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Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / A.Ord-Hume - Catalogue of Failure /Paper planes - projects/
The prototype Supermarine Seagull ASR.I, PA143, first flew on July 14, 1948.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The first Seagull in flight, in its original configuration, over Southampton and close to the site of the Supermarine works at Woolston.
Air Pictorial 1977-05
PA143 in its original form seen from above
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
Early photograph of the prototype Seagull, before modification of the central superstructure and addition of a central fin.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The first prototype of the Supermarine Seagull, PA 143, on water.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Gunston - Last of the Seagulls
PA143 taking off, showing the semi-enclosed amphibian undercarriage.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Gunston - Last of the Seagulls
PA143 taxiing with 4° wing incidence, with a 13kt wing on the starboard quarter. Turning on water proved to be one of the Seagull’s handicaps.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
Seagull PA143 with the wind on the starboard quarter and the Griffon engine running at 1,480 r.p.m. Take-offs in sea conditions of about 12in chop were satisfactory.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The first prototype of the Supermarine Seagull, PA 143, on land.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
Two views of Seagull PA143 showing the variable geometry configuration of the wings. In the top photograph the wing is set at 0° and the flaps are up. In the lower photograph the Seagull's wing is set at 7 1/2 deg incidence with a large amount of flap. The leading edge slats are also out.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Gunston - Last of the Seagulls
Comparative views of PA143 with flaps up and wings at minimum incidence (top) and with flaps down and maximum incidence. By 1950, when these pictures were taken, a central fin had been added and the pylon fairing extended rearwards.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
Two frontal views of Seagull PA143 showing the wings and flaps at different settings. It would appear that the tail surfaces were effectively blanked off with flaps fully down.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-09 / ??? - At last! the 1948 show
Supermarine Seagull amphibian PA 143 was flown by Jeffrey Quill and Mike Lithgow.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
The unmodified prototype Seagull, PA143, photographed at the SBAC show at Farnborough in September 1948. Both Seagulls were scrapped in 1954 after the advent of the practical helicopter for the SAR role.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Gunston - Last of the Seagulls
The same machine with wings folded and jury struts anchoring floats to the central pylon.
Air Pictorial 1977-05
Supermarine Seagull first prototype, PA143, in its original configuration in 1948. Special feature of this amphibian was its variable-incidence wing
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
View of the second Seagull prototype (PA147), with the "2 1/2" fins and the dorsal fin.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
The second prototype Seagull, PA147, landing at Farnborough in September 1949 with David Morgan at the controls. The background of this photograph has been retouched out.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Gunston - Last of the Seagulls
Two shots of PA147 at the 1949 SBAC Show. Note extended pylon, central rudder and dorsal fairing.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The first Seagull (PA143) with modified rear nacelle fairing and small central fin.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
Photograph of the first Supermarine S.14/44 (PA143), after a small central fin had been fitted and the engine nacelle had been extended aft.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (1)
The prototype Vickers Supermarine Seagull, PA143, after the redesign of the central superstructure and the addition of a third fin.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The first Seagull (PA143) with enlarged central fin and smaller outboard fins; a small dorsal fin is also fitted.
Air Pictorial 1977-05
PA143 in modified form in 1949 with central fin and rudder added and trunk extended rearwards
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
View of the second Seagull prototype (PA147), with the "2 1/2" fins and the dorsal fin.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-12 / B.Gunston - Last of the Seagulls
PA147 at Sherburn-in-Elmet, July 1950, with larger central rudder but smaller ones on the tailplane tips.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
A wind-tunnel model of the Supermarine S.14/44, showing the original tail unit configuration.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
Supermarine S.14/44