Letov S 6
В 1923 году после неудачного опыта с самолетом Letov S 5, который, в общем-то, незначительно отличался от SH 1, компания представила новую машину. Это был двухместный легкий бомбардировщик S 6, оснащавшийся двигателем Maybach Mb.IVa. Чехословацкие ВВС приобрели 35 таких самолетов, они оставались в эксплуатации в течение нескольких лет. Letov S 6 был вооружен двумя 7,7-мм пулеметами и мог нести до 120 кг бомб. Размах крыльев бипланной коробки самолета составлял 15,69 м, максимальная взлетная масса машины - 2008 кг, а максимальная скорость - 185 км/ч.
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Flight, August 1923
GOTHENBURG International Aero Exhibition 1923
The Military Aircraft Works, Prague. - After a few days at I.L.U.G., the Aero A.10 was removed from the Czechoslovak stand, in order, it was gathered, to be flown back to Prague, where it was wanted for regular work on the air routes. Its place was taken by a Czech military type, designed by Smolik and built at the Military Aircraft Works at Prague. This machine, the Smolik type 6, was flown over to Gothenburg by Staff Captain Augustin Charvat in 7 hours flying time. The S.6 is a two-seater fighter, with 260 h.p. Maybach engine. The engine is entirely covered in, the cowl even passing over the top of the cylinders. Lamblin radiators are fitted between the undercarriage struts.
The fuselage is of welded steel tube construction and covered with fabric, except for the front portion, which is covered with aluminium. The machine is chiefly of interest on account of its wing structure, which is of the semi-cantilever type, the single pair of interplane struts being placed roughly halfway along the span, leaving very long overhangs. The lower plane is of considerably smaller chord than the top, and both are of thick, high-lift section of the Joukovsky type. A side view of this machine was published in our issue of August 2, 1923.
The main dimensions, etc., of the Smolik 6 are: Length, o.a., 8.6 m. (28 ft. 3 ins.); span, 13 m. (42 ft. 9 ins.); weight empty, 1,100 kgs. (2,420 lbs.); useful load, 700 kgs. (1,540 lbs.); total loaded weight, 1,800 kgs. (3,960 lbs.); speed, 175 km. (108 m.p.h.) ; range, 1,200 km. (745 miles); ceiling, 6,500 m. (21,000 ft.).
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Flight, June 1924
Vojenska Tovarna na Letadla, Prague
THIS title covers the identity of the Military Aircraft Factory of Prague, whose chief designer is Mr. Smolik, after whom all this firm's machines are named "S," followed by the series number. The firm celebrates its five years' "jubilee" this year, having been founded in 1919, and as space has not permitted of exhibiting more than two complete machines, the "S 6" and the "S 8," scale models of the rest of the long series of Smolik types are shown. The Military Aircraft Factory, "Vojenska Tovarna na Letadla" is the oldest Bohemian aircraft factory, and was founded during the first year of the declaration of independence. Originally work was started at Kbely aerodrome, but the sheds and workshops there were burnt down, and the factory was removed to its present situation at Letnany.
Of the two machines exhibited the "S 6" is a day-bomber, largely constructed of metal. The fuselage and undercarriage are built of steel tubes, but the wings have wood spars and ribs. The petrol tanks, which have a capacity of 1,000 litres (220 gallons) are placed in the lower plane. The engine is a 260 h.p. Maybach. The "S 6" is of very German appearance to English eyes, its lines following those of typical German wartime machines rather than British or French. The performance appears to be very good considering the relatively low power. The dimensions of the "S 6" are: Length o.a.,8-85 m. (29 ft.); wing span, 15-75 m. (51 ft. 7 ins.); the weight empty is 1,198kgs. (2,640 lbs.); total loaded weight 1,848 kgs. (4,070 lbs.). The maximum speed near the ground is 186 km./h. (116 m.p.h.); the climb to 5,000 m. occupies 31 1/2 min. Last year this type flew from Gothenburg to Prague in 6 1/2 hours, or at an average speed of 155 km./h. (97 m.p.h.).
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