engine of 50 h.p. only, carries pilot and two passengers. The machine is built mainly of wood, both fuselage and wing being covered with three ply. On the right the machine is seen in flight, piloted by M. Van Vloten.

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight

    GETTING THEM DOWN AT WAALHAVEN: Various styles of landing over the tape are shown. 7. Koolhoven F.K.41.

  • Flight 1928-07 / Flight

    "TINY AND TOT": Mr. and Mrs. F. Koolhoven, standing by the new F.K.41 monoplane.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / M.Langley - Fifty years in aviation
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

    The Desoutter Monoplane was born in 1929, when Marcel Desoutter formed a company to manufacture the Koolhoven F.K.41 three-seater under licence. The second F.K.41, on the photo, was flown to Croydon and G. H. Handasyde revised the design. The Croydon-built examples, powered by Hermes I engines, were built in part of what was once the ADC factory.

  • Flight 1929-04 / Flight
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

    PART OF THE N.F.S. FLEET: Mr. Marcel Desoutter by the tail of his first machine discusses the Martlet with a friend.

  • Flight 1929-05 / Flight
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

    LATEST DESOUTTER MONOPLANE: The "D.A.C. Sports Coupe" (Cirrus III).

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight Advertisements
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]


  • Aeroplane Monthly 1990-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAGC   [8]

    Two views of the second Koolhoven FK 41. These views show many of the features which were common to the single-engined Koolhoven high-wing monoplanes.

  • Flight 1930-06 / Flight

    FINISHED FLYING: Flight-Lieut. Schofield's demonstrations of aerobatic flying are always characterised by a remarkable "finish." He is here seen flying the Desoutter-Hermes monoplane, and, inset, flying upside down.

  • Flight 1931-02 / Flight

    ABOVE WINDSOR CASTLE: A remarkable view of the Castle with the River Thames in the background. The machine is a Hermes-engined Desoutter belonging to National Flying Services.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Williams - On tour with Cobham's Circus

    Desoutter I G-AANE, flown by Tommy Nash for joy riding, was owned by Rollason Aircraft Services Ltd based at Croydon.

  • Flight 1929-11 / Flight

    Above are the new workshops which will cater for the needs of the whole of the N.F.S. organisation. Below, two passengers about to "enplane" in one of the new Desoutter cabin machines (with Cirrus "Hermes" engines), which N.F.S. have standardised on their taxi-service.

  • Flight 1929-12 / Flight Advertisements

    One of the "taxis" returning home. A Desoutter - Hermes over Hanworth.

  • Flight 1932-01 / Flight

    THE "SPARTAN CIRCUS" IN AFRICA: "Snap" from the Cape taken on the occasion when the Circus (which is composed of Mr. Oscar Garden, Capts. E. D. Ayre, J. King, E. D. Cummings, Mr. John Tranum and Mr. C. E. F. Reilly) now touring Africa, visited the Cape Town Airport. Capt. King giving joy-rides in the Desoutter

  • Flight 1929-12 / Flight

    A Hermes-Desoutter Coupe at Hanworth. In front are Capts. Stack, Rodney, Schofleld and Styran of N.F.S.

  • Flight 1930-02 / Flight

    The "Daily Mail" having had a run of bad luck with "Geraldine" have now purchased a Desoutter; no doubt they will be happier with their latest love!

  • Flight 1933-08 / Flight

    Desoutter ("Hermes II") three seater.

  • Flight 1930-09 / Flight

    A PREVIOUS AUSTRALIAN FLIGHT: This illustration may be of interest just now, for it shows the first cabin monoplane to make a flight from England to Australia - the Desoutter ("Cirrus-Hermes") of Flying Officers Piper and Kay, taken on their arrival at Mascot Aerodrome on April 3 last.

  • Flight 1930-06 / Flight

    Miss Winifred Spooner with Lady Currie just before their trip to Paris in the Hermes-Desoutter.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-01 / Personal album. Civil

    Desoutter I G-AATX in the orange and black colours of National Flying Services Ltd, probably snapped at Hanworth. The aircraft was destroyed in a crash at Edenbridge, Kent on October 1, 1932 whilst owned by Maidstone Airport Ltd.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Whitchurch /Gone but not forgotten/ (10)

    Early resident at Whitchurch was Desoutter II G-AAVO.

  • Flight 1932-06 / Flight

    The Phillips & Powis "Desoutter" (Hermes) piloted by Mr. S. Cliff winning by a short head from Mr. Norman Edgar in the "Elf" (Hermes).

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Parnall Elf - Великобритания - 1929

  • Flight 1930-05 / Flight

    COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE: The Desoutter (Hermes) recently delivered to Cirrus Engines, Ltd. This will enable Mr. V. Holman, sales manager, to keep in better touch with all the firm's customers. Mr. V. Holman, who is an experienced pilot, will fly the machine himself.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1991-02 / Personal album. Civil
    Регистрационный номер: G-AAZI

    Prototype Desoutter II G-AAZI photographed at Doncaster on May 26, 1935. Owned by Warden Aviation, G-AAZI was impressed into the RAF as HM507 in November 1941 and flew for a while as a communications hack with Percival Aircraft. After service elsewhere it was dismantled in July 1944 and burnt at the end of 1945.

  • Flight 1931-06 / Flight
    Регистрационный номер: G-ABMW   [2]

    FIRST BRITISH "AVION SANITAIRE": A Desoutter monoplane (Hermes) has been fitted up as a Red Cross machine.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1990-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
    Регистрационный номер: G-ABMW   [2]

    The Red Cross Desoutter I after passing to Imperial Airways. It is seen at Croydon.

  • Air Pictorial 1956-10 / Photos by request

    KOOLHOVEN F.K.41 was a three-seater produced in the Netherlands in the late 1920s; also built in the U.K. (about forty) by the Desoutter Company. Normal engine was the Cirrus Hermes I, but VH-ULX (c/ n. 4103, crashed 10th November 1937, Condobolin, N.S.W.) was powered by a 90-h.p. D.H . Gipsy II. Two F.K.41s were on the British Register : G-AAGC and G-AALI (c/ n. not known). Former sold to S. Africa ; latter "sold abroad " (October 1929) may have become VH-ULX.

  • Flight 1930-05 / Flight

    COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION: A batch of Desoutter cabin aircraft ready for delivery at Croydon.

  • Flight 1933-07 / Flight

    THE FINAL: Our veteran timekeeper, Mr. George Reynolds (right), starting the first man.

  • Flight 1929-11 / Flight

    THE ILLUSTRATED PRESS GO FLYING: Our picture shows, from left to right, Mr. A. S. Frene and Capt. Alan Bott (of the "Graphic"), Mr. and Mrs. De Groot (Editor of the "Bystander"), at the Desoutter Sports Coupe demonstration at Hanworth.

  • Flight 1933-08 / Flight

    The Mayor and Mayoress of Hull being greeted by Mr. F. P. Morgan, Chairman of the Club Committee, on their arrival in an N.F.S. Desoutter from the Hull Aero Club.

  • Flight 1930-06 / Flight

    MUNICIPAL INTEREST: The Lord Mayor of Nottingham (Coun. W. Wesson), centre, about to go for a flight in the Desoutter-Hermes limousine piloted by Flight-Lieut. Schofield, right; Mr. Hooley (Sheriff) is on the left.

  • Flight 1933-07 / Flight

    A WORTHY LOSER: Capt. E. D. Ayre, who missed getting his three-year-old Desoutter ("Hermes II") into the final three by only 7 sec, is here seen talking to a timekeeper before starting on the final.

  • Flight 1933-10 / Flight

    A view (left) of the Hanworth cowling on one of the N.F.S. Desoutters ("Gipsy II"). This new clean design was made by the N.F.S. repair shops at Hanworth Park. On the right is shown another alteration to the N.F.S. Desoutter - the fitting of sliding windows to the passengers' cabin. These can be kept open in flight without undue draught entering the cabin.

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight

    The Desoutter Sports Coupe. With accommodation for pilot and two passengers this type should be very useful for taxi work, etc.

  • Flight 1929-05 / Flight

    THE DESOUTTER MONOPLANE: The photograph gives a good idea of the low position of the engine above the ground, which facilitates inspection and adjustments.

  • Flight 1929-05 / Flight

    THE DESOUTTER MONOPLANE: The somewhat unusual tail layout is shown.

  • Фотографии