Поиск по сайту:
- IAR - CV.11 - 1930 - Румыния
- IAR - IAR-12 / IAR-3 / IAR-14 - 1932 - Румыния
- IAR - IAR-15 / IAR-16 - 1933 - Румыния
Последним проектом истребителя, сделанным Элие Карафоли для компании I.A.R., стал I.A.R.15, также 1933 года выпуска, оснащавшийся звездообразным двигателем Gnome-Rhone 9Krse мощностью 600 л. с.
- Описание
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The I.A.R.15 Single-seat Fighter Monoplane (600 h.p. Gnome-Rhone 9Krse engine).
Air International 1983-01 / Fighter A to Z
Considered inferior to the PZL P.11b on the score of manoeuvrability, the I.A.R.15 - the prototype of which is illustrated - was restricted to a series of five aircraft.
Air Enthusiast 1996-05 / D.Bernad - The First Twenty Five Years. Romanian Aircraft Production 1911-1935
The IAR-15 under construction at the Brasov plants during mid-1933. For the first time, a radial replaced the usual liquid-cooled engine previously employed in Carafoli designs. Otherwise, the construction was similar to earlier models. At left, is the the rear fuselage of the simultaneously-developed IAR-16 fighter prototype.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The I.A.R.15 Single-seat Fighter Monoplane (600 h.p. Gnome-Rhone 9Krse engine).
Air Enthusiast 1996-07 / Round-Out
The IAR-16 was the last in the line of early IAR fighter prototypes. It was the design of Elie Carafoli featuring an all-metal airframe, covered by a mixture of plywood, fabric and dural sheets. On July 16, 1935 ‘Locotenent Aviator’ Alexandru Papana established a new national record for altitude in this aircraft.
The I.A.R.16 brought indigenous Romanian fighter design to an end for more than a dozen years. The first Romanian fighter with an all-metal structure, it failed to progress further than prototype stage. -
Air International 1983-01 / Fighter A to Z
Considered inferior to the PZL P.11b on the score of manoeuvrability, the I.A.R.15 - the prototype of which is illustrated - was restricted to a series of five aircraft.
Air International 1983-01 / Fighter A to Z
The I.A.R.16 brought indigenous Romanian fighter design to an end for more than a dozen years. The first Romanian fighter with an all-metal structure, it failed to progress further than prototype stage.
- Фотографии