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Страна : Германия

Год : 1930

Единственный экземпляр

M.Simons The World's Vintage Sailplanes 1908-45


  The end of the Storch series came with the Delta 1, named Hermann Koehl, which flew in 1931 first as a two-seat sailplane with the pilot and passenger seated in tandem, in a central nacelle with windows. Later the nacelle was rebuilt as a cabin for two, and a 30 hp motor was added together with a tricycle undercarriage.
  Lippisch’s experiences greatly influenced the Horten Brothers when they began experiments with flying wing gliders, and Lippisch himself continued his researches for many years.

  Technical data:
   Delta I (sailplane): Span, 13.24 m. Wing area 26.70 sq m. Aspect ratio 6.56.

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  • M.Simons The World's Vintage Sailplanes 1908-45
  • Flight, October 1931
    The New German "Tailless"
  • Flight 1930-09 / Flight

    Another view of the tail-less machine before the engine has been put in. This machine was only built after exhaustive tests with models, and has an estimated top speed of 110 m.p.h. The wing-tip fins and rudders are of a thick aerofoil section and also act as skids. The pilot's view seems to be negligible.

  • Flight 1930-09 / Flight

    The tailless machine of the R.R.G. being tried out as a glider.

  • Фотографии