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Air Pictorial 1986-01 / M.Allward - Grumman X-29A /Design Profile/
Blohm und Voss P 209.02 project for a forward-swept-wing single-seat jet fighter under development in 1945
Авиация и Космонавтика 1996-03 / ??? - Самолеты Люфтваффе (7)
Проект "Блом унд Фосс" (P.211)
АвиаМастер 2006-03 / К.Кузнецов - Конкурс на краю пропасти /Монография/
Blohm & Voss-P.212-03
Aviation Historian 38 / G.Inchbald - Outside edge
As the prospect of an operational jet engine became more of a reality, B& V continued to explore the tailless fighter with outboard tailplanes attached to the wing. The jet-powered P 212.03-01 was the final iteration of Vogt's tailless fighter, with a slender fuselage incorporating up to five 30mm cannon ahead of the cockpit and small fins on the wingtip fairings.