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airplane photo

Страна : Германия

Год : 1926


  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    The Zurich Meeting: The Fieseler "Schwalbe" established a world's record for upside-down flying [10 mins. 56 secs.).

  • Aviation Historian 17 / J.Forsgren - The Imperfect 10

    Gerhard Fieseler beside Raab-Katzenstein Kl.1c Schwalbe D-1212 during the 1928 German aerobatic championships.

  • Flight 1928-07 / Flight

    AIR PAGEANT: (Left Inset) Herr Fieseler's machine on its back at Blackpool, in which position it flew for the greater part of his exhibition. (Right Inset) Herr Fieseler and (centre) his machine taking-off.

  • Flight 1928-07 / Flight

    Herr Fieseler, the German pilot, leaving Blackpool in his machine after the meeting at which he demonstrated his vertical figure of eight, rolling with horizontal fuselage, &c.

  • Flight 1928-07 / Flight

    FLYING AT WAALHAVEN: Herr Fieseler on his Raab-Katzenstein.

  • Flight 1932-06 / Flight

    MACHINES AT THE INTERNATIONAL AVIATION MEETING, ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE: The Raab-Katzenstein biplane (120 Siemens) flown by the Swiss Ace, Victor Glardon.

  • Flight 1932-05 / Flight

    A FOREIGN VISITOR: The Raab-Katzenstein (Siemens) which Herr Max Behland has brought over to Heston. It is understood that he will be giving some acrobatic displays, a form of flying at which he is particularly experienced.

  • Flight 1928-07 / Flight

    SOME AIRCRAFT TYPES AT THE ROTTERDAM MEETING: 2, a Raab-Katzenstein "Pelikan" with "Cirrus" engine.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1991-12 / M.Oakey - Grapevine

    Also on display in the Berlin exhibition is Raab-Katzenstein R.K.9a D-1519, restored in East Germany during the late Eighties.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-04 / M.Oakey - Grapevine

    In East Germany, restoration of Raab-Katzenstein R.K.9a D-1519 is nearly complete. Believed to be the only surviving example of the 1928 sporting biplane, it is destined for display in the Heimatmuseum Otto Lilienthal at Anklam.