Air International 2014-09 / News
The Advanced High-Performance Reconnaissance Light Aircraft Experimental Demonstrator completed its maiden flight from Wonderboom, Pretoria, on July 26, 2014.
Авиация и Время 2016-02
7 марта 2016г. информационный портал Janes.com сообщил, что компания Boeing занята разработкой оборудования для легкого разведывательного самолета AHRLAC (Advanced High-Performance Reconnaissance Light Aircraft) производства компании Paramount Group (ЮАР). Вооруженная версия этого самолета получила название Mwari. Прототип «Арлака», поднявшийся в воздух в августе 2014 г., уже прошел полный цикл летных испытаний. Серийное производство должно начаться через 12 месяцев, при темпе выпуска 12 машин в год с его возможным увеличением до 20-24 штук
Air International 2019-06 / Airscene
The continuation of production and development of the Advanced High-performance Reconnaissance Light Aircraft is in doubt after financial problems led to shutting the factory in January 2019.
Air International 2014-11 / News
The Paramount AHRLAC (ZS-XDM) made its public debut at the recent Africa Aerospace and Defence 2014 show.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
Bronco Combat Systems is offering a version of Paramount Aviation's AHRLAC COIN aircraft to customers in the United States and worldwide as the Bronco II.
Air International 2017-10 / Airscene
The second Advanced High-Performance Reconnaissance Light Aircraft (Ahrlac), ZU-PDM, performed its maiden flight from Wonderboom airport on July 14, 2017.
Air International 2011-11 / M.Ayton - The Rebirth of African Aerospace? /Military/
Aerosud’s full-scale model of the AHRLAC.
Air International 2012-11 / G.Martin - Africa Aerospace and Defence
Paramount Group's advanced high-performance reconnaissance light aircraft or AHRLAC mock-up.
Air International 2020-11 / Bronco II /Concept Insight/
A digital rendering of the Bronco II in flight. The platform is an improved version of Paramount Group's Advanced High Performance Reconnaissance Light Aircraft (AHRLAC)
Air International 2011-11 / M.Ayton - The Rebirth of African Aerospace? /Military/
Computer-generated image of the Aerosud AHRLAC in a military configuration.
Air International 2020-11 / Bronco II /Concept Insight/
A computer-generated image which depicts the Bronco II’s interchangeable mission bays. These are each designed to fit in the aircraft's belly and allow for rapid turnarounds and faster upgrades