- Boeing - Boeing 737 - 1967 - США
- Boeing - Boeing 737-300 - 1984 - США
- Boeing - Boeing 737-600 / BBJ - 1998 - США
- Boeing - E-7 Wedgetail / Boeing 737 AEW&C - 2004 - США
- Boeing - P-8 Poseidon - 2009 - США
- Boeing - Boeing 737 MAX - 2016 - США
737 AEW&C: используя в качестве платформы планер 737-700, "Boeings разработала самолет дальнего радиолокационного обнаружения и управления - 737 AEW&C Антенна РЛС Northrop Grumman MESA установлена в обтекателе на пилоне над хвостовой частью фюзеляжа. На фюзеляже также смонтированы дополнительные антенны и фальшкили большой площади. В салоне установлены консоли для операторов бортовых систем, в состав БРЭО включена система госопознавания. Шесть самолетов заказаны Австралией в рамках программы "Wedgetail", четыре - Турцией по программе "Peace Eagle". Четыре схожих E-737 будут поставлены ВВС Южной Кореи. Из-за задержек с интеграцией бортовых систем австралийские ВВС получили первый самолет только в июле 2009 года.
Показать полностью- Описание
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Procurement of the E-7 Wedgetail by the US Air Force is likely to lead to renewed interest from NATO, France and Saudi Arabia, and beyond
Air International 2021-07 / N.Pittaway - The intelligence edge
Another mission as part of Operation Okra begins as an RAAF E-7A Wedgetail takes off from Australia's main logistics base in the Middle East.
The Royal Australian Air Force has developed multi-layered ISR capabilities and operates a number of aircraft, such as the E-7A Wedgetail -
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
A Wedgetail supported the first overseas deployment of the RAAF Base Williamtown F-35A Lightning II for Exercise Red Flag Alaska 21-3. The aircraft is seen here tucking away its landing gear after taking off from Eielson AFB
Air International 2011-11 / News
Регистрационный номер : N358BJ Boeing has delivered the last 737-7ES Wedgetail airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The aircraft (N358BJ, c/n 33542) was the initial AEW&C test platform built in 2002 and underwent extensive modifications before flight testing commenced for the Wedgetail programme. On September 16, 2011 it departed King County International Airport/Boeing Field as 'Boeing 89' for Honolulu International Airport in Hawaii, before proceeding to Pago Pago on American Samoa on the following day and then onto Australia. It will become A30-002 with No.2 Squadron based at RAAF Base Williamtown, New South Wales.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Регистрационный номер : A30-002 [6] A RAAF E-7A Wedgetail from No.2 Squadron takes off from RAAF Base Darwin during Exercise Diamond Storm
Air International 2019-05 / N.Pittaway - Combat Proven - Australia's eyes in the sky /Military/
Home station ops; an E-7A takes off from RAAF Base Williamtown. The radome has a 7° pitch, measures 10.82m in length, and weighs 3.5 tonnes.
Air International 2020-03 / J.Lake - More Wedge(tail) for Boeing /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-001 [5] Among the visitors to the 2018 Royal International Air Tattoo was RAAF E-7A Wedgetail serial A30-001. Operated by No 2 Squadron at RAAF Base Williamtown, New South Wales, it received a revised roundel reflecting the 'RAF100' centenary theme and incorporating RAF insignia.
Мировая Авиация 218
Регистрационный номер : N378BC [6] Австралия первой закупила четыре новых самолета ДРЛОиУ по программе "Wedgetail", причем сроки поставки комплексов многократно переносились. На самолете, выполняющем разворот над портом Сидней, хорошо видны многочисленные ножевидные антенны, установленные на нижней части фюзеляжа. Обратите внимание, что у 737 AEW&C отсутствуют концевые крылышки - винглеты.
Air International 2011-03 / News
Регистрационный номер : A30-004 [5] Australia's Wedgetail will require further development even beyond final operational capability in December 2012.
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-004 [5] The heart of the Wedgetail system is the MESA (multi-role electronically scanned array) radar with integrated IFF, designed to detect aerial targets at ranges up to 400km/248 miles and surface targets at 300km/186 miles.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Регистрационный номер : A30-004 [5] An unusual topside view of an RAAF Wedgetail aircraft over the Newcastle and Port Stephens region, showing off the antenna for the MESA to advantage
Air International 2015-03 / N.Pittaway - Operation Okra /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-005 Royal Australian Air Force E-7A Wedgetail A30-005 in the skies of the Middle East during Operation Okra.
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-001 [5], A30-002 [6] Australia's first two Boeing 737 AEW&C Wedgetails A30-001 (N378BC c/n 33474) and A30-002 (N358BJ c/n 33542) during a test flight from Boeing Field-King County International Airport, Washington.
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-004 [5] -
Мировая Авиация 67
Регистрационный номер : N378BC [6] Австралийская программа "Wedgetail" столкнулась с проблемами из-за сложностей с интеграцией бортовых систем. ВВС Австралии смогли получить первый самолет только в конце 2009 - начале 2010 года, на три года позже, чем планировалось изначально.
Air International 2011-01 / News
Регистрационный номер : N378BC [6] -
Air International 2022-05 / T.Fish - Standing Guard
Регистрационный номер : N378BC [6] The E-7A Wedgetail aircraft in service with the Royal Australian Air Force. The E-7A has also been selected by South Korea, Turkey and the UK to meet their future AWACS capability requirements
Air International 2020-03 / J.Lake - More Wedge(tail) for Boeing /Military/
An artist's concept of an RAF E-7A Wedgetail flying over Lincoln Cathedral from its base at nearby RAF Waddington. Modification of the aircraft will be carried out in the UK at Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group in Cambridge.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
The Royal Australian Air Force is a key operator of the E-7A Wedgetail and has extensive operational experience over the Middle East
Air International 2021-09 / T.Withington - Making waves
Northrop Grumman's MESA radar is a prominent feature on the E-7A Wedgetail aircraft.
Air International 2019-05 / Airscene
The E-7A Wedgetail can control the tactical battle space, providing direction for fighter aircraft, surface units and land based elements, as well as supporting aircraft such as tankers and intelligence platforms. The UK Ministry of Defence has ordered five E-7s at a cost of nearly $2 billion.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
After receiving fuel from a 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron KC-135, an RAAF E-7A Wedgetail departs in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in July 2017.
Мировая Авиация 218
Самолеты ДРЛОиУ для противника являются приоритетными целями, поэтому на 737 AEW&C установлен наиболее совершенный комплекс обороны. На фотографии - отстрел тепловых ловушек системы AN/ALE-47 CMDS (Counter Measures Dispenser System).
Air International 2019-09 / N.Pittaway - Testing times 75 years of ARDU /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-001 [5] Between June 1 and 13, 2015, the first aerial refuelling trials were conducted between a RAAF KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport and an E-7A Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft. During the trials, seven sorties were flown by each aircraft and included 118 dry contacts with the KC-30A's refuelling boom, and six wet contacts involving the transfer of 20 tonnes of fuel. The trials were conducted under the direction of the Aircraft Research and Development Unit.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Wedgetail air-refuelling trials were conducted in the United States with the KC-135 and the KC-10 seen here.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Air-to-air refuelling trials between the KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport and the E-7A Wedgetail were conducted in June 2015
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007
Air International 2019-05 / N.Pittaway - Combat Proven - Australia's eyes in the sky /Military/
An E-7A Wedgetail uploads fuel from a KC-30A tanker during a mission flown in support of Operation Okra.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007
Air International 2018-08 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (1)
RAAF E-7A Wedgetail and F/A-18F Super Hornet fly aft of a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport as they transit to the battlespace as part of Operation Okra, the Australian Defence Force's mission in the Middle East. RAF Voyager tankers don't have a boom refuelling capability.
The Boeing E-7 Wedgetail is perhaps the most likely option being explored by the UK MoD as a replacement for the RAF's Sentry AEW1 airborne warning and control aircraft.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Регистрационный номер : N378BC [6] Wedgetail A30-001/N378BC air-refuelling with NKC-135R 61-0320 of the 412th Test Wing based at Edwards AFB, California.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 2019-04
Регистрационный номер : A30-001 [5] An E-7A Wedgetail conducts aerial refuelling during a mission on Operation Okra.
Air International 2015-06 / News
The Hornets, KC-30A and E-7A represented the first purely air-focused task group sent overseas by the RAAF for several decades.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
A RAAF E-7A Wedgetail, operated by No.2 Squadron at RAAF Base Williamtown, deployed to Hawaii to participate in Exercise Pacific Edge 21. The E-7A provided airborne early warning support to F-22 Raptors
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Air International 2013-05 / News
Регистрационный номер : A30-001 [5] Two Boeing E-7A (737-7ES) Wedgetails of No.2 Squadron of the Royal Australian Air Force participated in Red Flag 13-3 at Nellis AFB, Nevada, which was held between February 25 and March 15, 2013. It marked the first appearance of the type at this series of exercises. No.2 Squadron operates six E-7As from RAAF Base Williamtown, New South Wales, with a permanent detachment at RAAF Base Tindal, Northern Territory.
Air International 2021-09 / T.Withington - Making waves
A RAAF E-7A Wedgetail airborne early warning and control aircraft after a mission during Red Flag 20-1 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, Jan 30, 2020
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
A RAAF E-7A Wedgetail deployed with the Air Task Group (ATG) as part of Operation Okra. The ATG operated at the request of the Iraqi Government within a US-led Global Coalition that had been assembled to degrade and defeat Daesh. The aircraft was tasked with tactical command and control of the airspace above Iraq and Syria
Air International 2019-05 / N.Pittaway - Combat Proven - Australia's eyes in the sky /Military/
A Wedgetail at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, during Exercise Red Flag 19-1.
Air International 2021-05 / J.Lake - Savage cuts for the RAF
The RAF allowed its fleet of E-3Ds to become obsolete and unavailable by not investing in necessary upgrades. Retirement of the E-3D had become inevitable, but there will be a three-year capability gap before three E-7A Wedgetails enter service
Авиация и Космонавтика 2009-12
Регистрационный номер : N378BC [6] Боинг 737-700 ДРЛОиУ на 11-й международной аэрокосмической выставке Дубай Эйршоу 2009 (ноябрь 2009г.)
Мировая Авиация 218
Первым покупателем 737 AEW&C стали ВВС Австралии, самолеты состоят на вооружении 2-й эскадрильи австралийских ВВС, дислоцированной в Уильямтауне.
Air International 2023-02 / A.Warnes - Generation games
When the E-7 Wedgetail arrives, it will enhance dramatically the operational prowess of fourth/fifth-generation interoperability. Having worked with the RAAF Wedgetail during FPDA exercises and recent Pitch Black drills, the RAF is excited at the prospect of the cutting-edge capabilities of this airborne early warning and control platform with its extremely able MESA radar
Air International 2019-05 / N.Pittaway - Combat Proven - Australia's eyes in the sky /Military/
A Royal Australian Air Force technician inspects a Wedgetail at Anderson Air Force Base, Guam during Exercise Cope North 2019.
Air International 2015-06 / News
The E-7A Wedgetail deployed to ATG 630 has provided sterling service, with nine-hour missions becoming routine.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Boeing’s E-7A Wedgetail has yet to reach its full potential on the world’s AEW&C stage
Air International 2019-05 / Airscene
A Royal Australian Air Force E-7A airborne early warning and control aircraft at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air International 2020-03 / J.Lake - More Wedge(tail) for Boeing /Military/
RAAF Boeing E-7A Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft have conducted regular rotational deployments to the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) since October 2014.
Air International 2018-12 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : A30-003 [3] -
Air International 2011-09 / N.Pittaway - Rattling the Sabre /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-003 [3] The Wedgetail, operated by the RAAF's No.2 Squadron, flew its longest mission yet during Talisman Sabre 11 at nine hours duration.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - Red Flag's big shift /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-002 [6] Royal Australian Air Force E-7A Wedgetail A30-002 assigned to 2 Squadron taxies at Nellis for a Red Flag mission in which the aircraft was tasked to provide command and control capability.
Air International 2021-09 / T.Withington - Making waves
Регистрационный номер : A30-002 [6] A RAAF E-7A Wedgetail is in the foreground. The MESA radar is in the large T shaped housing on the aft dorsal fuselage
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-3 Sentry - США - 1972
Air International 2021-07 / N.Pittaway - The intelligence edge
The E-7A Wedgetail design (foreground) has been selected by a number of other air forces including Turkey, the UK and South Korea
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-3 Sentry - США - 1972
Air International 2020-03 / J.Lake - More Wedge(tail) for Boeing /Military/
An interesting comparison of the E-7A and the E-3 AWACS - in this case, an E-3G of the USAF's 552nd Air Control Wing, 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron. The E-7 is based on a standard Boeing 737NG airliner, modified to carry a Northrop Grumman active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar that can cover four million square kilometres over a ten-hour period.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-3 Sentry - США - 1972
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
A line-up of four of No 2 Squadron's E-7A Wedgetails at RAAF Base Williamtown. As well as the E-7, the UK and Australia will enjoy commonality across their respective F-35 fleets and the British-designed Type 26 warships ordered by Canberra.
Australia’s operations with the E-7A Wedgetail saw the type achieve a 95% mission success rate during Operation Okra
Despite a high operational tempo, the RAAF’s entire fleet of E-7A Wedgetail aircraft was captured by a photographer at RAAF Base Williamtown in 2019. This is a relatively rare event since the Wedgetails and their crews are often deployed across the globe, supporting both exercises and operations -
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
No.2 Squadron deployed a Wedgetail aircraft and crew from RAAF Base Williamtown on a goodwill visit to Japan and the Republic of Korea on October 15, 2010. The visit provided an opportunity to see the Wedgetail and the rival E767 and E-2C side by side
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-767 AWACS - США - 1994Grumman E-2 Hawkeye - США - 1960
Air International 2012-04 / News
Between February 11 and 24, 2012 Exercise Cope North was conducted from Guam by components of the US Air Force, Japan Air Self-Defence Force (JASDF) and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). It was the first time the RAAF had taken part in the exercise, which traditionally has focused on providing an opportunity for Joint training for US and Japanese air arms. This group photo taken at Andersen AFB, Guam, on February 11 includes most of the aircraft that took part in the exercise, comprising (from left to right) a RAAF C-130H Hercules from No.37 Squadron; US Air Force F-16C of 18th Aggressor Squadron; RAAF E-737 Wedgetail from No.2 Squadron behind a No.1 Squadron F/A-18F Super Hornet; B-52H with a US Air Force F-15C and JASDF F-15J, behind a RQ-4B Global Hawk; E-3 and F-16CJ; JASDF E-2C Hawkeye and Mitsubishi F-2A; and a US Air Force C-130H.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-52H Stratofortress - США - 1960Boeing E-3 Sentry - США - 1972General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974Grumman E-2 Hawkeye - США - 1960Lockheed C-130 Hercules - США - 1954McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995McDonnell Douglas F-15A/C Eagle - США - 1972Mitsubishi FS-X / F-2 - Япония - 1995Ryan RQ-4 Global Hawk / MQ-4C Triton - США - 1998
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
The Wedgetail's wing tips each house an antenna for the BAE Australia/ELTA Systems ALR-2001 electronic support measures system.
Air International 2019-05 / N.Pittaway - Combat Proven - Australia's eyes in the sky /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A30-002 [6] -
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Регистрационный номер : N361BJ -
Air International 2018-11 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : A30-002 [6] A Royal Australian Air Force E-7A Wedgetail from 2 Squadron sits on the flight line at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, during Exercise Red Flag. An estimated AUD 1.5 billion contract extension awarded to Boeing Defence Australia by the Australian government will provide upgrade and sustainment of the E-7A until 2035.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Регистрационный номер : A30-004 [5] Line number 1885 was actually RAAF Wedgetail A30-004, seen here before being painted
Air International 2008-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Регистрационный номер : A30-003 [3] The third Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Boeing 737-7ES Wedgetail AEW&C (A30-003)/N359BJ (c/n 33476), which is the first to be modified in Australia, Queensland, for its first test flight following completion. Delivery of the first two aircraft to the RAAF is takes off on January 23, 2008 from RAAF Base Amberley, scheduled for March 2009, with the remaining four on order due by the end of that year.
Air International 2012-02 / News
Регистрационный номер : N341FS В тендере на самолет ДРЛОиУ для Южной Кореи компания "Boeing" в конкурентной борьбе победила Израиль, предлагавший доработанный Gulfstream G 550 с РЛС IAI Elta.
Boeing 737-7ES 65-327 (c/n 35327, wearing its test registration N341FS) was delivered to the Republic of Korea Air Force on December 13, 2011. -
Мировая Авиация 218
Регистрационный номер : N735JS Вероятно, 737 AEW&C является самым сложным серийным самолетом в мире. Стоимость одного комплекса в экспортном исполнении достигает 490 млн долларов. На фотографии - первый самолет для Южной Кореи, который на время летных испытаний временно получил гражданскую регистрацию США. Самолет официально передан заказчику 29 июля 2011 года.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Регистрационный номер : N963SS Boeing 737-7ES Peace Eye 65-329/N963SS (c/n 35329) is seen at Sacheon in the Republic of Korea prior to delivery to the air force on October 24, 2012.
Air International 2012-04 / News
Регистрационный номер : N356BJ [3] Boeing 737-7ES Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) N356BJ (c/n 33962), due to become 06-001 with the Turk Hava Kuwetleri (THK, Turkish Air Force), is seen landing at Stansted Airport on March 8, 2012. The aircraft arrived from Bangor International Airport, Maine, using the callsign Boeing 211, and later departed Stansted for Turkey on delivery to the THK.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
A HIK System Logistics Support Service Agreement has been signed between Turkey’s SSB and THY Teknik, covering logistics support services for the mission and ground systems of Turkey’s E-7T Peace Eagle aircraft
Авиация и Время 2020-02 / А.Котлобовский - Сирия: новый этап
Самолет ДРЛО Boeing-737-7ES Peace Eagle из состава 131-й эскадрильи «Дракон» Воздушных сил Турции
Air International 2007-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Регистрационный номер : N356BJ [3] On static display throughout the show was Boeing 737-7ES Peace Eagle airborne early warning and control aircraft N356BJ (c/n 33962, to be 06-001), which is the first of four destined for the Turk Hava Kuvvetleri (THK - Turkish Air Force). First flown after installation of its mission systems on September 6, 2007, it was later painted in THK colours at Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington, where it was rolled out on October 14. The aircraft left Boeing Field for the Show on November 8, routing initially to Bangor, Maine, and then departing the following day via Rome/Ciampino, Italy, for Dubai. It will return to Seattle after the Show to continue functional checkout of the mission systems, with full development flight testing due to commence in 2008. Delivery to the THK is not expected until 2010.
Air International 2012-01 / Dubai 2011
Some observers rate Boeing's 737 AEW&C as the favoured solution for the UAEAF AEW programme.
Air International 2023-09 / J.Lake - Turkish Aerospace
One of four Boeing 737 AEW&C aircraft purchased by Turkey under the Peace Eagle programme. Three of the four had their mission systems installed and integrated by Turkish Aerospace
Air International 2012-06 / News
All four Boeing 737-7ES Peace Eagles destined for the Turkish Air Force are pictured outside TAI's facility in Ankara.
Air International 2007-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Регистрационный номер : N356BJ [3] Boeing 737-7FS N356BJ (c/n 33962, to be 06-001), the first AEW&C aircraft for Turkey under the Peace Eagle programme, takes off from Boeing Field, Seattle, on September 6, 2007 for its first functional check flight following modification to incorporate the aircraft's mission systems.
Air International 2022-10 / J.Campion - The RAF's E-7 Wedgetail programme
The third and final Boeing 737 for Wedgetail conversion arriving in the UK in July 2022
Air International 2022-10 / J.Campion - The RAF's E-7 Wedgetail programme
Регистрационный номер : N576JK Aircraft Three being towed into the STS Aerospace hangar at Birmingham International Airport after its arrival from Boeing in Seattle
Air International 2022-10 / J.Campion - The RAF's E-7 Wedgetail programme
STS personnel strengthening the fuselage of the Boeing 737 as part of the Wedgetail conversion
Air International 2022-10 / J.Campion - The RAF's E-7 Wedgetail programme
A 737 undergoes major modifications in the STS hangar including fitting 161 miles of wiring
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
One of the RAF’s three new Wedgetails has its radar antenna lowered into place at STS Aviation’s Birmingham Airport facilities
Air International 2023-09
Only three E-7 Wedgetails will now enter service with the RAF, with the first aircraft expected to reach IOC in 2024
Авиация и Время 2015-03 / А.Котлобовский - Война со Всемирным Халифатом (2)
Австралийский самолет дальнего радиолокационного обнаружения E-7A взлетает с аэродрома Аль-Манхад (ОАЭ)
Авиация и Космонавтика 2012-01 / Д.Пичугин - Дубай-2011
Самолет ДРЛО и управления B-737AEW&C ВВС Турции
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Wedgetail Redefines AEW&C /Military/
Wedgetail's battle management cabin has ten mission consoles used by airborne electronics analysts and mission specialists.
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Looking forward in a RAAF Wedgetail during an Operation Okra sortie over Iraq
Мировая Авиация 218
Современное оборудование позволило на 737 AEW&C сократить количество рабочих станций, в сравнении с более старым E-3 Sentry. Экипаж E-3 варьируется от 13 до 19 человек, а экипаж 737 AEW&C при выполнении типового задания состоит из восьми операторов (максимально 12).
Air International 2015-03 / N.Pittaway - Operation Okra /Military/
The crew of an E-7A Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft during a mission over Iraq.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-03 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY
Model of Boeing 737 AEW&C variant offered to Australia (1999)
Air International 2019-04 / Airscene
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing MQ-28 Ghost Bat / Loyal Wingman / ATS - США - 2021
Air International 2020-01 / K.Chapman - Loyal Wingman. A Perfect Partnership? /UCAV/
Loyal wingmen are not just made to assist with fighter aircraft. This rendering shows Boeing's ATS in formation with RAAF E-7A Wedgetail airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing MQ-28 Ghost Bat / Loyal Wingman / ATS - США - 2021
Air International 2022-10 / J.Campion - The RAF's E-7 Wedgetail programme
Регистрационный номер : WT001 [2] An artist’s impression of the RAF Wedgetail airborne early warning paint scheme flying over Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls in Scotland. The fleet of three Wedgetails will be based at RAF Lossiemouth
Air International 2022-10 / J.Campion - The RAF's E-7 Wedgetail programme
Регистрационный номер : WT001 [2] Digital rendering of the new Wedgetail airborne early warning livery
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