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airplane photo

Страна : США

Год : 1929

Единственный экземпляр

  • Flight 1930-09 / Flight

    UNORTHODOXY: This Bellanca Sesquiplane, designed and built for the Chicago Daily News, is believed to be intended for an attack on the long-distance record. Note that the engines, Curtiss "Conquerors," are placed in tandem, one as a tractor and one as a pusher. The machine has a span of 83 ft. 2 in., a wing area of 912 sq. ft., a tare weight of 8,000 lb., and a load of approximately the equivalent of its own weight. With a gross weight of 15,500 lb., the top speed claimed is 160 m.p.h., and the cruising speed 132 m.p.h. The machine has been flown at this weight on either of the two engines, the speed with front engine being 116 m.p.h., and with rear engine running, 114 m.p.h.