![airplane photo](../../Images6/FT/FT1925/05/287-1.jpg)
Страна : Германия
Год : 1925
Планер Летающая лодка
Единственный экземпляр
Flight 1925-05 / Flight
The German ''Kustenflug, 1925' : This year's competition over the sand dunes surrounding the Kurisches-Haff, in the Baltic, has attracted a fairly large number of gliders and at least one light 'plane. Our photographs show : 1, The "Delphin" of the East Prussian Aviation Society in flight. This machine is built as a miniature flying boat so as to be able to alight on the water.
In 2 the machine is shown on the beach. Note the unusual
lateral control. 3 shows an exciting take-off by the " Espenlaub 5," in which the starting crew had to fall flat
to avoid the machine. In 4 the " Espenlaub Espenlaub 5 " is seen in flight. Note the high aspect ratio. -
Flight 1925-05 / Flight
The machine is shown on the beach. Note the unusual lateral control.