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Страна : Великобритания
Год : 1848
Единственный экземпляр
Мировая Авиация 20
1847 год: вероятно, первая модель летательного аппарата с паровым двигателем, разработанного Стрингфеллоу, проходила испытания в Чарде, Сомерсет, но без особого успеха.
Aviation Historian 24 / P.Jarrett - The world's first aeronautical exhibition
Stringfellow’s triplane as it was displayed at the Crystal Palace in 1868. This machine survives, albeit not entirely true to its original form, having been bought from Stringfellow’s son Frederick by Samuel Langley for the Smithsonian Institution. Its engine and boiler are in the Science Museum, London.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-07 / В.Котельников - Силой пара
Паровая машина Дж. Стрингфеллоу 1848 г. (слева) и котел для нее (справа)
Aviation Historian 24 / P.Jarrett - The world's first aeronautical exhibition
Stringfellow’s prizewinning 1 h.p. light steam engine. Somewhat altered by its creator after the 1868 exhibition, it is now preserved at the Smithsonian Institution in the USA, having been bought from Stringfellow’s son in 1889 by Prof Samuel Langley.
Aviation Historian 24 / P.Jarrett - The world's first aeronautical exhibition
The engraving of the July 4, 1868, issue of the Illustrated Times. John Stringfellow’s triplane is suspended on its wire, with a canvas sheet to arrest it in the distance. In the foreground on the left is William Gibson’s “aerial apparatus”. In the background, from left to right, are an assortment of kites, Duncan McPhail’s Aerial Steamship, Kaufmann’s model of his “Airmotive Engine” and George Ansell’s fish-shaped balloon. At bottom right is the car of Henson and Stringfellow’s Ariel model. Both of Stringfellow’s machines are incorrectly shown with shaft drives to their propellers.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gibson ornithopter - Великобритания - 1868Henson, Stringfellow Aerial Steam Carriage - Великобритания - 1842Kaufmann Aeromotive Engine - Великобритания - 1875