Поиск по сайту:
Страна : Германия
Год : 1929
Летающая лодка (проект)
- Dornier - Schneider Trophy 1924 - 1925 - Германия
- Dornier - Schneider Trophy 1929 - 1929 - Германия
Air Enthusiast 1972-07 / Plane facts
A model of the Dornier racing seaplane which was projected for competition in the 1929 Schneider Trophy contest.
Flight 1928-11 / Flight
A German Schneider Trophy Challenger? This sketch shows a model exhibited by Dornier, and representing a design for a racing seaplane. The two engines are intended to be of 1,000 h.p. each, and the long floats, of unusual cross-section, extend aft to carry the tail. The inset shows the section of the floats in the neighbourhood of the single step.
Air Enthusiast 1972-12 / Plane facts
The Dornier-Werke project designed for the 1931 Schneider Trophy contest, showing the unorthodox twin-engined arrangement with extension shafts driving the pusher propeller.