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Air Pictorial 1957-11
Among the Air France visitors to the Airways Club at Croydon in September were examples of the NC-853, fitted with Minie 4 DC-32B motors.
Air Pictorial 1957-08 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
A late series production French Army liaison/AOP Nord N.C.856A Norvigie (AOK). one of 112 now being delivered to l'Armee de Terre. Two seats; power, 135-h.p. SNECMA-Regnier 4LO-4 inline; maximum speed 118 m.p.h.
Air Pictorial 1977-01
The Nord NC.858S, G-BDXX, visiting Southend 3/10/76 from its base at Maypole strip, Herne Bay
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-08 / B.Martin - Britain's civil aircraft register
Also present at Sywell was SNCAN Nord NC854S G-BCGH.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1966 / 02 - Aircraft
SIPA/Gerard "Aile Flottante" experimental monoplane