Air International 2018-07 / Backpages
EmbraerX's eVTOL concept is the first of several the company is working on, together with companies like Uber, to explore the future urban air taxi role.
Air International 2022-02 / News: Commercial, Military
Eve is one of two eVTOL developers to have now been listed on the New York Stock Exchange
Air International 2020-12 / M.Broadbent - From big twins to flying taxis
Embraer has joined the urban air mobility segment with its new Eve unit, just one of many tech triumphs in commercial aviation during 2020.
Air International 2021-07 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
An artist’s impression of the Eve Urban Mobility Solutions eVTOL aircraft over the preserved HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge and River Thames in central London
Air International 2022-01 / News: Commercial, Military
Wideroe and Embraer’s Eve eVTOL aircraft will work together exploring new forms of passenger and cargo transport
Air International 2022-02 / M.Broadbent - Eye on the prize
2021 orders for Eve’s eVTOL included ten from Nautilus Aviation, a division of Morris Group and Northern Australia's largest helicopter operator
Air International 2022-08 / T.Batchelor - Fly in the ointment?
Through its partnership with Embraer, Eve has decades of experience working with the FAA and other regulators in developing new aircraft
Air International 2023-07 / M.Broadbent - On the up...
Noise assessments will be one task for eVTOL developers to undertake to ensure public acceptance
Air International 2022-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
Eve and BAE are teaming up to explore eVTOL defence possibilities
Air International 2022-02 / M.Broadbent - Eye on the prize
Eve will work on eVTOL development with the Senna brand, founded by the late Brazilian F1 racer Ayrton Senna
Air International 2022-09 / News
Eve's eVTOL cabin mock-up at Farnborough
Air International 2022-10 / J.Penalba, F.Neto - Fit for growth
Forty per cent of revenues in the last five years were generated by EmbraerX, the group’s disruptive innovation subsidiary