Поиск по сайту:
- Lippisch / RRG - Zogling - 1926 - Германия
- Lippisch / RRG - Hangwind - 1930 - Германия
- Slingsby - T.3 Dagling - 1930 - Великобритания
- Kocjan - Wrona - 1932 - Польша
- Schneider - SG-38 - 1938 - Германия
GL / M.Simons - The World's Vintage Sailplanes 1908-45 /Kookaburra/
At the Wasserkuppe, Alexander Lippisch, in the light of Fritz Stamer's experience with pupils, made many detailed improvements to the Pegasus design, to produce the Zoegling trainer. The front strut was removed, leaving the pilot entirely in the open with no structure in front or on either side to cause injury in a crash. Spinal injuries of a minor kind were fairly common. The design was changed in many details over the years. The Zoegling was produced in quantity by Schleicher, Fieseler and many others, with a great many built by amateurs and clubs all over the world. Many derived versions, like the British Dagling, were also developed.
Flight 1930-10 / Flight
"Miss Durban," the first local-built glider at Durban, S.A.
Flight 1930-10 / Flight
The Dickson type glider, designed, built and flown by airmen of the R.A.F. Depot (Karachi). L.A/C. Eville manages 40 ft. from level aerodrome.
Flight 1932-02 / Flight
Modified Dickson Glider built by the Aircraft Club, Harrogate, soaring over the Hole of Horcaun, near Saltersgate.
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
The Surrey Gliding Club's training glider being piloted in a very able manner by their instructor, Capt. Stratton.
Flight 1931-04 / Flight
The Dickson glider built by the Aircraft Club, Harrogate.
Flight 1930-02 / Flight
Flight 1930-09 / Flight
Flt.-Lt. Crawford on the left in a Kent Club Zogling, and Mr. Derham on the right in a Channel Club Zogling, at a meeting held by the former club last week-end.
Flight 1930-03 / Flight
"BACK TO NATURE" might be the title for this picture, which shows Marcus D. Manton at the controls of the London Gliding Club's machine near Guildford. Mr. Manton was one of the early Hendon pilots, and is now becoming interested in gliding.
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
FEMININE ENTHUSIASM: Lady members of the Leicestershire Glider Club with the Club's new glider.
Flight 1932-06 / Flight
GLIDERS AT ORLY: The Avia school glider, used by Abrial and Remy.
Flight 1930-09 / Flight
Mr. A. H. Wilkins, the club instructor to the South Australia Gliding Club at Adelaide, South Australia, in a club glider at O'Halloran Hill. As in England many clubs have recently been formed in Australia.
Flight 1931-08 / Flight
AT THE WASSERKUPPE: Herr Wolf Hirth, recently returned from America, is making a fairly sharp turn on the Grunau and is seen over the open girder tail of a practice glider during the competitions now being held by the Rhon-Rossitten Gesellschaft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Schneider Grunau Baby - Германия - 1931
Flight 1931-03 / Flight
The New Zealand built Dickson Glider at Wanganui.
Flight 1932-01 / Flight
GLIDING COUNTRY: (Left to right), Mrs.Addyman and "the boys," N . Pickles, L. Brook, E. W. Addyman. From this slope flights of over a mile have been made in the "Dickson" glider built by the Aircraft Club of Harrogate.
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
The Scarborough Gliding Club recently had their first glider out, and above Mr. Slingsby is making one of the first flights on Whitby Moors.
Flight 1931-05 / Flight
The Dickson Glider of the Dannevirke Glider Club in New Zealand. Mr. L. Willicomb is at the controls.
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
WELL AWAY! Mrs. Hull of the Leicestershire Glider Club making a successful flight.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / J.Sproule - The Chemist's Apprentice
J. P. Watson being launched from Spy Hill, Westow, near Malton, circa 1930, in his home-built Northrop Primary
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
FROM AN AIRY PERCH in a primary sailplane, Mr. W. P. Stevens, a Canadian reader, took this photograph of himself with the aid of a camera on the wing-tip and a length of cotton. The photograph was taken 800ft. over the city of Lethbridge, Alberta, a district abounding in "thermals" of a kind to delight the soaring pilot.
Flight 1930-12 / Flight
HOME CONSTRUCTION: A view of the Dickson glider built by the Aircraft Club, Harrogate, from "Flight" drawings
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
A BEGINNER'S HOP: The Surrey Gliding Club launching one of their beginners well down the slope of their training hill. Their instructor, who may be seen in front of the glider, runs along ano directs his pupils during their flight, by means of a megaphone.
Flight 1931-06 / Flight
Capt. Joseph Thoret looking over his glider before taking off, and giving a demonstration of towed gliding at the Vincennes Meeting held on May 24 and 25. Capt. Thoret will be remembered by readers of "Flight" for the trips he gives over the Alps from the aerodrome of Passy-Le Fayet in his Potez machines. His knowledge of gliding has helped him a great deal when flying round Mount Blanc, and he has often made prolonged flights with his engine throttled right down.
Flight 1930-10 / Flight
Another view of the Karachi-built glider, which has been called the "Desert Fowl."
GL / M.Simons - The World's Vintage Sailplanes 1908-45 /Kookaburra/
The Vercse (Windhover) M-22 being rigged. The ailerons had not yet been connected. The spectacular color scheme is believed to have been red and yellowish cream with red registration and the Hungarian tricolor, red (uppermost), white and green, on the rudder. A Zoegling trainer was in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Jancso-Szokolay M-22 - Венгрия - 1937
Flight 1930-12 / Flight
The Oxford and County Gliding Club at work on their all-metal glider fuselage.