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airplane photo

Страна : Германия

Год : 1923

Единственный экземпляр

  • Flight 1923-08 / Flight

    THE CASPAR MONOPLANE THREE-SEATER: The machine taking off, and below side view on the ground inset, in flight.

  • Flight 1923-08 / Flight

    THE CASPAR COMMERCIAL MONOPLANE: 1 Shows the arrangement of the rubber shock absorbers on the end of the wing-section fairing over the axle. An aileron crank lever is shown in 2, while 3 is a perspective view of the machine as she was exhibited - on a steep left-hand banked turn.

  • Flight 1923-08 / Flight

    Caspar Monoplane Type C.L.E.II 80 hp Siemens Engine