Поиск по сайту:
Navarro - Chief - 1929 - Великобритания
NDN - Firecracker / Turbo Firecracker - 1977 - Великобритания

Страна : Великобритания
Год : 1947
Летающая лодка (проект)
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / A.Ord-Hume - Catalogue of Failure /Paper planes - projects/
The only surviving image of the Sponson Tribian mock-up pictured at Redhill in 1949.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / A.Ord-Hume - Catalogue of Failure /Paper planes - projects/
Illustration from a press release revealing the layout of the Tribian. Note the retractable undercarriage fully contained in the cantilever sponsons.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / A.Ord-Hume - Catalogue of Failure /Paper planes - projects/
Three-view of the Sponson Tribian
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / A.Ord-Hume - Catalogue of Failure /Paper planes - projects/
Three-view of the Navarro Naiad