Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
БПЛА "Орион-Э" на МАКСе не летал. На стенде была представлена только его модель, демонстрировался видеофильм (фото компании "Кронштадт" опубликовано в целях дополнительной информации для читателей)
The first prototype of Orion seen in flight -
Air International 2017-09 / Airscene
Both Kronshtadt Technologies' Orion unmanned air vehicles are conducting flight testing from the company’s own facility at a former military airfield in Protasovo near Ryazan.
Air International 2019-03 / News by countries
The Orion UAV's test and evaluation programme went fairly smoothly and the new system is expected to enter experimental service in 2019. Fielding of the armed derivative is believed to be a few years away.
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
Manufactured by Kronstadt Group, the Orion is a new-generation Russian medium-altitude, long-endurance UAV used for ISR operations. These drones have been used extensively by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine and a number have been shot down by the Ukrainian armed forces
Air International 2022-05 / A.Mladenov - Big plans slow progress
Inokhodets MALE unmanned aircraft departs the Kronshtadt company’s airfield in Protasovo near Ryazan
Designed and manufactured by the privately owned company Kronstadt Group, the Orion MALE-class UAV is a V-tail air vehicle with a range of 135nm and endurance stretching to 24 hours -
Air International 2022-05 / A.Mladenov - Big plans slow progress
Known as the first Russian-made MALE-class UAS, the Orion is being touted for a wide variety of military applications and is currently in use in the strike role, using the Kh-BPLA guided missile in real-world combat operations in Ukraine
Air International 2022-05 / A.Mladenov - Big plans slow progress
Production of the first Orion MALE system for the Russian MoD launched at Kronstadt in 2019, but its formal delivery was not reported before April 2021
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-01 / А.Мальков, В.Гумелев, В.Шудря - Особенности боевого применения современных беспилотных летательных аппаратов
Беспилотные летательные аппараты «Орион».
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-01 / А.Мальков, В.Гумелев, В.Шудря - Особенности боевого применения современных беспилотных летательных аппаратов
Элементы комплекса с БЛА «Орион» на шасси КамАЗ-65201
Air International 2021-04 / P.Butowski - Drone developments /Russian Review/
Inokhodets ‘007’ returned from Syria with 38 ‘mission’ stars
Air International 2021-04 / P.Butowski - Drone developments /Russian Review/
Inokhodets-RU and Inokhodets at Kronshtadt’s facility in Moscow Tushino during the visit of Sergey Shoygu on February 26, 2021
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Кронштадт Сириус / Иноходец-РУ - Россия - 2022
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
The Orion-E at MAKS air show, Russia, in 2019
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-01 / А.Мальков, В.Гумелев, В.Шудря - Особенности боевого применения современных беспилотных летательных аппаратов
БЛА «Орион-Э» в экспозиции Международного военно-технического форума «Армия-2023»
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
MOES EO payload for Orion
Air International 2022-05 / A.Mladenov - Big plans slow progress
A close look at the Orion’s MOES EO/IR payload, 410mm in diameter and weighing 123.4lb, which houses a pair of thermal imagers in addition to a TV camera and laser rangefinder/designator to enable drone use in the precise targeting role
Air International 2017-09 / Airscene
Moscow-based NPK SPP produces electro-optical sensors including the MOES which is one of a range of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance payloads available for the Orion UAV.
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
The Orion photo suite by TsNIIAG
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
Aviaavtomatika 50kg bombs
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
A Kronshtadt missile
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
The Orion 04 with missiles
Air International 2022-05 / A.Mladenov - Big plans slow progress
A look at the interior of the ground control station of the Orion MALE UAS, designed and produced by the Kronstadt Group
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
Inokhodets operators post
Авиация и Время 2018-05 / А.Котлобовский - Большая сирийская война (5)
Обломки российского беспилотника, сбитого в Сирии
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
Nikolay Dolzhenkov, Designer General of Kronshtadt
Air International 2020-10 / P.Butowski - Orion the hunter
The Orion-E with photocameras
Air International 2017-09 / Airscene
Computer-generated images of the Orion E export version, configured with a suite of cameras (top) or a surveillance radar with an external radar-transparent radome.
Air International 2014-07 / P.Butowski - Orions, Pirates & Hunters /Military/
An artist's impression of the Inokhodets.