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airplane photo

Страна : Германия

Год : 1925

  • Flight 1925-06 / Flight

    WINNER OF FIRST PRIZE IN LIGHT 'PLANE CLASS: The Mercedes Daimler L.21, piloted by Herr Loerzer, has won first prize in Class A, being credited with a total distance of 3,219 kms. The machine is fitted with two Mercedes 19 h.p. engines. The two L.21 machines are the only twin-engined aeroplanes in the competition

  • Flight 1925-06 / Flight

    A TWIN-ENGINED LIGHT 'PLANE: The Mercedes Daimler L.21, built as a parasol monoplane with two Mercedes Daimler engines built into the leading edge of the wing. On the left is shown one of the 19-h.p. engines, while on ,the right is a front view of the central portion, which gives a good idea of the strut bracing arrangement.