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Авиация и Космонавтика 2022-08 / В.Морозов - Воздушная война во Вьетнаме (33)
Запуск БПЛА AQM-34 «Файрби» (Beechcraft MQM-61 Cardinal ???). Окрестности авиабазы Чу Лай. Южный Вьетнам, 1968 г.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1966 / 03 - Drones
Beechcraft MQM-61A Cardinal drone (125 hp McCulloch engine)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1964 / 02 - Drones
Beechcraft Model 1001 missile target system, as supplied to Germany
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1974 / 02 - RPVs and Targets
Dornier System towed target under wing of Beechcraft Model 1001 drone
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1964 / 02 - Drones
Artist’s impression of Beechcraft Model 1025 TJ target drone
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1966 / 03 - Drones
Artist's impression of the Beechcraft Model 1025 TJ turbojet-powered target drone